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Former Deputy CEO breaks his silence

GPL multimillion-dollar fraud allegations…

Embattled former Guyana Power and Light (GPL) Deputy Chief Executive Officer (DCEO) Aeshawar

Aeshawar Deonarine

Aeshawar Deonarine

Deonarine has finally broken his silence on what he said were moves by Government to smear his character when allegations of fraud and misappropriation were brought against him.
Back in July 2015, Minister of Public Infrastructure David Patterson said revelations of a forensic audit carried out at the time had shown that officials of GPL, including Deonarine, had been siphoning off funds into their personal accounts from the PetroCaribe Fund.
Deonarine was immediately sent on administrative leave. The former DCEO was very dormant over the ensuing months, but came out Friday, seeking to vindicate himself.
In comments to Guyana Times Deonarine said over those months, he was “disinclined to address personal matters in the media, but the continuous imprudent statements being peddled by supposedly intelligent people leave me no choice but to break my silence and pen some facts that would hopefully enlighten those who wish to disparage my character”.
He said he would be “careful” since the issues that have attracted so much attention are before the courts.
According to Deonarine, the allegations by Patterson were new to him, in fact he was probably the last to get to know about the claims. He however said each of those accusations are false.
According to Deonarine, he never had access to the PetroCaribe funds and that funds the power company borrowed from PetroCaribe were paid by the Ministry of Finance to GPL’s suppliers.
As to claims that his request for remuneration increase was not approved, the former DCEO said his request was in fact approved by the board, the sole body with such authority.
“In accordance with company policy and procedures, all payments must be approved by a competent authority. Further, all payment instructions to any of GPL’s commercial banks must be signed by two board-authorised signatories, one of whom must be a board member and the other an executive manager. I have written evidence to support these claims” Deonarine said.
“A logical question you may ask is why I took so long to provide my responses. There are two reasons: First, I do not think that the media is the appropriate forum to deal with matter of this nature. Secondly, I really believed that the Minister would have given me the opportunity to be heard.
In my opinion, an inquiry should have been held and I should have been afforded an opportunity to be heard. If this were done, I am positive that this matter would have never become an issue. Unfortunately, numerous attempts to have a hearing on the allegations have been in vain”.
He said he was not being given a hearing and with the upsurge in violent post-election crimes, and fearing for his family’s safety, he departed Guyana in August 2015 without any objection from anybody.
“I left instructions with my lawyer to take certain actions and to act as a liaison between me and an appropriate Government official, in the event that someone changed his or her mind and decided to give me a fair hearing”, he said.
The former DCEO said the first action his lawyer initiated saw him submitting a sworn affidavit in the High Court, which has his full overseas address.
“The affidavit was served on Minister Patterson, who is represented in Court by the office of the Attorney General. Several hearings have already been called. (This matter is still ongoing, so I shall not make any comments.)”, he said
He said it is puzzling, to now learn that the police do not know where he is. “Surely, one of the pieces of evidence they sought to have obtained would have been a copy of my affidavit, which has my full address? Surely, they could have contacted my lawyer, who would have informed them that he was my legal representative and would be available to answer any questions they have. My lawyer was never contacted was not even officially informed that I was being charged”.
Deonarine said he was earlier this year required to undergo an emergency operation which was followed by hospitalisation.
“I am recovering slowly but surely. Make no mistake, I have every intention of defending myself. I am one hundred per cent certain that I would be vindicated by the Court. Actually, I am thrilled that, finally, I am getting a hearing”.
Deonarine is facing charges which alleged that on May 7 and 8, 2015, he conspired to commit simple larceny of the sum of $27,757,547, property of GPL.
Deonarine was sent on administrative leave after he allegedly transferred some $27.8 million to his personal account. He was also accused of paying board member Carvil Duncan a sum of $948,000 that was not authorised.
Duncan appeared in Court on January 26 last where he answered to that charge. Deonarine was not present in court.
An issue for his arrest was later sent out.
After coming into office in May last year, the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) Administration found that close to $142 million of the PetroCaribe Fund was plugged into the operations of the State-owned GPL. This was realised after Government said it had found an empty PetroCaribe Fund when it took office and later launched an investigation.

