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Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

This is from my Dear Friend Elizabeth.  An article from Kaieteur News.

Tarron Khemraj in his letter in Kaieteur News on June 25, 2009, with the title, “Daly’s outpouring of the ‘fundamental principles of democracy’

Elizabeth Daly

This is tha Liz fella.

The funny thing is two of the kids in Mr Lizzy's letter writing ring went to grad school after they broke away. They both approached me, apologized and confessed to me. They wanted my help. It was so interesting.  This is why the PPP and Jagdeo can't get my respect. I'd say let them pine away in opposition forever. Eventually there will have to be another party.

I bet one of them is sadood or amar.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

This is from my Dear Friend Elizabeth.  An article from Kaieteur News.

Tarron Khemraj in his letter in Kaieteur News on June 25, 2009, with the title, “Daly’s outpouring of the ‘fundamental principles of democracy’

Elizabeth Daly

This is tha Liz fella.

The funny thing is two of the kids in Mr Lizzy's letter writing ring went to grad school after they broke away. They both approached me, apologized and confessed to me. They wanted my help. It was so interesting.  This is why the PPP and Jagdeo can't get my respect. I'd say let them pine away in opposition forever. Eventually there will have to be another party.


Nah, you are of ZERO value to any government of Guyana, past, present and future.

Ooooooo....such a great loss. LOL!

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;
I come to bury Khemraj, not to praise him.
After his unsuccessful attempts at seeking employment in the US, partly because of his below average grade certificate and the "no name" school that he graduated from, he showed up at the PPP's doorsteps looking for power and fame.  They quickly saw through his opportunism and he was - REJECTED.
Not being one to accept defeat, and in an effort to seek revenge, he then sought to engage the AFC.  They too saw through his lowly motive and he was - REJECTED.
His best chance he thought was to then jump on the APNU bandwagon, because, after all, despite his low grade education he was more qualified than most of them.  What he didn't know was you had to be black and over age 62 to become an elite party member.  And so, he was - REJECTED.
Instead of seeking professional mental help, he comes to sites like these to display rantings of hatred, because in some sort of weird, chauvinistic way, it gives him temporary satisfaction.
Mr. Khemraj, you are not about country - Guyana or any other country.  You are all about selfishness.  You are one of those Indians who has to tear down another Indian if you perceive him to be doing better than you.  You are trying the divide and conquer strategy and it has gotten you quite far.  Don't try to act like you are championing the cause of black people because you are not, and they have seen right through you.  Your parents and grandparents hated black people.  You have no moral authority to speak for blacks, Indians, or anyone for that matter.
The path of destruction you are creating wreaks of hatred and self-serving interests.
Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:
Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;
I come to bury Khemraj, not to praise him.
After his unsuccessful attempts at seeking employment in the US, partly because of his below average grade certificate and the "no name" school that he graduated from, he showed up at the PPP's doorsteps looking for power and fame.  They quickly saw through his opportunism and he was - REJECTED.
Not being one to accept defeat, and in an effort to seek revenge, he then sought to engage the AFC.  They too saw through his lowly motive and he was - REJECTED.
His best chance he thought was to then jump on the APNU bandwagon, because, after all, despite his low grade education he was more qualified than most of them.  What he didn't know was you had to be black and over age 62 to become an elite party member.  And so, he was - REJECTED.
Instead of seeking professional mental help, he comes to sites like these to display rantings of hatred, because in some sort of weird, chauvinistic way, it gives him temporary satisfaction.
Mr. Khemraj, you are not about country - Guyana or any other country.  You are all about selfishness.  You are one of those Indians who has to tear down another Indian if you perceive him to be doing better than you.  You are trying the divide and conquer strategy and it has gotten you quite far.  Don't try to act like you are championing the cause of black people because you are not, and they have seen right through you.  Your parents and grandparents hated black people.  You have no moral authority to speak for blacks, Indians, or anyone for that matter.
The path of destruction you are creating wreaks of hatred and self-serving interests.

