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New York Times - Jul 13, 2016

In countless collisions of color and creed, Donald J. Trump’s name evokes an easily understood message of racial hostility. Defying modern conventions of political civility and language, Mr. Trump has breached the boundaries that have long constrained Americans’ public discussion of race.

Mr. Trump has attacked Mexicans as criminals. He has called for a ban on Muslim immigrants. He has wondered aloud why the United States is not “letting people in from Europe.”

His rallies vibrate with grievances that might otherwise be expressed in private: about “political correctness,” about the ranch house down the street overcrowded with day laborers, and about who is really to blame for thedeath of a black teenager in Ferguson, Mo. In a country where the wealthiest and most influential citizens are still mostly white, Mr. Trump is voicing the bewilderment and anger of whites who do not feel at all powerful or privileged.

But in doing so, Mr. Trump has also opened the door to assertions of white identity and resentment in a way not seen so broadly in American culture in over half a century, according to those who track patterns of racial tension and antagonism in American life.

Dozens of interviews — with ardent Trump supporters and curious students, avowed white nationalists, and scholars who study the interplay of race and rhetoric — suggest that the passions aroused and channeled by Mr. Trump take many forms, from earnest if muddled rebellion to deeper and more elaborate bigotry.

On campuses clenched by unforgiving debates over language and inclusion, some students embrace Mr. Trump as a way of rebelling against the intricate rules surrounding privilege and microaggression, and provoking the keepers of those rules.

Among older whites unsettled by new Spanish-speaking neighbors, or suspicious of the faith claimed by their country’s most bitter enemies, his name is a call to arms.

On the internet, Mr. Trump is invoked by anonymous followers brandishing stark expressions of hate and anti-Semitism, surprisingly amplified this month when Mr. Trump tweeted a graphic depicting Hillary Clinton’s face with piles of cash and a six-pointed star that many viewed as a Star of David.

“I think what we really find troubling is the mainstreaming of these really offensive ideas,” said Jonathan Greenblatt, the national director of the Anti-Defamation League, which tracks hate groups. “It’s allowed some of the worst ideas into the public conversation in ways we haven’t seen anything like in recent memory.”

Mr. Trump declined to be interviewed for this article, and his spokesman declined to comment.


Continues in the next part of this thread..............

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Outside a former aircraft factory in Bethpage, N.Y., not far from a strip of halal butchers and Indian restaurants now known as Little India, a Long Island housewife who gave her name as Kathy Reb finished a cigarette on a spring evening. Nervously, she explained how she had watched the complexion of her suburb outside New York City change. “Everyone’s sticking together in their groups,” she said, “so white people have to, too.”

The resentment among whites feels both old and distinctly of this moment. It is shaped by the reality of demographic change, by a decade and a half of war in the Middle East, and by unease with the newly confident and confrontational activism of young blacks furious over police violence. It is mingled with patriotism, pride, fear and a sense that an America without them at its center is not really America anymore.

In the months since Mr. Trump began his campaign, the percentage of Americans who say race relations are worsening has increased, reaching nearly half in an April poll by CBS News. The sharpest rise was among Republicans: Sixty percent said race relations were getting worse.

And Mr. Trump’s rise is shifting the country’s racial discourse just as the millennial generation comes fully of age, more and more distant from the horrors of the Holocaust, or the government-sanctioned racism of Jim Crow.

Some are elated by the turn. In making the explicit assertion of white identity and grievance more widespread, Mr. Trump has galvanized the otherwise marginal world of avowed white nationalists and self-described “race realists.” They hail him as a fellow traveler who has driven millions of white Americans toward an intuitive embrace of their ideals: that race should matter as much to white people as it does to everyone else. He has freed Americans, those activists say, to say what they really believe.

“The discussion that white Americans never want to have is this question of identity — who are we?” said Richard Spencer, 38, a writer and activist whose Montana-based nonprofit is dedicated to “the heritage, identity and future of people of European descent” in the United States. “He is bringing identity politics for white people into the public sphere in a way no one has.”


the article is longer......



Folks like Kari would have predicted Brexit to fail.  It didn't.

