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Former Member

Written by HARRY GILL

Monday, 19 August I Guyana Chronicle

IN Part 1 of my letter (published in the Chronicle on Sunday Aug 18), I wrote about the unethical behaviour of Nigel Hughes as it relates to the Lusignan massacre trial. I will now focus on how he manages his affairs as a delinquent tax- payer. In 2012, The Guyana Revenue Authority(GRA), obtained two judgements against Harvest Company Ltd., a company owned by Nigel Hughes. According to the details of the judgements: 


* On October 7, 2011 (Action No. 814/CD 2011) judgement was granted for the sum of $621,967 (being PAYE principal in the sum of $468,183, penalties in the sum of $106,814 and interest in the sum of $46,970) for the periods January - August 2010.


* On June 24, 2009 (Action No. 105/CD 2009) judgement was granted for the sum of $7,236,032 (being PAYE principal in the sum of $2,337,110.00, penalties in the sum of $2,692,231 and interest in the sum of $2,206,691) for the periods August 2005 - December 2005, July 2006 - December 2006 and January 2007 - December 2007.


* On January 7, 2010 Section 44 Certificate was filed for the sum of $1,439,644 (being VAT in the sum of $942,803 and interest thereon in the sum of $496,841) for the periods April 2007 - July 2007 and December 2007; January - June, September and November 2008; January 2009, February 2009 and April - July 2009.


* On October 13, 2011, a Writ of Summons was filed in the High Court to recover $4,429,450 (being PAYE in the sum of $1,230,727 and interest and penalties thereon in the sum of $3,198,723) for the periods January - December 2008 and July - December 2009.


As a result of failing to make payments toward his liabilities, a Writ of Execution was filed on May 22, 2012 to recover Hughes’s indebtedness to the state treasury which totalled over $13.7 million. This is the same man who has been pontificating that the administration is misusing state funds for their own aggrandizement, and using taxpayers’ monies irresponsibly. By not paying his taxes, Hughes is making sure that his money is not among the lot.


But Harvest Company Ltd is not the only company owned by Nigel Hughes that has not been paying the GRA taxes due. Hughes is company secretary for 12 local companies/businesses, and is director of five others. Eight of his companies are delinquent with their registration, which is an indication that those businesses have defaulted on their taxes.


Among those is the Sidewalk CafÉ which still operates, and is therefore in contravention of the Companies Act and GRA’s tax laws. Other delinquent businesses associated with Nigel Hughes are: Kwazimoto Fashions; Kwazimoto Art Work; Hadfield Foundation; CN Lumber Sales (registered under Hughes and Lloyd London); Jazz Works; Sidewalk CafÉ & Jazz Club; and Gini Global Services (Guyana) Inc, of which Hughes is both director and company secretary. Ethical questions are also being raised as to how Nigel Hughes gained possession of the Ariantze Hotel, but I would leave this for “Dem Boys” to investigate.


The underlying aim of the Legal Practitioners (Amendment) Act of 2010 makes it very clear that a lawyer should at all times conduct him/herself in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity and efficiency of the legal system and profession: “Honesty, honour and reliability are the fountainheads of integrity.” This Act also rules that: “Neither in his private nor in his professional activities shall there be dishonest conduct on the part of the attorney-at-law.”
Withholding taxes from the GRA adversely impacts the credibility and integrity of Attorney Nigel Hughes.                                                                    


There is no doubt in my mind that the unethical behaviour of this attorney defies the Code of Conduct set out in the Legal Practitioners (Amendment) Act 2010. Referring to the recent disclosure that he is the company secretary for Amaila Hydro Inc, Nigel Hughes said, “I acknowledge there was a conflict of interest and I assume full responsibility for it.” (Kaieteur News, August 13). Here is what the Act says about Conflict of Interest: An attorney-at-law shall not devise or represent more than one interest in a matter, nor shall he act or continue to act in a matter where there is, or is likely to be a conflicting interest; which includes but is not limited to the financial interest of attorney-at-law or his associate and the duties and the loyalties of the attorney-at-law to any other client or prospective client, including the obligation to communicate information.


Nigel Hughes also clearly did not discharge his duty to the court of law and to his professional colleagues with integrity, when he remained silent as juror Vernon Griffith lied to Justice Navindra Singh to cover up a six-year-old client/attorney relationship he had with him. Had this trial been held in the United States, Hughes may have suffered the same fate of Roger Khan’s attorney, Robert Simmels, who was sentenced to 14 years behind bars and fined US$225,000 for witness-tampering.


