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Seeking asylum in the US: Moudi Aljohani
The Australian12:00AM February 18, 2017
Those who publicly renounce their religion often find themselves shunned by family and friends. Women from Saudi Arabia who renounce Islam find loved ones can morph into mortal enemies — with the law on their side. In defiance of a male guardianship system that places strict limits on their movements, a small band of Saudi women has fled to the West. They have adopted the label “ex-Saudi”, alongside “ex-Muslim”. Four share their story with Inquirer.

Fled to Britain in 2016
Four years ago I renounced Islam. In Saudi Arabia there is no freedom of religion so you cannot expose what you actually think, which is extremely hard, especially because I’m a woman. You have to wear a veil, you have to wear a niqab, you have to pray five times a day, you are forced to go to Mecca to do Umrah (pilgrimage). You have to live and pretend to be Muslim and it kind of caused an identity crisis. You know if you ever reveal anything you could end up in jail, for how long you don’t know, or you could lose your life from relatives.

I let my family know. I told them that I had left and that this is a decision that they should respect but I think that what they did is that they reported me as an escapee, which is an offence in Saudi Arabia. It’s only an offence for women, if they escape from a male guardian.

I received some threats from them. That’s when I cut all contact. Honour killings are very prevalent in the Middle East and what I have done is a dishonour not only to the family but to the tribe. I don’t see it as a dishonour but they do and the culture does.

Renouncing Islam is very difficult. You alter your life completely because basically you want to live, to seek refuge, somewhere else. It hasn’t been easy. You always have these doubts. You always try to look for a better life, but when I compare it (with life in Saudi Arabia) it is nothing, literally nothing: I was depressed all the time, I was very close to committing suicide. I don’t have any suicidal thoughts since I’ve been here and I’m very grateful.

Sisterhood’s veiled promiseSisterhood’s veiled promise
I kind of find it appalling that people find sharia law is just. Especially to women, because fundamentally it’s not. It calls for polygamy, it permits having female slaves ... and if you receive an inheritance it should be half of the male, which is also unequal. It’s just not fathomable that people think it is equal.

Seeking asylum in US
I graduated from law school in Saudi Arabia. I studied the Saudi legal system and sharia law. I knew so much detail that I refused it: that’s how I can identify myself as an unbeliever. I studied the Koran since I was seven and also sharia, and every single human violation is justified by sharia. I cannot accept it because it’s just cruel, harsh laws that are violating women and minorities.

I got a scholarship from the government. It took me two years to convince my family to let me study in the US. I am a woman: how can I just go and be independent and leave the house and go to another country? Eventually I did and I studied in the US for 1½ years. Then I went to visit them in Saudi and they just blocked me and kept me as a prisoner in my house and forced me to leave my studies. They said “you’re not going back to America, you’ve become too Americanised’’.

I was locked for almost eight months inside Saudi and the only way to leave the country is to try to gain their trust again, so for the last three months there I just tried to act and lie, to make them believe that I don’t really want to leave the country so they went more soft on me. I eventually succeeded with that so I told them I wanted to visit my high school friend in Bahrain (but flew to the US). I ran away almost three months ago now.

I tried to contact many organisations in the US and every organisation tried to refer me to somewhere else and I have, like, zero support. Not just financially, also emotional support, especially after many traumatic events that I’ve been through before in Saudi.

After I came out publicly I am getting tens, hundreds of stories daily from Saudi women. I knew that it’s bad but after getting these stories I realised I was wrong: it is worse than bad. It is terrible. The common things are a lot of sexual assault and domestic violence. The world doesn’t really talk about it or know that it’s going on, because it’s a very powerful and rich country and that’s how they influence other countries.

Escaped to the US in 2013
I was raised as a girl who is going to bring shame to the family the minute they turn their backs. My family is so religiously fanatic that I was not allowed to leave the house except for college, and if I need to go to the supermarket or the hospital, I must be escorted by my mother, but sometimes even my mother is not enough. My room that I shared with my sisters had windows that were covered by black wrapping, so people outside can’t even see our shadows.

Saudi women need their male guardian, or a man in general, in their life — and not because she cannot do it by herself. No, the reason behind that is that Saudi law promotes this kind of relation of women to male guardians. She needs her guardian’s signature in every single step she might take in her life.

