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Originally Posted by redux:

Nothing besides languishing on the opposition benches (handcuffed by the Burnham constitution) will realistically cause the PPP to agree to scrap the nonsense that forbids parties forming majority, governing coalitions after elections


this is a extraordinarily powerful tool that will empower the AFC and discipline the PPP/PNC

To change the constitution you need a 2/3 vote in parliament.  I am not sure that the PNC is any more interested than is the PPP in changing it.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

Nothing besides languishing on the opposition benches (handcuffed by the Burnham constitution) will realistically cause the PPP to agree to scrap the nonsense that forbids parties forming majority, governing coalitions after elections


this is a extraordinarily powerful tool that will empower the AFC and discipline the PPP/PNC

To change the constitution you need a 2/3 vote in parliament.  I am not sure that the PNC is any more interested than is the PPP in changing it.

well, let's put the PNC to the test then . . . that's the whole point, isn't it?


if the PNC leadership is moronic enough to prefer perpetual PPP rule under the current dispensation, let's hear it


let the rank & file membership chafing under the PPP yoke know that party IDIOCY or WORSE prevents their shackles from being removed


then let the defenestration(s) begin!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:

Nothing besides languishing on the opposition benches (handcuffed by the Burnham constitution) will realistically cause the PPP to agree to scrap the nonsense that forbids parties forming majority, governing coalitions after elections


this is a extraordinarily powerful tool that will empower the AFC and discipline the PPP/PNC

TK like a monkey in the PNC Zoo....

TK want the AFC to

let them PNC thiefman out the cage...

and give them power and freedom

fuh Roam like they did from 1964 to 1992.


Look Professor Tyron Kwame

haul yuh ass back in Congress place

and shut yuh mouth.....

"Oh Rani" na gon wuk.


We will see all them

PNC Cockroack like TK crawling out now

them looking fuh PNC Support now

Dem Desperate...

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by redux:

Nothing besides languishing on the opposition benches (handcuffed by the Burnham constitution) will realistically cause the PPP to agree to scrap the nonsense that forbids parties forming majority, governing coalitions after elections


this is a extraordinarily powerful tool that will empower the AFC and discipline the PPP/PNC

TK like a monkey in the PNC Zoo....

TK want the AFC to

let them PNC thiefman out the cage...

and give them power and freedom

fuh Roam like they did from 1964 to 1992.


Look Professor Tyron Kwame

haul yuh ass back in Congress place

and shut yuh mouth.....

"Oh Rani" na gon wuk.


We will see all them

PNC Cockroack like TK crawling out now

them looking fuh PNC Support now

Dem Desperate...

indeed herr jalil, the only cockroach around here is u . . . crawling out late at night like a bloody coward when you believe everybady gone to sleep to pollute the thread with yuh disease


fortunately, i still awake with my can of RAID handy


i prefer not to soil my boots, punk

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:

TK spray yuh BT with de Raid.....before Dem PNC Bhai Raid am.

Mek sure yuh catch all dem stink corners....hurry ....Nehru say....Corbin & Granger in Line fuh yuh.

Blasted shameless PNC Prostitute.

Carry yuh PNC Dutty Crutch da side...

hmmmmm . . . is suh alyuh diseased cackaroach does behave when alyuh realize the man of the house still around and alyuh doan have de run of de space to infect and contaminate


nah suh bai?


watch fuh de spraaaaaayyyy . . . hustle punk, RUN

Last edited by Former Member

well, let's put the PNC to the test then . . . that's the whole point, isn't it?


if the PNC leadership is moronic enough to prefer perpetual PPP rule under the current dispensation, let's hear it


let the rank & file membership chafing under the PPP yoke know that party IDIOCY or WORSE prevents their shackles from being removed


then let the defenestration(s) begin!

  Understand something. Any one who thinks that the PNC is guaranteed a victory if we have elections now is a moron.  What is clear is that the PNC peaks at 41% of the votes.  What is clear is that the AFC gets protests votes from people from a specific ethnic group who refuses to support their usual party, but cannot bring themselves to support the "other side".


What is vitally urgent now is LGE.  What is making the PPP look ridiculous now is its refusal to host the LGE.  What the PPP is terrified of doing now is hosting the LGE.