I guess your magna cum did not inform you to be consistent. To open with the quintessential appeal of  contrasting phrases about praise and  burying and  just end up with useless maligning is pitiful. Instead one gets a hackneyed whack job. All you did was spill your bile and for they usual banal ethnic spite.


Anyone can make it in the US. It is not grades but creativity. No one gets rejected here. I see uneducated fishermen, cane cutters and rice farmers making it in RH and New Haven and many other places because they are committed to doing what it takes and that is not hard given they had no option in Guyana. If they can why cant he?


I have never seen Khemraj here. I have seen many of the PPP upper rank party member come here hoping to clear the air and getting their behind trashed. They even created a special task force of writers to post and they lost the battle. No Khemraj never posted here that I know of


And if hate is the center of anything it is the center of that post above. It is cobbled together on the theme that Khemraj is betraying Indians. That is the pitiful PPP dog whistle as usual. I guess they do not yet know somebody let the dogs out. The reality is Khemraj has no obligation to work for Indians. He is a guyanese and his obligation is to work for all of us. We are thankful for his services so far. It got rid of the corrupt PPP

Last edited by Former Member

So Danyael - I am really curious.  When do you go to cash your welfare check?  You are spilling rubbish on this site 24/7.  You clearly don't have anything else to do.  Gosh man - go get a job and pay some taxes like the rest of us.  Make yourself useful to society.  It's people like you who are bringing down the country. 

Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

So Danyael - I am really curious.  When do you go to cash your welfare check?  You are spilling rubbish on this site 24/7.  You clearly don't have anything else to do.  Gosh man - go get a job and pay some taxes like the rest of us.  Make yourself useful to society.  It's people like you who are bringing down the country. 

You need to launder some money? What a laugh you folks are!!!! This pretense that you are always better is indeed a chronic need to overcome so long a history of pernicious want. My sympathies!


He/She talking about the Kemraj that slowly getting things under control?


Kemraj cutting into dem guys business and all dem PPP peeps mad as hell




POLICE have arrested three of their own for allegedly taking $6M in bribes to set free four men who were caught with large quantities of cocaine in a minibus in Berbice.


Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Guyana's economy is gradually collapsing. The effects are not being felt now.  Give it another 2 years and you see real hardships..


Give it another 2 years??  You should come and see what is going on here.  People are not spending.  I went to Guyana Stores to buy clothes for school, there is no more than 5 people in the entire store.  There are long lines of empty minibuses at the car park with drivers begging passengers to go into their vehicle.  Rice farmers still have their rice sitting in the mills.  It won't be long before everything comes to a grinding halt.  Indians and blacks are all going to suffer.  The last thing we want to deal with right now is a war.

The economy was a bubble triggered by high gold prices.  Now that BOTH prices and production are down, why the shock that the economy is slow.  I have been warning about this since last year.


Interesting that the PPP screams out about this, yet has not said ONE thing about the reasons why.  The fact that the rice millers havent paid the rice farmers is the fault of the millers, and they should be made to honor their obligations.


As to the end of the Venezuela market.  Well why not ask who were the idiots who made Guyana even MORE vulnerable to a nation, which already claims more than 70% of our land and marine territory, by handing over the fate of the rice industry to them? 


This is POLITICAL and now Venezuela exercises their POLITICAL right to buy from others, and they told the PPP this BEFORE this recent incident.  All that happened is rather than ending in December, they have ended now.


Why the rice industry was not diversifying their export markets, and finding COMMERCIAL buyers, rather than a lunatic, is a question that THEY need to answer.  They are a PRIVATE industry.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by cain:

He/She talking about the Kemraj that slowly getting things under control?


Kemraj cutting into dem guys business and all dem PPP peeps mad as hell




POLICE have arrested three of their own for allegedly taking $6M in bribes to set free four men who were caught with large quantities of cocaine in a minibus in Berbice.


