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June 19 2019


Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo is adamant that elections can be held within three months, despite claims by the Guyana Elections Commission that the earliest possible date would be some time in November.

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo

During a press briefing at the Office of the Leader of the Opposition Leader yesterday, Jagdeo related that he is pleased with the rulings of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ).The court ruled yesterday that the No-Confidence motion of December 21, 2018 was validly passed, and that the appointment by President David Granger of Justice (ret’d) James Patterson as the Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) was flawed and unconstitutional.
“What we are happy about is that the Caribbean Court of Justice has just disclosed a victory for Constitutional rule in Guyana.” Jagdeo said.However, he added that there is no room for “triumphalist gloating by the People’s Progressive Party”.
The move now by the PPP is to kick into campaign mode, he said, and that starts today.He said that the ruling now means that there will be a “sprint” toward elections.“Today the final Court has spoken and we will be intolerant about anything that has nothing to do with holding Elections.”The Opposition Leader was asked whether the three-month timeline he gave would be sufficient for the cleansing of the Official List of Electors (OLE) and the appointment of a new chairman for GECOM.
He said that it would be sufficient, but did not explain how that would play out, explaining that he wants to wait on the Consequential Orders from the CCJ to direct Government and Opposition on a principled way forward. Those orders are slated to be made by the CCJ on Monday, June 24, 2019.Multiple commissioners at GECOM had informed this publication that the qualifying date for the OLE is October 31, 2019. This means that General and Regional Elections can’t be held before November.But Jagdeo firmly opposes this view.Even with the timeline Jagdeo gave yesterday, he said that it does not mean that government should have a pass. “The count can’t start from today. The count must start from when the No-Confidence Motion was validly passed, which was the 21st of December; the three months from that date, and that ended in March of this year.” Jagdeo said.
At this juncture, Jagdeo said that the PPP hopes the staff of GECOM and the commissioners abide by the ruling and hold early elections.He recalled a statement earlier yesterday by the President, which included mention of a November date for elections, and advocacy for House-to-House Registration.President Granger called the list corrupted, and said that it may have as much as 200,000 incorrect entries.
The President also said that persons who have recently turned 18 years old are not on the list.Jagdeo said that this is false, and that persons registered from the age of 14 during the last continuous registration process of July 2018 are on the list. He further said that the November timeline is not acceptable, and that the President is “divorced from the reality of Constitutional rule”; an indication that the President is using these contentions as excuses to “hang on to office”.
He added that the President’s discretion to freely declare a date for elections is diminished when a vote of No Confidence is passed, since the Constitution gives a three-month timeline in this case, adding that the President has to follow the law.
The Opposition Leader called on the international community to take a strong position on respect for democracy, now that the final court has ruled.
He also commented on several other consequences of the motion; the legality of Government’s actions after March 21, 2019, i.e. the three month deadline for elections, after the passing of the motion.“[What this means is that] the government has been illegal since March 21, 2019”.Jagdeo read a release from the CCJ on the matter, which states “… Guyana’s Constitution states that the Cabinet including the President, is required to resign if the government is defeated by the majority vote of all the elected members of the National Assembly on ‘a vote of confidence’”
He said that the only reason Government should have stayed in office was to hold elections.
Jagdeo noted that, in the past few months, government awarded contracts, conducted outreaches, passed the Natural Resource Fund Act, and made amendments to several acts in the National Assembly, including one that gave a series of public organisations a total $7.9B supplement.He said, “This government has not acted, since December of last year in a caretaker capacity. What it has done is business as usual.”All of these things will be considered illegal under a PPP government, he noted, but whether he would seek to reverse contracts and amendments to the law has not yet been decided. The PPP is now seeking legal advice to determine how practical it would be to make certain reversals.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Pnc  bais invented "corrupt" voters list as phase 4 in their strategy to cling to power to the bitter end.  Jagdeo is doing his job as opposition leader,   the slopsters continued lambasting of him is another deflection mechanism.  What they expect him to do? Staan quiet and bow to pnc delay tactics or be vocal and represent the interest of the PPP constituents? 


Note that it is Jagdeo's detractors that are crying that he is not needed. And for good reason, he is a thorn in their sides as he has the support of the people. That is why they were so bent out of shape about the possibility of him running for a 3rd term. 

Drugb posted:

Note that it is Jagdeo's detractors that are crying that he is not needed. And for good reason, he is a thorn in their sides as he has the support of the people.

That is why they were so bent out of shape about the possibility of him running for a 3rd term. 

What alyuh don't note, is his undemocratic actions fooling the East Indians he have their interest at heart. He couldn't uplift the poor in 12 yrs of his tenure, do you think his intention of folding up sleeves in a darkroom will cut the mustard ? heads need to be examined !!!

