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If they were political appointments, then they go with the party that appointed them. It has always been like that. Five plus years ago many complained about similar actions taken by the PNC, this sort of Musical Chair will always be in politics.

In the USA, Biden is busy picking his team to replace Trump's team, it doesn't matter how good you are ,once you were a political appointee, you cannot be trusted.

PS. I counted 42 people, a far cry from 1,000.

@kp posted:

If they were political appointments, then they go with the party that appointed them. It has always been like that. Five plus years ago many complained about similar actions taken by the PNC, this sort of Musical Chair will always be in politics.

In the USA, Biden is busy picking his team to replace Trump's team, it doesn't matter how good you are ,once you were a political appointee, you cannot be trusted.

PS. I counted 42 people, a far cry from 1,000.

You wanted to see a picture with all 1000 faces?  Laad buday some people haad for please.  The fired employees are not all political appointments.  The argument on replacing political appointees when governments change is a good one.  However, this is clearly not the case for the all of the people fired by the Jagdeo/Ali regime.

@Totaram posted:

You wanted to see a picture with all 1000 faces?  Laad buday some people haad for please.  The fired employees are not all political appointments.  The argument on replacing political appointees when governments change is a good one.  However, this is clearly not the case for the all of the people fired by the Jagdeo/Ali regime.

Where were you when the PNC done the same.

@VishMahabir posted:

Hey Dude:

First, I hope the moderator is taking note of your language.

Second, you sound like a psychotic, half-witted fool with nothing useful to say, and in need of attention.

Third, I doubt anyone here consider you with any sriousness.

YOU did, didn't you!Must be the sh*t effect!

Last edited by Former Member
@Viper posted:

Ethnic cleansing is right. The PPP cleanse them from their nasty, stinking habit. They need to get clean before they can be welcomed into the modern world. Look who is their leader? A frigging dinosaur from the stone age.

If I have a chance I will cleanse you.  You are a rotten, stinking piece of sh.t pretending to be a human.  Step out from behind you computer so that you could made an example.

@Viper posted:

Ethnic cleansing is right. The PPP cleanse them from their nasty, stinking habit. They need to get clean before they can be welcomed into the modern world. Look who is their leader? A frigging dinosaur from the stone age.

What is that obnoxious smell that Indians like you have all the time ? Why don't you clean yourself properly ?   


The anti-belief may be why you all are attacking each other. Try a little self-discipline and be logical because it is not good for the heart to be so verbally abusive. We are victims of others in a small way but mostly we are victims of ourselves so try to nurture your good nature. I don't think China would allow you all to express yourselves in such a distasteful way. Cherish your freedom and condition your mind to protect yourself because the future may be unrelenting to unrestricted expression. Trump needed some control because of a lack of empathy with his voice but don't destroy his future because of jealousy. I think the PPP like Trump's administration is on the right path with a heart to help people in need because there is honesty emanating from their emotions. With Trump's administration the PPP got into power and that's a good thing. Observers of the election came to Guyana and that was really lovable. Secretary Pompeo was sincere about justice and I am certain was instrumental in Guyana's success at righteousness for the people of Guyana. History is at a state of life and death so let's choose life and apply integrity  to fulfill the mission of Christ or Krishna.

Ronald Anthony Arjune

God is everywhere and in everyone's heart. The forgotten memory of force is what he uses to prevent the heart from functioning with our control in people. He has infected every part of the Galaxy whether it be the Americans or Guyanese or whatever. This is why we cannot say that negroes invented Curry or that Indians are the most intelligent race. This is because God does not allow the heart to confirm that with the force of the heart so that we can believe that with corresponding communication exchange. Don't be somebody like God because he's no good. I would trust Jesus or Krishna. God has abused my thinking by using Americans but I don't really blame Americans because of what he is doing. Even guyanese would have destroyed my mind because of God if I have lived there. If you prefer to infer that the devil is responsible instead of God I would understand since he (she) is considered evil.

Ronald Anthony Arjune

God is everywhere and in everyone's heart. The forgotten memory of force is what he uses to prevent the heart from functioning with our control in people. He has infected every part of the Galaxy whether it be the Americans or Guyanese or whatever. This is why we cannot say that negroes invented Curry or that Indians are the most intelligent race. This is because God does not allow the heart to confirm that with the force of the heart so that we can believe that with corresponding communication exchange. Don't be somebody like God because he's no good. I would trust Jesus or Krishna. God has abused my thinking by using Americans but I don't really blame Americans because of what he is doing. Even guyanese would have destroyed my mind because of God if I have lived there. If you prefer to infer that the devil is responsible instead of God I would understand since he (she) is considered evil.

Go look for cheap whores in downtown Georgetown! They will cure your longing for a good fk, fool! You, like so many other meat-eating cannibals in Guyana, don't even know when to eat meat! But I will give you a hint: go read Luke 15: 11-32! The older son was celibate! The key word is harlots!

Another? Don't eat two different protein foods at the same meal, especially beef and milk! One is from a living cow, the other fom a ded cow! But any other mixture will lead to the same cancer, though more slowly! Go read Exodus 23: 19, 34: 26, Deuteronomy 14: 21! The stupid doctors know nothing about the CAUSE of cancer! All they know is you got it, let me cut it out or chemo it!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Go look for cheap whores in downtown Georgetown! They will cure your longing for a good fk, fool! You, like so many other meat-eating cannibals in Guyana, don't even know when to eat meat! But I will give you a hint: go read Luke 15: 11-32! The older son was celibate! The key word is harlots!

Another? Don't eat two different protein foods at the same meal, especially beef and milk! One is from a living cow, the other fom a ded cow! But any other mixture will lead to the same cancer, though more slowly! Go read Exodus 23: 19, 34: 26, Deuteronomy 14: 21! The stupid doctors know nothing about the CAUSE of cancer! All they know is you got it, let me cut it out or chemo it!

Intelligence revealed !!  Rass, what a smart ass and trying to remove de wood,  better dan any  dankey.

@Tola posted:

Intelligence revealed !!  Rass, what a smart ass and trying to remove de wood,  better dan any  dankey.

Why isn't cain here to join you in your attack? You cowards like to attack as a team! Just like your hyena examples in old Africa! No wonder the other ethnics didn't like you! Once more, I've ignored Jesus' warning in Matthew 7: 6, through love for my country's mentally handicapped!

@Former Member posted:

Why isn't cain here to join you in your attack? You cowards like to attack as a team! Just like your hyena examples in old Africa! No wonder the other ethnics didn't like you! Once more, I've ignored Jesus' warning in Matthew 7: 6, through love for my country's mentally handicapped!

There is no team now, only me.  But your are an ass for discussing religion with vulgarity.  Is this how you parents  teach you ? 


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