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A part of the crowd at the People’s Progressive Party/Civic Local Government rally at Kitty last evening. (Terrence Thompson photo)

Fight to take back Guyana starts at local gov’t polls –Jagdeo

October 14 2018


Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo last evening made it clear that for his party the 2018 Local Government Elections are a dress rehearsal for the general elections, when it intends to take back government.

Jagdeo delivered a feature address at a People Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) rally in Kitty last evening, during which he urged supporters to turn out in their numbers on November 12th because “what happens now is a sign of what will happen in 2020.”

Though these are Local Government Elections…this is about more that City Hall…this is the beginning of the fight to take back our country… you are part of a movement to take back Guyana from the incompetent APNU+AFC,” he declared.

For more than an hour, the opposition leader declared to the modest crowd that the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) do not care for them. He said the Alliance for Changce (AFC), the other member of the governing coalition, is dead.

“Even if you vote for them, if you are not of the same class, if you are not part of the elite, then they do not care about you,” Jagdeo said.

He argued that President David Granger operated from the “stratosphere,” maintaining an aloofness which prevents him from interacting with residents in the manner he needs to as president.

The Former Head of State even went so far as to take credit for the recent agreement between the Ministry of Education and the Guyana Teachers’ Union, which was brokered by Granger.

“You have to drag this man to policies. He’s so aloof from the real concerns of people… I had to practically bully Granger to meet with the teachers,” he stressed. Claiming that it took four press conferences and one face-to-face meeting to see results, Jagdeo said, “when I met with him at State House—I was meeting with him on a constitutional issue—I said you have to meet with the teachers. You say that education is important, yet you refuse to meet with the teachers and their demands are legitimate.”

He accused government of having spent a trillion dollars without realising any positive improvements in the job market, infrastructure, healthcare or education.

According to Jagdeo, the present government is spending $1.6 billion more per year for “dietary allowance,” $750 million more a year in domestic travel and $600 million more in rental of buildings

“Much is at stake,” a hoarse Jagdeo consistently repeatedly, while noting that large amounts are being spent on wastage and for government ministers to live “a good life.”

“Three years is enough,” he declared, while imploring voters to remove the APNU+AFC not just from City Hall but also from Central Government.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Is this guy tone deaf or what?  The current government is Guyanese, not an occupation force.  Find some other phrase like “a better way”, “make Guyana great again”, etc.  

Take back sound so divisive!


President urges Rose Hall to vote for progress, not party

-APNU presents candidates

APNU candidates for Rose Hall Town were presented to the gathering during the meeting

October 14 2018


Residents of Rose Hall were on Friday urged by President David Granger to be impartial in their choices at the upcoming Local Government Elections (LGE) by voting for the progress of their town.

Granger was at the time attending a community meeting at the Rose Hall Primary School on the Corentyne. His address preceded the presentation of the APNU’s LGE candidates to those gathered at the event.

President Granger has been accused by the opposition of using government resources to campaign for the APNU ahead of the upcoming polls.

President David Granger meeting some of the students who were recipients of bicycles handed over at the community meeting

According to the president, the town, as the only community in East Berbice-Corentyne that has seen an increase in population, needs a municipality that will turn the location into an attractive destination for investment and commerce. “We want Surinamese to come and invest; we want Trinidadians to come and invest; we want Rose Hall to be prosperous,” he stated.

Furthermore, Granger explained that the amount of rice, sugar and fish which the region produces can justify making Rose Hall Town one of the industrial hubs of the region, which can then guide the commercial development of Region Six.

He then highlighted that because of this, the way in which the town is managed is not only important to the region but to the entire country. He said, “There is no point putting back people because they belong to party A and party B; I’m asking you to put the best people because they are good for Rose Hall. What is good for Rose Hall is good for Guyana!”

He added, “Not to put lazy people there, not to put people who come from your party, not to put your cousin and your aunty but to put people who are concerned with the economic development of Rose Hall Town.”

The president then reiterated to the gathering that his party takes local government elections very seriously because they know the importance of democracy.