As such, I call upon the attorney general; the director of public prosecutions; the chancellor of the judiciary and the Guyana Bar Association to recognise that Nigel Hughes has breached the rules of conduct as explicitly written in the Legal Practitioners (Amendment) Act 2010, and urge that he be given a reprimand and suspended from practice in order to restore public confidence in the judicial system.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nigel Hughes was the pride and joy of the AFC and their supporters who always jump in his defense. Well, now he's exposed of all his dutty secrets, wheeling and dealing. Expect more corruption to surface in due time. 


Hughes and Hydro:
I have no doubt that the disclosure that Mr. Nigel Hughes functioned simultaneously as chairman for the Alliance For Change and the Company Secretary for Amaila Hydroelectric Project Inc. is a shock from which many have not yet recovered. His decision to resign from the party rather than the company must have bewildered his supporters more than anything else. The fact that his leader disclaims knowledge of his dual role speaks volumes. To whom did he make his alleged disclosure that he is the company secretary for Amaila Hydro Electric Project Inc. when his leader is unaware, is indeed a million dollar question. Certainly, the disclosure was not made public and only that could have possibly dissipated the impregnable conflict of interest which he eventually admitted. Alas, this public disclosure is almost four years late.

The enigma that’s AFC : --a party of conundrums and conflictsPDFPrintE-mail


Written by Mohabir Anil Nandlall   

Saturday, 17 August 2013 23:42

FROM its conception, and by its name, the Alliance For Change professes to be the political movement to catalyze change in Guyana’s political landscape. A common thread which runs throughout almost all of its public pronouncements is that it advocates for a high standard of political morality.


“Transparent government”, “accountability in public office” and high decorum from public officials have all been ideals espoused by this party. Indeed, these are ideals for which all political parties ought to protagonise. But none has done it as empathic as the A.F.C. 
Equally, none has failed more abysmally to practise what it preaches than the A.F.C. In this article, I will chronicle just a few examples to support my hypothesis.


Nagamootoo and N.I.C.I.L.
From the inception, A.F.C. has been critical of N.I.C.I.L., accusing it of innumerable financial irregularities, lack of transparency and accountability in its operations, and much more.


In the elections campaign of 2011, N.I.C.I.L has been a focus of theirs with all the leaders, including Moses Nagamootoo, castigating and denigrating the work and functions of N.I.C.I.L. After the elections, and in Parliament, they continued to be critical of N.I.C.I.L. in their presentations. 


In the press, the onslaught persisted. Not once, however, was it disclosed to the unsuspecting public that Mr. Moses Nagamootoo, the Vice-Chairman of the Alliance For Change and one of its Members of Parliament, was a lawyer retained by N.I.C.I.L., and that he had actually received almost $7 million in legal fees from this very organisation which they describe as being so corrupt.


It was only after I disclosed this information in a debate in Parliament National Assembly did it become public. To date, no member of the Alliance For Change has denounced this patent conflict of interest and political hypocrisy.


Pension and prevarications:
The pension and other facilities to which former President Jagdeo is entitled, by law, has evoked tremendous controversy. The fact that this Law was simply a codification of the benefits which all former Presidents enjoyed was simply ignored. The issue was propagandized to its fullest. The most prolific crusader against it was Mr. Moses Nagamootoo; he spoke at length about it during the elections campaign, at public meetings, rallies, in the newspapers, and on television. To quote him, “It rattled my soul.”


Not once did he disclose that when that very Law was passed in Parliament, he voted in support of it. In-fact, from all his utterances, he deliberately conveyed the impression that he voted against it. It was only after I produced the Hansard, during one of my presentations in Parliament, and revealed that he voted in support of it, was that information made public.


Indeed, seconds before I read from the Hansard, which, obviously, he didn’t realize I was about to do, his bold assertion was, “I never voted for it.” Again, the AFC has offered no apology to the public for this blatant prevarication.


Meridien and Marriott:
The disclosure that a Marriott Hotel will be built in Guyana was made early in the year 2011. Indeed, a few months prior to the November 2011 elections, there was a public sod-turning event at the proposed site, which was published in all the newspapers, and aired on television. No public criticism came from the A.F.C. 


As the elections were approaching, Robert Badal, the owner of the Pegasus Hotel, made public his association with the A.F.C. I have no doubt that this association came with great financial benefits.


It is not rocket science for anyone to quickly realize that a Marriott Hotel, in close proximity to the Pegasus Hotel, would pose significant competition in that realm of the hotel industry in which the Pegasus Hotel enjoys an almost absolute monopoly.


