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Originally Posted by Vish M:

Dynamic just advised that Dec 24 flight is  cancelled and all pax will be refunded within 14 days.

They will resume service on Dec 27 with pax scheduled to travel then.


Pax will be given voucher of $200 for future travel.

Now had they used CAL or OJ they would be in Guyana, but now to add insult to injury they must wait 14 days for refunds, and then get $200 to potential endure the same punishment again.



Guyanese need to grow some brains and flush these crappy airlines into the sewer.



Originally Posted by Chief:

Grow brains? They need to stop taking bribes and stop allowing scamps to run airlines into Guyana.

Dynamic is a US entity.   The US DOT don't give a hoot about Guyanese, and why should they.


Dynamic started off as a fiasco in summer.  And yet hundreds jump on them, and now scream and cry and look for sympathy.


Why don't Trinidadians suffer that fate?  Because they aren't stupid like Guyanese!

Originally Posted by Vish M:

What is your suggestion of a solution?

my suggestion if for you to go to the airpote and hang 2 picktcha of Cheddie and Janet pun de check in gate.


Dat will calm down dem passengers dat stranded and I will also add that you should go out there and offer some of dem passengers lil money for dem discomfort since you were busy promoting this clear as day scam from day 1.

Originally Posted by Vish M:

What is your suggestion of a solution?

Guyanese must cease to use fly by night companies, then fewer will emerge and so we will not have the scenes of crying and howling poor people screaming that they lost their jobs because they were stranded.


This happened in the 80s with Guy America and Arrow.


It happened in the 90s with Leisure Air.


It happened in the 00s with GA 2000 and Universal and Constellation.


It is happening again under EZ jet and Dynamic.


I don't know why people don't see a pattern in this!


In fact the continuation of this has destroyed Guyana as being a serious destination. 


If you want better service demand that the Guyana gov't work on improving the ratings of the GCAA to a Cat 1 level.  This will allow Fly Jamaica to fly nonstop, providing CAL with some competition.  Even though that airline also has had problems, at least they now have a 2nd plane so the delays of earlier this year should stop.  They also own their own planes, so aren't caught up in the charter airline drama.


Just because some man, who knows nothing about aviation, has a dream, that doesn't mean that he should be allowed to start an airline.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
The folks who help promote these fly by night bullshit airlines are the same comedians claiming to be "community activists".

When the poor people are left high and dry these same snake oil salesmen magically disappear.

Still no sympathy for the "poor" people.  They are get over artists who wanted a cheap fare even though they know better.  They got caught and now cry victim.


Had they forked over the money to CAL or Fly Jam they wouldn't have been enjoying a Guyanese Xmas. But no, they tried to get over.  Now no Xmas for them and they have to wait 2 weeks to get their money, and to add insult to injury, will get $200 towards another trip on Dynamite Airways.


Fool my once, OK.  Fool me twice.  Maybe. But come on within the last 10 years they have seen Universal, Constellation, EZ jet and now Dynamic!


Just because a drug dealer is trying to sell heroin doesn't mean that some one should buy it!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
The folks who help promote these fly by night bullshit airlines are the same comedians claiming to be "community activists".

When the poor people are left high and dry these same snake oil salesmen magically disappear.

Still no sympathy for the "poor" people.  They are get over artists who wanted a cheap fare even though they know better.  They got caught and now cry victim.


Had they forked over the money to CAL or Fly Jam they wouldn't have been enjoying a Guyanese Xmas. But no, they tried to get over.  Now no Xmas for them and they have to wait 2 weeks to get their money, and to add insult to injury, will get $200 towards another trip on Dynamite Airways.


Fool my once, OK.  Fool me twice.  Maybe. But come on within the last 10 years they have seen Universal, Constellation, EZ jet and now Dynamic!

You start to sound like "W".

Originally Posted by Vish M:

It is obvious that a few has not so hidden agenda.


A little breeze blow and the Goat Shit and Trash is all over the place 

When people pay their money to an airline, they expect to be transported with their bags at the time promised by the airline.  While things happen and delays sometimes occur it is unconscionable to have people stranded for days on end.  The type of people who will be susceptible to using robbers like Dynamic (and Universal and EZ jet) are working class people with no disposable income.  These are the types who get paid by the hour, and who can easily lose their jobs when they show up DAYS late from a vacation.


Isn't it arrogant, and even unethical of you to make light of the fact that some people are foolish and the same people get stuck with these fly by nights over and over and over again.  The others flew to GEO on CAL and I bet you that most arrived on time, or with minimal delay.

Originally Posted by Vish M:

It is obvious that a few has not so hidden agenda.


A little breeze blow and the Goat Shit and Trash is all over the place 

What was your agenda when you were advertising and promoting this bullshit scam?


