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oh gosh, this hit me hard. Isn't Asgar Ally the same man Comrade Cheddi knocked off from his post as Minister of Finance?
Wasn't this the same Asgar Ally who formed the Guyana Democratic Movement and later joined with N.K. Gopaul in the Guyana Labour Party to fight the PPP and Comrade Cheddi?
Gopaul was the man who burnt Comrade Effigy, and Ally said in New York that Comrade Cheddi made Burnham look like a saint, as he attacked Comrade Cheddi for corruption.
Shame that he could be resurrected and brought back on the PPP platform.
But the Jagdeo-Ramoutar PPP has strange bedfellows, and the birds of a feather are flocking together.
Now I know that the Jagdeo-PPP will not win the coming elections.
Originally posted by The Judge:
BREAKING NEWS: Former Finance Minister Asgar Alli formally endorses the PPP/C and its Presidential Candidate Donald Ramotar at the Stewartville rally.

No this cant be the same Asgar Ally who chased President Jagan from his yard when de President went to offer condelence on the Passing of Asgar's father.
Asgar cussed down Jagan because he was replaced by a lil B@tty-boy.

Ramotar & Jagdeo now showing their hand how desperate they are.....
Is this the same man who Jagdeo caused to get lock up in Canada because he was traveling with his licence gun.
oh man - up to yesterday I was like wondering "where is asgar??". notting on his facebook status, or twitter or google or anything man- I was like oh man asgar better hurry up. then this! My day is made! Now with asgar on the PPP team, Donald can walk pon water - I think I will go and start the party today. In fact I going and tell meh white neighbours dem "abe deh pon tap - is we time again!"

Asgar is a ass - he should have looked at Chedder - or listen to his wease and known that the man would have croaked in a few years - for that lack of foresight - he makes it on my list of asses. Annoda hole in de cup! Is this the token Fulla in the PPP team???
Originally posted by Tola:
People like Asgar Ally lost all shame and are now joining the gravy train of the PPP, but dem train gun bruk on Nov 28.
Like Jagdeo, they are heartless for the poor in Guyana, who will continue to suffer under a PPP government.

When the leader is a bottom feeder, expect the followers to feeding in the same area.

He is smarter than Ramjattan,Sase, TK and Nagamootoo.

I remember TK praised Asgar quite a lot.
What is he saying now?
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Tola:
People like Asgar Ally lost all shame and are now joining the gravy train of the PPP, but dem train gun bruk on Nov 28.
Like Jagdeo, they are heartless for the poor in Guyana, who will continue to suffer under a PPP government.

When the leader is a bottom feeder, expect the followers to feeding in the same area.

He is smarter than Ramjattan,Sase, TK and Nagamootoo.

I remember TK praised Asgar quite a lot.
What is he saying now?

Praise Asgar? When where now? Please post one link here.
Originally posted by Wally:
This election campaign has to be the most unusual. It was Asgar Ally who joined with Hoyte for the street protests against the PPP after the election where the Indian ladies got assaulted on the streets that led to the show down between Bynoe and Hoyte.

It look like everything got turned upside down.

It was during one of those street protests when PNC thugs assaulted several East Indian women in GT ....Asgar was in the protest with Hoyte,Gopaul and others.....

Ramouthar's wife I was told was one of the ladies who was seems as though Donald has forgotten that incident or he is not in control of matters at this fact was he ever in control ?

Asgar appointed his son to a world bank post without going through the proper procedures....Cheddi was very annoyed at this act of nepotism and it was one of the reasons why Cheddi asked for Alli's resignation....a few years later Donald did the same when his daughter was appointed to a similar post at the world bank without going through proper procedures.....I believe Cheddi would have been annoyed at Donald also and who knows what might have happened ?
Originally posted by Churchill:
Originally posted by Wally:
This election campaign has to be the most unusual. It was Asgar Ally who joined with Hoyte for the street protests against the PPP after the election where the Indian ladies got assaulted on the streets that led to the show down between Bynoe and Hoyte.

It look like everything got turned upside down.

