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I say shut down the damn sugar industry and guarantee every canecutter a place in the army.  As my buddy Carib said, them bais good wid sharp objects so they will be Guyana's Gurkhas.  Wha yall tink?


Seriously, sugar and rice are commodities that people are trying to avoid as much as possible nowadays. Does the government have plans to replace them with other industries and employment opportunities? What is their economic recovery plan?

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:


1.  Sugar in deep trouble with its unit production costs triple its unit revenues.  Druggie if some one produces at 45c, and then gets paid 15c is that a company in good shape.


2.  Gold prices dropping.  Gold being the sector which pulled Guyana foreard since 2008.



3. Rice onky surviving because it was being sold to a belligerent bully, who frequently invaded Guyanese terriory to seize, or evict propertyy not belonging to them, and on ocassion even assaulted Guyanese.


So really how did the PPP excel?  By building a cadre of "business men" who engaged in money laundering based on tax evasion, smuggling undeclared gold, smuggling drugs, guns and fuel, etc.  The proceeds being laundered through construction and retail.


You should know by now that one cannot build a sustainable economy based on a bubble.

Given all of the above, do you think the Coalition Government is now experiencing buyers remorse or is the promise of big salaries and perks is enough of an incentive for them?

They had two choices.  PPP and APNU/AFC. Why would they experience buyers' remorse when those who voted APNu/AFC still believe that the PPP was worse, if for no other reason than their blatant racism to non Indians?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The PPP left the Guyana in economic standing, it was only when the afc/apnu took over that we saw these declines. But let us pretend that you are correct, will you give us a timeline on when the govt will bring Guyana economic prosperity? What are their plans to fast track this? So far all you prattle about is stopping alleged hemorrhaging, but it looks like they just shifting money from one area to their pockets. 

Exactly how?


1.  Sugar in deep trouble with its unit production costs triple its unit revenues.  Druggie if some one produces at 45c, and then gets paid 15c is that a company in good shape.


2.  Gold prices dropping.  Gold being the sector which pulled Guyana foreard since 2008.



3. Rice onky surviving because it was being sold to a belligerent bully, who frequently invaded Guyanese terriory to seize, or evict propertyy not belonging to them, and on ocassion even assaulted Guyanese.


So really how did the PPP excel?  By building a cadre of "business men" who engaged in money laundering based on tax evasion, smuggling undeclared gold, smuggling drugs, guns and fuel, etc.  The proceeds being laundered through construction and retail.


You should know by now that one cannot build a sustainable economy based on a bubble.

Let us agree that you are correct for  a moment, what exactly are these plans that the afc/apnu have to bring economic prosperity? So far they have hidden these plans, they only reaction so far that we have seen from them is self preservation, shaft the workers and pay increase their salary 50%.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

Seriously, sugar and rice are commodities that people are trying to avoid as much as possible nowadays. Does the government have plans to replace them with other industries and employment opportunities? What is their economic recovery plan?

For people like you who think that the PPP was better, how did they move Guyana beyond dependence on those two commodities.


Not only did they not do so, but they didnt even attempt to allow it to compete in the markets which do remain available?


For the PPP to ahve credibility in screaming that all hell is let lose because of APNU/AFC they have to prove taht they IMPLEMENTED solid ideas.  They didnt.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

Seriously, sugar and rice are commodities that people are trying to avoid as much as possible nowadays. Does the government have plans to replace them with other industries and employment opportunities? What is their economic recovery plan?

Look for an article in Guyana Times soon picking up on my idea.  All canecutters must be guaranteed employment in the army.  Soulja bai already said he is looking to increase the defense force.  Dem canecutters know defence.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:


1.  Sugar in deep trouble with its unit production costs triple its unit revenues.  Druggie if some one produces at 45c, and then gets paid 15c is that a company in good shape.


2.  Gold prices dropping.  Gold being the sector which pulled Guyana foreard since 2008.



3. Rice onky surviving because it was being sold to a belligerent bully, who frequently invaded Guyanese terriory to seize, or evict propertyy not belonging to them, and on ocassion even assaulted Guyanese.


So really how did the PPP excel?  By building a cadre of "business men" who engaged in money laundering based on tax evasion, smuggling undeclared gold, smuggling drugs, guns and fuel, etc.  The proceeds being laundered through construction and retail.


