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seignet posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Brothers Ksazma & Imran: A-salaam-o-alaikum. Why do you squander a piece of your life fighting each other? You are not infidels. You are good men. Don't you see that Shaitaan is setting strife between you? You must know the truth: you have common interests and natures. Drive Shaitaan out of your consciousness and clear your perspective; you are brothers, countrymen. Step back, refrain from hurting and offensive language. Stop this confounded nonsense.

Bhai, dem ppl getting to you. Suh yuh agree wid dem that some people are infidels?


YES. Racial coolies and racial blackman.

Gilbakka posted:
seignet posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Brothers Ksazma & Imran: A-salaam-o-alaikum. Why do you squander a piece of your life fighting each other? You are not infidels. You are good men. Don't you see that Shaitaan is setting strife between you? You must know the truth: you have common interests and natures. Drive Shaitaan out of your consciousness and clear your perspective; you are brothers, countrymen. Step back, refrain from hurting and offensive language. Stop this confounded nonsense.

Bhai, dem ppl getting to you. Suh yuh agree wid dem that some people are infidels?


YES. Racial coolies and racial blackman.

Why chastise ppl for wanting to be wid dey own kind. I am certain the world started out that way.

seignet posted: Why chastise ppl for wanting to be wid dey own kind. I am certain the world started out that way.

Being with your own kind by itself is not problematic. Hating, demonizing, demeaning, harassing, beating and killing those who are not your own kind qualify for the label "infidel".


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