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Experts Warn Guyana Of Huge Refugee Crisis As The Venezuelan Economy Plunges
venezuela economy guyana press

The mayor of Chacao in Venezuela’s capital Caracas has warned that neighboring countries such as Guyana may suffer an influx of refugees from Venezuela if food shortages continue in the country.

The mayor, Ramón Muchacho, said that people have been reduced to hunting cats, dogs and pigeons for food.

“As hunger deepens, we could see more Venezuelans fleeing by land or sea to an island,” he said.

Venezuela saw a new wave of looting last week that resulted in at least two deaths, countless wounded, and millions of dollars in losses and damages, as desperation sets in among hungry residents and the country appears to be on the verge of complete collapse and chaos.

Similarly when the eruption of the Syrian conflict in March 2011, the world came to face the largest wave of forced migration in recent history. What began as a small-scale internal displacement problem quickly escalated into a large-scale crisis, one that spilled across borders into neighboring countries. As of October 2015, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, and other neighboring countries host more than four million Syrians refugees.

As of 2015 the Venezuelan population was at 30,933,000 and experts predict a 9% mass migration towards Guyana’s borders which can translate to upwards of 3,000,000 illegal migrants on Guyana’s doorsteps. The economic pressures caused by the influx of Syrian refugees on countries such as Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan, Iraq are substantial.

Guyana being a small economy will soon have to manage the effects of their unstable next-door neighbours.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

It is good, let them come and grant them legal status to stay and build their lives.  They rescued Guyanese by the thousands when the PNC destroyed the nation in the late 70s early 80's.

The US is the architect of this destruction, let Granger ask Obama for Money.  Trump might not pony up without the PPP in power!!

ba$eman posted:


The US is the architect of this destruction.!!

MadBURRO and Burnham did the same thing, including blaming the USA for their woes. How come you believe MadBURRO and not Burnham.

All those who claim Venezuelans will arrive and "develop Guyana" merely need to ask Lebanon, Jordan, and Turkey about how much they feel that they benefit from the hordes of refugees living within their borders.

You can also ask the refugees themselves about life without a source of income in poor countries.

Last edited by Former Member

I can't talk about Lebanon etc. But they have done a good job improving the economy in England. From those expelled by Idi Amin, to those fleeing Ethiopia etc.: most of them have made a huge and positive contribution to the UK economy.


Also baseman just because you are a racist brown bai KKK, who supports Trump, that doesn't mean Trump cares about you.

If Trump doesn't value relationships with the UK, the second strongest ally of the USA, behind Canada, you need to know that Guyana isn't anywhere on his radar.

He will care more about St Vincent and the Grenadines where he actually owns property, or at least leases his name.

Last edited by Former Member
Mr.T posted:

I can't talk about Lebanon etc. But they have done a good job improving the economy in England. From those expelled by Idi Amin, to those fleeing Ethiopia etc.: most of them have made a huge and positive contribution to the UK economy.

Interesting, that most British people don't seem to agree with you that refugees are a good thing. The hordes in Calais would be shocked to know that.

East African Asians are a highly educated people. In addition, most were either rich, or seriously upper middle class. They had the tools to be quickly self reliant.

Tell us about the Somalis, who are more like the type of people we will get from Venezuela.

Most Venezuelans likely to migrate to Guyana are impoverished people. Those equivalent to the East African Asians fled to Miami long ago.  The notion that a rich Venezuelan will flee to Guyana is a joke. If they cannot get to the USA, then they will go to Colombia, Panama, the Dutch islands, or even Trinidad.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Mr.T posted:

I can't talk about Lebanon etc. But they have done a good job improving the economy in England. From those expelled by Idi Amin, to those fleeing Ethiopia etc.: most of them have made a huge and positive contribution to the UK economy.

Interesting, that most British people don't seem to agree with you that refugees are a good thing. The hordes in Calais would be shocked to know that.

It's not true that most British think different. It is the right wing parties like UKIP whose supporters blame refugees for the housing and school places crisis. The official government figures on taxes etc contributed by immigrants show a massive amount of benefits. Most of our health service is staffed by migrants as an example.

caribny posted:

Also baseman just because you are a racist brown bai KKK, who supports Trump, that doesn't mean Trump cares about you.

If Trump doesn't value relationships with the UK, the second strongest ally of the USA, behind Canada, you need to know that Guyana isn't anywhere on his radar.