It was during one of those street protests when PNC thugs assaulted several East Indian women in GT ....Asgar was in the protest with Hoyte,Gopaul and others.....

Ramouthar's wife I was told was one of the ladies who was seems as though Donald has forgotten that incident or he is not in control of matters at this fact was he ever in control ?

Asgar appointed his son to a world bank post without going through the proper procedures....Cheddi was very annoyed at this act of nepotism and it was one of the reasons why Cheddi asked for Alli's resignation....a few years later Donald did the same when his daughter was appointed to a similar post at the world bank without going through proper procedures.....I believe Cheddi would have been annoyed at Donald also and who knows what might have happened ?

Donald is smart. he wiited until Cheddi died..
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Moses should have retired.

I am glad he didn't also glad that he had the balls to take on the present clique which has hijacked the party....

Moses has no problem with the rank and file members of the PPP ....many of them support him and are glad that he has shaken up the corrupt, and arrogant leadership ....

Moses has a problem with the corrupt leadership of the party especially the Jagdeo clique which is getting rich on the backs of the working the leadership also are some who are not comfrotable with whats happening but as the old saying goes " their mouths are muzzled by the food they eat ".....
Originally posted by Churchill:

I am glad he didn't also glad that he had the balls to take on the present clique which has hijacked the party....

Only now? After his failed attempt at becoming the Party's Presidential candidate.
Have you ever thought about what would've been Nagamootoo's tune had he been the PPP's Presidential candidate? He would've been singing praises on Jagdeo
Originally posted by The Judge:
Originally posted by Churchill:

I am glad he didn't also glad that he had the balls to take on the present clique which has hijacked the party....

Only now? After his failed attempt at becoming the Party's Presidential candidate.
Have you ever thought about what would've been Nagamootoo's tune had he been the PPP's Presidential candidate? He would've been singing praises on Jagdeo

Moses made it very clear before the selection process started that he would support any one who would emerge as the candidate if the process was fair and democratic....we all know that the process wasn't fair and democratic....Moses gave the leadership a chance to correct things....they didn't.....

Way back in the mid 2000's Moses allerted the party leadership to the growing corruption which was taking place....nothing was done...

He cautioned the party against the use of " private help " in combating the wave of violence which erupted after the break out of jail by the "freedom fighters "....they did not listen to him......

He defended Khemraj Ramjattan against the lies that Khemraj was giving information to the USA authorities....later it was proven that it was really Miss.Wiki Leaks who was doing so...
COW GOING TO SLAUGHTER HOUSE GON SHITTTT ALL OVER THE PLACE WATER WATER.Bhar-Wha-Rat was on a talk show Let talk with Lachme in NY Ashram,when the young Lady Lachmee ask him what would be his position when he leave office,his answer was "he is not leaving".In the Ashram VJ ask him about the election coming up,he said"WHAT ELECTION I HAVE NO CONTROL",VJ said "WHAT",Bhar Wha-Rat said"i thought you Guys have an Election in the Ashram,but concerning the Election in Guyana"the only Party we have to worry about is AFC-AFC,the PNC is on their way out being the Opposition"VJ said do you mean to say the PPP would be the next Opposition--Bhar-Wha-Rat was going to curse in the Ashram but he walk away---their was over 10 church people when this conversation occured including 2 Pandits.
Originally posted by Churchill:

Way back in the mid 2000's Moses allerted the party leadership to the growing corruption which was taking place....nothing was done...

He cautioned the party against the use of " private help " in combating the wave of violence which erupted after the break out of jail by the "freedom fighters "....they did not listen to him......

Despite that he still remained until it was pellucidly clear that his dream of obtaining the coveted Presidential spot was nowhere to be had.
Originally posted by The Judge:
Originally posted by Churchill:

Way back in the mid 2000's Moses allerted the party leadership to the growing corruption which was taking place....nothing was done...

He cautioned the party against the use of " private help " in combating the wave of violence which erupted after the break out of jail by the "freedom fighters "....they did not listen to him......

