Putagee man is good man. If it was a Blackman he would a buss up she face and bruk she foot.
Cain should witness what PNC has in store for Putagee.
Yearwood in defending himself is arrested by the Police while Carol is allowed to continue threatening persons.
@Former Member I am Totaram. Tolaram a me mamoo from tap side.
Association of criminals dictators and *******s ACDA
Totaram is busted once again for her lies. That woman had no right approaching Yearwood. He was already leaving.
This APNU/AFC junkie was sent to attack persons who objected to the rigging of elections at GECOM.
Cain ran from Guyana since 1975. He was not there during the years when Burnham became a lunatic and madman.
She had to be a junkie to charge Yearwood unprovoked. Maybe she is related to that PTSD poster here. He too acts like a junkie.
People will see what they want to see. Don't try and convince them @Totaram. Hitting is apparently allowed and accepted. Of course if the tables were turned....
On a related note, realize how PPP/C reps have become silent on social media? The GECOM process will continue and conclude and they cannot stop it. They were present and chose to walk out. That was their choice.
Declaration to be made shortly. Forward ever, backward NEVER.
So Rochelle, yuh have any plans to attend the crabdance celebrations?
Statement from the Secretary-General of the Commonwealth on Guyana
2460 2384 71 2
On 11 March 2020, the Acting Chief Justice of Guyana was unambiguous that public and transparent tabulation of the Statement of Polls is required to ensure the credibility of the process and address continued contentions regarding the tabulation and declaration of election results.
I am deeply concerned that the Returning Officer for Region 4 has so far refused to comply with the ruling of the Court.
Further, it is regrettable that contempt of court proceedings against the Guyana Elections Commission had to take place today 13 March. This morningâs 13 March ruling from the Chief Justice leaves no doubt that the Returning Officer for Region 4 is now required to ensure that all those present can transparently view the actual Statement of Polls during the tabulation process. The tabulation of results in Region 4 must be fully conducted in accordance with the ruling of the Acting Chief Justice.
The Commonwealth Charter, to which Guyana ascribes, recognises the inalienable right of individuals to participate in democratic processes, in particular through free and fair elections in shaping the society in which they live.
There is still time for the Guyana Elections Commission, including the Chairperson, the Commissioners, the Chief Elections Officer, and Returning Officer for Region 4 to ensure democracy is preserved in Guyana. The people of Guyana are fully deserving of this.
I have noted the concerns contained in previous statements issued by the Commonwealth Observer Group in Guyana, and those issued by other observers and member governments on the ongoing vote tabulation process in Guyana. If the tabulation of Region 4 results is not immediately and satisfactorily addressed in accordance with the ruling of the Acting Chief Justice, this would represent a serious violation of the fundamental political values of the Commonwealth.
Try not to be too generous with the crabs though.
Thanks Dave. More to come. Granger will be so isolated, he would wish to exchange places with Saddam Hussein right now.
Look ya'll try wid dem, I dont tek too long fuh trip out pon foolish people. Trust me budday this nonsense at Gecom is overbearing.Nothing but a circus of jokers. Who dem foolin not me..The law mek a judgement and the Retarded officer sorry Returning Officer keep breaching the process. Big people walk out pon dem cause is a set a wrong numbers dem calling out with inflation in certain areas. Meh got friends all over and most of them is afro brothers and sisters. Dont feel this is bout race, the average person out deh would tell u is bare stupidness goin on at Gecom..Another show tomorrow who Goin.....

These are the things APNU-PNC CHRISTIAN supporters want u guys to Believe as they sit quietly watching our country enter UNCHARTED TERRITORY...
I need no friends or family who supports this blatant theft of our DEMOCRATIC RIGHT to choose our GOVERNMENT
I received some text concerning me calling out Christians for their HYPOCRISY..
Why the police didn't arrest Carol the same as how they arrested Yearwood. It took two to tangle and that monkey carol instigated the scrummage.