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“Better late than never” – Ramotar reacts to Operation Dragnet

December 8, 2015 11:02 am Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Jomo Paul

Former President, Donald Ramotar and army ranks.

Former President, Donald Ramotar and army ranks.

[] – Former President Donald Ramotar says he is pleased that President David Granger and the APNU+AFC administration have decided to implement Operation Dragnet.

This is after an initial suggestion by Ramotar for the government to make use of the army during the festive season was rejected by President Granger.

“During the PPP/C period in Office, the Army was called out to do joint patrols with the police in times of heightened criminal activities that worked well. During the holiday season, the PPP/C administration had a programme where the army and police had joint patrols between November 15 to January 15 to minimize the crimes in the country,” said Ramotar in a social media post.

To this suggestion, the sitting President responded that “Mr Ramotar as a former Head of State should not comment on current political activities. As Commander – in – Chief, as Minister of Defence – I have given instruction to the Army…I think the best thing would be for Mr Ramotar not to interfere in the way the Guyana Defence Force is being administered.”

However, after rejecting Ramotar’s suggestion, the government announced the launch of Operation Dragnet, which is a joint operation between the Guyana Police Force and the Guyana Defence Force.

President David Granger and GDF ranks during a recent exercise.

President David Granger and GDF ranks during a recent exercise.

Ramotar during an interview with iNews on Tuesday, December 08, took no umbrage to the President’s remarks saying that Operation Dragnet is “better late than never.”

“I am very happy that they decided to do the joint service patrol – even though they had rejected my first appeal to them. It is better late than never,” said the former President.

Ramotar, who sat in the highest office in the land for three years, expressed surprise at Mr Granger’s initial comments given that the President was a member of the Discipline Services Commission (DSC).

“I am very surprised that President Granger had rejected my call because he sat on the Discipline Services Commission and the report of the DSC spoke about the army coming out to assist the police in heightened crime situations and so forth,” he said.

Ramotar further noted, “Whatever they might want to say as regards to statistics, it is

Replies sorted oldest to newest

antabanta posted:

Donald Ramotar? Donald Ramotar knows how to run a country and how to manage crime? Is this the comedy forum?

Granger did not reject Ramotar's suggestion. All he told him was to shut up and let the new president take charge since he was impotent on fighting crime.


To this suggestion, the sitting President responded that “Mr Ramotar as a former Head of State should not comment on current political activities. As Commander – in – Chief, as Minister of Defence – I have given instruction to the Army…I think the best thing would be for Mr Ramotar not to interfere in the way the Guyana Defence Force is being administered.”

Bibi Haniffa posted:

And this is exactly why Granger should not be proposing any kind of National Unity talks.  If you cannot agree on one issue, then National Unity would be a complete waste of time. 

Gal, nah waste time wid FOOLS.

Nehru posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

And this is exactly why Granger should not be proposing any kind of National Unity talks.  If you cannot agree on one issue, then National Unity would be a complete waste of time. 

Gal, nah waste time wid FOOLS.

Excellent suggestion! That's exactly what the govt is doing. Who the hell in their right mind would listen to the likes of Donald Ramotar? He's not even qualified to tell the time of day or weather.

antabanta posted:
Nehru posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

And this is exactly why Granger should not be proposing any kind of National Unity talks.  If you cannot agree on one issue, then National Unity would be a complete waste of time. 

Gal, nah waste time wid FOOLS.

Excellent suggestion! That's exactly what the govt is doing. Who the hell in their right mind would listen to the likes of Donald Ramotar? He's not even qualified to tell the time of day or weather.

Uh by the way, Brigadier went ahead and called out the Army

Nehru posted:
antabanta posted:
Nehru posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

And this is exactly why Granger should not be proposing any kind of National Unity talks.  If you cannot agree on one issue, then National Unity would be a complete waste of time. 

Gal, nah waste time wid FOOLS.

Excellent suggestion! That's exactly what the govt is doing. Who the hell in their right mind would listen to the likes of Donald Ramotar? He's not even qualified to tell the time of day or weather.

Uh by the way, Brigadier went ahead and called out the Army

Uh... was there any other option or did you really need the most incompetent ex-president in the world to bring you up to scratch? But go ahead... put Donald on a pedestal for ingeniously stating the obvious.


Ramotar will be losing that title to a much more incompetent President.  7 months into the new government and nothing to show except resurrecting the PPP projects that they were criticizing all along and escalating crime.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Ramotar will be losing that title to a much more incompetent President.  7 months into the new government and nothing to show except resurrecting the PPP projects that they were criticizing all along and escalating crime.

HEHEHE  Now dat is brilliant!!

Nehru posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Ramotar will be losing that title to a much more incompetent President.  7 months into the new government and nothing to show except resurrecting the PPP projects that they were criticizing all along and escalating crime.

HEHEHE  Now dat is brilliant!!

Such greater incompetence is impossible. The PPP projects are still in need of criticism. Millions and millions are still unaccounted for. Crime was rampant under the PPP. Under which rock have you two been?

Bibi Haniffa posted:

If the PPP projects are still in need of criticism why doesn't the new government come up with their own projects? 

You don't think the rampant PPP corruption should be addressed?


The audits have been going on for six months, millions of dollars have been spent, and they have come up with NOTHING.  If they come up with something, I will be the first to say put them to jail.  But until you can prove what you are saying this is all talk.  They have the bank accounts, they have all documents so then proceed as you said you would. 

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The audits have been going on for six months, millions of dollars have been spent, and they have come up with NOTHING.  If they come up with something, I will be the first to say put them to jail.  But until you can prove what you are saying this is all talk.  They have the bank accounts, they have all documents so then proceed as you said you would. 