So why waste time for yet another excuse not to have LGE.  Clearly a no confidence vote will imply a new national election.  This will then put LGE on the back burner AGAIN!


Defeating the PPP is going to be an incremental process and those who rush with full frontal emotion are just setting themselves up to FAIL!

Originally Posted by caribny:

well, let's put the PNC to the test then . . . that's the whole point, isn't it?


if the PNC leadership is moronic enough to prefer perpetual PPP rule under the current dispensation, let's hear it


let the rank & file membership chafing under the PPP yoke know that party IDIOCY or WORSE prevents their shackles from being removed


then let the defenestration(s) begin!

  Understand something. Any one who thinks that the PNC is guaranteed a victory if we have elections now is a moron.  What is clear is that the PNC peaks at 41% of the votes.  What is clear is that the AFC gets protests votes from people from a specific ethnic group who refuses to support their usual party, but cannot bring themselves to support the "other side".


What is vitally urgent now is LGE.  What is making the PPP look ridiculous now is its refusal to host the LGE.  What the PPP is terrified of doing now is hosting the LGE.


So why waste time for yet another excuse not to have LGE.  Clearly a no confidence vote will imply a new national election.  This will then put LGE on the back burner AGAIN!


Defeating the PPP is going to be an incremental process and those who rush with full frontal emotion are just setting themselves up to FAIL!

banna, enough with the straw men . . . u wandering all over the place with your same ole same ole


you know damn well that no one said anything about "guaranteed" victory by the PNC - that is jalil/kishanspeak, unworthy of u even @ your most desperate . . . where do you come up with this childish shit?


didn't u just say "What the PPP is terrified of doing now is hosting the LGE" . . . that IS indeed the truth!


so now, please tell me WHAT about the character of this recalcitrant, reckless and increasingly delusional regime tells u that they will agree to commit slow-motion suicide if a gun is not being held directly to their head.


There is no such gun available to the opposition (the Americans are not going to invade) except the threat or reality of a vote down of the government resulting in new elections.


so, let me hammer it home to all thick heads if i have been 'unclear' . . . OF FREAKIN COURSE a credible PPP commitment to hold LGE at a time certain prior to 2016 would change the freakin calculus . . . the point i have been making here is that they have no bloody intention of doing so! and to proceed on the assumption that they will - on faith - because of 'pressure' is a monumental fool's errand


read again what i have posted about the PLA CHINESE factor

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:

Nothing besides languishing on the opposition benches (handcuffed by the Burnham constitution) will realistically cause the PPP to agree to scrap the nonsense that forbids parties forming majority, governing coalitions after elections


this is a extraordinarily powerful tool that will empower the AFC and discipline the PPP/PNC

I do not know where you were schooled chap but you really write a tremendous amount of garbage.


Do you really think the PNC/APNu will do a better job at reforming the constitution than the PPP?


Wake up, the PNC is a group of sheep in wolf clothing.


I thought Ramjattan done mek it clear, he gun talk to the APNU, but we nah want marry that crab filled *****.


The PNC got worst crabs than the PPP.  Check out them, OLD crabs - Whey Oscar Bite yu, in the Clarke!


Whey Hammie bite yu, in the Green.


Whey Carl bite yu, in the Greenbridge.


Why David bite yu, in the G-Ranger.


Why Robert bite yu.  in the Corbin.


So rest yu confused and corrupt self.


We see through you and your racist agenda donkey years ago Mr. Tyrone Kemraj.


You are a bitter man.


You deserve some space in the metal asylum.


Gwan from the place you political opportunist.


Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
"Do you really think the PNC/APNu will do a better job at reforming the constitution than the PPP?"

ahmmm, seÃąor non sequitur . . . actually it is the AFC/APNU who will do a better job at reforming the constitution than the PPP



It is you Redux, who cannot live with the conclusion.  The AFC will never marry the APNU.  



Reform of the constitution has to be done by the PPP.


APNU/PNC can never be in the driver seat on any issue since it is in their DNA to cheat, bully and lie.


Historically the 3 opposition seats always provided one voice to represent the smaller political parties.


NO MORE on this fraud Granja.


It is 3 PNC; 3 PPP.


Dominance and you azzz think the AFC will ever trust the PNC.


Look, carry your dull and dumb self from the place Mr. Tarron Tyrone Kimraj.

