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BREAKING: Luncheon arrested

Former Head of the Presidential Secretariat under the Peoples Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) administration, Dr Roger Luncheon, was moments ago arrested by agents of the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU).

INews understands that Luncheon was arrested on the grounds that he allegedly acquired a house lot in Pradoville 2 by fraudulent means.

He was taken away from the Opposition Leader’s Office in the company of his attorney, Anil Nandlall to the SOCU headquarters in Camp Street, Georgetown.

Former President and Leader of the Opposition, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo told media operatives that this is yet another attempt of the APNU/AFC Government to target members of the PPP/C as a method to instill fear in them for speaking out. (Story and photo by Ramona Luthi) 

If they can't show proof that they acquired the properties at Pradoville through legal means ,then they must pay the price, but like Nehru says ,they must also investigate not only along party lines but all politicians on both sides of the aisle .Who will investigate the Daylight Robbery of PNC 50% taking and Moses 23 vehicles.


Dr. Jagdeo was escorted to COCU for questioning. He was NOT arrested. This negro is worst than Burnham. He will arrest every coolies from the PPP like Burnham did to Jagan's family and PPP members during this time. Granger's hope is to done away with his opposition for 2020 election, even though they are the biggest thieves in Guyana. 

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:

Dr. Jagdeo was escorted to COCU for questioning. He was NOT arrested. This negro is worst than Burnham. He will arrest every coolies from the PPP like Burnham did to Jagan's family and PPP members during this time. Granger's hope is to done away with his opposition for 2020 election, even though they are the biggest thieves in Guyana. 



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