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"Deonarine was sent on administrative leave after heallegedly transferred some $27.8 million to his personal account. He was also accused of paying board member Carvil Duncan a sum of $948,000 that was not authorised."



What allegedly he acknowledge tat he did it ans even agreed to pay it back



Deputy GPL CEO to repay $27.8M – Patterson

By Staff Editor On August 8, 2015 In Local News


Aeshwar Deonarine, Deputy Chief Executive Officer (DCEO Administration) of the Guyana Power and Light (GPL), is seeking time to repay the $27.8M, which was transferred from the PetroCaribe fund to his personal bank account.


Aeshwar Deonarine
Aeshwar Deonarine

GINA said that this information was revealed during a press conference hosted by the Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson, in the boardroom of his Ministry today.
“I am aware that a letter was sent in by the DCEO. He wrote the letter saying he does not believe his actions were wrong. However, he will refund the money, but is requesting some time, because the cash was transferred to his United States account,” Patterson told the media.

Patterson said that the forensic audit into the financial affairs of GPL had concluded, and the files were sent to the Ministry of Public Security and the Attorney General, who, after a review of the findings, will advise on the way forward.


A forensic audit had revealed that $28.748M was transferred from the PetroCaribe Fund into the personal accounts of FITUG President Carvil Duncan and Deonarine. Patterson had said then that $27.8M went to Deonarine’s account and $948,000 to Duncan’s.

GPL’s deputy head offers to return $27M in back pay he took

August 9, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 


Criminal charges against two senior officials of the Guyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL) who are accused of giving themselves millions in back pay, are likely not to happen anytime soon.


Minister David Patterson

Minister David Patterson

GPL’s Deputy chief, Ash Deonarine

GPL’s Deputy chief, Ash Deonarine


Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Ash Deonarine, who is on leave, has offered to repay the money- over $27M of it- but GPL will have to wait until it is transferred from a US account that he has. The repayment offer was yesterday disclosed by Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson during a press conference at his Kingston office.

The irregular payments to Deonarine and Director, Carvil Duncan, were reportedly picked up during a forensic audit ordered by Government into the PetroCaribe Fund. Auditors found the two payments and raised the matter. Deonarine was sent on leave with Government saying that the matter was to be handed to the police. Duncan reportedly paid himself $948,000 while Deonarine, over $27M. Deonarine is responsible for administration.

He reportedly wanted to receive the same level of pay as the Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Technical), Colin Welch, but his approaches to the Board of Directors were rebuffed. The payments to himself, representing back pay for the period January 2013 to June 2015, were reportedly made between May and June, shortly after the new Government took office. The payments were allegedly countersigned by Duncan, the Director.

With regard to Duncan, the Board of Directors of GPL had approached Government to raise the Directors’ fees from $5,000 to $20,000 monthly but no decision was made. His back pay represented the 48 months he would have been a Director. Again, both Duncan and Deonarine signed off on the payments.

Duncan had defended the payment saying that he was properly authorized.
According to Patterson, files have been sent to the Ministry of Public Security and office of the Attorney General for possible actions. The forensic audit is being carried out by Nigel Hinds Financial Services and according to Patterson, it is proving “interesting but obviously we are waiting on the final report” which is expected to be out shortly. He said that Deonarine in defense of the monies he received argued that his actions were not incorrect as it was authorized by a Director. However, he asked for time to return the money, in light of the public criticisms.

Patterson was unable to say if any of the monies were returned.
Deonarine recently left the country. There is nothing barring him from leaving, the Minister said in response to questions. He insisted that Government will not direct the relevant agencies on how to handle the matter.

Yesterday both Government and GPL officials said that it is unlikely Deonarine’s matter will go anywhere as there is a document authorizing the payment from Duncan, a signatory to GPL’s accounts. Deonarine was also a signatory.

The question that arises is whether the payments were authorized. In Deonarine’s case, he has a document stating that the payment was.
GPL is a state-owned entity that has been under fire for its spending and high tariffs. It is handling billions of dollars.

Last edited by Django
Vish M posted:

How reputable is the Nigel Hinds Financial Services?

what's that got to do with anything?

Ash is blowing smoke . . . other than claiming he sick, there is no new information here

bangle and jail fuh he rass . . . gawd willing


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