He will care more about St Vincent and the Grenadines where he actually owns property, or at least leases his name.

I don't need Trump to "care" for me.  Get the economy going, I will care for myself!!

All your anti-trump ranting on this board to the 150 or so readers don't make a difference.  Watch Trump take on and take down Hillary!


Hey! This is might turn out to be the solution to the problem "Reclamacion" for Venezuela as hundreds of thousands take refuge in Essequibo. 

30,000 Guyanese are leaving Venezeula for Guyana.  Over 90% Indos.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Hey! This is might turn out to be the solution to the problem "Reclamacion" for Venezuela as hundreds of thousands take refuge in Essequibo. 

30,000 Guyanese are leaving Venezeula for Guyana.  Over 90% Indos.  

A few hundreds of thousands and most of the Guyanese returning, that would not be bad.  Guyana needs people!!

Mr.T posted:
caribny posted:

It's not true that most British think different. It is the right wing parties like UKIP whose supporters blame refugees for the housing and school places crisis. The official government figures on taxes etc contributed by immigrants show a massive amount of benefits. Most of our health service is staffed by migrants as an example.

If it was just UKIP then why all the drama in the UK about immigrants, when most of them these days are either refugees, or other EU nationals?

Cameron isn't running to Syrians with an open arm, wailing, "Come to the UK, we welcome you", the way that the Germans did last year! 

Its not was if West Indians are boarding ships and heading to the "motherland" the way that they did almost 70 years ago!

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Hey! This is might turn out to be the solution to the problem "Reclamacion" for Venezuela as hundreds of thousands take refuge in Essequibo. 

30,000 Guyanese are leaving Venezeula for Guyana.  Over 90% Indos.  

Interesting. So Guyanese, many of whom fled there under PPP rule, are returning to the PNC dominated Guyana.

So much for "blackman a kill ahbe".

caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Hey! This is might turn out to be the solution to the problem "Reclamacion" for Venezuela as hundreds of thousands take refuge in Essequibo. 

30,000 Guyanese are leaving Venezeula for Guyana.  Over 90% Indos.  

Interesting. So Guyanese, many of whom fled there under PPP rule, are returning to the PNC dominated Guyana.

So much for "blackman a kill ahbe".

Regardless, it would be great if the do return.


Who are these experts that are saying that Venezuelans would be going to Guyana?  Three quarters of the continent of South America is Spanish speaking and Venezuela has good relations with most of its South American neighbors.  Would Venezuelans really go to an English speaking country with a government that hates them??????

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Who are these experts that are saying that Venezuelans would be going to Guyana?  Three quarters of the continent of South America is Spanish speaking and Venezuela has good relations with most of its South American neighbors.  Would Venezuelans really go to an English speaking country with a government that hates them??????

True, but we might see that 30k Guyanese return before 2020!!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Who are these experts that are saying that Venezuelans would be going to Guyana?  Three quarters of the continent of South America is Spanish speaking and Venezuela has good relations with most of its South American neighbors.  Would Venezuelans really go to an English speaking country with a government that hates them??????

They only moving to the Essequibo part of Venezuela, which the PPP has now recognized as Venezuela friendly.


Is this the same Venezuela who just the other day was engaging in a show of force near our border? Sending gunboats up the Cayuni River and so on. It makes perfect sense now. It's not land they want but food, and we have a lot of that.
I suppose it wouldn't be such a bad idea to start issuing Guyanese citizenship to Venezuelan Nationals in close proximity to our borders.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Who are these experts that are saying that Venezuelans would be going to Guyana? .

Guyanese fled to Venezuela, even though they don't speak Spanish (many of them don't speak English either).

Given that Venezuelans are more likely to speak English, than Guyanese are to speak Spanish, language isn't going to stop them.

Any way if 1 million of them arrive Spanish will be the language any way.

Last edited by Former Member
Prashad posted:

Wait until they come to Guyana you will see how fast they run back. Just like them chinese who came.

Granger should welcome them.  That will guarantee that the PPP will lose for ever.  They hate MadBURRO, while Jagdeo lusts after him.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Who are these experts that are saying that Venezuelans would be going to Guyana?  Three quarters of the continent of South America is Spanish speaking and Venezuela has good relations with most of its South American neighbors.  Would Venezuelans really go to an English speaking country with a government that hates them??????

