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It’s the day of elections in Trinidad and Tobago! Will the populace re-elect PNM and keep Dr. Keith Rowley as Prime Minister or will Miss Kamla Persaud Bissessar once again lead the way for a UNC win?

Also keep a look out for PEP, one of the smaller parties that have had some good reception by those citizens seeking a change.

I also don’t believe election observers will be around. 

Any bets on who will win today?

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@Rochelle posted:

Hearing that there was huge voter turnout. My father retired there and is loving it. I visit whenever I get the chance. He is reporting that he had to wait some few hours to cast his vote, especially given the COVID situation. I hope they can issue results by tonight.

At a minimum they should publish the SOPs online tonight.

Sorry I could not resist.

@Rochelle posted:

Hearing that there was huge voter turnout. My father retired there and is loving it. I visit whenever I get the chance. He is reporting that he had to wait some few hours to cast his vote, especially given the COVID situation. I hope they can issue results by tonight.

That was also the case in Guyana but sadly the Granger Coalition denied those voters their rights for 5 long months.

@Rochelle posted:

Hearing that there was huge voter turnout. My father retired there and is loving it. I visit whenever I get the chance. He is reporting that he had to wait some few hours to cast his vote, especially given the COVID situation. I hope they can issue results by tonight.

Why do you want Trinidad election results tonight but you wanted Guyana election results 5 months later?

Bibi Haniffa
@Former Member posted:

Burnham had the courage to tell the Americans to mind their own farm even as the country he was illegally ruling was the world's beggars. Granger tried to pretend he was religious and decent but no one believed him. In fact, his Caribbean friends began referring to him as the Sanctimonious Gangster.

I believe him.  The sanctimony here is not Granger's, it is yours.  How dare you pronounce on whether a person is religious.  Isn't enough that Pres. Granger knelt before his God for all to see.  Who am I doubt his sincerity?  Who are you to do so?  

@Totaram posted:

I believe him.  The sanctimony here is not Granger's, it is yours.  How dare you pronounce on whether a person is religious.  Isn't enough that Pres. Granger knelt before his God for all to see.  Who am I doubt his sincerity?  Who are you to do so?  

He tried to steal the elections and spent 5 long months hoping that others will give up and allow him to steal it. One of the 10 Commandments is that he should not steal which he failed miserably. His actions those 5 months gave many cause to doubt he was really religious or decent. No doubt we can't act like God and pronounce but as human we can evaluate one's actions and make reasonable conclusions.

@Former Member posted:

He tried to steal the elections and spent 5 long months hoping that others will give up and allow him to steal it. One of the 10 Commandments is that he should not steal which he failed miserably. His actions those 5 months gave many cause to doubt he was really religious or decent. No doubt we can't act like God and pronounce but as human we can evaluate one's actions and make reasonable conclusions.

You earlier said no one believed Granger's religiosity. I told you I believe him because it is not something for me to evaluate.  I must remind you that  a large percentage of Guyanese believe that it is the PPP that stole the elections.  Remember the Coalition has indicated it will be filing an elections petition.

@Totaram posted:

You earlier said no one believed Granger's religiosity. I told you I believe him because it is not something for me to evaluate.  I must remind you that  a large percentage of Guyanese believe that it is the PPP that stole the elections.  Remember the Coalition has indicated it will be filing an elections petition.

When someone say that no one believe something they don't mean no one because that would be preposterous. That is just speech. The reality is that Granger earned the chagrin of everyone who were paying attention to the elections except his supporters. The only people who believe the PPP stole the elections are those who choose to believe the PNC but all the evidence is against them. They wouldn't get their belief ratified because the PNC will not file any petition. Fortunately the Ali government has signaled that they intend to pursue the events connecting to the saga from March thru August so the truth will come out even though the PNC may not wish it does.

@Former Member posted:

Burnham had the courage to tell the Americans to mind their own farm even as the country he was illegally ruling was the world's beggars. Granger tried to pretend he was religious and decent but no one believed him. In fact, his Caribbean friends began referring to him as the Sanctimonious Gangster.

Nah, not if the Americans had decided to turn a blind eye as in the Cold War. The PNC took their chances and tested American resolve. Had it not been for the American position, Granger would have been sworn in on Mar 3rd. 

@Former Member posted:

Nah, not if the Americans had decided to turn a blind eye as in the Cold War. The PNC took their chances and tested American resolve. Had it not been for the American position, Granger would have been sworn in on Mar 3rd. 

Exactly. But it was not only the Americans. He somehow felt that CARICOM would support his rigging and when they stood on the side of democracy he and his party began cussing even the leaders of CARICOM. Granger found himself like a man without a nation and eventually he ran out of places to run. While Granger will be remember as unfavorable as Burnham he will also be remembered for being clumsy unlike Burnham.


Burnham successfully rigged three elections and died in office.

Hoyte successfully rigged one election and failed at the second.

Granger unsuccessfully tried to rig one election and was forced to concede.

That's today's electoral history of Guyana.


When are you going back to see the new paradise and take some drinks with the kingpins?

@Former Member posted:

When someone say that no one believe something they don't mean no one because that would be preposterous. That is just speech. The reality is that Granger earned the chagrin of everyone who were paying attention to the elections except his supporters. The only people who believe the PPP stole the elections are those who choose to believe the PNC but all the evidence is against them. They wouldn't get their belief ratified because the PNC will not file any petition. Fortunately the Ali government has signaled that they intend to pursue the events connecting to the saga from March thru August so the truth will come out even though the PNC may not wish it does.

You can pretend to be religious, carry a bible, and still be the scum of the earth. Granger is a prime example. Jerry Falwell and Jim Baker are the next two that come to mind. Not because you say you are a god-fearing man means you are a good religious man. Who knows, Granger could have been watching porn in his living room and have a bible open in his hand.


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