The only job my father could give me a permission for was being a teacher because teaching girls does not involve any kind of communication with men. That nine months was the hardest period of my life. I realised I mean nothing to my family and I have never been loved. How could they lock me up in their house for no reason but that the religion says so? Or people will talk bad about us if they see you going out a lot?

I know very well that my problem is that I am a Saudi and the only way to solve this is by leaving everything behind and start from nothing. The plan was to have a summer vacation for the first time in my life outside the country. The minute our flight landed in the US and we got inside the airport, I took my veil off. I told them, “I am not good, I am not OK. I am not even a happy person. You impose on me every single thing in my life. Now it is time to put an end to this.”

Seeking asylum in Scotland. Left Saudi Arabia for Scotland with her family when she was 13, and returned briefly when she was 21

My male guardian was the man who was supposed to be taking care of everything so I had to take his permission for everything. My brother, who is one year older than me, he became my male guardian. He was quite bossy and controlling, but at the time I didn’t have a problem with Islam because it’s debatable whether this comes from Islam or whether it’s a cultural thing.

Mum and I started having a lot of conflicts and then I went back to Saudi Arabia to live with my father for five months, even though he really didn’t want me to. He was very bad and irresponsible and cruel, and so I think at that point I didn’t pray at all.

Leaving Islam was horrible. I mean it set me free, obviously, but I remember having all these questions about what is going to happen to me after I die.

It kind of frightened me because Islam was kind of more like an identity, so I felt like I lost everyone in my life and I couldn’t tell anyone except my boyfriend at the time.

I made a Twitter account, and somehow by accident I linked it to my phone number and I posted one tweet about questioning religion, that they are all incorrect and invalid.

My sister saw it and then she asked me, “Is this you?” I even swore by God it was not me but then she told my mum and it was a big, big problem.

I moved out because my life got threatened by my brother. He found out that I had a boyfriend. I was out at the time and my brother followed me to find out if I was meeting him and then I looked behind me and he was there. He told me that if I come home he’s going to slit my throat. I just took whatever I was wearing and my bag and went straight to the citizens advice bureau.



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Replies sorted oldest to newest

Indeed horrible, for these reasons and more Muslims are hate so much. We have seen here on this forum they attack other members because of their religious beliefs. And they refuse to condemn the suffering inflicted on humans  because they themselves abuse the word of the Quran for their satisfaction.


There is no passage in the Qur'an that directs anyone to abuse women. For y'all education, prior to the birth of Muhammad female children were buried alive. To this practice, there is a passage in the Qur'an where the buried female child is rhetorically asking her parent, "for what sin was I buried alive". There is also another passage that states that if a man accuses a woman of lewdness, he has to produce four witnesses. However, all she needs to do is provide one witness to dispute his accusation. There are many passages talking about the value of one's mother. What happens in many of these Muslim countries is strictly against the Qur'an and sharia as taught by the prophet. That said, it is true that many women are abused in these countries and it is expected that some will develop negative opinions about Islam. That is their right as there is no compulsion in Islam. Another passage from the Qur'an. Does Islam allow Muslims to fight with non-Muslims? Sure. But only if and when non-Muslims wage war against Muslims. And only to the extend of the war waged. Muslims can't exceed their limits. Another passage from the Qur'an.


Dem ppl mek up tings as dey go along. Dey never gat de whole message, suh alot of assumptions are considered authentic. We have wan a dem on here. Dare not sey the book in questionable. Perhaps, is dat y they proclaimed without a doubt dat the book was the real words of desert warria, strikely fear in the brotherhood, if differ was ever contemplated. Ah wonder is wey the Arabs get de idea of mistreating dem females.

ksazma posted:

There is no passage in the Qur'an that directs anyone to abuse women. For y'all education, prior to the birth of Muhammad female children were buried alive. To this practice, there is a passage in the Qur'an where the buried female child is rhetorically asking her parent, "for what sin was I buried alive". There is also another passage that states that if a man accuses a woman of lewdness, he has to produce four witnesses. However, all she needs to do is provide one witness to dispute his accusation. There are many passages talking about the value of one's mother. What happens in many of these Muslim countries is strictly against the Qur'an and sharia as taught by the prophet. That said, it is true that many women are abused in these countries and it is expected that some will develop negative opinions about Islam. That is their right as there is no compulsion in Islam. Another passage from the Qur'an. Does Islam allow Muslims to fight with non-Muslims? Sure. But only if and when non-Muslims wage war against Muslims. And only to the extend of the war waged. Muslims can't exceed their limits. Another passage from the Qur'an.