He also stated that although Rose Hall did not come out in full support of the government at the last local government election, it did not shun the town.

“We continued to help Rose Hall because we are government of the whole country,” he said.

President Granger noted that he has great dreams for Rose Hall because he sees the town as a business centre, which has the potential of becoming a financial headquarters for East Berbice-Corentyne.

“I see Rose Hall’s education system generating entrepreneurs. I see Rose Hall as even becoming a model [for]…energy generation,” he said.

He also explained that today the world is becoming wise to the generation of electricity from alternative sources and pointed out that Guyana has incredible potential for solar power generation and the generation of energy from other renewable sources.

“We have about over a hundred sites that could generate hydro power and we have wind from the coast day and night. Even the sugar industry generates bagasse, which could be used for energy. So from any point of view, Rose Hall can tap into those sources of energy in order to trigger agro processing industries,” he stated.

“…We have to look at the municipality to harness the energy of all of these organisations and institutions [within the town] so that they can make the town prosperous and make the people richer…We don’t want a lackadaisical municipality, we don’t want a municipality that will have to call freedom house to do one thing or the other, we want a democratic municipality,” Granger stressed.

The president further stressed that this is the moment for opportunities for Rose Hall and, therefore, urged residents not to drop the ball. He said they have an opportunity now to move the town forward as a progressive economic dynamo.

‘I am voting for my town’

The president further claimed that persons are presently trying to hold back development by giving instructions on what to do. “Don’t believe them. Just tell them, ‘I am voting for my town,’ ‘I want my town to be progressive and develop,’” he encouraged. 

He also said that his message on Friday was a partisan one—one about the prosperity of Rose Hall. He asserted that all residents have a role to play and urged them to turn out on November 12th to express their opinions and ensure that “those persons you put in office perform to standards that you demand of them.”

“…So the decision is for you, not some office in Georgetown. The decision is for you to be empowered to put people in the municipality of Rose Hall who can help to develop this town quickly,” he said.

While Granger explained that he does not see local government elections as being political in terms of “party politics” but as a system for delivering services to the people of the country, he made constant comparisons to the opposing party.

According to the president, when the history of local government is written, it will be about the People’s Progressive Party, “which for 22 years failed to hold local government elections in this country.”

He added, “We went into Parliament and we pass[ed] bill after bill calling for local government elections to be held, calling for the establishment of Local Government’s Commission. Up to 2014, we mobilised civil society, we mobilised the entire opposition, we mobilised the donor community, calling on the government of the day under President Donald Ramotar to honor his constitutional obligation to hold local government elections.”

He recalled that while in opposition, they [APNU] were on the streets demanding local government elections but Ramotar refused.

“He refused to hold local government elections, even when the bills were passed in parliament”, the president said.

However, he further told those gathered that local government is not a favour being given by a political party but rather, a country’s constitutional entitlement, as he highlighted that “In May 2015, APNU/AFC went into government and in ten months we did what the PPP couldn’t do in 22 years.”

Additionally, he stated that the last administration was resistant to local democracy because it was afraid that if citizens were empowered to vote the people of their choice to manage municipalities and NDCs, the government would lose control.

“Ganga Persaud couldn’t just come down and move away a whole municipal council, that’s why they resisted the legislation. But all that has changed now, changed forever,” he said.

Meanwhile, Zamal Hussain, the PPP/C Regional Supervisor who was present at a picket outside of the venue on Friday, told this newspaper that he and the other demonstrators were present to remind the president about several issues which are affecting them.

He said they decided to protest the president’s arrival in Rose Hall “because he is here for a political activity to campaign for the local government elections. As such, we find it fit to ensure that we protest for our issues.”

He said they wanted to remind the president that the former sugar workers are in dire need of their severance payments and that the unfulfilled promises have to stop.

“As residents of Region Six, we are not allowing the president to come here with his election gimmick again to tell people to vote for his party; the party who has destroyed this country, has moved this country from a high level to the lowest of low level now”.