You should know by now that one cannot build a sustainable economy based on a bubble.

Given all of the above, do you think the Coalition Government is now experiencing buyers remorse or is the promise of big salaries and perks is enough of an incentive for them?

They had two choices.  PPP and APNU/AFC. Why would they experience buyers' remorse when those who voted APNu/AFC still believe that the PPP was worse, if for no other reason than their blatant racism to non Indians?

See how confused you are getting bai. My question was if the Coalition government was experiencing buyers remorse. Not if the voters were.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The PPP left the Guyana in economic standing, it was only when the afc/apnu took over that we saw these declines. But let us pretend that you are correct, will you give us a timeline on when the govt will bring Guyana economic prosperity? What are their plans to fast track this? So far all you prattle about is stopping alleged hemorrhaging, but it looks like they just shifting money from one area to their pockets. 

Exactly how?


1.  Sugar in deep trouble with its unit production costs triple its unit revenues.  Druggie if some one produces at 45c, and then gets paid 15c is that a company in good shape.


2.  Gold prices dropping.  Gold being the sector which pulled Guyana foreard since 2008.



3. Rice onky surviving because it was being sold to a belligerent bully, who frequently invaded Guyanese terriory to seize, or evict propertyy not belonging to them, and on ocassion even assaulted Guyanese.


So really how did the PPP excel?  By building a cadre of "business men" who engaged in money laundering based on tax evasion, smuggling undeclared gold, smuggling drugs, guns and fuel, etc.  The proceeds being laundered through construction and retail.


You should know by now that one cannot build a sustainable economy based on a bubble.

Let us agree that you are correct for  a moment, what exactly are these plans that the afc/apnu have to bring economic prosperity? So far they have hidden these plans, they only reaction so far that we have seen from them is self preservation, shaft the workers and pay increase their salary 50%.

How many times do I have to tell you that IMHO the APNU/AFc has not brought forth innovative plans.


But then neither did the PPP.  How did Guyana's economy transform under the PPP.  I know that it no longer enjoys preferential access to the EU, with its price guarantees.  I know that this caused Guyana to become an inefficeint producer of RAW commodities.


So WHAT did the PPP do in its 23 years?  How did the PPP use the money which the EU gave them to compensate for the loss of preferential markets?


But then neither did the PPP, so really there is no need for you to rush to the PPPs defense.


Guyana has lost 90% of its professionals, and taht is blatantly obvious when one looks at the state of both the PPP and APNU/AFC.


The main rationale for voting out the PPP is taht they had become tired, arrogant, and blatantly corrupt.  If all Guyanese have are two sets of idiots then its better to just rotate them, so they dont begin to think that they are considered to be doing a good job.


Feel free to call APNU/AFC jackasses if you will, but to pretend taht the PPP was better is a joke.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Seriously, sugar and rice are commodities that people are trying to avoid as much as possible nowadays. Does the government have plans to replace them with other industries and employment opportunities? What is their economic recovery plan?

For people like you who think that the PPP was better, how did they move Guyana beyond dependence on those two commodities.


Not only did they not do so, but they didnt even attempt to allow it to compete in the markets which do remain available?


For the PPP to ahve credibility in screaming that all hell is let lose because of APNU/AFC they have to prove taht they IMPLEMENTED solid ideas.  They didnt.

I don't remember the PPP having a problem with the operations of rice and sugar. I read a lot where the Coalition government and/or their supporters do. Therefore I would not have expected the PPP government to be looking for alternatives. Given that it is a problem now, what is the new government's economic recovery plan?

Originally Posted by VVP:
I wonder how much were the losses in the sugar industry compared to what we spend on the army?  Just asking!  I ain't hitting our boys in uniform.

what exactly is the point of this extraordinarily STUPID (or worse) "asking"?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Seriously, sugar and rice are commodities that people are trying to avoid as much as possible nowadays. Does the government have plans to replace them with other industries and employment opportunities? What is their economic recovery plan?

For people like you who think that the PPP was better, how did they move Guyana beyond dependence on those two commodities.


Not only did they not do so, but they didnt even attempt to allow it to compete in the markets which do remain available?