Despite that he still remained until it was pellucidly clear that his dream of obtaining the coveted Presidential spot was nowhere to be had.

So he decided to take revenge on the PPP. He lost all credibilty when he joined the AFC.
Originally posted by Churchill:
Originally posted by Wally:
This election campaign has to be the most unusual. It was Asgar Ally who joined with Hoyte for the street protests against the PPP after the election where the Indian ladies got assaulted on the streets that led to the show down between Bynoe and Hoyte.

It look like everything got turned upside down.

It was during one of those street protests when PNC thugs assaulted several East Indian women in GT ....Asgar was in the protest with Hoyte,Gopaul and others.....

Ramouthar's wife I was told was one of the ladies who was seems as though Donald has forgotten that incident or he is not in control of matters at this fact was he ever in control ?

Asgar appointed his son to a world bank post without going through the proper procedures....Cheddi was very annoyed at this act of nepotism and it was one of the reasons why Cheddi asked for Alli's resignation....a few years later Donald did the same when his daughter was appointed to a similar post at the world bank without going through proper procedures.....I believe Cheddi would have been annoyed at Donald also and who knows what might have happened ?

Churchill... They did go through the proper channels regarding Ms. Ramotar's appointment. It was approved by the Cabinet. But, you will recall there was a lot of noise about this appointment, even before she left for Washington, because it was argued by some who opposed the appointment that there were better experienced and qualified persons for that job.
Originally posted by Daren David:
Churchill... They did go through the proper channels regarding Ms. Ramotar's appointment. It was approved by the Cabinet. But, you will recall there was a lot of noise about this appointment, even before she left for Washington, because it was argued by some who opposed the appointment that there were better experienced and qualified persons for that job.

Thank you for the attempt at clarifying this issue... Cabinet approval might have just been a rubber stamp for the under the table process for the selection of Ms.Ramouthar ..... the process was not transparent as there was no public notice inviting qualified persons to apply.....
Originally posted by Tola:
People like Asgar Ally lost all shame and are now joining the gravy train of the PPP, but dem train gun bruk on Nov 28.
Like Jagdeo, they are heartless for the poor in Guyana, who will continue to suffer under a PPP government.

When the leader is a bottom feeder, expect the followers to feeding in the same area.

Asgar Ali was thrown out due to something CBJ did not like, remember CBJ brought him in. He most likely have seen a better alignment with this current cabals.
Originally posted by Churchill:
Originally posted by Daren David:
Churchill... They did go through the proper channels regarding Ms. Ramotar's appointment. It was approved by the Cabinet. But, you will recall there was a lot of noise about this appointment, even before she left for Washington, because it was argued by some who opposed the appointment that there were better experienced and qualified persons for that job.

Thank you for the attempt at clarifying this issue... Cabinet approval might have just been a rubber stamp for the under the table process for the selection of Ms.Ramouthar ..... the process was not transparent as there was no public notice inviting qualified persons to apply.....

Qwack Qwack also used his influence at Guysuco to get his son hired at the Corporation.

Then the Duck facilitated a a Canadian scholarship for the same son. Son is now hired at OP.

Defend this Daren.
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Tola:
People like Asgar Ally lost all shame and are now joining the gravy train of the PPP, but dem train gun bruk on Nov 28.
Like Jagdeo, they are heartless for the poor in Guyana, who will continue to suffer under a PPP government.

When the leader is a bottom feeder, expect the followers to feeding in the same area.

Asgar Ali was thrown out due to something CBJ did not like, remember CBJ brought him in. He most likely have seen a better alignment with this current cabals.

Reepu lead the assault on Asgar Ali. Same as Nagamootoo with the leadership issue. Asgar was considered to be a bright star and a possible successor to CBJ. Membership in Freedom House din like the idea.

Jagdeo claimed he did all the work and Asgar took the credit. Thus becoming the wonder boy.
Originally posted by Churchill:
Originally posted by Wally:
This election campaign has to be the most unusual. It was Asgar Ally who joined with Hoyte for the street protests against the PPP after the election where the Indian ladies got assaulted on the streets that led to the show down between Bynoe and Hoyte.

