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Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by VVP:
CARIB,  why the rass dey keeping dem sugar estates open?  They ain't want my canecutter army?

If they close them, the shouts of Ethnic Cleansing would never stop.

I already here the screams.  "Black man a tun Guyana into RAWANDA!"

Then Canada will turn down their appeals for refugee status, as they did in the late 80s.

Alyuh start meking excuse to save alyuh face.  What happen to the economics alyuh bin talking bout?

Originally Posted by VVP:
CARIB,  why the rass dey keeping dem sugar estates open?  They ain't want my canecutter army?

is it your recommendation then that Gov't close the estates and conscript the unemployed sugar workers into the GDF?

Last edited by Former Member

What happened to all the braying about ethanol by Mitwah, d2 and other afc/apnu advocates while they were in opposition? Looks like when the shoes on the other foot these guys have no solution and merely copy the PPP blue print. 

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
CARIB,  why the rass dey keeping dem sugar estates open?  They ain't want my canecutter army?

is it your recommendation then that Gov't close the estates and conscript the unemployed sugar workers into the GDF?

Yes, bai.  Read, think and rite.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
CARIB,  why the rass dey keeping dem sugar estates open?  They ain't want my canecutter army?

is it your recommendation then that Gov't close the estates and conscript the unemployed sugar workers into the GDF?

Yes, bai.  Read, think and rite.

jokes and red herrings are poor camouflage in the racist stew you are cooking up here on this subject

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VVP:
No we already solved the employment problem, canecutter to the army.  They rass know they need foreign exchange

This will be interesting. If Granger were to do that, watch and see if the same clowns who scream that the GDF/GPF conist of only blacks, will scream that Granger is frog marching Indians to their deaths.

Which death?  Where is the war Don Quixote?  The might die from three square flush meals a day given that they are starving now.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
CARIB,  why the rass dey keeping dem sugar estates open?  They ain't want my canecutter army?

is it your recommendation then that Gov't close the estates and conscript the unemployed sugar workers into the GDF?

Yes, bai.  Read, think and rite.

jokes and red herrings are poor camouflage in the racist stew you are cooking up here on this subject

Everything is joke fuh alyuh.  I am dead serious.  These canecutters need steady employment and President Granger wants a larger military so that's a perfect fit.

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
CARIB,  why the rass dey keeping dem sugar estates open?  They ain't want my canecutter army?

is it your recommendation then that Gov't close the estates and conscript the unemployed sugar workers into the GDF?

Yes, bai.  Read, think and rite.

jokes and red herrings are poor camouflage in the racist stew you are cooking up here on this subject

Everything is joke fuh alyuh.  I am dead serious.  These canecutters need steady employment and President Granger wants a larger military so that's a perfect fit.

you're the "joker" in poor camouflage, not me! . . . patting yuhself pan de back for being all 'clever' with the baiting and sly bigot's provocations


the sick racist calculus bubbles to the top eventually


uh huh

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by VVP:
CARIB,  why the rass dey keeping dem sugar estates open?  They ain't want my canecutter army?

If they close them, the shouts of Ethnic Cleansing would never stop.

I already here the screams.  "Black man a tun Guyana into RAWANDA!"

Then Canada will turn down their appeals for refugee status, as they did in the late 80s.

Alyuh start meking excuse to save alyuh face.  What happen to the economics alyuh bin talking bout?

Did you ever see me praising APNU/AFC for its policies.


I merely remind you that they aren't any worse than the PPP.

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VVP:
No we already solved the employment problem, canecutter to the army.  They rass know they need foreign exchange

This will be interesting. If Granger were to do that, watch and see if the same clowns who scream that the GDF/GPF conist of only blacks, will scream that Granger is frog marching Indians to their deaths.

Which death?  Where is the war Don Quixote?  The might die from three square flush meals a day given that they are starving now.

When Venezuela engages in their periodic mini invasions, which they conducted SEVERAL times under the PPP, cane cutters will be sent to greet them.


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