For the PPP to ahve credibility in screaming that all hell is let lose because of APNU/AFC they have to prove taht they IMPLEMENTED solid ideas.  They didnt.

You guys that keep saying that the PPP should have looked for other markets should stop talking nonsense.  You sound like Monday morning quarterbacks or someone circling past lotto numbers hoping to win.  You do not leave preferential markets to go looking for something less.  This Maduro situation is the present we have to deal with it now.  What are the coalition plans??  Stop blaming the PPP because you look stupid. 

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Seriously, sugar and rice are commodities that people are trying to avoid as much as possible nowadays. Does the government have plans to replace them with other industries and employment opportunities? What is their economic recovery plan?

For people like you who think that the PPP was better, how did they move Guyana beyond dependence on those two commodities.


Not only did they not do so, but they didnt even attempt to allow it to compete in the markets which do remain available?


For the PPP to ahve credibility in screaming that all hell is let lose because of APNU/AFC they have to prove taht they IMPLEMENTED solid ideas.  They didnt.

You guys that keep saying that the PPP should have looked for other markets should stop talking nonsense.  You sound like Monday morning quarterbacks or someone circling past lotto numbers hoping to win.  You do not leave preferential markets to go looking for something less.  This Maduro situation is the present we have to deal with it now.  What are the coalition plans??  Stop blaming the PPP because you look stupid. 

dude, the "preferential markets" left . . . we did not "leave"!


wadderass u babbling about?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
I wonder how much were the losses in the sugar industry compared to what we spend on the army?  Just asking!  I ain't hitting our boys in uniform.

what exactly is the point of this extraordinarily STUPID (or worse) "asking"?

I want to see how much we have to add to the army spending when we bring in all the canecutters to serve the nation as soldiers rather than canecutters.  Once the amount is less than the losses in the sugar industry we will be ahead.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Seriously, sugar and rice are commodities that people are trying to avoid as much as possible nowadays. Does the government have plans to replace them with other industries and employment opportunities? What is their economic recovery plan?

For people like you who think that the PPP was better, how did they move Guyana beyond dependence on those two commodities.


Not only did they not do so, but they didnt even attempt to allow it to compete in the markets which do remain available?


For the PPP to ahve credibility in screaming that all hell is let lose because of APNU/AFC they have to prove taht they IMPLEMENTED solid ideas.  They didnt.

You guys that keep saying that the PPP should have looked for other markets should stop talking nonsense.  You sound like Monday morning quarterbacks or someone circling past lotto numbers hoping to win.  You do not leave preferential markets to go looking for something less.  This Maduro situation is the present we have to deal with it now.  What are the coalition plans??  Stop blaming the PPP because you look stupid. 

dude, the "preferential markets" left . . . we did not "leave"!


wadderass u babbling about?

Learn to read then learn to write.  They used to have a book called Read, Think and Write...I guess it missed you, sorry you missed it.

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
I wonder how much were the losses in the sugar industry compared to what we spend on the army?  Just asking!  I ain't hitting our boys in uniform.

what exactly is the point of this extraordinarily STUPID (or worse) "asking"?

I want to see how much we have to add to the army spending when we bring in all the canecutters to serve the nation as soldiers rather than canecutters.  Once the amount is less than the losses in the sugar industry we will be ahead.

this is not a joke dude!


but i have teased out your 'answer' . . .


people like u are at once fertilizer and cultivators of racism in Guyana masquerading as promoters of change


that benighted little country will not know ethnic peace until your generation of sconts die out

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
I wonder how much were the losses in the sugar industry compared to what we spend on the army?  Just asking!  I ain't hitting our boys in uniform.

what exactly is the point of this extraordinarily STUPID (or worse) "asking"?

I want to see how much we have to add to the army spending when we bring in all the canecutters to serve the nation as soldiers rather than canecutters.  Once the amount is less than the losses in the sugar industry we will be ahead.

this is not a joke dude!


but i have teased out your 'answer' . . .


people like u are at once fertilizer and cultivators of racism in Guyana masquerading as promoters of change


that benighted little country will not know ethnic peace until your generation of sconts die out

This is serious shit.  The PPP is going to demand that laid off canecutters be placed in the army.  Granger already committed to increase the army and para military forces so that will be employment for the canecutters right there.  Unemployment solved everybody happy!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
I wonder how much were the losses in the sugar industry compared to what we spend on the army?  Just asking!  I ain't hitting our boys in uniform.

what exactly is the point of this extraordinarily STUPID (or worse) "asking"?

