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The arrest/questioning of some of those who received house lots in  Spaarendam seems to have caused quite a stir here on GNI. I am not a lawyer. However, here are my thoughts.

1. I believe that any one who steals or is corrupt should be brought to justice  through the ordinary functioning of the legal system. 

2. I am unsure whether these individuals have been charged. Charges can only be instituted on the advice of the DPP. They can be questioned. As far as I know, no arrest warrant is required as in the states.

3. I think the issue here was that the individuals were reluctant to being interviewed at SOCU headquarters. Made a request for an alternate site which, by their action, the government refused.

4. I thought that this was high handed action by socu, especially for Jagdeo and luncheon. A certain level of courtesy is generally accorded or should be in certain circumstances and for certain individuals.

5. This is an attempt to divert attention from the utter mess the coalition has made in governing the country, especially in economic matters and the resulting loss of support. The AFC support has disappeared and ApNU support has gotten soft, some supporters are saying openly that at  least if Jagdeo was stealing, they were still getting some, making some money.

5. This is not a slam -dunk case for the police. There are many legal issues that they need to surmount, the most important one being intent. How can you prove criminal intent of someone, eg. Gary Best,  who has paid a price for the land, who knows that the govt. has been giving out subsidized land to thousand of guyanese, who does not know the actual procedure for acquiring land or the value of the land that he or she receives, received a transport that was advertised and that was not opposed? Who assessed the land and the different assessment by different officials.

Also, jagdeo will claim his immunity as per the constitution and use that to cover the action of all the other. He can say ga he authorized it and it is left to the police to show that in receiving the land, they knew it wwas a corrupt act.

just my thought. I am certain legal luminaries on the site will correct me in the areas tha I erred. 




"2. I am unsure whether these individuals have been charged. Charges can only be instituted on the advice of the DPP. They can be questioned. As far as I know, no arrest warrant is required as in the states."


Another loophole to the above,charges will be instituted with direction from another body [if i can recall the special prosecutors] ,the clearance was given by the DPP.

I read it in one of the media.


"Also, jagdeo will claim his immunity as per the constitution and use that to cover the action of all the other. He can say ga he authorized it and it is left to the police to show that in receiving the land, they knew it wwas a corrupt act."


Burnham,unprogressive Constitution working well for kleptocracy.

If corruption is proven by the Courts,his credibility is on the line,well in Guyana who cares.


Djano, using the "if" in your response is the first sign of poor reasoning. You know the old statement that if wishes were horses, beggars will ride.

if I remember correctly, the president of the US receives certain exceptions, including not declaring conflict of interest. Maybe  many more. 

i live in Guyana and I can state without anybreservation that I care about what happens here. Do you? Yes you might have relative here. Posting articles here is not an indication that you care. 

Regarding the special prosecutors, what is given can be revoked. The matter will be played out in the courts in the future. Time will tell. 

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Show me Roger Luncheon's name!!!!!!  And who determines the price of a piece of land - the PNC???????

His name is missing,maybe it was forgotten to be listed,

that land belongs to the State and not because you are elected to rule, you can tek um fuh next to nothing,na only dah the amount of money spend to develop the area,where it come from ??


What did Burnham and Green did . They burrow .... Green is alive and they giving him more . 

Banna you get cockeyed like rumjat 

Zed posted:

Djano, using the "if" in your response is the first sign of poor reasoning. You know the old statement that if wishes were horses, beggars will ride.

if I remember correctly, the president of the US receives certain exceptions, including not declaring conflict of interest. Maybe  many more. 

i live in Guyana and I can state without anybreservation that I care about what happens here. Do you? Yes you might have relative here. Posting articles here is not an indication that you care. 

Regarding the special prosecutors, what is given can be revoked. The matter will be played out in the courts in the future. Time will tell. 

Very well said !!! On this same thread he claimed to be American. His only care about Guyana is for negroes .

i am sure he backside didn't protest in the streets of America what The Trump administration is doing to immigrants. 

