@Former Member Banna, guh tek care of yuh wife dry bush. Po homan suffering cuz you can't get the job done. You don't want a repeat of what happened in kitty, when yuh girl ran away with a black fella due to neglect. Yuh scarred from that incident til today.
Here is this mother f cker showing up "yet" again attacking Indians. Of course his mother's p ussy is a swampland that was graze by so much jackass, he does not know who his f ckering father is.
I will be back later to cuss this N bitch, who reminds me of them hungry belly hooligans surrounding gecom ctr.
...lol....rampaging bigots reduced to their base banal instincts. gotta love it.
Gwana man: Looks like you/Redux and Ronan are all buddies.
@Former Member:
Watching that video Irfaan Ali has as much charsima as a boil on a camel's ass. This is the guy who will go before world leaders? SMFH (for Skeldon Man)
Which F H are you shaking? With all the "SMFH" shaking you have been doing, not sure you got any head left.
@Former Member
Wow. Writing the letter "N" does not hide your racism.
With people like you in Guyana there is no hope until you old skants ded out..smh
Chill fellas, please stay focused.
Katahar , if you don't like what Dave replied to the reptile, you can F'vck off dutty dog.
What happen to the quote feature, it gone?
@Former Member
I think we should all be more concerned about whether this is an affront to democracy. I believe that most people would accept APNU/AFC in power if they won fair and square. In fact when Amral first announced it I was surprised but accepted that Guyanese chose to retain the govt. Now with all the evidence pointing to fraud, ie overseas observers en masse objecting to the process and most of the small parties siding with PPP on claims of election fraud, I am not so sure. What I want is a democratic process. A fair elections will set the precedence in the future that if elected parties don't do what they promised on campaign, then they will be kicked out in 5 years. I think sufficient Guyanese have moved on from voting race to now voting on performance.
Hey Katahar, Guyana has no good because you and other crabdaag coolies backstabbed yuh mattee coolies to install Granger who is an even bigger racist than Burnham. You trying to sound smart now. Where was yuh smartness when you couldn't see farther than yuh nose when yuh backstabbed yuh coolie mattee?
@Former Member this is the real them. Once again, Gwana man has publicly defrocked them and left them buktaless for the world to see. All of them - big time PPP supporters. Imagine life in Guyana for black people under people like PPP supporter "Dave". This is what I'm talking about.
Swamp princess reduced to he base instincts of fantasizing about sex wid meh long, long, dead mudda. Lard ah mercy. No mo long winded posts an pretense at "debate", the real wimp now aflame in he bigotry and profanity, not to mention necrophilia. lol.
You wasting your time Reeper. Iguana already stated earlier today that blacks are perfectly right to steal the elections. He has no problem that their lazy asses didn't work as hard as the PPP to earn it. They can just steal it because that is how they operate. That is why I like this sign.
She wasn't dead when I was pounding her fool. But I am not surprised that she is dead now. Afterall that runaround sue lifestyle was going to catch up her sooner than later. Well she only knew street life.
@Former Member I agree with you on the process, but I still believe there is still enough anti black and anti everyone else hatred by Indians who will rule by sheer majority of their numbers. Prior to D2's departure I agreed with him that they system needs to be changed to one more in line with Guyana's needs. I do not hold out hope of that happening anytime soon. At least not with these 2 parties.
@Former Member
I don't like to generalize about race. It is not good practice and not good for race relations. Perhaps you can ease up on generalizing the Afro Guyanese as robbers and looters. Iguana may have his motive for cherry picking support for democracy, but that doesn't mean he should be discounted as a human.
I am not generalizing about blacks. My harsh criticism is for the ones deserving of it. There are a lot of blacks who don't loot so I am not saying that all blacks loot. All I am saying that the sign was made for blacks who loot. Similarly, there are a lot of blacks who don't agree with the events of yesterday so I my criticism is not to them. My criticism is to the ones who are aiding and abetting the theft yesterday. Right here I have labeled some Indians crabdaag coolies. My criticism is to them not all Indians. But Iguana is a PTSD suffering idiot so he is considered less than human.
@Former Member
Thanks Iguana for the show of reason. I think that the animosity here drives many of us to take extreme positions. Glad to hear that you also support a democratic process. The way I see it, if PPP gets in, then let them be warned that the people will not put up with their previous high handedness. That is why I feel that the APNU is not to be discounted, they can easily get their chance again should PPP slip and visa versa if APNU retains govt. These govts need to understand that they work for the people and not the other way around. We got to hold these elected officials feet to the fire.
@Former Member hey punk, don't walk it back. Be proud of the Indian bigot that you are. Were you referring ONLY to "some" blacks when you made your grand proclamation that "blacks are the scourge of the earth"? Don't attempt to hide now.
You vividly describing sex with a dead woman speaks to the world you live in. Typical of swamp people....lol.
If Granger is able to retain office after the shenanigans his party pulled yesterday in front of the world, they are never ever going to leave office. The first version PNC did not care that the country had become the second poorest country in the western hemisphere. They were still unleashing their goons on the law abiding people of Guyana in 1992. Then they had their slo fiah mo fiah violent campaigns that was intended to destabilize the country.
The PNC have no respect for the law . They laughed at the NCV and refused to call election, now again they rigged the election and would refuse to leave office. Question, why all the observers local and foreign say the election process is not credible and there is fraud.