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Bangladeshis packed into - and onto - trains  in the capital Dhaka tonight as they raced home to break their last fast of  Ramadan.

The annual Muslim fasting period has come to  an end and these commuters were trying to get home as quickly as possible to  prepare for the festival of Eid al-Fitr, which begins tomorrow.

For the past month observant Muslims across  the world have refrained from eating or drinking anything from dawn to sunset in  a show of spiritual devotion.

Eid mubarak: Bangladeshis sit packed atop a train at a Dhaka rail station as they make their way home to join their families for festival of Eid al-Fitr, which begins tomorrow to mark the end of the Ramadan fasting month

Eid mubarak: Bangladeshis sit packed atop a train at a  Dhaka rail station as they make their way home to join their families for  festival of Eid al-Fitr, which begins tomorrow to mark the end of the Ramadan  fasting month

Room for one more? For the past month observant Muslims across the world have refrained from eating or drinking anything from dawn to sunset in a show of spiritual devotion, but that ends tonight

Room for one more? For the past month observant Muslims  across the world have refrained from eating or drinking anything from dawn to  sunset in a show of spiritual devotion, but that ends tonight

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Eid Mubarak!!  Eid Mubarak. Allah Huh Akbar.  Allah Huh Akbar!!!


Short Description of the Eid Prayer and the Eid Khutbah

A Short Description of the Eid Prayer and the Eid Khutbah    From Islamic Newsletter 'As-Sunnah'   Issue no: 10

Compiled by Sister Shawana A.   Aziz

The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu   alaihi wa-sallam) said: “Let the free women, the virgins, and the   menstruating women attend the Eid prayer, and witness the good and the   supplications of the believers. As for the menstruating women, they should   stay away from the Musallah (i.e.. should not participate in the prayer   itself).” [Saheeh al-Bukharee and Saheeh Muslim]


A short description of the Eid Prayer

1   - The Eid Salaah consists of two Raka'ahs. Umar (radhi allahu anhu) said: “The   traveler’s prayer is two raka'ah; the Adha prayer is two Raka'ah; and the   Jumuah prayer is two Rak'ah; this is their full length as came from the    Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam).” [(saheeh) Musnad Ahmad,   Nisa'ee, Baihaqee and others]


2   - The Eid Salaah is not preceded by the adhan (the call to announce the prayer   time) or Iqamah (the call to start prayer). Jabir bin Samurah (radhi allahu   anhu) said: “I prayed the Eid prayer with Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi   wa-sallam), on more than one occasion, without adhan or Iqamah.” [Saheeh   Muslim]


3   - No Sunnah prayer may precede or follow the Eid prayer, except if it is   performed in a Masjid instead of a Musallah, in which case one must pray two   raka'hs before sitting down. Ibn Abbas (radhi allahu anhu) reported: “The   Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) went out (of his house) on the day of   Fitr, prayed two raka'hs and did not pray before or after it.” [Zaad al-Maad   (2/443)]


4   - Like any other deed in Islam, the prayer must be preceded with a true   intention of worshiping Allah alone in the heart.


5    - The first raka'h (one prayer unit) is   initiated with Takbeer al-ihram, followed by the opening supplication.


6   - Then followed by seven Takbeers in the first raka'h and five more in the   second rak'ah. Aa'ishah (radhi allahu anha) said: “Allah's Messenger (sallallahu   alaihi wa-sallam) would say Takbeer in both Fitr and Adha: seven in the first   and five in the second, other than the two Takbeers of Ruku (bowing).” [(Saheeh)    - Abu Dawood (1150) and others]


7   - After the Takbeer one should recite Ta'awwuth - 'A'uthu billahi min ash-Shaytaan   ir-Rajeem' meaning “I seek refuge in Allah from the outcast devil” and   Basmallah 'Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem' meaning 'In the Name of Allah, the   Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.'


8   - Followed by the recitation of Soorah al-Fatihah


9   - Then, the recitation of Soorah al-Qaaf in the first raka'h and the Soorah   al-Qamar in the second - OR - Soorah al-Alaa in the first and Soorah al-Ghashiyah   in the second. Ibn al-Qayyim (rahimahullah) said: “Both of these have been   authentically reported from the action of the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi   wa-sallam), nothing else is authentic.” [Zaad al-Maad (1/443)] Note: Reciting   a Soorah different from the ones mentioned above will too complete the prayer.   The remainder of the prayer is performed in the same manner as any other   prayer, without any difference.