My apology if you did , but show me a picture you in the protest line . You are a ***k in immigrant who can be kill any time base on what's going on there. 

So let hear you bai, 

Imran posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Show me Roger Luncheon's name!!!!!!  And who determines the price of a piece of land - the PNC???????

His name is missing,maybe it was forgotten to be listed,

that land belongs to the State and not because you are elected to rule, you can tek um fuh next to nothing,na only dah the amount of money spend to develop the area,where it come from ??


What did Burnham and Green did . They burrow .... Green is alive and they giving him more . 

Banna you get cockeyed like rumjat 

This chap is a Dirty Indo. His behaviour is quite disgraceful in promoting the demise of Indos.

He is in the same "Boat" at Cockeye Chammar Rumjattan.

Not only Hamilton Green, but Greenidge and many other PNC skunks destroyed Guyana and are walking free and being rewarded by more.

Another Skunk Glen Lall owes $ 400 Million but Django is afraid of the PNC giving him a Greasy Pole if he speaks out.

I have confirmation of someone very close to him drinking PNC soup but I will elaborate no further. I shake my head when these Dirty Indos speak.

warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:

After Ramayya left the AFC, Granger is sending a message. Any politician who is not PNC/AFC is liable to be arrested and thrown in jail without just cause. 

you rass better  not go back they will trow you in jail for stealing at least you can hug bar rat and sleep 

Why don't you post during the day?


While in office Jagdeo should have gone after all those who mismanaged (tief) funds you guys are speaking about, but he saw an opportunity to do the same. The new govt was put into position by the people to put an end to the madness that Guyanese had become acclimatized to.

Isn,t it sad instead of taking their governments to task by taking to the streets in numbers demanding a stop to organized theft...bombarding the papers, airwaves, they instead use words such as "whem dem PNC ah tief an we doan get a share, at least when PPP ah tief we does get lil bit"

This govt has to go one step further...go after all who has used state funds as their own, regardless of which party they belong.


cain posted:

While in office Jagdeo should have gone after all those who mismanaged (tief) funds you guys are speaking about, but he saw an opportunity to do the same. The new govt was put into position by the people to put an end to the madness that Guyanese had become acclimatized to.

Isn,t it sad instead of taking their governments to task by taking to the streets in numbers demanding a stop to organized theft...bombarding the papers, airwaves, they instead use words such as "whem dem PNC ah tief an we doan get a share, at least when PPP ah tief we does get lil bit"

This govt has to go one step further...go after all who has used state funds as their own, regardless of which party they belong.


That's correct the money pilfered can be used for providing better services for the people which is only 750,000.

G$ 1 billion "Fibre Optic Project" gone down the drain not a word from the PPP sympathizers.

Some gov't at some time have to put a stop.

Last edited by Django
cain posted:

While in office Jagdeo should have gone after all those who mismanaged (tief) funds you guys are speaking about, but he saw an opportunity to do the same. The new govt was put into position by the people to put an end to the madness that Guyanese had become acclimatized to.

Isn,t it sad instead of taking their governments to task by taking to the streets in numbers demanding a stop to organized theft...bombarding the papers, airwaves, they instead use words such as "whem dem PNC ah tief an we doan get a share, at least when PPP ah tief we does get lil bit"

This govt has to go one step further...go after all who has used state funds as their own, regardless of which party they belong.


Can you say who was found guilty of the crime you speaking of . 

Imran posted:
cain posted:

While in office Jagdeo should have gone after all those who mismanaged (tief) funds you guys are speaking about, but he saw an opportunity to do the same. The new govt was put into position by the people to put an end to the madness that Guyanese had become acclimatized to.

Isn,t it sad instead of taking their governments to task by taking to the streets in numbers demanding a stop to organized theft...bombarding the papers, airwaves, they instead use words such as "whem dem PNC ah tief an we doan get a share, at least when PPP ah tief we does get lil bit"

This govt has to go one step further...go after all who has used state funds as their own, regardless of which party they belong.