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Note that it is Jagdeo's detractors that are crying that he is not needed. And for good reason, he is a thorn in their sides as he has the support of the people.

That is why they were so bent out of shape about the possibility of him running for a 3rd term. 

What alyuh don't note, is his undemocratic actions fooling the East Indians he have their interest at heart. He couldn't uplift the poor in 12 yrs of his tenure, do you think his intention of folding up sleeves in a darkroom will cut the mustard ? heads need to be examined !!!

Past actions are a good predictor of his future performance. 

Mitwah posted:

Past actions are a good predictor of his future performance. 

Does that mean that the Coalition government needs to be voted out since their actions over the past 4 years have not been for the benefit of the Guyanese people?

ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:

Past actions are a good predictor of his future performance. 

Does that mean that the Coalition government needs to be voted out since their actions over the past 4 years have not been for the benefit of the Guyanese people?

Which paper you reading from Guyana ?

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:

Past actions are a good predictor of his future performance. 

Does that mean that the Coalition government needs to be voted out since their actions over the past 4 years have not been for the benefit of the Guyanese people?

Which paper you reading from Guyana ?

Bai, I not reading any paper. I will never support the PNC so I don’t really need any reason to oppose them. I don’t care for the PPP either but as long as they are the stopper of the PNC, I will support them.

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:

Past actions are a good predictor of his future performance. 

Does that mean that the Coalition government needs to be voted out since their actions over the past 4 years have not been for the benefit of the Guyanese people?

Which paper you reading from Guyana ?

Bai, I not reading any paper. I will never support the PNC so I don’t really need any reason to oppose them. I don’t care for the PPP either but as long as they are the stopper of the PNC, I will support them.

So how can you say the Guyanese people aren't benefiting, there is growth in the Country.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:

Past actions are a good predictor of his future performance. 

Does that mean that the Coalition government needs to be voted out since their actions over the past 4 years have not been for the benefit of the Guyanese people?

Which paper you reading from Guyana ?

Bai, I not reading any paper. I will never support the PNC so I don’t really need any reason to oppose them. I don’t care for the PPP either but as long as they are the stopper of the PNC, I will support them.

So how can you say the Guyanese people aren't benefiting, there is growth in the Country.

I have people in Guyana who says that this government is an abject failure. Why you think voters didn’t come out to support them even after they took out a full page ad in the newspaper begging for voters support?

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:

Past actions are a good predictor of his future performance. 

Does that mean that the Coalition government needs to be voted out since their actions over the past 4 years have not been for the benefit of the Guyanese people?

Which paper you reading from Guyana ?

Bai, I not reading any paper. I will never support the PNC so I don’t really need any reason to oppose them. I don’t care for the PPP either but as long as they are the stopper of the PNC, I will support them.

So how can you say the Guyanese people aren't benefiting, there is growth in the Country.

Django what do you call growth?? 

Show us.  

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:

Past actions are a good predictor of his future performance. 

Does that mean that the Coalition government needs to be voted out since their actions over the past 4 years have not been for the benefit of the Guyanese people?

Which paper you reading from Guyana ?

Bai, I not reading any paper. I will never support the PNC so I don’t really need any reason to oppose them. I don’t care for the PPP either but as long as they are the stopper of the PNC, I will support them.

So how can you say the Guyanese people aren't benefiting, there is growth in the Country.

I have people in Guyana who says that this government is an abject failure. Why you think voters didn’t come out to support them even after they took out a full page ad in the newspaper begging for voters support?

Django fetching water in basket for PNC.. let he enjoy the moment. 

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:

Past actions are a good predictor of his future performance. 

Does that mean that the Coalition government needs to be voted out since their actions over the past 4 years have not been for the benefit of the Guyanese people?

Which paper you reading from Guyana ?

Bai, I not reading any paper. I will never support the PNC so I don’t really need any reason to oppose them. I don’t care for the PPP either but as long as they are the stopper of the PNC, I will support them.

So how can you say the Guyanese people aren't benefiting, there is growth in the Country.

I have people in Guyana who says that this government is an abject failure. Why you think voters didn’t come out to support them even after they took out a full page ad in the newspaper begging for voters support?

The IMF says they are on track.

Me thinks their support have increased since the NCV , from then they are on the ground meeting people.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Note that it is Jagdeo's detractors that are crying that he is not needed. And for good reason, he is a thorn in their sides as he has the support of the people.

That is why they were so bent out of shape about the possibility of him running for a 3rd term. 

