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The day of Arafat is on Monday October the 14th so insha Allah Eid Ul ADHA or Bakra Eid will be observed on Tuesday October 15th. Please remember to fast on the day of Arafat. and also do your Qurbani where you live at. The reason it's called a sacrifice is because you must sacrifice your time to do the slaughter and distribute the meat. I know lot's of people do it in foreign lands for convienece sake.


Eid Mubarak!


Below is a message fromn Shaik Zaid Shakir



May these blessed days of Dhul Hijjah,  be a time for us to reflect on our 
purposes, reroute our paths, and rethink our 
relationship with the Divine and His Creation.

The first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah are blessed days,
which we frequently neglect. The Noble Prophet, Peace
and Blessings of God be upon him, said, “There are no
days in which righteous deeds done during them are
more beloved to God than these days,” referring to the
first ten days of Dhul-Hijja.

During these blessed days we should try to exert
ourselves in worship, for the ‘Ulama’ mention that the
virtue of these days surpass even the virtue of the
days of Ramadan. Among the indications of the
distinction of these days is the special mention made
of them as a group or individually in both the Qur’an
and the Sunnah. In the Qur’an, God says, “I swear by
the Dawn, the Ten Nights, the Even and the Odd.”

Bearing these and many other virtues of these days in
mind, we should be especially diligent in increasing
our righteous acts during them. The following acts are
especially recommended:

1. We should try to fast as many of the first nine
days as possible. We should make an extra effort to
fast the Day of ‘Arafah. It is related in Sahih Muslim
that the Noble Prophet, Peace and Blessings of God be
upon him, said, “I anticipate that Fasting the Day of
‘Arafah will atone for the sins of the previous and
coming year.”

2. We should carefully monitor our speech, what we
listen to, and what we allow our gaze to fall on
during these days, again, especially on the Day of
‘Arafah. The Noble Prophet, Peace and Blessings of God
be upon him, said, “[Concerning] the Day of ‘Arafah,
whoever controls his hearing, gaze, and speech on that
day, he will be forgiven.”

3. We should be excessive in repeating the declaration
of Tawhid, with special emphasis on the phrase, “La
ilaha ilallah, Wahdahu La Sharika lah, Lahul Mulk, wa
lahul Hamd, biyadihi Khayr, wa Huwa ‘ala kulli Shayin
Qadir: There is no God but Allah. He is alone without
partners. His is the dominion, and unto Him is all
praise. With Him is all good, and He over all things
has power.” Imam Tirmidhi relates that this was the
supplication the Prophet, Peace and Blessings of God
be upon him, repeated more than any other on the Day
of ‘Arafah.

4. We should pray for forgiveness and liberation from
the Hellfire during these days, especially the Day of
‘Arafah. Imam ‘Ali, May God be pleased with him,
related, “God liberates people from the Hellfire
everyday. And there is no day when more people are
liberated from the Hellfire than the Day of ‘Arafah.”

During this blessed season, let us all strive to renew
our commitment to our faith. May each year when these
blessed days return find you all in the very best of
states. May your life be dominated by the remembrance
of God. In all that we do, May He be glorified.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Pointblank:

Chief i Was on Liberty Ave and stopped  by Masjid Al abidin to pray and they are doing Eid on Wednesday 16

Some Masjids are still going with local sighting.

Originally Posted by shanazb:

Thanks so much for your info,

my brother from Guyana went to HAJ . his dream came through .


May Almighty Allah accept his Haj and return him home safely.

Duas please if you speak to him and I will do the same.

Originally Posted by Stinger:
Chief sahib salaam

Why meh cyan get a fresh haircut fuh bakra Eid?

Walaikum Assalam.

Bro go cut your hair and make sure you slaughter a bull.


On a serious note, the first 9 days of this month is very very important and significant. I cannot give you an answer as to how out folks back in Guyana arrive at that no hair and nail cutting before the killing of the animal.



Salaams and Eid Greetings! May Allah grant you health and strength! I plan to spend Eid in the U.S. on a ranch where we will rope our own bulls.

Come and bring your cowboy hat and boots


Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Stinger:
Chief sahib salaam

Why meh cyan get a fresh haircut fuh bakra Eid?

Walaikum Assalam.

Bro go cut your hair and make sure you slaughter a bull.


On a serious note, the first 9 days of this month is very very important and significant. I cannot give you an answer as to how out folks back in Guyana arrive at that no hair and nail cutting before the killing of the animal.

Upon sighting the moon of Dhul Haj, those people intending to perform Qurbani should neither cut their hair nor clip their nails until the Qurbani is performed. This is a mustahab (desirable) act derived from Hadith of the Prophet (SAWS) has said:

“A person should neither clip his nails nor cut his hair until he performs the Sacrifice”. [Ibe Maajah]


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