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@Former Member posted:

Why would I want to go to your house? Section 8 housing are residences infested with cockroaches and bedbugs. I don't need your EBT card either. I should withdraw my statement coming to your ghetto dwelling.

What you should withdraw is your claim to being a human being.  You and Ramakant are nasty, misguided racists.  I thought therapy would help you but your connection to rednecks puts you beyond redemption.  Your dilemma is that the KKK that you admire will lynch you without thinking because for them you are nothing more than a useless POS.  

@Totaram posted:

What you should withdraw is your claim to being a human being.  You and Ramakant are nasty, misguided racists.  I thought therapy would help you but your connection to rednecks puts you beyond redemption.  Your dilemma is that the KKK that you admire will lynch you without thinking because for them you are nothing more than a useless POS.  

These are the same types that would have fat talk online, but cower in the presence of Blacks.

They can't be racists. They would have to be part of a race that is actually economically and socially advanced. Which race could that be? Even if they attempt to integrate with Indians from India, they would be viewed and treated as outcasts. They would be likened to the dalits of India, also known as the "Untouchables". Far from any Brahmin caste. 

These are just disgruntled men with small tools that want to feel important. 

@Former Member posted:

Rochelle darling, what’s up with you today. Take it easy gal , don’t let this political impasse divides us further, it’s serves you no purpose but what your masters want. Them politicians socialize together with the most expensive booze. You will be left out in the wilderness silently. 

Rochelle darling?  u kack sure u talking to a gyal, bai?

@kp posted:

A code for Afro Guyanese, You know?

Her comments were Vile, repugnant and reprehensible as a Government Minister.  Volda Lawrence lead a group of violent PNC AFRO to disrupt a peaceful protect outside the Cheddie Jagan Reserch Centre. She spoke to a audience of AFRO at congress place when she said these words â€œThe only friends I got is PNC so the only people I gon give wuk to is PNC and right now, I looking for a doctor who can talk Spanish or Portuguese and ah want one that is PNC.”

"Never argue with a fool, they will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience".


@Former Member posted:

Her comments were Vile, repugnant and reprehensible as a Government Minister.  Volda Lawrence lead a group of violent PNC AFRO to disrupt a peaceful protect outside the Cheddie Jagan Reserch Centre. She spoke to a audience of AFRO at congress place when she said these words â€œThe only friends I got is PNC so the only people I gon give wuk to is PNC and right now, I looking for a doctor who can talk Spanish or Portuguese and ah want one that is PNC.”

"Never argue with a fool, they will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience".


Red House was stolen from the people of Guyana by the PPP.  She had every right to be protesting.  Cheddi was a friend of mine and I know he would not have approved of the way Red House was acquired by the PPP.  You still haven't shown where Volda Lawrence made a racist statement.  To be truthful : in your statements it is you who is demonstrating your racism.  I don't know if Volda Lawrence is racist or not but I have never heard her make racist remarks or seen reports of same.  I can't say the same for you and those of your ilk on this forum.  


GECOM explores increasing work stations to meet deadline – as end of Day 7 sees 48 ballot boxes counted

May 13, 2020 News 1 , Source - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...allot-boxes-counted/

The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has found that it may be necessary to increase the number of work stations being used for the National Recount of ballots cast at the March 2, 2020 polls with the aim of increasing its pace.

GECOM PRO Yolanda Ward

GECOM’s Public Relations Officer, Yolanda Ward, relayed to reporters yesterday that the Commission was expected to revise the 25-day timeline set for the recount; however, she explained that that revision will wait until after the possible additional stations are established.

Currently, GECOM has 10 work stations operating daily but Ward could not state definitively the number of workstations that are likely to be added.
That decision will be based on the advice from the National COVID-19 Task Force, headed by Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo.

Ward said that GECOM Chair, Ret’d Justice Claudette Singh will request that the National COVID-19 Task Force send a team to advice the Commission and make “on the spot” decisions on the placement of those additional stations.

According to her, two Commissioners had a “quick look around” at the Arthur Chung Conference Center, the site of the recount to determine how many additional stations can be established.

Ward explained that the 10 work stations are currently completing an estimated 45-55 ballots boxes daily, and with the addition of other stations, that number can be significantly increased to 70 or even 80 boxes.

She reported that at the end of day seven, exactly one week since the recount commenced, GECOM completed a total of 48 ballots boxes bringing the total to 311.

Ward said that 12 came from Region One; nine from Region Two, 12 from Region Three and the remaining 15 came from Region Four. Additionally, 288 Statements of Recount (SORs) were tabulated for General and 285 for Regional Elections.

The PRO relayed to the press that the Commission will also decide on cutting down the number of documents being reviewed in each ballot box.

Representatives from several parties have complained that the unnecessary queries and checks are aiding the slow pace and so the Commission has decided to eliminate those from the process.

“It was an observation that we can look at the content being examined, how some of that time can be minimized and just to focus on the contents which are relevant to the process,” Ward stated.

Among those documents to be ignored is the “folio”, a document containing images of each electorate. Additionally, GECOM the Observation Reports (Ors) will only contain anomalies that are discovered, excluding the objections made.

A document containing 25 issues and their resolutions prepared by GECOM will also be made available to the party agents. That document will help to resolve reoccurring issues at each workstation.

@Totaram posted:

Red House was stolen from the people of Guyana by the PPP.  She had every right to be protesting.  Cheddi was a friend of mine and I know he would not have approved of the way Red House was acquired by the PPP.  You still haven't shown where Volda Lawrence made a racist statement.  To be truthful : in your statements it is you who is demonstrating your racism.  I don't know if Volda Lawrence is racist or not but I have never heard her make racist remarks or seen reports of same.  I can't say the same for you and those of your ilk on this forum.  

[quote]“I don't know if Volda Lawrence is racist or not but I have never heard her make racist remarks or seen reports of same.”
l am sure you don’t know 33>32 either or Mingo declaration was fraudulent even though the world of observer call it such....


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