Can you say who was found guilty of the crime you speaking of . 

A certain group of less intelligent individuals are spewing nonsense. They will continue to live in the dust of Ignorance and live from pillar to pillar.


KAIETEUR NEWS, AUGUST 18, 2015: "The Burnham family had a lease of three acres behind the Botanic Gardens in the eighties. About twenty-five years after, the family applied for prescriptive rights which people naturally do under the law. In 2010, the Jagdeo regime abolished prescriptive rights, which the present government needs to reexamine.
After the death of Mrs. Viola Burnham, the daughters sold two of the three acres to China Trading. Mr. Kamana Burnham, the President’s adopted son, was left with one acre on which he presently lives in the family house. In fairness to the correct recording of history, Mr. Kamana Burnham objected to the sale of all three acres. Out of obligation to the objectivity of political analysis, it must be noted that the Burnham daughters did receive an awesome sum for the two acres."

GILBAKKA'S COMMENT: He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone. The PNC, which is the kernel of APNU, is not without sin. The PNC regime had used its power to expropriate lands and homes belonging to individuals and private companies for government, party and leading supporters' use. When Cheddi Jagan became president he did not arrest former President Desmond Hoyte, Prime Minister Hamilton Green, or any PNC minister or official.

According to the Guyana Constitution, the President is entitled to immunity from prosecution for actions undertaken while in office. There is no exception or waiver of that immunity. By authorizing the acquisition and development of Pradoville2, ex-President Jagdeo in effect gave legal authority to the purchasers of Pradoville2 lands. Necessary paper work was completed by the Central Housing and Planning Authority, the body vested with power to legalize the transactions.

In my opinion, the only ex-PPP minister who should be arrested is Priya Manickchand, who breached her CH&PA agreement and sold her property before 10 years.

Having said the above, I am not implying that the PPP ministers were angels. Even supporters like Skeldon_Man acknowledged corruption/thieving. 

Django posted:
cain posted:

While in office Jagdeo should have gone after all those who mismanaged (tief) funds you guys are speaking about, but he saw an opportunity to do the same. The new govt was put into position by the people to put an end to the madness that Guyanese had become acclimatized to.

Isn,t it sad instead of taking their governments to task by taking to the streets in numbers demanding a stop to organized theft...bombarding the papers, airwaves, they instead use words such as "whem dem PNC ah tief an we doan get a share, at least when PPP ah tief we does get lil bit"

This govt has to go one step further...go after all who has used state funds as their own, regardless of which party they belong.


That's correct the money pilfered can be used for providing better services for the people which is only 750,000.

G$ 1 billion "Fibre Optic Project" gone down the drain not a word from the PPP sympathizers.

Some gov't at some time have to put a stop.

You must have heard of bad investment... the same country you live in is no exception. 

What you should have done was go back home and be involved while you pay your taxes . You would have a voice. 

You could have chair a committee to over look the projects ... maybe maybe we would have a different discussion. Eh bai. 

Its easy to sit behind the computer critizing and not having a first had experience. 

It amazing Django ... you were preparing to run from your birth country during pnc time and you are blind to what they did. 

Imran posted:

It amazing Django ... you were preparing to run from your birth country during pnc time and you are blind to what they did. 

Bhai Imran,I could have stayed,the children future was the cause to migrate,it's not easy leave your possessions to start a new life at 43,good luck I did ok,by the way i left in 1996.

Me guh bet,you did the same because of your children future.

Last edited by Django

What bother me the most is all you deserters living in comfort  far away from Guyana playing president. Judge and police. Let's be civil think what you would want for any country much more so for a poor country. Would you condone fraud.  thieving. party favors etc. I say no. So let the present government do their investigation there is the courts that you can show all evidence.If the PPP was  in office and the table had turned would you not want them to investigate the PNC. That is why the small time criminals  exist because they see the guys at the top helping themselves and nothing is passed down to them so they have to fen for themselves. This cycle of corruption must stop.


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