That should be a lesson to Kari that Clinton can take NOTHING for granted and has to ensure that she gets high turn out in her base, to offset any defection among the white working class to Trump.

caribny posted:

Folks like Kari would have predicted Brexit to fail.  It didn't.

That should be a lesson to Kari that Clinton can take NOTHING for granted and has to ensure that she gets high turn out in her base, to offset any defection among the white working class to Trump.

I am saying he will fail. I did not have an opinion on Brexit escept I did not want the break with the EU. Trump Trump needs some 65 percent of whites to win. He  cannot get that. Women, college educated and young people are in his way. He will never get more than 10 percent Hispanic  and about 3 percent blacks.

caribny posted:

Folks like Kari would have predicted Brexit to fail.  It didn't.

That should be a lesson to Kari that Clinton can take NOTHING for granted and has to ensure that she gets high turn out in her base, to offset any defection among the white working class to Trump.

You, Kari (Mr paralysis by analysis) and the whole pack needs to wake up and face reality.  Obama has been elected, slavery forgiven, it's time White folks have their chance again.  Indians are coming, but we ain't fully ready yet!!

Stormborn posted:
caribny posted:

Folks like Kari would have predicted Brexit to fail.  It didn't.

That should be a lesson to Kari that Clinton can take NOTHING for granted and has to ensure that she gets high turn out in her base, to offset any defection among the white working class to Trump.

I am saying he will fail. I did not have an opinion on Brexit escept I did not want the break with the EU. Trump Trump needs some 65 percent of whites to win. He  cannot get that. Women, college educated and young people are in his way. He will never get more than 10 percent Hispanic  and about 3 percent blacks.

What a WAG!!

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:

Folks like Kari would have predicted Brexit to fail.  It didn't.

That should be a lesson to Kari that Clinton can take NOTHING for granted and has to ensure that she gets high turn out in her base, to offset any defection among the white working class to Trump.

You, Kari (Mr paralysis by analysis) and the whole pack needs to wake up and face reality.  Obama has been elected, slavery forgiven, it's time White folks have their chance again.  Indians are coming, but we ain't fully ready yet!!

How many chances have white people gotten over the past 200 years? 

ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
caribny posted:

Folks like Kari would have predicted Brexit to fail.  It didn't.

That should be a lesson to Kari that Clinton can take NOTHING for granted and has to ensure that she gets high turn out in her base, to offset any defection among the white working class to Trump.

I am saying he will fail. I did not have an opinion on Brexit escept I did not want the break with the EU. Trump Trump needs some 65 percent of whites to win. He  cannot get that. Women, college educated and young people are in his way. He will never get more than 10 percent Hispanic  and about 3 percent blacks.

What a WAG!!

What a stupid attempt to use urban lingo!


White families who lost loved ones and friends to police shootings should join with Black Lives Matter in protesting. It's not illegal or immoral to have White Lives and Matter and Black Lives Matter protesting under the same umbrella. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
caribny posted:

Folks like Kari would have predicted Brexit to fail.  It didn't.

That should be a lesson to Kari that Clinton can take NOTHING for granted and has to ensure that she gets high turn out in her base, to offset any defection among the white working class to Trump.

I am saying he will fail. I did not have an opinion on Brexit escept I did not want the break with the EU. Trump Trump needs some 65 percent of whites to win. He  cannot get that. Women, college educated and young people are in his way. He will never get more than 10 percent Hispanic  and about 3 percent blacks.

What a WAG!!

What a stupid attempt to use urban lingo!

You are loaded with it!!

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

White families who lost loved ones and friends to police shootings should join with Black Lives Matter in protesting. It's not illegal or immoral to have White Lives and Matter and Black Lives Matter protesting under the same umbrella. 

The police shootings in the US is less a function of race and more of policing tactic.  It just happens [quantitatively] more Blacks are involved in crime so more are shot!

Black Lives Matter is little to do with Black lives and more to do with the far-Left seeking a platform for mayhem.  The Blacks, Muslims, illegals and the far-Left will form an unholy alliance to tilt the US towards a Socialist path.

ba$eman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

White families who lost loved ones and friends to police shootings should join with Black Lives Matter in protesting. It's not illegal or immoral to have White Lives and Matter and Black Lives Matter protesting under the same umbrella. 