Do you know how many Brazilians retreated to Guyana when the gov't tightened up forest monitoring there? And most of them still speak no English but they're thriving. I'm sure the same would happen should Venezuelans decide to flock to Guyana's shores. They'll already have compañeros with the many Cubans resident there. In any case, last I recall Venezuela was fighting with Colombia and kicking Colombians out, so hardly a chance that they'll retreat there. 

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The PPP always had good relations with Venezuela. .

PPP always had good relations with MadBURRO.  Venezuelans now hate him, so will also hate the PPP.

Look at this dirty liar saying Venezuelans hate Jagdeo.  Yet your PNC government is begging Jagdeo to get back the rice market that they lost because they thought the PNC elitists in Belize was going to pave the streets of Guyana in gold with rice money.

You are a hypocrite!!

Bibi Haniffa

300k to 400k flocking to the Ebo region, welcomed by the PPP leadership as brotherly neighbors in need and payback for the hand of friendship offered to many Guyanese in our time of need under the PNC apartheid, is not a bad thing.

If this does happen and many seek refuge, I would support the hand of friendship!

Frankly however, I don't see why they would come.  The PNC has little to offer in way of economic assistance.  The economy has flat-lined and the Guyanese people are starting to feel the pinch.  Guyanese ran to Venezuela for economic reasons.  This same does not exists the other way even with the issues in Venezuela.  It's not like the fleeing from civil war!

Venezuelans will flock on boats and head out to TT instead of Guyana!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The PPP always had good relations with Venezuela. .

PPP always had good relations with MadBURRO.  Venezuelans now hate him, so will also hate the PPP.

Look at this dirty liar saying Venezuelans hate Jagdeo.  Yet your PNC government is begging Jagdeo to get back the rice market that they lost because they thought the PNC elitists in Belize was going to pave the streets of Guyana in gold with rice money.

You are a hypocrite!!

That is in your head,you make up stuff to boost your hero.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
.  Yet your PNC government is begging Jagdeo to get back the rice market

You are a hypocrite!!

Addled with your love for Jagdeo, and frustrated that he rejects you because you lack the appendage that he craves, your brain is addled.

1. It was Jagdeo who screamed that Guyana should reactivate the rice deal.

2. Granger said that he will speak to Cheryl Miles to see if she can talk to the Venezuelans on it.  He then stated that it was up to Venezuela to decide whether this was what they wanted.


Jagdeo (screaming): "Granger make Venezuela buy Guyana rice".

Granger: " OK, I will chat with Cheryl to see if she can ask Venezuela if they want Guyanese rice".

Cheryl: "MadBURRO, your people are starving.  Do you want to resume buying Guyanese rice?"

MadBURRO (bellowing): "NO!  I am going to Trinidad to beg them to refine our oil, as I DESTROYED our oil refineries". "In addition my best friend Jagdeo told me not to talk to you!"

Cheryl: "David, MadBURRO says he doesn't want our rice".

Granger: "OK. Was just saying that because I am tired of Jagdeo's hysterical screams in my ear. Isn't Bobby satisfying that creature? Because daily he behaves like a woman who is not being sexually satiated. Maybe I should tell Gary to go kiss Jagdeo for old times sake".

Last edited by Former Member

Many of the Guyanese living in the San Felix, El Callao area have returned along with most of the Amerindians in the Tucupita and Roraima areas. In the 80's the Venezuelan gov had estimated around 150,000 Guyanese were living in Southern Venezuela. 

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
.  Yet your PNC government is begging Jagdeo to get back the rice market

You are a hypocrite!!

Addled with your love for Jagdeo, and frustrated that he rejects you because you lack the appendage that he craves, your brain is addled.

1. It was Jagdeo who screamed that Guyana should reactivate the rice deal.

2. Granger said that he will speak to Cheryl Miles to see if she can talk to the Venezuelans on it.  He then stated that it was up to Venezuela to decide whether this was what they wanted.


Jagdeo (screaming): "Granger make Venezuela buy Guyana rice".

Granger: " OK, I will chat with Cheryl to see if she can ask Venezuela if they want Guyanese rice".

Cheryl: "MadBURRO, your people are starving.  Do you want to resume buying Guyanese rice?"

MadBURRO (bellowing): "NO!  I am going to Trinidad to beg them to refine our oil, as I DESTROYED our oil refineries". "In addition my best friend Jagdeo told me not to talk to you!"

Cheryl: "David, MadBURRO says he doesn't want our rice".