So the Quran encourages war against humanity who are non Muslim. No wonder Muslims forced Islam on others or you will be prosecuted 


Imran posted:
ksazma posted:

There is no passage in the Qur'an that directs anyone to abuse women. For y'all education, prior to the birth of Muhammad female children were buried alive. To this practice, there is a passage in the Qur'an where the buried female child is rhetorically asking her parent, "for what sin was I buried alive". There is also another passage that states that if a man accuses a woman of lewdness, he has to produce four witnesses. However, all she needs to do is provide one witness to dispute his accusation. There are many passages talking about the value of one's mother. What happens in many of these Muslim countries is strictly against the Qur'an and sharia as taught by the prophet. That said, it is true that many women are abused in these countries and it is expected that some will develop negative opinions about Islam. That is their right as there is no compulsion in Islam. Another passage from the Qur'an. Does Islam allow Muslims to fight with non-Muslims? Sure. But only if and when non-Muslims wage war against Muslims. And only to the extend of the war waged. Muslims can't exceed their limits. Another passage from the Qur'an.

So the Quran encourages war against humanity who are non Muslim. No wonder Muslims forced Islam on others or you will be prosecuted 


I believe I have told you before that you have a tremendous reading deficiency. You should try to improve it.

randolph posted:

Verses in the Quran that promotes violence against non muslims

At the time of Muhammad he and his followers were being persecuted to the point of murder so it is not surprising that they will respond to defend themselves. Like the verse states 'fight with those WHO FIGHT WITH YOU'. I noticed the person posting that verse only posted the first half of it but even that shows a condition for fighting. So what is the second half of that verse left out? BUT DO NOT COMMIT AGGRESSION. 

Not knocking you Randolph. You just posted someone else's work.

seignet posted:

Dem ppl mek up tings as dey go along. Dey never gat de whole message, suh alot of assumptions are considered authentic. We have wan a dem on here. Dare not sey the book in questionable. Perhaps, is dat y they proclaimed without a doubt dat the book was the real words of desert warria, strikely fear in the brotherhood, if differ was ever contemplated. Ah wonder is wey the Arabs get de idea of mistreating dem females.

So what is the whole message Saggabai?

Oh, do you think the Arabs got the idea to mistreat women from the Bible? After all there is the passage where God instructed Moses and Aaron to kill all Moabites. Men, women and children. Even the animals as well as the trees. But they should save all the female Moabites who never had sex but was of age for sex. And they gathered up some 32 thousand such virgins which they divided up amongst themselves. But they didn't forget God. They gave him 16 thousand of those virgins. I wonder what God must have had a massive sexcapade with those 16 thousand virgins.


We must not blame Islam for the social ills of the Islamic/Arab/Middle Eastern/South Asian world. Islam is a religion of peace and praiseworthy social conduct. Respect for women, or due consideration for women, is embedded in Islamic code of ethics. 

The problem occurs when some Muslims engage in despicable actions towards women and plead that they are acting in the name of Allah. These people give Islam a dirty reputation. Shame on them. 

One more thing: Spousal abuse and general demeaning of women are not confined to Muslims only. No society in the world is blameless, not even the advanced Anglo-Saxon or Caucasian.

ksazma posted:
Imran posted:
ksazma posted:

There is no passage in the Qur'an that directs anyone to abuse women. For y'all education, prior to the birth of Muhammad female children were buried alive. To this practice, there is a passage in the Qur'an where the buried female child is rhetorically asking her parent, "for what sin was I buried alive". There is also another passage that states that if a man accuses a woman of lewdness, he has to produce four witnesses. However, all she needs to do is provide one witness to dispute his accusation. There are many passages talking about the value of one's mother. What happens in many of these Muslim countries is strictly against the Qur'an and sharia as taught by the prophet. That said, it is true that many women are abused in these countries and it is expected that some will develop negative opinions about Islam. That is their right as there is no compulsion in Islam. Another passage from the Qur'an. Does Islam allow Muslims to fight with non-Muslims? Sure. But only if and when non-Muslims wage war against Muslims. And only to the extend of the war waged. Muslims can't exceed their limits. Another passage from the Qur'an.

