The arrest/questioning of some of those who received house lots in Spaarendam seems to have caused quite a stir here on GNI. I am not a lawyer. However, here are my thoughts.
1. I believe that any one who steals or is corrupt should be brought to justice through the ordinary functioning of the legal system.
2. I am unsure whether these individuals have been charged. Charges can only be instituted on the advice of the DPP. They can be questioned. As far as I know, no arrest warrant is required as in the states.
3. I think the issue here was that the individuals were reluctant to being interviewed at SOCU headquarters. Made a request for an alternate site which, by their action, the government refused.
4. I thought that this was high handed action by socu, especially for Jagdeo and luncheon. A certain level of courtesy is generally accorded or should be in certain circumstances and for certain individuals.
5. This is an attempt to divert attention from the utter mess the coalition has made in governing the country, especially in economic matters and the resulting loss of support. The AFC support has disappeared and ApNU support has gotten soft, some supporters are saying openly that at least if Jagdeo was stealing, they were still getting some, making some money.
5. This is not a slam -dunk case for the police. There are many legal issues that they need to surmount, the most important one being intent. How can you prove criminal intent of someone, eg. Gary Best, who has paid a price for the land, who knows that the govt. has been giving out subsidized land to thousand of guyanese, who does not know the actual procedure for acquiring land or the value of the land that he or she receives, received a transport that was advertised and that was not opposed? Who assessed the land and the different assessment by different officials.
Also, jagdeo will claim his immunity as per the constitution and use that to cover the action of all the other. He can say ga he authorized it and it is left to the police to show that in receiving the land, they knew it wwas a corrupt act.
just my thought. I am certain legal luminaries on the site will correct me in the areas tha I erred.