According to Hussain, the president attempted to engage the protestors but they refused to listen to him because “whenever he speaks he does not stand up to his word as a president because many of times he tried to make promises and he didn’t fulfill anything as yet.”

Baseman posted:

Is this guy tone deaf or what?  The current government is Guyanese, not an occupation force.  Find some other phrase like “a better way”, “make Guyana great again”, etc.  

Take back sound so divisive!

Told you all,that fella is no good to represent Guyanese,time for new leadership of the party.

Last edited by Django
Baseman posted:

Is this guy tone deaf or what?  The current government is Guyanese, not an occupation force.  Find some other phrase like “a better way”, “make Guyana great again”, etc.  

Take back sound so divisive!

Jagdeo was president for so long, he thinks that the country belongs to him. What's it with the PPP that they want the discredited old guard to run Guyana as if it was their private playground? He needs to be replaced. He can't deliver what Guyana needs.

Baseman posted:

Is this guy tone deaf or what?  The current government is Guyanese, not an occupation force.  Find some other phrase like “a better way”, “make Guyana great again”, etc.  

Take back sound so divisive!

PPP should make you their PR Agent or some other top job. 

Django posted:

President urges Rose Hall to vote for progress, not party

-APNU presents candidates

October 14 2018, Source

Residents of Rose Hall were on Friday urged by President David Granger to be impartial in their choices at the upcoming Local Government Elections (LGE) by voting for the progress of their town.

President Granger has been accused by the opposition of using government resources to campaign for the APNU ahead of the upcoming polls.

President David Granger meeting some of the students who were recipients of bicycles handed over at the community meeting

Probably saying ...

"Talk much, much, much louder so I can hear."

Django posted:


A part of the crowd at the People’s Progressive Party/Civic Local Government rally at Kitty last evening. (Terrence Thompson photo)

Fight to take back Guyana starts at local gov’t polls –Jagdeo

October 14 2018


He argued that President David Granger operated from the “stratosphere,” maintaining an aloofness which prevents him from interacting with residents in the manner he needs to as president.

The Former Head of State even went so far as to take credit for the recent agreement between the Ministry of Education and the Guyana Teachers’ Union, which was brokered by Granger.

“You have to drag this man to policies. He’s so aloof from the real concerns of people…

Jagdeo is trying to be Trump with messages like "take back the country", painting the opposition as "elite" and suh on. What's next - Rat man gon tell dem he gon drain de swamp?

I think he duz read GNI to get an idea of how things are perceived. Now he finds Granger "aloof".

Iguana posted:

Jagdeo is trying to be Trump with messages like "take back the country", painting the opposition as "elite" and suh on. What's next - Rat man gon tell dem he gon drain de swamp?

I think he duz read GNI to get an idea of how things are perceived. Now he finds Granger "aloof".

His GNI operatives fill him in and tell him what to do.

Leonora posted:
Iguana posted:

Jagdeo is trying to be Trump with messages like "take back the country", painting the opposition as "elite" and suh on. What's next - Rat man gon tell dem he gon drain de swamp?

I think he duz read GNI to get an idea of how things are perceived. Now he finds Granger "aloof".

His GNI operatives fill him in and tell him what to do.

Something like that. He's trying to get a pulse on things. I think the vicious racist posts he read here from the likes of the Yugli man, skelton in he closet man and so on was an eye opener for him, thus his appeal to PPP supporters on the net.


PPP will Make Guyana Great Again.


Time to remove Guyana from Shyte Hole Status under the PNC.

Guyanese must take back their country from Racist Reptiles.

Vote PPP/C. The most diverse Multi Ethnic list of Candidates:




Images (2)
  • Kitty-Crowd
  • 43385735_10156599997449156_8098465130745954304_n
Last edited by Former Member

I man waiting to invest but only under the PPP. 2020 ain't far off. PNC is on their way out. Their base is no longer energized.

Carib G was right, the party which energies their base wins.

The only worry is PNC sponsored post election violence in 2020.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

I man waiting to invest but only under the PPP. 2020 ain't far off. PNC is on their way out. Their base is no longer energized.