The police shootings in the US is less a function of race and more of policing tactic.  It just happens [quantitatively] more Blacks are involved in crime so more are shot!

Black Lives Matter is little to do with Black lives and more to do with the far-Left seeking a platform for mayhem.  The Blacks, Muslims, illegals and the far-Left will form an unholy alliance to tilt the US towards a Socialist path.

I am so happy you are a Trump choirboy. There definitely is no better fit. Like him you are a nut and make up that only you can understand since it bears nothing to the reality.

Stormborn posted:
 Trump Trump needs some 65 percent of whites to win. He  cannot get that. Women, college educated and young people are in his way. He will never get more than 10 percent Hispanic  and about 3 percent blacks.

Place replace "women" white single women, and non white women.  More than 50% of white women overall vote GOP, with higher numbers for those who are married.

Pollsters favorable to Clinton give Trump a 22% chance of winning, and that was before the FBI chief suggested that Hillary is either dishonest or careless.

That means that there is a probability that Trump can win, even if considerably less likely than Clinton.  FL, NC,VA,PA,OH,WI,CO, and AZ are all states where she has to work hard to win.

If Bill Clinton says that arrogant complacency is something that might lead his wife to lose I will believe him.  Hillary isn't going into the polls with all the "hope and glory" that Obama did in 2008.   In fact the only reason why she stands a chance is because Trump is so bad. Were the candidate Kasich, we might as well have the inauguration now and be done with it.

ba$eman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

White families who lost loved ones and friends to police shootings should join with Black Lives Matter in protesting. It's not illegal or immoral to have White Lives and Matter and Black Lives Matter protesting under the same umbrella. 

The police shootings in the US is less a function of race and more of policing tactic.  It just happens [quantitatively] more Blacks are involved in crime so more are shot!

Black Lives Matter is little to do with Black lives and more to do with the far-Left seeking a platform for mayhem.  The Blacks, Muslims, illegals and the far-Left will form an unholy alliance to tilt the US towards a Socialist path.

There is alot of truth to what you said.  At these demonstrations many of the white folks are left-wing radicals who try to capitalize on anything that would make the United States look bad. Like the radical Islam their ideology does not sell so they are hoping to cling on the tails of Black Lives Matter to get some attention and validation.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

White families who lost loved ones and friends to police shootings should join with Black Lives Matter in protesting. It's not illegal or immoral to have White Lives and Matter and Black Lives Matter protesting under the same umbrella. 

The police shootings in the US is less a function of race and more of policing tactic.  It just happens [quantitatively] more Blacks are involved in crime so more are shot!

Black Lives Matter is little to do with Black lives and more to do with the far-Left seeking a platform for mayhem.  The Blacks, Muslims, illegals and the far-Left will form an unholy alliance to tilt the US towards a Socialist path.

I am so happy you are a Trump choirboy. There definitely is no better fit. Like him you are a nut and make up that only you can understand since it bears nothing to the reality.

Tell me where I'm wrong.  And, I do believe many of the shootings are unjustified, over-reaction and some plain wrong!  Policing in the US is just too deadly.  They operate like combat soldiers.  Not their fault either, it's how they are trained.

ba$eman posted:

The police shootings in the US is less a function of race and more of policing tactic.  .

What utter nonsense.  The people who folks are angry about aren't the criminals shot by the cops.  Its innocent people shot because of a minor traffic violation.  When you can find whites who get shot for that reason get back to me.

And in fact shootings is only 1% of the problem.  99% of the time its rudeness and aggressiveness and the FEAR of being shot or arrested that really troubles most black men when they have an encounter with the cops.

The focus is on the shootings is because that is dramatic but overall rudeness and disrespect is that all too common experience.


A known tennis player and the own of Black Enterprise magazine were embarrassed in front of crowds by racist cops, and this was at Grand Central station in the middle of the day.  Please don't tell me that in the middle of the day any one is concerned about crime in that location when they see well dressed black men.

Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:


This is an out and out lie peddled by a racist.  Most whites are killed by other whites!  84% of whites are killed by other whites.

The fact that Trump peddles that lie is the reason why blacks would be insane to vote for him.

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:

Tell me where I'm wrong.  And, I do believe many of the shootings are unjustified, over-reaction and some plain wrong!  Policing in the US is just too deadly.  They operate like combat soldiers.  Not their fault either, it's how they are trained.

Some of the policemen are ex-soldiers.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

The police shootings in the US is less a function of race and more of policing tactic.  .

What utter nonsense.  The people who folks are angry about aren't the criminals shot by the cops.  Its innocent people shot because of a minor traffic violation.  When you can find whites who get shot for that reason get back to me.

I agree, but many times a gun or weapon or scuffle is involved.  As I said, I don't believe it's justified.  Anyway, most do involve some level of crime, even low level, and I don't count tail light.  Tail-light is an excuse to harass Blacks and others!

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
ba$eman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

White families who lost loved ones and friends to police shootings should join with Black Lives Matter in protesting. It's not illegal or immoral to have White Lives and Matter and Black Lives Matter protesting under the same umbrella. 

The police shootings in the US is less a function of race and more of policing tactic.  It just happens [quantitatively] more Blacks are involved in crime so more are shot!

Black Lives Matter is little to do with Black lives and more to do with the far-Left seeking a platform for mayhem.  The Blacks, Muslims, illegals and the far-Left will form an unholy alliance to tilt the US towards a Socialist path.

There is alot of truth to what you said.  At these demonstrations many of the white folks are left-wing radicals who try to capitalize on anything that would make the United States look bad. Like the radical Islam their ideology does not sell so they are hoping to cling on the tails of Black Lives Matter to get some attention and validation.

If Black Lives did really matter to these folks, there would be big protests against inner-city gangs who, by far, are responsible for more Black deaths, 10 times over that of being shot by cops!

ba$eman posted:
RiffRaff posted:

since when illegals can vote?

Maybe half of Black Lives Matter cannot vote either.  So what's your point?

Maybe you project your racism too much and that is a point.

Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
RiffRaff posted:

since when illegals can vote?

Maybe half of Black Lives Matter cannot vote either.  So what's your point?

Maybe you project your racism too much and that is a point.

I'm not racist, I'm being truthful.  Many young Black men cannot vote due to criminal records!  This was the White world counter to Black voting rights!  It's not right, I don't agree with it, but it's fact!  Don't shoot the messenger, do your home work!

ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
RiffRaff posted:

since when illegals can vote?

Maybe half of Black Lives Matter cannot vote either.  So what's your point?

Maybe you project your racism too much and that is a point.

I'm not racist, I'm being truthful.  Many young Black men cannot vote due to criminal records!  This was the White world counter to Black voting rights!  It's not right, I don't agree with it, but it's fact!  Don't shoot the messenger, do your home work!

You would be truthful if you had a basis for it. Most of the young people who found this organization are well educated  and definitely can vote. Further, they are the voice of this generation that the NAACP was for previous generations. They include young white folks as well.

caribny posted:
Stormborn posted:
 Trump Trump needs some 65 percent of whites to win. He  cannot get that. Women, college educated and young people are in his way. He will never get more than 10 percent Hispanic  and about 3 percent blacks.

Place replace "women" white single women, and non white women.  More than 50% of white women overall vote GOP, with higher numbers for those who are married.

Pollsters favorable to Clinton give Trump a 22% chance of winning, and that was before the FBI chief suggested that Hillary is either dishonest or careless.

That means that there is a probability that Trump can win, even if considerably less likely than Clinton.  FL, NC,VA,PA,OH,WI,CO, and AZ are all states where she has to work hard to win.

If Bill Clinton says that arrogant complacency is something that might lead his wife to lose I will believe him.  Hillary isn't going into the polls with all the "hope and glory" that Obama did in 2008.   In fact the only reason why she stands a chance is because Trump is so bad. Were the candidate Kasich, we might as well have the inauguration now and be done with it.

On point Carib!!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
RiffRaff posted:

since when illegals can vote?

Maybe half of Black Lives Matter cannot vote either.  So what's your point?