Originally Posted by redux:. the point i have been making here is that they have no bloody intention of doing so! and to proceed on the assumption that they will - on faith - because of 'pressure' is a monumental fool's errand



At this point in time if the PPP can't be embarrassed into hosting LGE then the opposition parties need to just hang up their gloves.


That should be their SOLE focus.  Not wasting time with another national election

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:. the point i have been making here is that they have no bloody intention of doing so! and to proceed on the assumption that they will - on faith - because of 'pressure' is a monumental fool's errand



At this point in time if the PPP can't be embarrassed into hosting LGE then the opposition parties need to just hang up their gloves.


That should be their SOLE focus.  Not wasting time with another national election

Right on!

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

There will be no LGE.

Just as how Hoyte was embarrassed into holding free and fair elections so can the PPP be embarrassed into LGE.


APNU and the AFC are lazy and I have said so.  They shouid be racing across the length and breadth of Guyana campaigning for LGE, and pointing out to Guyanese that the only way our system of governance will be improved is if it occurs at the LOCAL level.  That way all of those RDC representatives will organical rise from the local level, rather then being political appointees of the parties.


The biggest problem in Guyana is that no one is accountable to the people.  The parties select their own leadership, in the case of the PPP very undemocratically.  NONE of the MPs have any accountable to the population as party leadership selects them.


Hardt is right and the opposition parties, and those of civic society who have integrity should be leading discussions on this topic.


Want to ensure that Guyanese get over their apathy, and gain a sense of ownership over the political system, strengthen local gov't, and cease wasting time with bluffing in parliament.


In a non confidence GECOM will say they aren't ready.  The PPP will say that national elections will be a priority and once again LGE postponed.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:


Reform of the constitution has to be done by the PPP.


Then it will never occur.


1.  The PPP doesn't want it.


2.  The PPP will never win 2/3 because they are too terrified of what the PNC will do if they blatantly rig elections the way that the PNC did.  Stuffing a few ballots to move from 49% to 51% is one thing.  Trying to convince Guyanese that they got 67% of the votes, in an era when even PPP supporters are rioting against them is far fetched.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Just as how Hoyte was embarrassed into holding free and fair elections so can the PPP be embarrassed into LGE.

[are u serious . . .?]

 . . . .


In a non confidence GECOM will say they aren't ready.  The PPP will say that national elections will be a priority and once again LGE postponed.

[a No Confidence vote will force Nat'l elections within 3 months; LGE would be moot then . . . what the hell are you babbling about?]

caribny, [see also my comments in red/bold above], i suggest u invest some time reflecting on the antics of the unembarrassable hammie and his bais when Desmond Hoyte (a decent man, unlike the philistine beasts currently occupying the executive), staring directly at imminent economic collapse, acceded to the wishes of the lead Western democracies and risked a free election . . . that's not "embarrassment" bai; that's the survival instinct at work


now . . . knowing what we all know of Guyana's tribal politics, the role of the PLA Chinese, the deep, lethal nexus of a privileged criminal class dependent on official corruption for their prosperity (survival really) and the delusional, bitter-end, entitled mentality of the Freedom House crew this past decade, i find your misreading of the PPP's "survival instinct[s]" borderline klownish


PPP "embarrassment"? oxymoron! . . . banna u need a reset

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
"Do you really think the PNC/APNu will do a better job at reforming the constitution than the PPP?"

ahmmm, seÃąor non sequitur . . . actually it is the AFC/APNU who will do a better job at reforming the constitution than the PPP




It is you Redux, who cannot live with the conclusion.  

The AFC will never marry the APNU.  



Reform of the constitution has to be done by the PPP.



APNU/PNC can never be in the driver seat

on any issue

since it is in their DNA to cheat, bully and lie.



Historically the 3 opposition seats

always provided one voice

to represent the smaller political parties.




NO MORE on this fraud Granja.


It is 3 PNC; 3 PPP.

PNC = PPP******* Samjay




Dominance and you azzz

think the AFC will ever trust the PNC.



Look, carry your dull and dumb self

from the place Mr. Tarron Tyrone Kimraj.

TK is no match to BRIAN....

Watch TK Do the "Oh Rani " Dance Now..


Professor Tyron Kwame

guh dance in Congress Place....

not here on GNI....


