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The silence from PPP/C supporters is deafening. They were always the first to post online, contesting this or that. Always the first to host a press conference, always the first to demand justice. 

Where is Anil now? Sanjeev? Irfaan? Jagdeo? Anyone home? Perhaps they have come to the realization that all the noise, threats, outcries and demands have come to nought. 

Perhaps they are planning their next move, but however destructive, Mr. Granger will be sworn in, and the Americas will find a way to still broker a deal to gain access to our oil. ExxonMobil is still at play here, and oil prices will bounce back by the time they are due to extract. 

See you all at the swearing in.  

Last edited by Rochelle

The trouble is that even if the PNC gets their dirty crooked hands on the oil money they will not know how to properly utilize it. But I don't think they will get their hands on it. The PNC insulted the US Ambassador today and we all know how Trump doesn't like black people. God bless Trump and God bless the USA.


The big squeeze
The low price of oil will test governments in the Middle East and Africa

With less cash to bribe the people, some strongmen will resort to repression

Middle East and AfricaMar 12th 2020 edition

“In the history of any nation there are special moments and seminal events,” said President Uhuru Kenyatta in August. He was celebrating Kenya’s entry to the club of oil producers with a symbolic shipment of 200,000 barrels. “The first export of crude oil by our nation...marks a special moment in our history,” he declared.

Politicians love oil. Selling it generates easy money for governments; much easier than taxing citizens, who might then demand services, democracy and good governance. Petrodollars also lubricate patronage networks. They can be used to buy votes, silence rivals or, if that fails, fund a comfortable retirement abroad.


Looks like Rochelle wet she panty ...

Follow the link for yourself.

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I am no fan of Bharat Jagdeo or Irfan Ali. I campaigned vigoursly against them and for the APNU + AFC coalition in these, and in previous, elections.
I consider the new smaller parties to be a mixed bag of decent Guyanese, political opportunists and disgruntled persons - i.e. no different from any other party. For the record, I consider Jonathan Yearwood to be a decent Guyanese and a person I respect. I was sorry to see what happened to him today
I believe I am a rational person capable of independent thinking, despite my political affiliation. Given all that has taken place over the last twelve days I am not sufficiently convinced that the results of the Region 4 elections as declared by the GECOM RO last Thursday (March 5th) accurately reflect the results recorded on the various statements of poll collected from the 879 polling stations.


I see worse than this happening to Guyana because at least these people have oil on their land where they can reach it. Guyana is so fvcked that theirs in in the sea where Guyana cannot get to it. They will not know that the oil has been drawn and the proceeds deposited into a frozen account in the US.


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Last edited by Former Member

@Dave.  I never lived one single day under PPP rule.  We all knew what the GDF under the PNC represented.  My reference to the failure of the PPP relates to their 23 years.  I was long gone.

@Ksazma Regarding what I heard in 2011 while with the AFC, I mentioned that multiple times over the years on this forum.  That's why I was so apprehensive about the PNC taking power.  But dem Coolie crabs wanted to see the back of Jagdeo!  Maybe you missed in, but I mentioned it several times.

Ayuh full with excuses for the strategic failure of the PPP which produced today.  Not like Indians did not join, they did, but in small numbers.  How did Gajraj, Joe Singh, etc rise in the GDF?

PNC now got lil oil money coupled with the Venezuela threat, they will increase the forces to 10,000 with 95% Afros and PPP days done!

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