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Bibi Haniffa posted:

Keep them on track Amral.  A life changing event will be taking place in the dear land of Guyana in about 26 days.  Five years ago the PNC crew was bruking down this board. Now the ones who are still alive are hiding under their bed. 

What do you think ,they are twiddling their thumbs , silently waiting for victory ?


Let us hope it's a transparent(no stuffing ballot boxes), fair and violence-free election. They don't need PNC night watchmen after the polls close. Let's also hope that if the PNC loses, Granger and his dunce attorneys don't drag this out for years to come. We know there are two negro dunces on the Guyana appeals court.


There are hope on both sides of the fence ,the fittest will be victorious . The two major political parties ,have three men on one side against two men on the other side,for the first time in an election battle in Guyana. The people are pumped up for the mother of all elections ,they will make their choice.

Last edited by Django
Zara posted:

March 2 will be a big victory for the Coalition head by Comrade Granger. After that more surprise to come.  The corrupted opposition Head by Comrade Jagdeo will have failed to unseat the Coalition and get their hands on Guyana oil for friends and family.

Hey hey hey...abie GNI bot show up...hey hey hey. Who code yuh? Imran Khan or Moses? Hey hey hey...

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Keep them on track Amral.  A life changing event will be taking place in the dear land of Guyana in about 26 days.  Five years ago the PNC crew was bruking down this board. Now the ones who are still alive are hiding under their bed. 

What do you think ,they are twiddling their thumbs , silently waiting for victory ?

I think a shocker is in the works.

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:

There are hope on both sides of the fence ,the fittest will be victorious . The two major political parties ,have three men on one side against two men on the other side,for the first time in an election battle in Guyana. The people are pumped up for the mother of all elections ,they will make their choice.

I agree. Mark your words when I confront you with this "both sides of the fence". I did not see PPP asking their supporters to be night watchmen. We are talking present and future tenses now.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

There are hope on both sides of the fence ,the fittest will be victorious . The two major political parties ,have three men on one side against two men on the other side,for the first time in an election battle in Guyana. The people are pumped up for the mother of all elections ,they will make their choice.

I agree. Mark your words when I confront you with this "both sides of the fence".

I did not see PPP asking their supporters to be night watchmen.

We are talking present and future tenses now.

Seems like a frivolous concern , in the past when there were calls no one bothered.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

There are hope on both sides of the fence ,the fittest will be victorious . The two major political parties ,have three men on one side against two men on the other side,for the first time in an election battle in Guyana. The people are pumped up for the mother of all elections ,they will make their choice.

I agree. Mark your words when I confront you with this "both sides of the fence".

I did not see PPP asking their supporters to be night watchmen.

We are talking present and future tenses now.

Seems like a frivolous concern ,taken out of context .

Bai, the same thing I said. You got both sides of the fence. Let's recognize the side that did not preach being militant and guard the doors at the polling places. Where is that coconut broom lady?


A PPP/C victory is certain after PNC wheels fell off from the beginning of this campaign and it became even worse after it was reported that Granger couldn't even walk a half a kilometre for the nomination process.

AFC PNC presented a list of dinosaur fossils while the PPP presented a list of young and fresh minds combined with diversity. Young blacks are giving the PPP a chance after PNC presented them with a Good Lie.

It will be one of the largest PPP victory yet as the nation became frustrated with the PNC squatting in office and Granger raping the constitution.

The biggest concern is PNC sponsored Post Election Violence, a PNC trademark.


BJ is well loved and respected by Caricom Leaders. He is leading a campaign which stunned the dinosaur fossil led AFC PNC.


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Last edited by Django
Sean posted:

A PPP/C victory is certain after PNC wheels fell off from the beginning of this campaign and it became even worse after it was reported that Granger couldn't even walk a half a kilometre for the nomination process.

AFC PNC presented a list of dinosaur fossils while the PPP presented a list of young and fresh minds combined with diversity. Young blacks are giving the PPP a chance after PNC presented them with a Good Lie.

It will be one of the largest PPP victory yet as the nation became frustrated with the PNC squatting in office and Granger raping the constitution.

The biggest concern is PNC sponsored Post Election Violence, a PNC trademark.


BJ is well loved and respected by Caricom Leaders. He is leading a campaign which stunned the dinosaur fossil led AFC PNC. 


You people have been cussing CARICOM countries as if they were a “black gang” all along. Now all of a sudden you and the hairless one are in love with them?


Django posted:
Dave posted:

661,000 register voters in Guyana 

Current population 785,000

Guyana Population

2012 Census 746,955 .

2002 Census 751,223.

1991 Census 723,671 .

1980 Census 759,566.

Taking migration in to consideration, there will be doubt population is 785,000.

If the current population is 785,000 and those under 18 years of age is ...

30% ... eligible voters would be about 550,000

25% ... eligible voters would be about 589,000

20% .. eligible voters would be about 628,000

35% -- eligible voters would be about 510,000

Discrepancy with 661,00 and these estimates.

Demerara_Guy posted:
Django posted:

Table 2: Distribution of Population and Deaths by Age and Sex and Age Specific Death Rates, Guyana: 2012

This table shows that those under 18 years of age is about 41% of the population.

DG , check Compendium 2 ,page 41, Census was taken in 2012. We don't know the birth rate from 2012 to date.

From the data we can calculate all who are 18 yrs and over.

2012 Census population is 746,955.

Last edited by Django

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