Ah tink Bibi talking about Tarron Khemraj bai.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by cain:

He/She talking about the Kemraj that slowly getting things under control?


Kemraj cutting into dem guys business and all dem PPP peeps mad as hell




POLICE have arrested three of their own for allegedly taking $6M in bribes to set free four men who were caught with large quantities of cocaine in a minibus in Berbice.


Ah tink Bibi talking about Tarron Khemraj bai.

Ah know but ah still want make a point.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Why the rice industry was not diversifying their export markets, and finding COMMERCIAL buyers, rather than a lunatic, is a question that THEY need to answer.  They are a PRIVATE industry.

Because dem brilliant! Not stupid like ahwe. Seriously though, wasn't dakta, dakta, dakta etc. and de round belly duck taught risk management and mititgation in they lil communist schools? Or was it just that the lure of the  petro caribe fund was SO lucrative and strong?

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Why the rice industry was not diversifying their export markets, and finding COMMERCIAL buyers, rather than a lunatic, is a question that THEY need to answer.  They are a PRIVATE industry.

Because dem brilliant! Not stupid like ahwe. Seriously though, wasn't dakta, dakta, dakta etc. and de round belly duck taught risk management and mititgation in they lil communist schools? Or was it just that the lure of the  petro caribe fund was SO lucrative and strong?

Jagdeo thought that Chavez was so masculine, so all sense fled out of his brain. He became like lovelorn teen agge girl.


The Petro caribe fund also provided numerous opportunities for theft, and as we see it is empty, even though apparently people haven't been paid.


Guyanese woman welcomes Maduro to St. Kitts with protest

“I am a Guyanese and if there is one person who knows what Venezuela’s intentions are it is I. I am here today to let the President know that I am not in agreement with what the troops are doing at the border. Guyana is for Guyanese not Venezuelans who want to take away five-eighths of our territory. And, most recently, their interest and covetousness have grown because Guyana has struck oil"

Guyanese woman welcomes Maduro to St. Kitts with protest

A Guyanese woman living in St. Kitts braved the sunny weather conditions on Wednesday to stand with two placards in the capital of St. Kitts as the President of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro started an official state visit to the Caribbean island.

The woman, Denise DeFreitas, stood along the route from the airport with her placards and then stood outside the venue where the Venezuelan President was meeting members of the St. Kitts government.

SKN Vibes in St. Kitts reported that according to DeFreitas, she was displaying her placards for President Maduro and his entourage to see that if there is one Guyanese residing in the twin-island Federation who is deeply concerned about the territorial integrity of her homeland, “I am that person!”

She was bearing two placards; one read: “All of Guyana belong to Guyanese not Venezuela” and the other which said: “Guyana belongs to Guyanese not Venezuela, not one blue saki, not one cuirass, not one rice grain, not one earthworm, not a blade of grass.”

“I am a Guyanese and if there is one person who knows what Venezuela’s intentions are it is I. I am here today to let the President know that I am not in agreement with what the troops are doing at the border. Guyana is for Guyanese not Venezuelans who want to take away five-eighths of our territory. And, most recently, their interest and covetousness have grown because Guyana has struck oil”, DeFreitas added.
Defreitas said she was eventually asked by a senior police officer to end her protest in front of the meeting venue because it was embarrassing the island.
She said she wanted it to be made clear that her problem is not with St. Kitts but rather with Maduro and Venezuela and he must be reminded every where he goes that Guyanese are against his claim to Guyana and its oil rich resources.
Over the past days, Venezuela has been building up troop levels at the bordering regions with Guyana.
The Guyana Defence Force has troops stationed in many of the areas on Guyana’s side and has indicated that it is prepared to deploy more troops and equipment if the need arises.
The Venezuelan President has indicated that he wants to meet with President David Granger during the United Nations General Assembly which is already underway in New York city.

"The Venezuelan President has indicated that he wants to meet with President David Granger during the United Nations General Assembly which is already underway in New York city."