I want to see how much we have to add to the army spending when we bring in all the canecutters to serve the nation as soldiers rather than canecutters.  Once the amount is less than the losses in the sugar industry we will be ahead.

this is not a joke dude!


but i have teased out your 'answer' . . .


people like u are at once fertilizer and cultivators of racism in Guyana masquerading as promoters of change


that benighted little country will not know ethnic peace until your generation of sconts die out

This is serious shit.  The PPP is going to demand that laid off canecutters be placed in the army.  Granger already committed to increase the army and para military forces so that is employment for the canecutters right there.  Unemployment solved.

bobbing and weaving . . . shadow boxing, hoping abee refocus


yuh think people schtupid

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ksazma:

I don't remember the PPP having a problem with the operations of rice and sugar. I read a lot where the Coalition government and/or their supporters do. Therefore I would not have expected the PPP government to be looking for alternatives. Given that it is a problem now, what is the new government's economic recovery plan?

1.  Rice farmers BEFORE the election were threatening to support the AFC.  There was a rice farmers riot in Essequibo.   This because they weren't paid.


2.  Guysuco has unit costs 3X its unit prices and Skeldon has been a huge scandal.


If you are such a PPP idiot that you wish to pretend that there was no problem in sugar and rice feel free, but BOTH were problem plagued industries.


In fact in May Guysuco was wailing that it didn't have the cash to meet payroll.


In addition production costs in BOTH industries are too high to allow either industry to compete into available markets.  Venezuela was a POLITICAL deal, and Guyana has now learned what this means.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

I don't remember the PPP having a problem with the operations of rice and sugar. I read a lot where the Coalition government and/or their supporters do. Therefore I would not have expected the PPP government to be looking for alternatives. Given that it is a problem now, what is the new government's economic recovery plan?

1.  Rice farmers BEFORE the election were threatening to support the AFC.  There was a rice farmers riot in Essequibo.   This because they weren't paid.


2.  Guysuco has unit costs 3X its unit prices and Skeldon has been a huge scandal.


If you are such a PPP idiot that you wish to pretend that there was no problem in sugar and rice feel free, but BOTH were problem plagued industries.


In fact in May Guysuco was wailing that it didn't have the cash to meet payroll.


In addition production costs in BOTH industries are too high to allow either industry to compete into available markets.  Venezuela was a POLITICAL deal, and Guyana has now learned what this means.

I never said that there were no problem with rice and sugar. I don't know if there were or not. What I said was that I don't remember the PPP having a problem with the operations of rice and sugar. Hope you understand the difference.

Originally Posted by VVP:
.  You sound like Monday morning quarterbacks or someone circling past lotto numbers hoping to win.  You do not leave preferential markets to go looking for something less.  This Maduro situation is the present we have to deal with it now.  What are the coalition plans??  Stop blaming the PPP because you look stupid. 

You were so busy with your nose up Jagdeo's ass.


1.  TK has been long warning the PPP about sugar, and in fact told them that Skeldon was a mistake.  That was YEARS ago! BEFORE Skeldon was built.


2.   Depending on Venezuela, which not only claims 2/3 of Guyana, but on several occasions has even been instigated hostile acts, some as recently as 2013, is share lunacy. Would you put your livelihood in the hands of a bully which periodically beats you up?  That is share lunacy.


Cease defending the PPP merely because it is an Indian party.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

I never said that there were no problem with rice and sugar. I don't know if there were or not. What I said was that I don't remember the PPP having a problem with the operations of rice and sugar. Hope you understand the difference.

Clearly you blindly defend the PPP.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

I never said that there were no problem with rice and sugar. I don't know if there were or not. What I said was that I don't remember the PPP having a problem with the operations of rice and sugar. Hope you understand the difference.

Clearly you blindly defend the PPP.

Perhaps. But clearly that was not what you were responding to.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

I don't remember the PPP having a problem with the operations of rice and sugar. I read a lot where the Coalition government and/or their supporters do. Therefore I would not have expected the PPP government to be looking for alternatives. Given that it is a problem now, what is the new government's economic recovery plan?

