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Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Donald Ramoutar should now concentrate on revenue collecting rather than worry about what the opposition thinks.

How will he get the budget passed?

he will negoitiate with the PNC boyz... There are those who do not like Granger as Granger doesn't like Corbin.
Recind the Chinese Airport deal pending renegotiation in the new administration; same with the Marriott deal and the Mining deal. Actually, every deal signed by the Jagdeo government in the last month in office should be rescinded pending re authorization by he new administration and oversight by its opposition partners.
Originally posted by D2:
Recind the Chinese Airport deal pending renegotiation in the new administration; same with the Marriott deal and the Mining deal. Actually, every deal signed by the Jagdeo government in the last month in office should be rescinded pending re authorization by he new administration and oversight by its opposition partners.
Well ... that would be hard to do since the PPP boys have already spent the bribe money. How will they pay back the chinese? Big Grin
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
December 14, 2011 4:36 PM

First 100 days: investigate Henry Green for as he says "messing with the girls". Sometimes, Freddi, is on the mark. He is with this apparent serial rapist.

Like deja vu all over again

Whatever  this  serial rapist  is holding  over  the  heads  of   Ramotar,  Rohee  and  others, has  to  be very substantial. Otherwise who  doe one  explain  the comatosed  non  response from  these  people?    


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