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Originally posted by Mr.T:
The Moon is a balloon by David Niven ( the great British actor). Best autobiography/non-fiction book I ever read.

I read that book - or part of it anyway - in the high school library.

If my memory serves me correct, in the first chapter, he went to visit "a house of ill repute" - and the prostitute made him dip his "anatomy" in Potassium permanganate.

I did not know at the time that KMnO4 was an "antiseptic" of sorts

and commonly used on burns to prevent infection.
Originally posted by ksazma:
Originally posted by Mr.T:
I forgot the first one that caught my interest:
The Kama Sutra

Interestingly I never had to read the book. The art just came naturally as the women came bountifully. Smile

Most of us can boil water, but making a cup of tea requires a bit more knowledge. Same thing with copulation Wink .

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