Maybe you project your racism too much and that is a point.

I'm not racist, I'm being truthful.  Many young Black men cannot vote due to criminal records!  This was the White world counter to Black voting rights!  It's not right, I don't agree with it, but it's fact!  Don't shoot the messenger, do your home work!

You would be truthful if you had a basis for it. Most of the young people who found this organization are well educated  and definitely can vote. Further, they are the voice of this generation that the NAACP was for previous generations. They include young white folks as well.

Yes, yes, I'm sure the founders can.  I saw them, educated but being manipulated by Leftists Whites.  I meant their followers!

But to gain true credibility, they need to swarm on the gang infested Blacks neighborhood and save Black lives there first!  That's where Black lives don't matter!!

ba$eman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

White families who lost loved ones and friends to police shootings should join with Black Lives Matter in protesting. It's not illegal or immoral to have White Lives and Matter and Black Lives Matter protesting under the same umbrella. 

The police shootings in the US is less a function of race and more of policing tactic.  It just happens [quantitatively] more Blacks are involved in crime so more are shot!

Black Lives Matter is little to do with Black lives and more to do with the far-Left seeking a platform for mayhem.  The Blacks, Muslims, illegals and the far-Left will form an unholy alliance to tilt the US towards a Socialist path.

You are just plain stupid. What crime did the fellow stopped with his girlfriend was committing when he was killed? He was gainfully employed since he was fifteen and never had contact with the law. His charge called him Mr Rojers with dreads telling you how liked he was. You just do not think most of the times you just spew your bigoted bile.



ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
RiffRaff posted:

since when illegals can vote?

Maybe half of Black Lives Matter cannot vote either.  So what's your point?

Maybe you project your racism too much and that is a point.

I'm not racist, I'm being truthful.  Many young Black men cannot vote due to criminal records!  This was the White world counter to Black voting rights!  It's not right, I don't agree with it, but it's fact!  Don't shoot the messenger, do your home work!

You would be truthful if you had a basis for it. Most of the young people who found this organization are well educated  and definitely can vote. Further, they are the voice of this generation that the NAACP was for previous generations. They include young white folks as well.

Yes, yes, I'm sure the founders can.  I saw them, educated but being manipulated by Leftists Whites.  I meant their followers!

But to gain true credibility, they need to swarm on the gang infested Blacks neighborhood and save Black lives there first!  That's where Black lives don't matter!!

Why do you think you are the credentialing agency for these people? Indeed black lives in the hood matters and are a concern but why do you think these people are the ones to be tasked with that and not the governing institutions as is the case elsewhere?

Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

White families who lost loved ones and friends to police shootings should join with Black Lives Matter in protesting. It's not illegal or immoral to have White Lives and Matter and Black Lives Matter protesting under the same umbrella. 

The police shootings in the US is less a function of race and more of policing tactic.  It just happens [quantitatively] more Blacks are involved in crime so more are shot!

Black Lives Matter is little to do with Black lives and more to do with the far-Left seeking a platform for mayhem.  The Blacks, Muslims, illegals and the far-Left will form an unholy alliance to tilt the US towards a Socialist path.

You are just plain stupid. What crime did the fellow stopped with his girlfriend was committing when he was killed? He was gainfully employed since he was fifteen and never had contact with the law. His charge called him Mr Rojers with dreads telling you how liked he was. You just do not think most of the times you just spew your bigoted bile.



Fool, I said several times, I was not including that incident.  From what I see, the police was hasty, thus the issue of training.  We don't have all the fact, but from what I read of the man, his character and the fact he had a lic to carry, worked at a school, tells me he did nothing to provoke that treatment.  If all pans out, someone should be jailed and a massive lawsuit filed.

You like to quickly label everything as racists when you don't agree.  Listen banna, leaving out tail light issues, Blacks do commit most crimes and result in police interaction.  Couple that with aggressive policing and some racism, you have a recipe for what we have!

Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
RiffRaff posted:

since when illegals can vote?

Maybe half of Black Lives Matter cannot vote either.  So what's your point?

Maybe you project your racism too much and that is a point.

