@Django, what facts? Banna you are a shameless ass!!
Bai Dave, donβt stress with DJ, he is shameless. Just read what the credible OAS mission stated about the elections and that closes the case.
DJ and Granger will go down in GNI history as supporting rigging with an outdated rigging manual !
Just In
@@Former Member, he is a bold face shameless liar!
All Democracy lovers must Boycott DJ controlled GNI forum and insist that it be handed over to Ray !!!!!!!!
Hmmmm! So what happens, if this goes beyond the 15 days period for declaration ?
Hmmmm! So what happens, if this goes beyond the 15 days period for declaration ?
Good question
Looks like the half ripe Mango holding the nation for ransom.
Django You are a lying skont. You are bringing APNU make up spreadsheet to compare.
You have no fcking shame .
Check here https://www.gecom.org.gy/post/get/results
and see for your self , if you have the ability.
Django, if the PPP are the true riggers, why is it that they are the only ones who put their SOPs online for scrutiny? Why is it that they are the only ones calling for a recount of the votes. Why is it that they are only ones who have stated that they are willing to go back to the votes in the boxes if there are disagreements with the tabulation of the votes? If the APNU/AFC aren't the riggers, why is it that they have not called for any of these oversight measures? I include only the PPP and APNU/AFC because the fight is mostly between those two although all the other independent parties have vigorously opposed the PNC gaming of the system by GECOM. Don't say that the APNU/AFC aren't doing so because they are trying to stay out of GECOM's way because if you truly believe that, I own this bridge which you may be interested in buying.
They are the ones who change the rules in the middle of the game when they introduce unverify spread sheet instead of SOP...Again one reason why they refuse to present the region 4 winning SOP and shut up all and bring closure...simple isnt it?
They who ?
They. the ones who were taken to court to comply with the constution to present/tally SOPs...final request wont bother you anymore... one reason why they refuse to present the region 4 winning SOP and shut up all and bring closure...simple isnt it?
@ Kaz ,that's easy to figure out ,take first jump .
@sachin ,
check post Rochelle made earlier.
@Ksaz, go ahead and post the PPP spreadsheet.
Bai Django, I have absolutely no idea what you just said there.
Mits, I don't know how to use spreadsheets.
@Ksaz, I believe you. LOL!
All Democracy lovers must Boycott DJ controlled GNI forum and insist that it be handed over to Ray !!!!!!!!
Wee...wee..up the pants , only ayuh know about Democracy , is "abhee" or no way. Backstabber.