Le abee see if TK got de Brains

fuh answer any of the above.....

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:

TK is no match to BRIAN....

Watch TK Do the "Oh Rani " Dance Now..


Professor Tyron Kwame

guh dance in Congress Place....

not here on GNI....

ow, poor u . . . still scratching around fuh find a lil fren to share yuh "TK" religious experience with


sound like religion, but could be fatal attraction . . . hmmmm?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

TK is no match to BRIAN....

Watch TK Do the "Oh Rani " Dance Now..


Professor Tyron Kwame

guh dance in Congress Place....

not here on GNI....

ow, poor u . . . still scratching around fuh find a lil fren to share yuh "TK" religious experience with


sound like religion, but could be fatal attraction . . . hmmmm?

TK an eee Jumbie

Haul yuh Rass....

or yuh want me post a clip from

De AFC Plan....


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

TK is no match to BRIAN....

Watch TK Do the "Oh Rani " Dance Now..


Professor Tyron Kwame

guh dance in Congress Place....

not here on GNI....

ow, poor u . . . still scratching around fuh find a lil fren to share yuh "TK" religious experience with


sound like religion, but could be fatal attraction . . . hmmmm?

TK an eee Jumbie

Haul yuh Rass

serious psychosexual weirdness we have here . . .hmmmm?


supposedely u and 'brian teekah/kishanb' all come down with the same syndrome at the same time


it's not illegal though . . . no thought police in America bai


there are laws against (physically) stalking though; be careful, once so anointed, it is almost impossible to have your name removed from the sexual offender database

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

TK is no match to BRIAN....

Watch TK Do the "Oh Rani " Dance Now..


Professor Tyron Kwame

guh dance in Congress Place....

not here on GNI....

ow, poor u . . . still scratching around fuh find a lil fren to share yuh "TK" religious experience with


sound like religion, but could be fatal attraction . . . hmmmm?

TK an eee Jumbie

Haul yuh Rass

serious psychosexual weirdness we have here . . .hmmmm?


supposedely u and 'brian teekah/kishanb' all come down with the same syndrome at the same time


it's not illegal though . . . no thought police in America bai


there are laws against (physically) stalking though; be careful, once so anointed, it is almost impossible to have your name removed from the sexual offender database


TK only got mouth....

fuh Suck and Praise PNC


All abee on GNI want see yuh press charges against

Granger & Corbin fuh probing with yuh Ass-hole.


Yuh know they can be Jailed fuh wa dem do yuh....


In Guyana....Buggery is a serious offence....

ask any one of your two followers

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

TK is no match to BRIAN....

Watch TK Do the "Oh Rani " Dance Now..


Professor Tyron Kwame

guh dance in Congress Place....

not here on GNI....

ow, poor u . . . still scratching around fuh find a lil fren to share yuh "TK" religious experience with


sound like religion, but could be fatal attraction . . . hmmmm?

TK an eee Jumbie

Haul yuh Rass

serious psychosexual weirdness we have here . . .hmmmm?


supposedely u and 'brian teekah/kishanb' all come down with the same syndrome at the same time


it's not illegal though . . . no thought police in America bai


there are laws against (physically) stalking though; be careful, once so anointed, it is almost impossible to have your name removed from the sexual offender database


TK only got mouth....

fuh Suck and Praise PNC


All abee on GNI want see yuh press charges against

Granger & Corbin fuh probing with yuh Ass-hole.


Yuh know they can be Jailed fuh wa dem do yuh....


In Guyana....Buggery is a serious offence....

ask any one of your two followers

ow bai, yuh far gone . . . save de "TK" blankie fuh de rubber room


doan soil it wiping yuhself after self abuse



Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

OK TK if Granger tell yuh

Buggery in the PNC is not a Crime...

Yuh cant do nothing......


"ooooooh Rani"

yuh gha fuh tek it with a smile....

ow bai, yuh far gone . . . save de "TK" blankie fuh de rubber room


doan soil it wiping yuhself after self abuse . . . u must be in love

Like yu fricxking dumb, the man seh stop stammering!


S**** man, you really thick upstair Tarron Tyron ak Jumbie No. 1 Redux.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

OK TK if Granger tell yuh

Buggery in the PNC is not a Crime...

Yuh cant do nothing......