Almost immediately after Badal’s association with the A.F.C. was consummated, the party launched a sustained and vitriolic campaign against every aspect of the Marriott Hotel project, casting every conceivable reason as a basis for it to not materialize. But again, not for one moment during this sustained attack did the A.F.C. disclose, or even concede, that the party has a close and politically consanguine relationship with the Pegasus Hotel.


Specialty Hospital and Special Interests:
The establishment in Guyana of a specialty hospital of the kind conceived to be constructed at Lilliandal, East Coast Demarara, in the ordinary course of things, cannot be opposed by a sane mind. Expectedly, there was no known objection emanating from the Alliance for Change, initially. 


However, the objections to and criticisms of the project came in an avalanche when Fedders Lloyd Inc. was disqualified from the bidding process as a non-compliant bidder. The criticisms came largely from the AFC leader himself, Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan. Not surprisingly, it became public knowledge subsequently that Fedders Lloyd Inc. is his client. Again, no one in the AFC sees the conflict. At least, they have said nothing publicly about it.


Cathy and Consultancy:
It is now public knowledge that Ms. Cathy Hughes, an Executive Member and Member of Parliament for the Alliance For Change, owns a Public Relations company. This company was retained by the Sithe Global Group to do public relations work when the Amaila Falls Hydro-project received its first bout of criticisms. The chief critic again was her party, the Alliance For Change.          


I disclosed this conflict of interest situation publicly on two occasions. Both times, I received letters from Mr. Nigel Hughes, her husband, Chairman of the A.F.C. and Company Secretary for Amaila Hydroelectric Project Inc. (AHEPI) demanding a retraction. I ignored both. It is obvious that the rank incest which contaminates these associations is oblivious to the AFC.


Hughes and Hydro:
I have no doubt that the disclosure that Mr. Nigel Hughes functioned simultaneously as chairman for the Alliance For Change and the Company Secretary for Amaila Hydroelectric Project Inc. is a shock from which many have not yet recovered. His decision to resign from the party rather than the company must have bewildered his supporters more than anything else. The fact that his leader disclaims knowledge of his dual role speaks volumes. To whom did he make his alleged disclosure that he is the company secretary for Amaila Hydro Electric Project Inc. when his leader is unaware, is indeed a million dollar question. Certainly, the disclosure was not made public and only that could have possibly dissipated the impregnable conflict of interest which he eventually admitted. Alas, this public disclosure is almost four years late.


A Foreman’s furor:
Those who are still recovering from the Amaila Hydro Electric Project Inc. conflict of interest debacle were dealt another blow when it was disclosed that Mr. Nigel Hughes had a lawyer/client relationship which lasted some six years with the foreman of the jury in the just concluded Lusignan massacre murder trial. In this case, the Judge embarked upon an exceptional procedure and specifically enquired from each juror, in the presence of all the lawyers, whether they had any relationship of any kind with any of the lawyers. The disclosure of this previous lawyer/client relationship came from neither the juror nor the lawyer.


The information about this relationship became public only after the trial. The juror has since admitted the relationship and was banned for life from ever serving on a jury. No such admission has come from Mr. Hughes. The case lasted six years. All the court documents were signed by the same lawyer. Only that lawyer appeared at the trial of the case. I draw no inference. I leave that to you.


I urge that Nigel Hughes be disbarred for life from practicing law.In order to restore public confidence in the judicial system, he should be charged criminally for witness tampering. 

If the AG, DPP and the Bar Association remains quiet and do nothing, as they always do, then they will become the problem and the Justice System will again be seen as a BIG JOKE.



Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Is not that they hate black people. What they hate is being black. That's why they use skin toning cream to look whiter.

What you don't like is that your head up your ASS and you cant get it out. WATAK!!!


A Foreman’s furor:
Those who are still recovering from the Amaila Hydro Electric Project Inc. conflict of interest debacle were dealt another blow when it was disclosed that Mr. Nigel Hughes had a lawyer/client relationship which lasted some six years with the foreman of the jury in the just concluded Lusignan massacre murder trial. In this case, the Judge embarked upon an exceptional procedure and specifically enquired from each juror, in the presence of all the lawyers, whether they had any relationship of any kind with any of the lawyers. The disclosure of this previous lawyer/client relationship came from neither the juror nor the lawyer.