So the Quran encourages war against humanity who are non Muslim. No wonder Muslims forced Islam on others or you will be prosecuted 


I believe I have told you before that you have a tremendous reading deficiency. You should try to improve it.

Listen up Dooshbag , you are a emotional wreck and a hypocrite. 

Go sit at the back bench.... brother Keith will sermonize your ass Monday morning 

Gilbakka posted:

We must not blame Islam for the social ills of the Islamic/Arab/Middle Eastern/South Asian world. Islam is a religion of peace and praiseworthy social conduct. Respect for women, or due consideration for women, is embedded in Islamic code of ethics. 

The problem occurs when some Muslims engage in despicable actions towards women and plead that they are acting in the name of Allah. These people give Islam a dirty reputation. Shame on them. 

One more thing: Spousal abuse and general demeaning of women are not confined to Muslims only. No society in the world is blameless, not even the advanced Anglo-Saxon or Caucasian.

We must not blame middle eastern countries only for the ills of Islam . We have seen it back home.

And on this forum.

A  Muslim debating a Christian about the bible and the Quran speaks out against Idol worshippers and that very Muslim  takes part in idol sermon . And they on this forum telling folks about Islam . 

all religion has some form of spousal abuse, when we distord the Quran to our own satisfaction... that's a problem .



Imran posted:
Gilbakka posted:

We must not blame Islam for the social ills of the Islamic/Arab/Middle Eastern/South Asian world. Islam is a religion of peace and praiseworthy social conduct. Respect for women, or due consideration for women, is embedded in Islamic code of ethics. 

The problem occurs when some Muslims engage in despicable actions towards women and plead that they are acting in the name of Allah. These people give Islam a dirty reputation. Shame on them. 

One more thing: Spousal abuse and general demeaning of women are not confined to Muslims only. No society in the world is blameless, not even the advanced Anglo-Saxon or Caucasian.

We must not blame middle eastern countries only for the ills of Islam . We have seen it back home.

And on this forum.

A  Muslim debating a Christian about the bible and the Quran speaks out against Idol worshippers and that very Muslim  takes part in idol sermon . And they on this forum telling folks about Islam . 

all religion has some form of spousal abuse, when we distord the Quran to our own satisfaction... that's a problem .



Salaam, Imran.

Imran posted:
ksazma posted:
Imran posted:
ksazma posted:

There is no passage in the Qur'an that directs anyone to abuse women. For y'all education, prior to the birth of Muhammad female children were buried alive. To this practice, there is a passage in the Qur'an where the buried female child is rhetorically asking her parent, "for what sin was I buried alive". There is also another passage that states that if a man accuses a woman of lewdness, he has to produce four witnesses. However, all she needs to do is provide one witness to dispute his accusation. There are many passages talking about the value of one's mother. What happens in many of these Muslim countries is strictly against the Qur'an and sharia as taught by the prophet. That said, it is true that many women are abused in these countries and it is expected that some will develop negative opinions about Islam. That is their right as there is no compulsion in Islam. Another passage from the Qur'an. Does Islam allow Muslims to fight with non-Muslims? Sure. But only if and when non-Muslims wage war against Muslims. And only to the extend of the war waged. Muslims can't exceed their limits. Another passage from the Qur'an.

So the Quran encourages war against humanity who are non Muslim. No wonder Muslims forced Islam on others or you will be prosecuted 


I believe I have told you before that you have a tremendous reading deficiency. You should try to improve it.

Listen up Dooshbag , you are a emotional wreck and a hypocrite. 

Go sit at the back bench.... brother Keith will sermonize your ass Monday morning 

Now read my post and then your last one ....... Never mind. You are too daft to recognize the irony in your comment.

Imran posted:
Gilbakka posted:

We must not blame Islam for the social ills of the Islamic/Arab/Middle Eastern/South Asian world. Islam is a religion of peace and praiseworthy social conduct. Respect for women, or due consideration for women, is embedded in Islamic code of ethics. 

The problem occurs when some Muslims engage in despicable actions towards women and plead that they are acting in the name of Allah. These people give Islam a dirty reputation. Shame on them. 