Have you since posted any messages warning potential consumers not to sue this shit airline that involves another PPP con man Gouveia?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

It is obvious that a few has not so hidden agenda.


A little breeze blow and the Goat Shit and Trash is all over the place 

What was your agenda when you were advertising and promoting this bullshit scam?


Have you since posted any messages warning potential consumers not to sue this shit airline that involves another PPP con man Gouveia?

The man said you words are like dry goat shit...Prove de man wrang nah?

Originally Posted by Vish M:


It is obvious that a few has not so hidden agenda.


A little breeze blow and the Goat Shit and Trash is all over the place 

You call yourself a community activist? I would run your ass out of town if you were showing up in my community claiming to represent the people. You not only promote this scam called Dynamic but when it implodes this is the lame explanation you have to offer.
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

It is obvious that a few has not so hidden agenda.


A little breeze blow and the Goat Shit and Trash is all over the place 

What was your agenda when you were advertising and promoting this bullshit scam?


Have you since posted any messages warning potential consumers not to sue this shit airline that involves another PPP con man Gouveia?

The man said you words are like dry goat shit...Prove de man wrang nah?

If my words are like dry goat shit you are like dry dog shit........get it shelly? heheheheehhehe

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
I thought travel span was another outfit?

If they are isnt it clear that these chaps are serial scammers?

Bill Gray, head of Dynamic Airways, said, "In past months our team has worked diligently on restarting air service to Guyana. With the help of authorities from both countries as well as our partners we were able to prepare the type of service we believe is long overdue in this market."

TravelSpan's block seat agreement with Dynamic Airways and travel agents, the company hopes, will help to market its product and rebuilt and expand its passenger base and market outreach, especially that it has left a tarnished image amongst Guyanese travellers. Dynamic is hoping to ply daily flights from JFK to Guyana once its market base has been rebuilt and especially that the DOT has denied Caribbean Airlines and Fly Jamaica, both which service Guyana, non-stop rights from JFK to Georgetown

Originally Posted by Pointblank:
especially that the DOT has denied Caribbean Airlines and Fly Jamaica, both which service Guyana, non-stop rights from JFK to Georgetown

More evidence that the man is a fraud or very ignorant.  CAL runs nonstop service to GEO and from mid January will increase this to DAILY.


He lies to fool the ignorant that Dynamic is the only one offering non stop service.


AVOID Dynamic and any fraudulent travel agency peddling this poison.

Originally Posted by Vish M:



A little breeze blow and the Goat Shit and Trash is all over the place 

Are you saying that all those people who had their holiday plans derailed by Dynamic "a little breeze" The refund which does not take place for 14 days from 12/23 does not even attempt to replace their money much less the cost of all their other preparations.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Vish M:



A little breeze blow and the Goat Shit and Trash is all over the place 

Are you saying that all those people who had their holiday plans derailed by Dynamic "a little breeze" The refund which does not take place for 14 days from 12/23 does not even attempt to replace their money much less the cost of all their other preparations.

Yes he is as the other frauds also said before kicking victims of their fraud off their premises and calling the cops on them.


Yet these gluttons for punishment go back for more.  A charter is exactly that and passengers have limited standing if a flight is canceled.  CAL and Fly Jamaica would be barred from entry into the US airspace if they tried that stunt.

Originally Posted by Vish M:
Mr JB,
I am sure by now you know who I am and what I stand for?
Why ask this question?
Call or email me
Originally Posted by JB:

Mr Mahadoe is true you promote the ticket?


Answer de questions no one wants to call your ass......answer de questions. Were you asking anyone to call you when you were promoting this scam earlier?



Originally Posted by Vish M:
347 323-6019
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Vish M:
Mr JB,
I am sure by now you know who I am and what I stand for?
Why ask this question?
Call or email me
Originally Posted by JB:

Mr Mahadoe is true you promote the ticket?


Me don't have you number and email .


Me going to ask me secretaery to call you Monday mornin from guyana.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Vish M:
347 323-6019
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Vish M:
Mr JB,
I am sure by now you know who I am and what I stand for?
Why ask this question?
Call or email me
Originally Posted by JB:

Mr Mahadoe is true you promote the ticket?


Me don't have you number and email .


Me going to ask me secretaery to call you Monday mornin from guyana.

U callin collect?

Originally Posted by Vish M:

Dynamic just advised that Dec 24 flight is  cancelled and all pax will be refunded within 14 days.

They will resume service on Dec 27 with pax scheduled to travel then.


Pax will be given voucher of $200 for future travel.

Why does it take 14 days to refund customers? shouldn't they receive their money immediately so they can rebook if possible with another airline?


this is a ****ing scam and this chap Vish I feel is a con artist in de plot.


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