The information about this relationship became public only after the trial. The juror has since admitted the relationship and was banned for life from ever serving on a jury. No such admission has come from Mr. Hughes. The case lasted six years. All the court documents were signed by the same lawyer. Only that lawyer appeared at the trial of the case. I draw no inference. I leave that to you.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

See how that Black boy . . .

rev al, skeldonman, now baseman


worthy of study . . . the psychological pathologies of a dalit pedigree

You need to jump on board the milk van, would be your pathway back to Guyana in a privileged position which you so badly crave.  You wasting your talents in this land.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

The Nigel exposure really bring shame on the AFC and their supporters. They all run for cover. Only Jalil and warrior stayed back to cuss and do the dirty work for nothing. I don't think AFC has any credibility left. AFC supporters are now supporting APNU. I don't get it. 



i do not cuss i leave that for fools like you if nigel did something wrong and if the AFC KNOW HE DID SOME THING WRONG HE SHOULD PAY FOR HIS DEED there should be no excuse guyana already mess up with this government we donot need the opposition to help mess it up more guyanese have to get sence and start clean up that country 


Them AFC fellas are practicing to thief before getting into high office in them dreams. Where is Warrior disappear? Like he gone and play cricket with Amazon Warriors.  


I know jalil is around somewhere. Do you agree that all who associated with the AFC are a bunch of thieves starting with Nigel? 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Them AFC fellas are practicing to thief before getting into high office in them dreams. Where is Warrior disappear? Like he gone and play cricket with Amazon Warriors.


I know jalil is around somewhere. Do you agree that all who associated with the AFC are a bunch of thieves starting with Nigel? 

show me WHERE the AFC leadership tief taxpayers' money


the whining of stupid/confused PPP antiman on street carna don't count (conscience pls take note)

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Conflict of interest and the AFC cabal goes hand in hand...

If that was a conflict of interest what has the president done in in his 20 years of squatting on OMAI board making a killing while they claim never to have made a profit? Why did he while squatting on GYSUCO's board accept a broken plant from his Chinese friends leaving us to spend another hundred million to fix it? Why is his son head of the fiber optic cable company ( and doing a poor assed job), and why did he implant his daughter ahead of professional employees of the state and better qualified, to the world bank? And that is only dealing with one person.


We have Repu on the the state as adviser until his death even though in his latter years he was practically a vegetable, his son on another wireless deal worth millions and was given the option to import high priced cars when he did not have a pot to piss in.Then there are those double dippers from squatting on boards and holding op positions. You are a nasty corrupt and corrupting lot.


The PPP trying to sell whatever nigil was doing as so crude and out of place is like a Drug dealer heading a panel on drug use prevention. They are rotten to the core. That is further exemplified with having their rabid mongrels like you here daily at the state expense doing political smearing as part of their political campaign to get back full control of the states coffers.


Cathy and Consultancy:
It is now public knowledge that Ms. Cathy Hughes, an Executive Member and Member of Parliament for the Alliance For Change, owns a Public Relations company. This company was retained by the Sithe Global Group to do public relations work when the Amaila Falls Hydro-project received its first bout of criticisms. The chief critic again was her party, the Alliance For Change.          


I disclosed this conflict of interest situation publicly on two occasions. Both times, I received letters from Mr. Nigel Hughes, her husband, Chairman of the A.F.C. and Company Secretary for Amaila Hydroelectric Project Inc. (AHEPI) demanding a retraction. I ignored both. It is obvious that the rank incest which contaminates these associations is oblivious to the AFC.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Cathy and Consultancy:
It is now public knowledge that Ms. Cathy Hughes, an Executive Member and Member of Parliament for the Alliance For Change, owns a Public Relations company. This company was retained by the Sithe Global Group to do public relations work when the Amaila Falls Hydro-project received its first bout of criticisms. The chief critic again was her party, the Alliance For Change.          


I disclosed this conflict of interest situation publicly on two occasions. Both times, I received letters from Mr. Nigel Hughes, her husband, Chairman of the A.F.C. and Company Secretary for Amaila Hydroelectric Project Inc. (AHEPI) demanding a retraction. I ignored both. It is obvious that the rank incest which contaminates these associations is oblivious to the AFC.

 Again creep, if this was so wrong why was our President sitting on the Board of a gold mining company that took out millions of dollars from our country leaving a 1/4 mile deep by a mile wide hole for perpetuity and yet we hear they did not make a profit?


Was the Amalia's Hydro project a bad one for one to extoll its virtues? Its financial architecture was the product of the government you pig. If she did wrong by merely telling us what all of us should know, it was a good project what do you have to say for those who wanted to guarantee to a 20 prevent investor 19 percent returns on the whole for 20 years?


While I am firmly against any associations of government employees with companies doing business with the government the present Administration are hypocrites to make hay of this. What are they doing to insist on there being a fire wall between ones holdings and ones position in office...A BIG NOTHING since all of them are leeching off the state that way.


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