Granger should take e rass out back and kick dah shit outta take a selfie.

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by cain:

"The Venezuelan President has indicated that he wants to meet with President David Granger during the United Nations General Assembly which is already underway in New York city."



Granger should take e rass out back and kick dah shit outta take a selfie.

De selfie might be a big 'hit' on GNI.

Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:
Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;
I come to bury Khemraj, not to praise him.
After his unsuccessful attempts at seeking employment in the US, partly because of his below average grade certificate and the "no name" school that he graduated from, he showed up at the PPP's doorsteps looking for power and fame.  They quickly saw through his opportunism and he was - REJECTED.
Not being one to accept defeat, and in an effort to seek revenge, he then sought to engage the AFC.  They too saw through his lowly motive and he was - REJECTED.
His best chance he thought was to then jump on the APNU bandwagon, because, after all, despite his low grade education he was more qualified than most of them.  What he didn't know was you had to be black and over age 62 to become an elite party member.  And so, he was - REJECTED.
Instead of seeking professional mental help, he comes to sites like these to display rantings of hatred, because in some sort of weird, chauvinistic way, it gives him temporary satisfaction.
Mr. Khemraj, you are not about country - Guyana or any other country.  You are all about selfishness.  You are one of those Indians who has to tear down another Indian if you perceive him to be doing better than you.  You are trying the divide and conquer strategy and it has gotten you quite far.  Don't try to act like you are championing the cause of black people because you are not, and they have seen right through you.  Your parents and grandparents hated black people.  You have no moral authority to speak for blacks, Indians, or anyone for that matter.
The path of destruction you are creating wreaks of hatred and self-serving interests.

LOL! Mr Lizzy you lacked conviction. No wonder why you went back to Guyana to fool dem PPP Indos with various levels of canard accomplishments.  

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:



23 years of PPP rule and no war.  In fact, Guyana has never been to war, even under the Burnham dictatorship.  All of a sudden the Army Brigadier "win" the election and we ready for war.  Maybe we need to start reading the fine print and dig a little deeper.

Exxon explored in waters claimed by Venezuela.  They began to do so WHEN THE PPP was still in power.  The PPP boasted that Guyana would become rich.  Maduro warned Exxon to get lost.  Exxon refused, and gained backing from the USA.  This all happened before May 11th.


PPP lost, and now they are screaming that this is the new gov'ts fault.

Either PPP or PNC, no oil coming for a long time.  Given supply and demand we have at least five year of upstream drought.  So it seems your plan to relegate the "Indian" economy to the back seat has been deferred.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:



23 years of PPP rule and no war.  In fact, Guyana has never been to war, even under the Burnham dictatorship.  All of a sudden the Army Brigadier "win" the election and we ready for war.  Maybe we need to start reading the fine print and dig a little deeper.

Exxon explored in waters claimed by Venezuela.  They began to do so WHEN THE PPP was still in power.  The PPP boasted that Guyana would become rich.  Maduro warned Exxon to get lost.  Exxon refused, and gained backing from the USA.  This all happened before May 11th.


PPP lost, and now they are screaming that this is the new gov'ts fault.

Either PPP or PNC, no oil coming for a long time.  Given supply and demand we have at least five year of upstream drought.  So it seems your plan to relegate the "Indian" economy to the back seat has been deferred.

What Indo KKK rant are you engaged in.  The PPP DESTROYED the rice and the sugar industry.  Here we have YOUR PPP idiots placing rice in the hands of Maduro even when LAST YEAR, Maduro's thugs invaded Guyana and assaulted miners.


Some time before that they had seized an oil exploration vessel, was threats directed at Guyana.


So tell me why did Jagdeo think that it made sense to make the rice industry dependent on Venezuela?


Your "Indian" economy was destroyed by Indians.


Have NOT seen any evidence that Maduro apologized for that intrusion.

Last edited by Former Member

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