1.  Rice farmers BEFORE the election were threatening to support the AFC.  There was a rice farmers riot in Essequibo.   This because they weren't paid.


2.  Guysuco has unit costs 3X its unit prices and Skeldon has been a huge scandal.


If you are such a PPP idiot that you wish to pretend that there was no problem in sugar and rice feel free, but BOTH were problem plagued industries.


In fact in May Guysuco was wailing that it didn't have the cash to meet payroll.


In addition production costs in BOTH industries are too high to allow either industry to compete into available markets.  Venezuela was a POLITICAL deal, and Guyana has now learned what this means.

I never said that there were no problem with rice and sugar. I don't know if there were or not. What I said was that I don't remember the PPP having a problem with the operations of rice and sugar. Hope you understand the difference.

Kaz..they were pumping money into the two industries,

so there were no problem,well you know the reason for


Originally Posted by VVP:
.  You do not leave preferential markets to go looking for something less.  

Do you not know that the preferential markets LEFT.  EU no longer available.


Venezuela.  No longer available unless you think that Guyana should hand over 2/3 of its land, and even more of its marine territory.  That agreement was a year to year agreement, renewed at the SOLE discretion of Venezuela.  Even you will understand that to be 40% dependent on such a market is the height if stupidity.


Guyana no longer has these markets, and clearly you are very ill informed.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

I don't remember the PPP having a problem with the operations of rice and sugar. I read a lot where the Coalition government and/or their supporters do. Therefore I would not have expected the PPP government to be looking for alternatives. Given that it is a problem now, what is the new government's economic recovery plan?

1.  Rice farmers BEFORE the election were threatening to support the AFC.  There was a rice farmers riot in Essequibo.   This because they weren't paid.


2.  Guysuco has unit costs 3X its unit prices and Skeldon has been a huge scandal.


If you are such a PPP idiot that you wish to pretend that there was no problem in sugar and rice feel free, but BOTH were problem plagued industries.


In fact in May Guysuco was wailing that it didn't have the cash to meet payroll.


In addition production costs in BOTH industries are too high to allow either industry to compete into available markets.  Venezuela was a POLITICAL deal, and Guyana has now learned what this means.

I never said that there were no problem with rice and sugar. I don't know if there were or not. What I said was that I don't remember the PPP having a problem with the operations of rice and sugar. Hope you understand the difference.

Kaz..they were pumping money into the two industries,

so there were no problem,well you know the reason for


Maybe. But that is still different from my statement that I don't think the PPP had a problem with the operations of rice and sugar.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

Maybe. But that is still different from my statement that I don't think the PPP had a problem with the operations of rice and sugar.

So tell us why the PPP didn't have a problem if neither industry is competitive, putting both on the brink of disaster.


Here is the problem with rice.  Guyana is expensive and no one is going to pay Guyana more than what the competition demands. Maduro wants to destroy Guyana, so should Guyana beg Maduro to buy rice and hand over 70% of our resources and 20% of our population?


Rather than dealing with the reasons why rice is uncompetitive, the PPP landed it in hot water by rendering it dependent on the whims of a lunatic.


The rice industry is a PRIVATE industry, and must begin to act as if it is.  It CANNOT remain dependent on politicians who use it for their whims and pleasure.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Maybe. But that is still different from my statement that I don't think the PPP had a problem with the operations of rice and sugar.

So tell us why the PPP didn't have a problem ....

They didn't. That is my statement. You are free to make your own but not to change mine.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ksazma:

They didn't. That is my statement. You are free to make your own but not to change mine.

OK you and Maduro suffer from the same mental problems.


I will leave you to deal with that.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

They didn't. That is my statement. You are free to make your own but not to change mine.

OK you and Maduro suffer from the same mental problems.


I will leave you to deal with that.

aarite bai.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

Seriously, sugar and rice are commodities that people are trying to avoid as much as possible nowadays. Does the government have plans to replace them with other industries and employment opportunities? What is their economic recovery plan?



and more 'erb

Last edited by cain

Dam right! Irie!


