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@Ramakant-P posted:

The PPP/C started to climb again. They are leading now by 26,162 votes.

Let's hope that this recount is complete before anyone declares victory. It will be interesting to see how they resolve all the dead and out of jurisdiction votes. It looks like the PNC has been going and getting dead people death certificates without the family's permission and using them as proof. However, when the list is checked, that person's name was not ticked off as voted. All kinds of games going on.

@Former Member posted:

Let's hope that this recount is complete before anyone declares victory. It will be interesting to see how they resolve all the dead and out of jurisdiction votes. It looks like the PNC has been going and getting dead people death certificates without the family's permission and using them as proof. However, when the list is checked, that person's name was not ticked off as voted. All kinds of games going on.

At the Births and Deaths Department, You can get a birth or death certificate if you pay fees or if you know the right person.

@Former Member posted:

Has the recount shown an increase in votes for the winner. APNU. Asking for your help.

With 389 boxes counted already, APNU/AFC is leading the PPP/C by 29,571 votes.  There are 490 boxes left to be counted. According to the law of averages, APNU/AFC will double that amount.     I could be wrong but who knows what will happen.


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