Carib G was right, the party which energies their base wins.

The only worry is PNC sponsored post election violence in 2020.

Same here. I am going to bid on any and all contracts. You don't need expertise or experience. Look at Fip and Alexei. And I know people who know people. Wink Wink.....

GTAngler posted:
yuji22 posted:

I man waiting to invest but only under the PPP. 2020 ain't far off. PNC is on their way out. Their base is no longer energized.

Carib G was right, the party which energies their base wins.

The only worry is PNC sponsored post election violence in 2020.

Same here. I am going to bid on any and all contracts. You don't need expertise or experience. Look at Fip and Alexei. And I know people who know people. Wink Wink.....

There will just be scraps left if you wait until 2020. There’s a mad rush right now and if you don’t get into the game now you’ll be performing mop up duties. The Canadians, Americans, Trinis, Chinese, Brazilians along with local Guyanese are making a big push right now for contracts. My cousin is down there right now looking to swing some joint venture deals with local firms and some major overseas players. 

Mars posted:
GTAngler posted:
yuji22 posted:

I man waiting to invest but only under the PPP. 2020 ain't far off. PNC is on their way out. Their base is no longer energized.

Carib G was right, the party which energies their base wins.

The only worry is PNC sponsored post election violence in 2020.

Same here. I am going to bid on any and all contracts. You don't need expertise or experience. Look at Fip and Alexei. And I know people who know people. Wink Wink.....

There will just be scraps left if you wait until 2020. There’s a mad rush right now and if you don’t get into the game now you’ll be performing mop up duties. The Canadians, Americans, Trinis, Chinese, Brazilians along with local Guyanese are making a big push right now for contracts. My cousin is down there right now looking to swing some joint venture deals with local firms and some major overseas players. 

Thanks for the heads up. You are correct, there might be nothing left by then with the current rush. 

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

Is this guy tone deaf or what?  The current government is Guyanese, not an occupation force.  Find some other phrase like “a better way”, “make Guyana great again”, etc.  

Take back sound so divisive!

The "collie people party" says that they will "take back Guyana".  Message received loud and clear.

Given that the teachers weren't treated any better under the PPP he seems idiotic to suddenly imply that he cares about them.

Guyana is a "pay to play" country, and it doesn't matter whether he talk of Harmon or Jagdeo.

Last edited by Former Member
Mars posted:

There will just be scraps left if you wait until 2020. There’s a mad rush right now and if you don’t get into the game now you’ll be performing mop up duties. The Canadians, Americans, Trinis, Chinese, Brazilians along with local Guyanese are making a big push right now for contracts. My cousin is down there right now looking to swing some joint venture deals with local firms and some major overseas players. 

A classmate is a top guy in the GDF and he's helping some of my high school classmates get some good deals.

GTAngler posted:

Same here. I am going to bid on any and all contracts. You don't need expertise or experience. Look at Fip and Alexei. And I know people who know people. Wink Wink.....

Yuh can tell dem you is a weapons expert and can handle weapons and transport upgrades fuh GDF and suh on. Nobody got to know yuh only experience is wid sling shot and old motobike.

Leonora posted:
Mars posted:

There will just be scraps left if you wait until 2020. There’s a mad rush right now and if you don’t get into the game now you’ll be performing mop up duties. The Canadians, Americans, Trinis, Chinese, Brazilians along with local Guyanese are making a big push right now for contracts. My cousin is down there right now looking to swing some joint venture deals with local firms and some major overseas players. 

A classmate is a top guy in the GDF and he's helping some of my high school classmates get some good deals.

So this is not considered corruption ?

Mr.T posted:
Baseman posted:

Is this guy tone deaf or what?  The current government is Guyanese, not an occupation force.  Find some other phrase like “a better way”, “make Guyana great again”, etc.  

Take back sound so divisive!

Jagdeo was president for so long, he thinks that the country belongs to him. What's it with the PPP that they want the discredited old guard to run Guyana as if it was their private playground? He needs to be replaced. He can't deliver what Guyana needs.