The Eid Khutbah:  

The Sunnah of the Eid Khutbah        is that it   should be delivered after the Eid Salaah. Ibn Abbas (radhi allahu anhu) said:    “I attended the Eid with Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam), Abu   Bakr (radhi allahu anhu) Umar (radhi allahu anhu) and Uthman (radhi allahu   anahu); all of them would pray before the Khutbah.” [Saheeh al-Bukharee]  


Listening to the Eid Khutbah is not wajib,            Abdullah bin as-Sa'ib (radhi allahu anhu) reported that he attended the Eid   prayer with the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam); and when he (sallallahu   alaihi wa-sallam) finished the prayer, he said: “We shall have a Khutbah;   so let whoever wishes to sit for the Khutbah do so, and whoever wishes to   leave, may leave.” [(saheeh) Abu Dawood)]


If the Eid falls on a Friday,        it becomes   optional for men to attend the Jumu'ah prayer. Abu Hurayrah (radhi allahu anhu)   reported that on such occurrence, the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi   wa-sallam) said: “Two Eids have coincided on this day of yours; thus   whoever wishes, is exempted


Muslims urged to help unify Guyanese

Religious adviser of Central Islamic Organisation (CIOG), Sheikh Moen ul- Hack has urged Muslims to use the just concluded Ramadan fast to strengthen the

President Donald Ramotar

President Donald Ramotar

Sheikh Moen ul-Hack

Sheikh Moen ul-Hack

ties of kinship among the brotherhood and the country.

He was at the time addressing a large gathering at the Muslim Youth Organisation (MYO)  traditional Eid Salaat ceremony.

Ul-Hack said the fast seeks to give persons strength of diversity, whether in race, gender or language.

“Nothing is wrong with diversity , it is the plan for us by God Almighty as his creationâ€Ķ he said I made mankind into a single nation and the morality and moral upright does not view these differences as wrong, but opportunities of cooperation,” he added.

Ul-Hack maintained that those who are devoid of morality see the differences in race and religion. He said this kind of behaviour and attitude lead to oppression and enslavement of humans by humans, which should not be.

Token appreciation

He also spoke on the importance of the 40 day fast during the holy month. Ul- Hack said fasting is celebrated as a token of appreciation to Allah, God Almighty.

In addition, it is thanksgiving for a great reward that Allah has promised to distribute with his own hands to faithful servants.

“He will distribute a reward with his own hands to those who observe the ridged moral  disciplineâ€Ķ it is written in the Quran  that this fast is for me and I will give reward to the doer of it.”

The great sacrifice is about attaining purity, spiritual cleansing of the soul and inculcation of good morals by depriving the body for the upliftment of the soul.

“Being aware of the real truth beyond this façade of this worldly delight and temptationsâ€Ķ the awareness and of the presence and delight of the Almighty which motivates us to make the right choices in life and avoid sinning,” he explained.

Ul-Hack said sin is the misuse of one’s choices and the fast allows Muslims to maintain the status of God’s best creation.

 He asked the gathering. “Are we behaving like God’s best creation?” He said most time the answer is no and this is because the spirit within people has become corrupted and the mind is prone to sin.

This, he said is the main reason people tend to make the wrong choices and succumb to temptation.

“Instead of guiding our emotions, we are being guided by our emotions and we have reduced the status and position in God’s eyes to the lowest of creation,” he added.

Best gift

He said there are numerous examples of such in this country. Ul-Hack told the gathering that the best gift that can be given to children and the younger generation is the teachings of morality as purity in the heart and action will be preserved even when the elders pass on.

“This fast should help us to strengthen the ties of kinship among the Muslim community and Guyana by extension.”

Meanwhile, President Donald Ramotar during his address to hundreds of Muslims gathered at the MYO tarmac said the lessons of the month of Ramadan are universal.

He said these expectations apply to every religion in Guyana. Ramotar also spoke about the importance of sacrifices and being pure in heart.

The president said people must be ready to be unselfish and forget their own personal egos and ambitions for the benefit of each other.

“It reminds us also that to achieve lofty goals and to achieve things that are worthy in this life, it is necessary to make sacrifices,” Ramotar said.


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