One more thing: Spousal abuse and general demeaning of women are not confined to Muslims only. No society in the world is blameless, not even the advanced Anglo-Saxon or Caucasian.

We must not blame middle eastern countries only for the ills of Islam . We have seen it back home.

And on this forum.

A  Muslim debating a Christian about the bible and the Quran speaks out against Idol worshippers and that very Muslim  takes part in idol sermon . And they on this forum telling folks about Islam . 

all religion has some form of spousal abuse, when we distord the Quran to our own satisfaction... that's a problem .



And where did that poster claim to be religious?

You need to find a way to control your hallucinations before they completely destroy you.

seignet posted:

More horrible than the caste system and the way Punjabi Sikhs and Hindus treat girl children.

Punjabi Sikh and Hindus are very progressive when it comes to wanting their daughters to be educated and have careers. 

Prashad posted: Punjabi Sikh and Hindus are very progressive when it comes to wanting their daughters to be educated and have careers. 

And to dance like Bollywood stars! Those girls rock!!

ksazma posted:
Imran posted:
ksazma posted:
Imran posted:
ksazma posted:

There is no passage in the Qur'an that directs anyone to abuse women. For y'all education, prior to the birth of Muhammad female children were buried alive. To this practice, there is a passage in the Qur'an where the buried female child is rhetorically asking her parent, "for what sin was I buried alive". There is also another passage that states that if a man accuses a woman of lewdness, he has to produce four witnesses. However, all she needs to do is provide one witness to dispute his accusation. There are many passages talking about the value of one's mother. What happens in many of these Muslim countries is strictly against the Qur'an and sharia as taught by the prophet. That said, it is true that many women are abused in these countries and it is expected that some will develop negative opinions about Islam. That is their right as there is no compulsion in Islam. Another passage from the Qur'an. Does Islam allow Muslims to fight with non-Muslims? Sure. But only if and when non-Muslims wage war against Muslims. And only to the extend of the war waged. Muslims can't exceed their limits. Another passage from the Qur'an.

So the Quran encourages war against humanity who are non Muslim. No wonder Muslims forced Islam on others or you will be prosecuted 


I believe I have told you before that you have a tremendous reading deficiency. You should try to improve it.

Listen up Dooshbag , you are a emotional wreck and a hypocrite. 

Go sit at the back bench.... brother Keith will sermonize your ass Monday morning 

Now read my post and then your last one ....... Never mind. You are too daft to recognize the irony in your comment.

Listen up Dooshbag , you are a emotional wreck and a hypocrite.

Go sit at the back bench.... brother Keith will sermonize your ass Monday morning

Gilbakka posted:

We must not blame Islam for the social ills of the Islamic/Arab/Middle Eastern/South Asian world. Islam is a religion of peace and praiseworthy social conduct. Respect for women, or due consideration for women, is embedded in Islamic code of ethics. 

The problem occurs when some Muslims engage in despicable actions towards women and plead that they are acting in the name of Allah. These people give Islam a dirty reputation. Shame on them. 

One more thing: Spousal abuse and general demeaning of women are not confined to Muslims only. No society in the world is blameless, not even the advanced Anglo-Saxon or Caucasian.


In the midst of darkness you do shed light.

God Bless.

Imran posted:
ksazma posted:
Imran posted:
ksazma posted:
Imran posted:
ksazma posted:

There is no passage in the Qur'an that directs anyone to abuse women. For y'all education, prior to the birth of Muhammad female children were buried alive. To this practice, there is a passage in the Qur'an where the buried female child is rhetorically asking her parent, "for what sin was I buried alive". There is also another passage that states that if a man accuses a woman of lewdness, he has to produce four witnesses. However, all she needs to do is provide one witness to dispute his accusation. There are many passages talking about the value of one's mother. What happens in many of these Muslim countries is strictly against the Qur'an and sharia as taught by the prophet. That said, it is true that many women are abused in these countries and it is expected that some will develop negative opinions about Islam. That is their right as there is no compulsion in Islam. Another passage from the Qur'an. Does Islam allow Muslims to fight with non-Muslims? Sure. But only if and when non-Muslims wage war against Muslims. And only to the extend of the war waged. Muslims can't exceed their limits. Another passage from the Qur'an.