I'm not racist, I'm being truthful.  Many young Black men cannot vote due to criminal records!  This was the White world counter to Black voting rights!  It's not right, I don't agree with it, but it's fact!  Don't shoot the messenger, do your home work!

You would be truthful if you had a basis for it. Most of the young people who found this organization are well educated  and definitely can vote. Further, they are the voice of this generation that the NAACP was for previous generations. They include young white folks as well.

Yes, yes, I'm sure the founders can.  I saw them, educated but being manipulated by Leftists Whites.  I meant their followers!

But to gain true credibility, they need to swarm on the gang infested Blacks neighborhood and save Black lives there first!  That's where Black lives don't matter!!

Why do you think you are the credentialing agency for these people? Indeed black lives in the hood matters and are a concern but why do you think these people are the ones to be tasked with that and not the governing institutions as is the case elsewhere?

Frankly, I don't really give a shyte.  I know some are educated and likely voters!  Now what's your beef?  Isn't it a fact that many blacks cannot vote due to criminal record?  Now, do you have different facts?  And what makes that comment racist?


Ba$e.....the whole point about this discussion is that Donald Trump has tapped in to some seething rage among a class of whites who feel that they have lost their country (to Black people) and they need to take it back. This has been a Republican Party mission since Obama (a Black man) became the President. Donald Trump, an outsider, seized on this and formulated a "White lives Matter" type of identity politics for whites.

The Republican Party welcomed Trump's articulation about keeping Mexicans out (he won't mind white Europeans), banning people from Muslim countries, castigating an American-born judge of Mexican lineage, etc.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Stormborn posted:
 Trump Trump needs some 65 percent of whites to win. He  cannot get that. Women, college educated and young people are in his way. He will never get more than 10 percent Hispanic  and about 3 percent blacks.

Place replace "women" white single women, and non white women.  More than 50% of white women overall vote GOP, with higher numbers for those who are married.

Pollsters favorable to Clinton give Trump a 22% chance of winning, and that was before the FBI chief suggested that Hillary is either dishonest or careless.

That means that there is a probability that Trump can win, even if considerably less likely than Clinton.  FL, NC,VA,PA,OH,WI,CO, and AZ are all states where she has to work hard to win.

If Bill Clinton says that arrogant complacency is something that might lead his wife to lose I will believe him.  Hillary isn't going into the polls with all the "hope and glory" that Obama did in 2008.   In fact the only reason why she stands a chance is because Trump is so bad. Were the candidate Kasich, we might as well have the inauguration now and be done with it.

On point Carib!!!!

On point Carib!!!!


I  see the cribman has a fan

Kari posted:

Ba$e.....the whole point about this discussion is that Donald Trump has tapped in to some seething rage among a class of whites who feel that they have lost their country (to Black people) and they need to take it back. This has been a Republican Party mission since Obama (a Black man) became the President. Donald Trump, an outsider, seized on this and formulated a "White lives Matter" type of identity politics for whites.

The Republican Party welcomed Trump's articulation about keeping Mexicans out (he won't mind white Europeans), banning people from Muslim countries, castigating an American-born judge of Mexican lineage, etc.

Well, Ginsburg makes me believe Trump has a point regarding bias in the judiciary!  I don't think this judge will give Trump a fair hearing!

Django posted:
ba$eman posted:

Tell me where I'm wrong.  And, I do believe many of the shootings are unjustified, over-reaction and some plain wrong!  Policing in the US is just too deadly.  They operate like combat soldiers.  Not their fault either, it's how they are trained.

Some of the policemen are ex-soldiers.

with trigger happy fingers. And on edge with fear of the Blackman. America is the front lines. Animal instincts. Whites have done alot of bad things to blacks. In anticipation, whites feels that blacks are about to get them. Revenge mode. Certainly that plays on the Black lives matters. And long before the recent shootings. 

ba$eman posted:
Kari posted:

Ba$e.....the whole point about this discussion is that Donald Trump has tapped in to some seething rage among a class of whites who feel that they have lost their country (to Black people) and they need to take it back. This has been a Republican Party mission since Obama (a Black man) became the President. Donald Trump, an outsider, seized on this and formulated a "White lives Matter" type of identity politics for whites.