Our new Govt is supposed to be looking into legalizing it. This will be a 400million yr to the govt coffers. Instead of the bad guys, the govt gets the dough and hopefully make better use of it.

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by caribny:

Originally Posted by VVP:
.  You sound like Monday morning quarterbacks or someone circling past lotto numbers hoping to win.  You do not leave preferential markets to go looking for something less.  This Maduro situation is the present we have to deal with it now.  What are the coalition plans??  Stop blaming the PPP because you look stupid. 

You were so busy with your nose up Jagdeo's ass.


1.  TK has been long warning the PPP about sugar, and in fact told them that Skeldon was a mistake.  That was YEARS ago! BEFORE Skeldon was built.


2.   Depending on Venezuela, which not only claims 2/3 of Guyana, but on several occasions has even been instigated hostile acts, some as recently as 2013, is share lunacy. Would you put your livelihood in the hands of a bully which periodically beats you up?  That is share lunacy.


Cease defending the PPP merely because it is an Indian party.


Stap talking crap MM quarterback.  Didn't Guyana come out ahead with the rice deal while it lasted?

BTW when did the preferential treatment for sugar end?  When was notice provided that it would end?  Same for the rice deal.
While we are it is there any country in the world that profits from sugar production without preferential markets?  If yes, why?
Originally Posted by VVP:

Stap talking crap MM quarterback.  Didn't Guyana come out ahead with the rice deal while it lasted?

BTW when did the preferential treatment for sugar end?  When was notice provided that it would end?  Same for the rice deal.
While we are it is there any country in the world that profits from sugar production without preferential markets?  If yes, why?



Venezuela invaded Guyana in 2015 and seized an oil rig.  On several other occasions it invaded, assaulted Guyanese, and destroyed property owned by them  This agreement is an annual one, so at any point Venezuela could have unilaterally ended it. 


Clearly their hostility to oil development in waters that they claim, and the fact that under the PPP this indeed was occurring, would suggest that at some point Venezuela would indeed pull the mat from under the rice industry.


So why didn't either the PPP or the rice industry itself, anticipate this, and find other markets?  Why didn't the PPP and the rice industry itself focus on reducing its costs so that it could compete for markets which exist. 



As to sugar.  Your face is so deeply buried in Jagdeo's ass that you didn't hear his squeals and wails, when he cussed down the EU several years ago when they removed the preferential price for ACP sugar imports, this in response to demands by the WTO, and by several EU nations themselves.


Exports to the EU are at prices very close to world market prices.  Guyana's production costs are 3X that which can be obtained from its exports.


I submit to you that this occurred long ago and the PPP had ample time to develop an alternate strategy.  Instead they invested in Skeldon, and production costs SKY ROCKETED.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by VVP:
CARIB,  why the rass dey keeping dem sugar estates open?  They ain't want my canecutter army?

If they close them, the shouts of Ethnic Cleansing would never stop.

Originally Posted by VVP:
CARIB,  why the rass dey keeping dem sugar estates open?  They ain't want my canecutter army?

People like you will scream "black man a kill ahbe" if they treat sugar workers the way that the PPP treated bauxite.  Indians must be treated with the kind of respect that blacks do not deserve, in the mind set of so many of you all.


As is the rice millers are stiffing the rice farmers and you all are blaming black people.


Guyana needs to look to see whether the sugar industry is viable, given the fact that its production costs are way above global prices, and that changing consumption patterns in wealthy nations is reducing the demand for this product. 


It probably should be down sized, as Jamaica did, with product being used more as an input into other industries (rum, processed foods, and alternate energy) than as a final product.


The PPP was too dumb to figure that iut, and sadly APNU/AFC seem no brighter.

Originally Posted by VVP:
No we already solved the employment problem, canecutter to the army.  They rass know they need foreign exchange

This will be interesting. If Granger were to do that, watch and see if the same clowns who scream that the GDF/GPF conist of only blacks, will scream that Granger is frog marching Indians to their deaths.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by VVP:
CARIB,  why the rass dey keeping dem sugar estates open?  They ain't want my canecutter army?

If they close them, the shouts of Ethnic Cleansing would never stop.

I already here the screams.  "Black man a tun Guyana into RAWANDA!"

Then Canada will turn down their appeals for refugee status, as they did in the late 80s.


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