So the Quran encourages war against humanity who are non Muslim. No wonder Muslims forced Islam on others or you will be prosecuted 


I believe I have told you before that you have a tremendous reading deficiency. You should try to improve it.

Listen up Dooshbag , you are a emotional wreck and a hypocrite. 

Go sit at the back bench.... brother Keith will sermonize your ass Monday morning 

Now read my post and then your last one ....... Never mind. You are too daft to recognize the irony in your comment.

Listen up Dooshbag , you are a emotional wreck and a hypocrite.

Go sit at the back bench.... brother Keith will sermonize your ass Monday morning

Evidence of what being unhinged looks like.

ksazma posted:
Imran posted:
ksazma posted:
Imran posted:
ksazma posted:
Imran posted:
ksazma posted:

There is no passage in the Qur'an that directs anyone to abuse women. For y'all education, prior to the birth of Muhammad female children were buried alive. To this practice, there is a passage in the Qur'an where the buried female child is rhetorically asking her parent, "for what sin was I buried alive". There is also another passage that states that if a man accuses a woman of lewdness, he has to produce four witnesses. However, all she needs to do is provide one witness to dispute his accusation. There are many passages talking about the value of one's mother. What happens in many of these Muslim countries is strictly against the Qur'an and sharia as taught by the prophet. That said, it is true that many women are abused in these countries and it is expected that some will develop negative opinions about Islam. That is their right as there is no compulsion in Islam. Another passage from the Qur'an. Does Islam allow Muslims to fight with non-Muslims? Sure. But only if and when non-Muslims wage war against Muslims. And only to the extend of the war waged. Muslims can't exceed their limits. Another passage from the Qur'an.

So the Quran encourages war against humanity who are non Muslim. No wonder Muslims forced Islam on others or you will be prosecuted 


I believe I have told you before that you have a tremendous reading deficiency. You should try to improve it.

Listen up Dooshbag , you are a emotional wreck and a hypocrite. 

Go sit at the back bench.... brother Keith will sermonize your ass Monday morning 

Now read my post and then your last one ....... Never mind. You are too daft to recognize the irony in your comment.

Listen up Dooshbag , you are a emotional wreck and a hypocrite.

Go sit at the back bench.... brother Keith will sermonize your ass Monday morning

Evidence of what being unhinged looks like.

You are a wolve in sheep clothing.

Listen up Dooshbag , you are a emotional wreck and a hypocrite.

Go sit at the back bench.... brother Keith will sermonize your ass Monday morning

Gilbakka posted:

We must not blame Islam for the social ills of the Islamic/Arab/Middle Eastern/South Asian world. Islam is a religion of peace and praiseworthy social conduct. Respect for women, or due consideration for women, is embedded in Islamic code of ethics. 

The problem occurs when some Muslims engage in despicable actions towards women and plead that they are acting in the name of Allah. These people give Islam a dirty reputation. Shame on them. 

One more thing: Spousal abuse and general demeaning of women are not confined to Muslims only. No society in the world is blameless, not even the advanced Anglo-Saxon or Caucasian.

Women are persecuted by muslim men in all muslim dominated countries.

And even though they may live in the west for generations, they still enforced their TRADITIONS. SO IT MUST BE ISLAMIC.

Either so called muslims hide the truth or dey plain daft. Becoming a PRACTICING MUSLIM endures a transformation towards Islamic values. 



seignet posted:
Gilbakka posted:

We must not blame Islam for the social ills of the Islamic/Arab/Middle Eastern/South Asian world. Islam is a religion of peace and praiseworthy social conduct. Respect for women, or due consideration for women, is embedded in Islamic code of ethics. 

The problem occurs when some Muslims engage in despicable actions towards women and plead that they are acting in the name of Allah. These people give Islam a dirty reputation. Shame on them. 

One more thing: Spousal abuse and general demeaning of women are not confined to Muslims only. No society in the world is blameless, not even the advanced Anglo-Saxon or Caucasian.

Women are persecuted by muslim men in all muslim dominated countries.

And even though they may live in the west for generations, they still enforced their TRADITIONS. SO IT MUST BE ISLAMIC.

Either so called muslims hide the truth or dey plain daft. Becoming a PRACTICING MUSLIM endures a transformation towards Islamic values. 