It look like everything got turned upside down.

It was during one of those street protests when PNC thugs assaulted several East Indian women in GT ....Asgar was in the protest with Hoyte,Gopaul and others.....

Ramouthar's wife I was told was one of the ladies who was seems as though Donald has forgotten that incident or he is not in control of matters at this fact was he ever in control ?

Asgar appointed his son to a world bank post without going through the proper procedures....Cheddi was very annoyed at this act of nepotism and it was one of the reasons why Cheddi asked for Alli's resignation....a few years later Donald did the same when his daughter was appointed to a similar post at the world bank without going through proper procedures.....I believe Cheddi would have been annoyed at Donald also and who knows what might have happened ?

church what did the indo men men do about it ? dont tell me , as usual NOTHING !
Originally posted by Churchill:
Originally posted by The Judge:
Originally posted by Churchill:

I am glad he didn't also glad that he had the balls to take on the present clique which has hijacked the party....

Only now? After his failed attempt at becoming the Party's Presidential candidate.
Have you ever thought about what would've been Nagamootoo's tune had he been the PPP's Presidential candidate? He would've been singing praises on Jagdeo

Moses made it very clear before the selection process started that he would support any one who would emerge as the candidate if the process was fair and democratic....we all know that the process wasn't fair and democratic....Moses gave the leadership a chance to correct things....they didn't.....

Way back in the mid 2000's Moses allerted the party leadership to the growing corruption which was taking place....nothing was done...

He cautioned the party against the use of " private help " in combating the wave of violence which erupted after the break out of jail by the "freedom fighters "....they did not listen to him......

He defended Khemraj Ramjattan against the lies that Khemraj was giving information to the USA authorities....later it was proven that it was really Miss.Wiki Leaks who was doing so...

Church . excuse meh but Moses was a coolie slave ! he said shit squat when Janet kicked his as% to the curb over Bharrat and supported B f13cking J as president . Ah tell yuh again Moses is a trained Pitbull ! he always needs a Master!
Originally posted by warrior:
most of them broke,and they trow away their self respect and pride.they seeing that every body stealing, the goddam tax payers money and they are greedy for some.god have mercy on guyana

self respect is something PPPites dont know or understand ...does not exist for them. they are crabs in ah barrel.
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Tola:
People like Asgar Ally lost all shame and are now joining the gravy train of the PPP, but dem train gun bruk on Nov 28.
Like Jagdeo, they are heartless for the poor in Guyana, who will continue to suffer under a PPP government.

When the leader is a bottom feeder, expect the followers to feeding in the same area.

Asgar Ali was thrown out due to something CBJ did not like, remember CBJ brought him in. He most likely have seen a better alignment with this current cabals.

what the F you talking bout ??? Asgar was the friken architect of Guyana's financial salvage. CBJ, Janet & B F*#cking J learnt from Asgar's economic plan yto salvage Guyana but ah tink Asgar is an Assgar fuh supporting the PPP under Donald Quack Duck . The man is an a55hole !
Originally posted by Wally:
I think pairing up Asgar with Peter Ramsaroop. With Asgar being Minister of Economics and Peter being Minister of International Trade would work well. Both men are very knowledgeable of how the international economic system works.

No doubt Asgar knows his economics ! Peter as International trade ? I am not sure. All Ican say is govt policy will dictate. Me personally , given carte blanche in trade would make Guyana the envy of the Caribbean and region .
Originally posted by Wally:
Kidmost,Guyana needs the best technocrats available. If you can team up with Asgar and Peter to make Guyana the richest country in the Caribbean then I am all for it.

Wally,I have a very short fuse for ignorance and stupidity and I have ZERO tolerance for corruption so imagine me cleaning up Guyana ..bannas we will have build a bigger jail in Guyana . Dont get me wrong but as prez I will create more prosperity than Guyanese ever dreamed of ...the success of a society is leveling the playing field so that anyone can be successful.

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