What alyuh don't note, is his undemocratic actions fooling the East Indians he have their interest at heart. He couldn't uplift the poor in 12 yrs of his tenure, do you think his intention of folding up sleeves in a darkroom will cut the mustard ? heads need to be examined !!!

Bai that is your and your party's opinion. Don't confuse opinion with facts. The man is your greatest obstacle. If you can push a button and get rid of him, a great relief would flood your collective souls, along with lillym, you might even get a raise. 

Also note that Guyana prospered under Jagdeo despite afc/pnc sabotage of the nation via mo fiah slow fiah, making the country ungovernable etc. Quite an accomplishment despite the obstacles you folks put up to sabotage. 


DAVE, SOME PEOPLE are slaves to incompetence, stupidity, immorality, lack of intelligence and integrity. They will forever be lead into darkness . It takes a special group of people to be in this category!!

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:

So how can you say the Guyanese people aren't benefiting, there is growth in the Country.

I have people in Guyana who says that this government is an abject failure. Why you think voters didn’t come out to support them even after they took out a full page ad in the newspaper begging for voters support?

The IMF says they are on track.

Me thinks their support have increased since the NCV , from then they are on the ground meeting people.

The elections if fair will be the best gauge of how the voters feel about the Coalition.

Django posted:

Elections can and must be held within 3 months – Opposition Leader

June 19 2019,  Source

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo is adamant that elections can be held within three months, despite claims by the Guyana Elections Commission that the earliest possible date would be some time in November.

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo

Correct --- elections must be held three months from the recent decision.

The start of the three months can begin either from yesterday when the decision was announced or three months when the official documents are presented.

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Note that it is Jagdeo's detractors that are crying that he is not needed. And for good reason, he is a thorn in their sides as he has the support of the people.

That is why they were so bent out of shape about the possibility of him running for a 3rd term. 

What alyuh don't note, is his undemocratic actions fooling the East Indians he have their interest at heart. He couldn't uplift the poor in 12 yrs of his tenure, do you think his intention of folding up sleeves in a darkroom will cut the mustard ? heads need to be examined !!!

Bai that is your and your party's opinion. Don't confuse opinion with facts. The man is your greatest obstacle. If you can push a button and get rid of him, a great relief would flood your collective souls, along with lillym, you might even get a raise. 

Also note that Guyana prospered under Jagdeo despite afc/pnc sabotage of the nation via mo fiah slow fiah, making the country ungovernable etc. Quite an accomplishment despite the obstacles you folks put up to sabotage. 

He should read in Moses own words the challenges BJ faces.

“But he stood the test of time, and we now know that he is made of the good stuff. Like MOSES, he parted the flood waters and made this land dry and wholesome again!”

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Note that it is Jagdeo's detractors that are crying that he is not needed. And for good reason, he is a thorn in their sides as he has the support of the people.

That is why they were so bent out of shape about the possibility of him running for a 3rd term. 

What alyuh don't note, is his undemocratic actions fooling the East Indians he have their interest at heart. He couldn't uplift the poor in 12 yrs of his tenure, do you think his intention of folding up sleeves in a darkroom will cut the mustard ? heads need to be examined !!!

Bai that is your and your party's opinion. Don't confuse opinion with facts. The man is your greatest obstacle. If you can push a button and get rid of him, a great relief would flood your collective souls, along with lillym, you might even get a raise. 

Also note that Guyana prospered under Jagdeo despite afc/pnc sabotage of the nation via mo fiah slow fiah, making the country ungovernable etc. Quite an accomplishment despite the obstacles you folks put up to sabotage. 

Where you pulled that from  ? check the facts and come back again. He is no obstacle, he is digging his own hole. As i mentioned heads need to be examined.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Note that it is Jagdeo's detractors that are crying that he is not needed. And for good reason, he is a thorn in their sides as he has the support of the people.

That is why they were so bent out of shape about the possibility of him running for a 3rd term. 

What alyuh don't note, is his undemocratic actions fooling the East Indians he have their interest at heart. He couldn't uplift the poor in 12 yrs of his tenure, do you think his intention of folding up sleeves in a darkroom will cut the mustard ? heads need to be examined !!!

Bai that is your and your party's opinion. Don't confuse opinion with facts. The man is your greatest obstacle. If you can push a button and get rid of him, a great relief would flood your collective souls, along with lillym, you might even get a raise. 

Also note that Guyana prospered under Jagdeo despite afc/pnc sabotage of the nation via mo fiah slow fiah, making the country ungovernable etc. Quite an accomplishment despite the obstacles you folks put up to sabotage. 

Where you pulled that from  ? check the facts and come back again. He is no obstacle, he is digging his own hole. As i mentioned heads need to be examined.

