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@Mitwah posted:

So you are saying the PPP added another 100K to the list. 

Please note: It was not the PPP who created their own spreadsheet; It was PNC and Dingo. PPP had only the SOPs from the polling stations. That is what they are making their claim on. As for the dead people, it was Amna Ally who voted for all those dead people. Didn't you hear one jumbie can be in plenty of places at the same time? She made a mistake and voted for the PPP.

@Former Member posted:

Please note: It was not the PPP who created their own spreadsheet; It was PNC and Dingo. PPP had only the SOPs from the polling stations. That is what they are making their claim on. As for the dead people, it was Amna Ally who voted for all those dead people. Didn't you hear one jumbie can be in plenty of places at the same time? She made a mistake and voted for the PPP.

She did what?


Just a reminder to some 

Stabroek News publishes 116 Region Four Statements of Poll

Stabroek News is publishing hereunder 116 Statements of Poll (SoPs) that it collected in Region Four on the night of the March 2nd general elections and the days following.


The SoPs are in the form of photographic images and pertain to the general election and not the regional election.

The images of the SoPs were collected by reporters from the newspaper who visited numerous polling places across the country as part of the customary effort of providing early results to the public.

At a number of locations visited in Region Four SoPs were not available as compounds were locked.


Click for the full details

@Ramakant-P posted:

From Mahaica to Oagle district, the PPP only wii only have  2500 votes more than the PNC.

Uncle Rama, take a look at this.. Enmore and enterprise is not include..

In Mon Repos/Good Hope/Lusignan there were some 13,556 persons on the voters’ list but only 75% or 10,161 persons actually voted. Among those 10,161 persons, 93% or 9,451 voted for the PPPC while a paltry 580 persons or 6% voted for the APNU.

No photo description available.

Last edited by Former Member

In the Enmore District which includes Enterprise, the PPP never won by more than 800 votes.    The District includes Nabaclis/Golden grove, Bachelor's Adventure and Paradise..    

Mahaica District was always won by the PPP with only 650 votes.  

That is why they combined East Coast and Georgetown, where it would be advantageous to the PNC.

I am not a supporter of the PNC and i wish that they would lose, but those are the facts.  The bottom line is the Coalition will win Region 4 and they will be rewarded more Regional Districts seats.

@Ramakant-P posted:

In the Enmore District which includes Enterprise, the PPP never won by more than 800 votes.    The District includes Nabaclis/Golden grove, Bachelor's Adventure and Paradise..    

Mahaica District was always won by the PPP with only 650 votes.  

That is why they combined East Coast and Georgetown, where it would be advantageous to the PNC.

I am not a supporter of the PNC and i wish that they would lose, but those are the facts.  The bottom line is the Coalition will win Region 4 and they will be rewarded more Regional Districts seats.

I have no Idea what you are smoking uncle Rama. Part of Mahaica to Itica is Region 5, which is completed.

BelAir to Part of Mahaica is Region 4 where the majority of voters are PPPC still to be counted... I am a Enmore man who was a polling Agent in 1985 @Nabaclis and I also voted on March 2nd. There is no question about APNU winning Region 4 , but they will NOT will the election. I have the numbers for East Coast.






LBI / Chateu Margo

Mon Repose



Strasphey/ Vigilance

Melanie Daminisha East



I can go on and on....

Last edited by Former Member

Food for thought....

Thought local election is not a commanding reflector .. the gains by PPP in the local election is a reflection of the results in PPP side today .

The PPPC humiliated the Coalition at the 2016 local government elections.  APNU+AFC suffered a tremendous setback in those elections and were not able to recover in 2018 when the PPPC won again by more than 50,000 votes. The only other time in which the PPP won the popular vote by a larger margin of votes was in the 1992 General Elections. On that occasion, it won by 60,000 votes. Jagdeo was Marshaling  his troupe between 2015 and 2020 while APNU/ PNC was asleep. 


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