"ooooooh Rani"

yuh gha fuh tek it with a smile....

ow bai, yuh far gone . . . save de "TK" blankie fuh de rubber room


doan soil it wiping yuhself after self abuse . . . u must be in love

Like yu fricxking dumb, the man seh stop stammering!


S**** man, you really thick upstair Tarron Tyron ak Jumbie No. 1 Redux.

ow bai, u need a "TK" blankie too?


borrow am from jalil if it not too sticky, arite?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
"Do you really think the PNC/APNu will do a better job at reforming the constitution than the PPP?"

ahmmm, seÃąor non sequitur . . . actually it is the AFC/APNU who will do a better job at reforming the constitution than the PPP




It is you Redux, who cannot live with the conclusion.  

The AFC will never marry the APNU.  



Reform of the constitution has to be done by the PPP.



APNU/PNC can never be in the driver seat

on any issue

since it is in their DNA to cheat, bully and lie.



Historically the 3 opposition seats

always provided one voice

to represent the smaller political parties.




NO MORE on this fraud Granja.


It is 3 PNC; 3 PPP.

PNC = PPP******* Samjay




Dominance and you azzz

think the AFC will ever trust the PNC.



Look, carry your dull and dumb self

from the place Mr. Tarron Tyrone Kimraj.

TK is no match to BRIAN....

Watch TK Do the "Oh Rani " Dance Now..


Professor Tyron Kwame

guh dance in Congress Place....

not here on GNI....


Le abee see if TK got de Brains

fuh answer any of the above.....

Ow Jalil, I am begging for Tarron, ease up chap.  You went to town exposing this dunce.


The PNC will never tolerate an opportunist in its leadership.


Kish dis lil PNC Jihaji (TK) operating like a pimp here on GNI.

Let him go and Pimp fuh Corbin & Granger....


This Jackass cannot see....

while he attacking the AFC....

Corbin assuring PPP ....

The PNC will not support a No Confidence Motion by the AFC.


Eee Beg me...not to post the Video with him Stammering.

Nehru say thats how TK does behave...

Ah. Ah..AH...AH....AH....


when eee teking Lo-lo




Originally Posted by Jalil:

Kish dis lil PNC Jihaji (TK) operating like a pimp here on GNI.

Let him go and Pimp fuh Corbin & Granger....


This Jackass cannot see....

while he attacking the AFC....

Corbin assuring PPP ....

The PNC will not support a No Confidence Motion by the AFC.


Eee Beg me...not to post the Video with him Stammering.

Nehru say thats how TK does behave...

Ah. Ah..AH...AH....AH....


when eee teking Lo-lo




The PNC JHIhaji, Tyrone Kemraj, is against no-confidence vote.  WHY???


PPP juice flowing into the PNC.

Originally Posted by redux:

Nothing besides languishing on the opposition benches (handcuffed by the Burnham constitution) will realistically cause the PPP to agree to scrap the nonsense that forbids parties forming majority, governing coalitions after elections


this is a extraordinarily powerful tool that will empower the AFC and discipline the PPP/PNC

Granger not ruling out possibility of AFC coalition


Opposition Leader David Granger said that he isn’t ruling out the possibility of a coalition between A Partnership for National Unity and the Alliance for Change. Granger, in a recent interview, with this newspaper said that the APNU has a good relationship with the AFC.
According to Granger the two parties have met frequently over time to discuss several issues. He explained that from the “get go” the APNU has always indicated that other parties, individuals and organizations are always free to join. While they are free to join, the Opposition Leader said that his party will not be forcing anyone on the issue.
Granger told Kaieteur News that his party has maintained that it is committed to democracy. He said that the PNC is an integral part of the APNU, adding that it was the party at the “cutting edge and pioneering” of democracy in Guyana.
“The party is bound up by national unity and I do believe that if local or general elections are called our performance would increase from 2011.” He remains confident that that his party has covered lots of ground over the last two years.
“I’m more confident that more people are aware of what the party stands for and there is need for national unity, which will determine the next elections” Granger said.
Over the last year or so, the AFC had said that it would not be “swayed” into a coalition with the PPP/C or the APNU ahead of the next elections.





What is wrong with old man Granja, he believes that the AFC is tomatoes in the market that he can just go and buy it?


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