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VVP posted:
Drugb posted:

This is a dangerous precedence.  From the content of the article there appears to be no arrest warrant provided by any judge. Socu seems to be  endowed with authority that circumvents the court system.

So the police needs an arrest warrant before they could charge anyone?

Before they arrest these prominent citizens. Yes. Charging and arresting are two different things. 


An arrest warrant is acquired in a court of law by presenting a judge with probable cause for arresting the suspect. ... Arrest warrants are most commonly required when a crime is committed out of view of a police officer. If a felony is committed in view of a police officer then an arrest can be made without a warrant.

Drugb posted:
VVP posted:
Drugb posted:

This is a dangerous precedence.  From the content of the article there appears to be no arrest warrant provided by any judge. Socu seems to be  endowed with authority that circumvents the court system.

So the police needs an arrest warrant before they could charge anyone?

Before they arrest these prominent citizens. Yes. Charging and arresting are two different things. 

Their lawyers were there.  They didn't oppose the "arrest."

VVP posted:
Drugb posted:
VVP posted:
Drugb posted:

This is a dangerous precedence.  From the content of the article there appears to be no arrest warrant provided by any judge. Socu seems to be  endowed with authority that circumvents the court system.

So the police needs an arrest warrant before they could charge anyone?

Before they arrest these prominent citizens. Yes. Charging and arresting are two different things. 

Their lawyers were there.  They didn't oppose the "arrest."

Maybe this is just Guyana's laws, that one can be arrested without a warrant. Or maybe they did have a warrant even thought it was not mentioned in the article. 

kp posted:

Watch a difference a day makes. Yesterday was celebration for Ramayya  crossing the floor. Today PPP leaders are being arrested  now how attractive would it be for others on the Fence wanting to join a party headed by criminals. A sad day for Guyanese this is the convenient time for a third major political party. 

Already you became judge and jury. I would be interested to see the evidence and their rational in formulating these charges. Or whether this is just political grandstanding to take the focus away from the failing economy and parking meter scandal. 

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
kp posted:

Watch a difference a day makes. Yesterday was celebration for Ramayya  crossing the floor. Today PPP leaders are being arrested  now how attractive would it be for others on the Fence wanting to join a party headed by criminals. A sad day for Guyanese this is the convenient time for a third major political party. 

Already you became judge and jury. I would be interested to see the evidence and their rational in formulating these charges. Or whether this is just political grandstanding to take the focus away from the failing economy and parking meter scandal. 

The evidence are the massive structures at Pradoville  that you can see from the International space station .

Drugb posted:
kp posted:

Watch a difference a day makes. Yesterday was celebration for Ramayya  crossing the floor. Today PPP leaders are being arrested  now how attractive would it be for others on the Fence wanting to join a party headed by criminals. A sad day for Guyanese this is the convenient time for a third major political party. 

Already you became judge and jury. I would be interested to see the evidence and their rational in formulating these charges. Or whether this is just political grandstanding to take the focus away from the failing economy and parking meter scandal. 

It might be political grandstanding as you said, but the arrest was based on findings of the forensic audit. I don't think anybody will be going to jail on this; most likely they will have to pay the fair value of the property cost.  I think it will be very hard for them to prove that it was deliberate corruption.  If they do, many one fall guy will be jailed.

Drugb posted:

This is a dangerous precedence.  From the content of the article there appears to be no arrest warrant provided by any judge. Socu seems to be  endowed with authority that circumvents the court system.

you ppp ass should be happy the government is cleaning up the ppp party now you guys can start with a clean slate  


Jagdeo shelters under presidential immunity during SOCU interrogation about Pradoville 2

March 7, 2017 Source

Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo on Tuesday said he invoked presidential immunity when he was questioned by investigators of the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) in connection with his acquisition of seaside house lots at Ogle-Sparendaam, East Coast Demerara (PradoVille 2) below market value.

“They asked me several questions relating to the Pradoville transaction and I made a short statement because they asked me questions in my official capacity and I have immunities on those and so I refused to answer those questions,” Jagdeo, who served as President from 1999 to 2011, told reporters shortly after spending less than two hours in custody.

Guyana’s constitutional provision on the immunity of current and former presidents states “The holder of the office of President shall not be personally answerable to any court for the performance of the
function of his or her office or for any act done in the performance of those functions and no proceedings whether criminal or civil, shall be instituted against him or her in his or her personal capacity in respect thereof either during his or her term of office or thereafter.”

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