Granger: "OK. Was just saying that because I am tired of Jagdeo's hysterical screams in my ear. Isn't Bobby satisfying that creature? Because daily he behaves like a woman who is not being sexually satiated. Maybe I should tell Gary to go kiss Jagdeo for old times sake".

Is this you talking to an empty chair?

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
.  Yet your PNC government is begging Jagdeo to get back the rice market

You are a hypocrite!!

Addled with your love for Jagdeo, and frustrated that he rejects you because you lack the appendage that he craves, your brain is addled.

1. It was Jagdeo who screamed that Guyana should reactivate the rice deal.

2. Granger said that he will speak to Cheryl Miles to see if she can talk to the Venezuelans on it.  He then stated that it was up to Venezuela to decide whether this was what they wanted.


Jagdeo (screaming): "Granger make Venezuela buy Guyana rice".

Granger: " OK, I will chat with Cheryl to see if she can ask Venezuela if they want Guyanese rice".

Cheryl: "MadBURRO, your people are starving.  Do you want to resume buying Guyanese rice?"

MadBURRO (bellowing): "NO!  I am going to Trinidad to beg them to refine our oil, as I DESTROYED our oil refineries". "In addition my best friend Jagdeo told me not to talk to you!"

Cheryl: "David, MadBURRO says he doesn't want our rice".

Granger: "OK. Was just saying that because I am tired of Jagdeo's hysterical screams in my ear. Isn't Bobby satisfying that creature? Because daily he behaves like a woman who is not being sexually satiated. Maybe I should tell Gary to go kiss Jagdeo for old times sake".

Is this you talking to an empty chair?

No. Its Jagdeo wailing that MadBURRO has rejected him for Rowley.

Sheik101 posted:

I suppose it wouldn't be such a bad idea to start issuing Guyanese citizenship to Venezuelan Nationals in close proximity to our borders.

Be careful what you do bai. Last time this happened, Palestinians became the minority in their own land and today, they are basically extinct culturally, politically and economically.

ksazma posted:
Sheik101 posted:

I suppose it wouldn't be such a bad idea to start issuing Guyanese citizenship to Venezuelan Nationals in close proximity to our borders.

Be careful what you do bai. Last time this happened, Palestinians became the minority in their own land and today, they are basically extinct culturally, politically and economically.

Bet you that the racial animus between blacks and Indians would disappear.

Prashad would be screaming that Guyana should be for people who can speak English, regardless of their culture and race!

Sheik101 posted:

Is this the same Venezuela who just the other day was engaging in a show of force near our border? Sending gunboats up the Cayuni River and so on.

A good lesson in life that time has a way of making us accountable for our actions. But mankind in their stubbornness never seem to learn.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
Sheik101 posted:

I suppose it wouldn't be such a bad idea to start issuing Guyanese citizenship to Venezuelan Nationals in close proximity to our borders.

Be careful what you do bai. Last time this happened, Palestinians became the minority in their own land and today, they are basically extinct culturally, politically and economically.

Bet you that the racial animus between blacks and Indians would disappear.

Prashad would be screaming that Guyana should be for people who can speak English, regardless of their culture and race!

It is unfortunate that it may require such a scenario to stop Guyanese from identifying themselves by their race and the perceived race of their government.

Sunil posted:

Many of the Guyanese living in the San Felix, El Callao area have returned along with most of the Amerindians in the Tucupita and Roraima areas. In the 80's the Venezuelan gov had estimated around 150,000 Guyanese were living in Southern Venezuela. 

It is interesting that we are even considering the possibility of people, notably Guyanese running back to Guyana for economic reasons. That was not the case before Guyana was resurrected from the dead it experienced nearly three decades ago.

ksazma posted:
Sunil posted:

Many of the Guyanese living in the San Felix, El Callao area have returned along with most of the Amerindians in the Tucupita and Roraima areas. In the 80's the Venezuelan gov had estimated around 150,000 Guyanese were living in Southern Venezuela. 

It is interesting that we are even considering the possibility of people, notably Guyanese running back to Guyana for economic reasons. That was not the case before Guyana was resurrected from the dead it experienced nearly three decades ago.

Guyanese began to flee to Venezuela under Burnham.  They continued under the PPP.

Ironically they will be forced to either return to Guyana under a PNC dominated regime, or claim refugee status in T&T. Only problem is that republic is sick and tired of Guyanese trying to remain illegally in that nation.


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