Are you voting in the Guyana Local Government Elections in November?


It may be construed as corruption however, if there is transparency in decision-making and audited, it may not lead to corruption.  A mere introduction itself may not be corrupt.  However, given the suspicions in Guyana, it does not look good. 

Iguana posted:
Leonora posted:
Iguana posted:

Jagdeo is trying to be Trump with messages like "take back the country", painting the opposition as "elite" and suh on. What's next - Rat man gon tell dem he gon drain de swamp?

I think he duz read GNI to get an idea of how things are perceived. Now he finds Granger "aloof".

His GNI operatives fill him in and tell him what to do.

Something like that. He's trying to get a pulse on things. I think the vicious racist posts he read here from the likes of the Yugli man, skelton in he closet man and so on was an eye opener for him, thus his appeal to PPP supporters on the net.

Yes, I think so too.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Is this guy tone deaf or what?  The current government is Guyanese, not an occupation force.  Find some other phrase like “a better way”, “make Guyana great again”, etc.  

Take back sound so divisive!

The "collie people party" says that they will "take back Guyana".  Message received loud and clear.

Given that the teachers weren't treated any better under the PPP he seems idiotic to suddenly imply that he cares about them.

Guyana is a "pay to play" country, and it doesn't matter whether he talk of Harmon or Jagdeo.

You have no credibility.  I don't support that tone from BJ, but you see Indians as second class citizens, and you don't care!

Drugb posted:
Leonora posted:
yuji22 posted:
So this is not considered corruption ?

No, they're business partners.

A top GDF guy, working for the govt and this is not considered corruption?

The Hypocrisy, The Hypocrisy.

These are the folks who sit on a high horse and support corruption.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Drugb posted:
Leonora posted:
yuji22 posted:
So this is not considered corruption ?

No, they're business partners.

A top GDF guy, working for the govt and this is not considered corruption?

The Hypocrisy, The Hypocrisy.

These are the folks who sit on a high horse and support corruption.

BJ did the same things for all his cronies... hotels, restaurants, lands at Pradoville and elsewhere, AmbASSadors positions, Buddy, Pooja shop man who never built a walkway to build a road, Alexi pulling cable, NJ friend running Guysicko for his basement.... Want me to go on?




Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:
Drugb posted:
Leonora posted:
yuji22 posted:
So this is not considered corruption ?

No, they're business partners.

A top GDF guy, working for the govt and this is not considered corruption?

The Hypocrisy, The Hypocrisy.

These are the folks who sit on a high horse and support corruption.

BJ did the same things for all his cronies... hotels, restaurants, lands at Pradoville and elsewhere, AmbASSadors positions, Buddy, Pooja shop man who never built a walkway to build a road, Alexi pulling cable, NJ friend running Guysicko for his basement.... Want me to go on?




The hypocrisy is that you folks said you would be different, however we see you are doing the same that you accused the PPP. I suppose power will ultimately corrupt, even the minds of those who profess to be of higher moral standings. 

Mitwah posted:
Drugb posted:
Mitwah posted:

BJ did the same things for all his cronies... hotels, restaurants, lands at Pradoville and elsewhere, AmbASSadors positions, Buddy, Pooja shop man who never built a walkway to build a road, Alexi pulling cable, NJ friend running Guysicko for his basement.... Want me to go on?




The hypocrisy is that you folks said you would be different, however we see you are doing the same that you accused the PPP. I suppose power will ultimately corrupt, even the minds of those who profess to be of higher moral standings. 

NJ Dankey, who is we? 

Admin please take note of the name calling.   Stop the personal attacks and address my comments about how you and your party were supposed to be morally above corruption but now are part and parcel. 


The Mitwah, Iguana and Ronan’s have been attacking other posters in anticipation that they will lie down and take it. I have responded in kind.

It is important that they take note of Mitwah’s behaviour and take appropriate action because it seems that when you respond in kind they tend to suspend you and the preparator Mitwah gets a free ride.

Link copied to your clipboard.