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I can operate the old style singer sewing machine like a pro. These new ones i am lost. Wife has Paff that is about 20 years old. I dont know diddly squat. I told my daughter to take it since her husband knows how to use those machine

Nehru back in school the girls had sewing class. I use to join in just for fun and getting close to the girls. But i actually did end up learning how to do some sewing.  Plus as a kid i hung around my uncle who actually could use the singer machine so i learnt


In addition to sewing Iman do a real good job at baking, and cooking,no joke yeh. Couple nights ago I made a nice cookup rice that turned into a cookup jello. I turned the pot over and out fell the blob with a shape like Jabba DaHut. I wish I took a picture, would make for great conversation. Ohhh what a work of art.


Last edited by cain
Mr.T posted:

I don't know how to bake, but cooking is something I do enjoy these days after splashing out on a very expensive kitchen. I even just ordered a new pressure cooker. My preferred make for pots is Berndes. They hold the heat very well. My menu is limited, but I am willing to experiment with new ideas.

Try making cookup rice.


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