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@Mitwah posted:

Democracy for me is where you have political freedom and equality. How about you Abu?

Exactly, but it is something that require a level of trust that don't exist in Guyana primarily due to PNC rigging and frigging.  PPP got the boot in 2015 only to install something worse.  Now, when Jango bais loose, they making all kinds of ridiculous accusations.

The non confidence vote should have taken us towards what you described if those parasites would have left office as required.  

Imagine if PPP come into office knowing a few votes can get them ass kicked out of power just like they did to PNC.



Last edited by Abu Jihad

Clinton sold the USA to China by giving them Most Favored Nation status. Trump is correcting the ills of that evil now.

Where are the products for Trump's daughter being manufactured? Please don't give up that 9 to 5 Wall Street job of making coffee for the staff and serving in supplies made in China. Pray that China does not dump the US currency on the open market.

Invanka Trump

@Abu Jihad posted:

You cannot build a skyscraper  on shaky foundation.  

Well the foundation have to be strengthened.How many more decades will it take  Guyanese to grasp they  have to trust each other and work unity  to build the the country for their children future. Most of the politicians are there to fatten themselves any their cronies ,pretending they are working for the peoples interest.

@Mitwah posted:

Where are the products for Trump's daughter being manufactured? Please don't give up that 9 to 5 Wall Street job of making coffee for the staff and serving in supplies made in China. Pray that China does not dump the US currency on the open market.

Invanka Trump

Hey hey hey...Trump does do all he purchase fram China foh true and den pretend foh fight China...

@Ramakant-P posted:

It's called 'first past the post'.. Georgetown had eight constuencies and PNC used to win all of them.

Bibi who claims to be an expert on Guyanese politics, with connections to the top people in many parties doesn't know about the electoral system that kept the PPP in power in colonial days.  It was nice of Ramakant to tell her a bit about it.  Cheddi agreed to a proportional representation (PR)system that took effect in 1964 and led to the coalition government of the PNC and UF.  Much has been written about Cheddi's approval of the PR system that is not used in the UK, USA or Canada but is in many other parts of the world in one form or the other.  Cheddi was a consummate democrat and those who knew him fully understand why he agreed to the new system.  It is a more democratic system as it preserves the principle of one person, one vote.  In a PR system Trump would not be president and Trudeau would not currently be Prime Minister.  In the US, Hillary Clinton got more votes than Trump and, in Canada, Andrew Scheer got more votes than Trudeau.  

@Totaram posted:

Bibi who claims to be an expert on Guyanese politics, with connections to the top people in many parties doesn't know about the electoral system that kept the PPP in power in colonial days.  It was nice of Ramakant to tell her a bit about it.  Cheddi agreed to a proportional representation (PR)system that took effect in 1964 and led to the coalition government of the PNC and UF.  Much has been written about Cheddi's approval of the PR system that is not used in the UK, USA or Canada but is in many other parts of the world in one form or the other.  Cheddi was a consummate democrat and those who knew him fully understand why he agreed to the new system.  It is a more democratic system as it preserves the principle of one person, one vote.  In a PR system Trump would not be president and Trudeau would not currently be Prime Minister.  In the US, Hillary Clinton got more votes than Trump and, in Canada, Andrew Scheer got more votes than Trudeau.  

You covered everything and described it nicely like a professor.


I don't trust people who talk about national government.  They are either dreamers or scammers.  No replacement for democracy.  Count the damn votes and declare the winner. Tired of all the tricks and scams going on. 


Our dearly beloved Guyana, land of tricksters and scammers. Isn't that why so many fled to distant shores? 

@Totaram posted:

Bibi who claims to be an expert on Guyanese politics, with connections to the top people in many parties doesn't know about the electoral system that kept the PPP in power in colonial days.  It was nice of Ramakant to tell her a bit about it.  Cheddi agreed to a proportional representation (PR)system that took effect in 1964 and led to the coalition government of the PNC and UF.  Much has been written about Cheddi's approval of the PR system that is not used in the UK, USA or Canada but is in many other parts of the world in one form or the other.  Cheddi was a consummate democrat and those who knew him fully understand why he agreed to the new system.  It is a more democratic system as it preserves the principle of one person, one vote.  In a PR system Trump would not be president and Trudeau would not currently be Prime Minister.  In the US, Hillary Clinton got more votes than Trump and, in Canada, Andrew Scheer got more votes than Trudeau.  

Hey hey hey...suh yu is one of dem ole Jaganite who na like Jagdoe? or yuh playin one?  Yuh need both system. But de presi better from PR. 


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