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Originally posted by Miraver:
Have you incorporated the Feng Shui techniques in your home?

If so, what was the outcome?

If you haven't, do you know of anyone who has done it? I'm looking for first hand experience, from my Guyanese peepsSmile

I appreciate and value your responses.

Actually a family of mine just bought their second house and the designs are so beautiful with the chinese writings and art and you name it. Its not just beautiful to walk into its so soothing to look at and be around, possitive energy.

I have to say from their first house to this one its a very big difference even in their personalities you can see a change. I hate to be a copy cat but I am hoping to steal some of their ideas Wink pretty soon for mine Big Grin Eight Life Aspirations aka Feng Shui ain't such a tradition to follow.....
Originally posted by IK:
i guess we had done that at one time or the other..mine was 'curly flowerie thingie kinda long' i can't remember the name for it Big Grin Big Grin

what description! Big Grin

Mom also had a polythene knitted doilie for her knitted dog flag It was very colorful. Wonder if I can find any when I go back...just to take a pic for memories.
Originally posted by Miraver:
Have you incorporated the Feng Shui techniques in your home?

If so, what was the outcome?

If you haven't, do you know of anyone who has done it? I'm looking for first hand experience, from my Guyanese peepsSmile

I appreciate and value your responses.
This is a compendium of interesting design strategies gleaned over the ages that aptly balances design elements with nature and the human emotional well being. I am a fan. I avoid the metaphysical hocus pocus as ornamentation to profound commonsense design strategies forged through time tested keen observation of what works best given a compelling imperative to make a designed space fits into the environment naturally and at the same time meed functional needs seamlessly. It is like ayurvedic lifestyle ( food and approach to healthy life), good even when the religion and chopraesque mumbo jumbo is stripped ( I think necessarily so!) from it . Everything in our house takes in the design principles from the colors to our placement of furniture. My wife is into it and I got dragged in because of my natural suspicion of " natural philosophies" as being a euphemism for air headed new aged psycho babble. I was absolutely surprised at their common sense approach to all things and the cleanness of the design. There is nothing useless or unnecessary in the approach...purely functional and with simplicity and ease being the guiding principle.

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