Is that why yall get heart attack when yuh hear rumor about him wanting fuh run fuh 3 terms? Yall frighten de man lakka rass. 

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Note that it is Jagdeo's detractors that are crying that he is not needed. And for good reason, he is a thorn in their sides as he has the support of the people.

That is why they were so bent out of shape about the possibility of him running for a 3rd term. 

What alyuh don't note, is his undemocratic actions fooling the East Indians he have their interest at heart. He couldn't uplift the poor in 12 yrs of his tenure, do you think his intention of folding up sleeves in a darkroom will cut the mustard ? heads need to be examined !!!

Bai that is your and your party's opinion. Don't confuse opinion with facts. The man is your greatest obstacle. If you can push a button and get rid of him, a great relief would flood your collective souls, along with lillym, you might even get a raise. 

Also note that Guyana prospered under Jagdeo despite afc/pnc sabotage of the nation via mo fiah slow fiah, making the country ungovernable etc. Quite an accomplishment despite the obstacles you folks put up to sabotage. 

Where you pulled that from  ? check the facts and come back again. He is no obstacle, he is digging his own hole. As i mentioned heads need to be examined.

Is that why yall get heart attack when yuh hear rumor about him wanting fuh run fuh 3 terms? Yall frighten de man lakka rass. 

What a post , weak very weak , there was no rumor it was real ,setup by a mystery man to challenge  an amendment in the Constitution, he signed.

Too much deflection, have a great day !!!


I spoke to many young people in Guyana about Bharat Jagdeo.  I was surprised to find out that they view Jagdeo in very much the same way the older generation viewed Cheddie.  Jagdeo is a household name in Guyana that is very much respected.  They criticize him but they acknowledge his contribution in pulling Guyana out of the deep hole that the PNC buried us in. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Django posted:

What a post , weak very weak , there was no rumor it was real ,setup by a mystery man to challenge  an amendment in the Constitution, he signed.

Too much deflection, have a great day !!!

Read BRB post above and come to terms with your hatred for Jaggy. The people will be judge, not some ovaseas slave to pnc. 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I spoke to many young people in Guyana about Bharat Jagdeo.  I was surprised to find out that they view Jagdeo in very much the same way the older generation viewed Cheddie.  Jagdeo is a household name in Guyana that is very much respected.  They criticize him but they acknowledge his contribution in pulling Guyana out of the deep hole that the PNC buried us in. 

I travel in villages of all races ones or twice per month.. it’s all about Jagdeo. Some Afro village cussing on hearing Granger name. They acknowledge voting for him 2015 and AFC, but regret.. they claim they were better of under PPP. 


The PPP has the advantage.  I don’t think the PNC willing to roll over.  Sometimes I wonder if the PPP did not go the NCM route and just challenge the Coalition in elections, would it have workout better?  With the NCM the PNC has used it to mobilize their base.   Had there been no NCV, would their base been as mobilized?

Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I spoke to many young people in Guyana about Bharat Jagdeo.  I was surprised to find out that they view Jagdeo in very much the same way the older generation viewed Cheddie. 

Jagdeo is a household name in Guyana that is very much respected. 

They criticize him but they acknowledge his contribution in pulling Guyana out of the deep hole that the PNC buried us in. 

Among which households ?

You need to be truthful when making such statements, there were debt write off for the Country.

Drugb posted:
Django posted:

What a post , weak very weak , there was no rumor it was real ,setup by a mystery man to challenge  an amendment in the Constitution, he signed.

Too much deflection, have a great day !!!

Read BRB post above and come to terms with your hatred for Jaggy. The people will be judge, not some ovaseas slave to pnc. 

Not hate, stating facts still grabbing for power. By the way whose boot you licking.

here is a refresher

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:

What a post , weak very weak , there was no rumor it was real ,setup by a mystery man to challenge  an amendment in the Constitution, he signed.

Too much deflection, have a great day !!!

Read BRB post above and come to terms with your hatred for Jaggy. The people will be judge, not some ovaseas slave to pnc. 

Not hate, stating facts still grabbing for power. By the way whose boot you licking.

here is a refresher

Question Django.

What are you selling from an article that was published in September 2006. 

Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I spoke to many young people in Guyana about Bharat Jagdeo.  I was surprised to find out that they view Jagdeo in very much the same way the older generation viewed Cheddie. 

Jagdeo is a household name in Guyana that is very much respected. 

They criticize him but they acknowledge his contribution in pulling Guyana out of the deep hole that the PNC buried us in. 

Among which households ?

You need to be truthful when making such statements, there were debt write off for the Country.

You Django, I am speaking to you.. get use to the face and name Dr Bharrat Jagdeo. You will have to live with it. 


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