HEHEHE  The Auditors need Audit Lessons.  Guyana Gone Fuh CHanna.


All PNC audits are going as planned despite the millions already spent, but the government refused the Walter Rodney CoI extension beyond December 15th. The AG said it's taxpayers money that spend more wisely at home. Whose money is being spend on all government commission of inquiries?

Cobra posted:

All PNC audits are going as planned despite the millions already spent, but the government refused the Walter Rodney CoI extension beyond December 15th. The AG said it's taxpayers money that spend more wisely at home. Whose money is being spend on all government commission of inquiries?

Bhai, Deh AG nah too bright, he is a sample.

skeldon_man posted:

They can't run a cakeshop and now they want to run a franchise. God help the Guyanese people. Starvation is on it's way.

u will be okay u accustom to drink shit water 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

The audits have been going on for six months, millions of dollars have been spent, and they have come up with NOTHING.  If they come up with something, I will be the first to say put them to jail.  But until you can prove what you are saying this is all talk.  They have the bank accounts, they have all documents so then proceed as you said you would. 

time gal time in the mean time try cleaning up that mouth 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

The audits have been going on for six months, millions of dollars have been spent, and they have come up with NOTHING.  If they come up with something, I will be the first to say put them to jail.  But until you can prove what you are saying this is all talk.  They have the bank accounts, they have all documents so then proceed as you said you would. 

So only the auditors' report will determine corruption?

Bibi Haniffa posted:

What else you got?  Show me your cards.  I am accepting anything that determines corruption.

And you see nothing else in Guyana to indicate rampant corruption under the PPP? How about disparity in income and life style? How about massive accumulation of wealth, locally and overseas beyond what could be possible based no income?

Bibi Haniffa posted:

You will see what kind of houses the PNC boys live in soon.  And by the way, I don't have a problem with people working hard and living a good life. 

Like cane cutters and rice farmers?

Bibi Haniffa posted:

You will see what kind of houses the PNC boys live in soon.  And by the way, I don't have a problem with people working hard and living a good life. 

a prediction is the future which is unknown the past is what we witness and is a fact the ppp is know as the most corrupted party in the history of guyana

Bibi Haniffa posted:

I have been there.  And I can tell you this.  If I was the president of a country for 11 years I would build a much nicer house than that one.

John Bennett, ambassador to Equatorial Guinea said that country was "the  world’s  �finest  example  of  a country privatized by a kleptomaniac without a scintilla of social consciousness.” he could have been speaking of Jagdeo.

The man did not own a bicycle and lived is a house slightly bigger than a chicken coop and ended up the nations rich man with three palatial properties. That is what you called lack of a social consciousness. Now you say you would have topped him! Is that a salutary aspiration?


Take a look around the world and see how other world leaders live. Do you see anyone of them living in a chicken coup?  I am glad that Granger got out of his flood zoned home and is living in a nice home now.  If we all work hard and earn a good living why shouldn't we live in nice homes?  

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

And this is exactly why Granger should not be proposing any kind of National Unity talks.  If you cannot agree on one issue, then National Unity would be a complete waste of time. 

Guyana can NEVER have National Unity when the AFC/PNC fools are in power.  They are a bunch of scoundrels and crooks.

antabanta posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

What else you got?  Show me your cards.  I am accepting anything that determines corruption.

And you see nothing else in Guyana to indicate rampant corruption under the PPP? How about disparity in income and life style? How about massive accumulation of wealth, locally and overseas beyond what could be possible based no income?

Show me a country in the world that doesn't have income disparity.  If you call what the politicians have a massive accumulation of wealth then you are very small minded.  You have no idea what wealth is.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
antabanta posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

What else you got?  Show me your cards.  I am accepting anything that determines corruption.

And you see nothing else in Guyana to indicate rampant corruption under the PPP? How about disparity in income and life style? How about massive accumulation of wealth, locally and overseas beyond what could be possible based no income?

Show me a country in the world that doesn't have income disparity.  If you call what the politicians have a massive accumulation of wealth then you are very small minded.  You have no idea what wealth is.


Leave them alone. They are illiterate and clueless.

Those who truly have wealthy know what it means and have the necessary skills to become wealthy.

Folks like Anta and a majority of those who are poor will forever remain poor due to their ignorance.

yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
antabanta posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

What else you got?  Show me your cards.  I am accepting anything that determines corruption.

And you see nothing else in Guyana to indicate rampant corruption under the PPP? How about disparity in income and life style? How about massive accumulation of wealth, locally and overseas beyond what could be possible based no income?

Show me a country in the world that doesn't have income disparity.  If you call what the politicians have a massive accumulation of wealth then you are very small minded.  You have no idea what wealth is.


Leave them alone. They are illiterate and clueless.

Those who truly have wealthy know what it means and have the necessary skills to become wealthy.

Folks like Anta and a majority of those who are poor will forever remain poor due to their ignorance.

Sheer prattling .

yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
antabanta posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

What else you got?  Show me your cards.  I am accepting anything that determines corruption.

And you see nothing else in Guyana to indicate rampant corruption under the PPP? How about disparity in income and life style? How about massive accumulation of wealth, locally and overseas beyond what could be possible based no income?

Show me a country in the world that doesn't have income disparity.  If you call what the politicians have a massive accumulation of wealth then you are very small minded.  You have no idea what wealth is.


Leave them alone. They are illiterate and clueless.

Those who truly have wealthy know what it means and have the necessary skills to become wealthy.

Folks like Anta and a majority of those who are poor will forever remain poor due to their ignorance.

rohee was wealthy he use to park cycle at metropole ramotar use to live in a rundown renting house and u suck dick on high st 


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