The Republican Party welcomed Trump's articulation about keeping Mexicans out (he won't mind white Europeans), banning people from Muslim countries, castigating an American-born judge of Mexican lineage, etc.

Well, Ginsburg makes me believe Trump has a point regarding bias in the judiciary!  I don't think this judge will give Trump a fair hearing!

Ginsburg has been a great judge and expressed her opinions in great detail and with erudition. Her office does not preclude personal opinion. We have heard them from both Justice Thomas and Scalia even though not directed at a candidate. If the head of the senate and house can be rude and obnoxious to the president I doubt this jurist is out of bounds  on stating her mind. Note it is liberal news on her case I do not see Trump complaining of liberal news bias here.

Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
Kari posted:

Ba$e.....the whole point about this discussion is that Donald Trump has tapped in to some seething rage among a class of whites who feel that they have lost their country (to Black people) and they need to take it back. This has been a Republican Party mission since Obama (a Black man) became the President. Donald Trump, an outsider, seized on this and formulated a "White lives Matter" type of identity politics for whites.

The Republican Party welcomed Trump's articulation about keeping Mexicans out (he won't mind white Europeans), banning people from Muslim countries, castigating an American-born judge of Mexican lineage, etc.

Well, Ginsburg makes me believe Trump has a point regarding bias in the judiciary!  I don't think this judge will give Trump a fair hearing!

Ginsburg has been a great judge and expressed her opinions in great detail and with erudition. Her office does not preclude personal opinion. We have heard them from both Justice Thomas and Scalia even though not directed at a candidate. If the head of the senate and house can be rude and obnoxious to the president I doubt this jurist is out of bounds  on stating her mind. Note it is liberal news on her case I do not see Trump complaining of liberal news bias here.

Well then, Blacks should not complain of bias in the American judicual system.  Judges are sworn to be fair and unbiased in their positions and rulings.  Bias is a figment of people's imagination.

ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
Kari posted:

Ba$e.....the whole point about this discussion is that Donald Trump has tapped in to some seething rage among a class of whites who feel that they have lost their country (to Black people) and they need to take it back. This has been a Republican Party mission since Obama (a Black man) became the President. Donald Trump, an outsider, seized on this and formulated a "White lives Matter" type of identity politics for whites.

The Republican Party welcomed Trump's articulation about keeping Mexicans out (he won't mind white Europeans), banning people from Muslim countries, castigating an American-born judge of Mexican lineage, etc.

Well, Ginsburg makes me believe Trump has a point regarding bias in the judiciary!  I don't think this judge will give Trump a fair hearing!

Ginsburg has been a great judge and expressed her opinions in great detail and with erudition. Her office does not preclude personal opinion. We have heard them from both Justice Thomas and Scalia even though not directed at a candidate. If the head of the senate and house can be rude and obnoxious to the president I doubt this jurist is out of bounds  on stating her mind. Note it is liberal news on her case I do not see Trump complaining of liberal news bias here.

Well then, Blacks should not complain of bias in the American judicual system.  Judges are sworn to be fair and unbiased in their positions and rulings.  Bias is a figment of people's imagination.

Liberals have long complained on the stacked court. Is that not why there were so many walk backs in voting laws etc? Why is this a case for blacks alone except your obsessive compulsion reduces every problem to them?

Bias is why there are schools of thought. It is pathology when used as you do to tar and feather or to harmonize your bigotry with social dysfunction

ba$eman posted:

I agree, but many times a gun or weapon

Yes when the police hold down some one because he has a broken tail light, kill him, and then beat up his wife in front of their 4 y/o daughter.

Listen stop being a racist fraud and admit that Trump salivates with glee over this. He damns the Black Lives Matter as a racist group, and screams that blacks must go back to Africa if they complain about life in the USA.  Publishes lies which claim that 80% of white murder victims are killed by blacks.

This guy really hates blacks.

And we haven't forgotten his rail roading of the black and Latin kids in the Central Park incident.  Took out full ads screaming the death penalty, and it turned out that they were framed by the cops, and now their lives are destroyed!


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