Wonder why all these Christians featured on this channel end up this way. You think they too follow those same ISLAMIC teachings?

seignet posted:

I plan to provoke yuh azz, ALL THE TIME.

Religious nuts are muslims as well, not only christians. 

Let u decide whether u r a nut or yuh screws are loose.

You can't provoke me dude. Regarding religious nuts, of course there are Muslim religious nuts also. We read and hear about them everyday. But that does not change the fact that your screws are loose.

seignet posted:

I plan to provoke yuh azz, ALL THE TIME.

Religious nuts are muslims as well, not only christians. 

Let u decide whether u r a nut or yuh screws are loose.

I knew he is a emotional wreck.

Imran posted:
seignet posted:

I plan to provoke yuh azz, ALL THE TIME.

Religious nuts are muslims as well, not only christians. 

Let u decide whether u r a nut or yuh screws are loose.

I knew he is a emotional wreck.

Interesting how you are always so eager to drop your drawers so your ass can be whipped.

RiffRaff posted:

looks like a thread for the religious forum

The chaps are tired of the 10-pager on the Religious Forum, so they're spicing up Political. See the flagrant abuse of the quote feature on that 10-pager!  

ksazma posted:
Imran posted:
seignet posted:

I plan to provoke yuh azz, ALL THE TIME.

Religious nuts are muslims as well, not only christians. 

Let u decide whether u r a nut or yuh screws are loose.

I knew he is a emotional wreck.

Interesting how you are always so eager to drop your drawers so your ass can be whipped.

Go take your meds .


Brothers Ksazma & Imran: A-salaam-o-alaikum. Why do you squander a piece of your life fighting each other? You are not infidels. You are good men. Don't you see that Shaitaan is setting strife between you? You must know the truth: you have common interests and natures. Drive Shaitaan out of your consciousness and clear your perspective; you are brothers, countrymen. Step back, refrain from hurting and offensive language. Stop this confounded nonsense.

Chameli posted:
Imran posted:

A  Muslim debating a Christian about the bible and the Quran speaks out against Idol worshippers and that very Muslim  takes part in idol sermon . And they on this forum telling folks about Islam . 



Imran, with due respect, do U as a Muslim, do everything according to the Quran?

Chameli , If I don't live my life as per the Quran, why should I challenge someone else about their belief ... it's not right  .

so to answer your question.. no I don't. 

To begin with, I came from a respectable Muslim background. Never kept fast , use to  attend Mosque almost daily growing up as a kid .

 I remember the elderly teaches hate about other religions as a kid and I object to it. 

My wife is Hindu and she practices her faith daily. I am a huge contributor to Mosque, Temple, Church.

My wife family are in the HariKrishna movement back home and is a huge contributor. They have huge businesses and opens their home every Saturday evening and cook and feeds for everyone that comes through their gate. 

Gilbakka posted:

Brothers Ksazma & Imran: A-salaam-o-alaikum. Why do you squander a piece of your life fighting each other? You are not infidels. You are good men. Don't you see that Shaitaan is setting strife between you? You must know the truth: you have common interests and natures. Drive Shaitaan out of your consciousness and clear your perspective; you are brothers, countrymen. Step back, refrain from hurting and offensive language. Stop this confounded nonsense.

Gilly , I totally agree with you. Sometimes we let our emotions get the better part of us. I do appreciate your advice and will refrain from the offensive language.

I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to Kazama if I hurt or offend him in any way. 


Advices acknowledged and will hopefully be observed. Thanks folks.

Imran, nothing you do or say can hurt or offend me because being on GNI is not personal or physical. Nonetheless, apology acknowledged. Likewise, I will take this opportunity to apologize for the countless times I berated you and will try to refrain from doing so going forward.

Gilbakka posted:

Brothers Ksazma & Imran: A-salaam-o-alaikum. Why do you squander a piece of your life fighting each other? You are not infidels. You are good men. Don't you see that Shaitaan is setting strife between you? You must know the truth: you have common interests and natures. Drive Shaitaan out of your consciousness and clear your perspective; you are brothers, countrymen. Step back, refrain from hurting and offensive language. Stop this confounded nonsense.

Bhai, dem ppl getting to you. Suh yuh agree wid dem that some people are infidels?



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