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@Tola posted:

Forest Gump is smarter than you, Stupid lil boy.... Have you lived in Guyana during the last PPP administration ?  Do you know of the capabilities of the PPP since the 1960s ? Do you know anyone who was sent to Cuba or Russia for training during the earlier PPP  ? Then grow some academic balls  and come back with what you know.

I don't have a herd mentality like most in the PPP, I write from personal experience. So grow up lil boy and write about what you know, or go take a friggin flying leap into an empty lake.     

Elections over buddy...get used to it....stop living in the past. Foolish questions you asking. Did the PPP rig elections in the 1960s?

You appear as an anti-PPP propagandist who see evil on one side, and the others who commit fraud as andels.

Well...haul you bamsie.


@Rochelle posted:

Tabulation is not validation.

Look at the US elections. The candidate with the most amount of votes is not necessarily the one that is declared the winner.

Allyuh celebrating before Madame Chair officially declares. Hold your horses.

The US has a different system.  It is not relevant to the Guyana system.

Don't compare grapes to oranges...

Last edited by Ramakant-P
@Prashad posted:

APNU only got themselves to blame for their lost. They honored that evil H. Greene but older Guyanese remember what a terror that man was on the Guyanese people. They honored a convicted terrorist in the nation's highest policy institution knowing fully well that the world was watching them. Good riddance. 

Granger was busy promoting Burnham's legacy...

@VishMahabir posted:

Elections over buddy...get used to it....stop living in the past. Foolish questions you asking. Did the PPP rig elections in the 1960s?

You appear as an anti-PPP propagandist who see evil on one side, and the others who commit fraud as andels.

Well...haul you bamsie.


Grow up and learn when you don't know the past, because most times it WILL come back and bite you backside. That is the reality regarding the PPP connection with Cuba and Russia.  Do you think Jagdeo learn book keeping alone in Russia ?  So grow up lil boy.

You are like people I know here. They think they  know everything, until they get into a situation that is irreversible, with severe consequences. So learn before you talk shirt tail boy.   

@Tola posted:

Grow up and learn when you don't know the past, because most times it WILL come back and bite you backside. That is the reality regarding the PPP connection with Cuba and Russia.  Do you think Jagdeo learn book keeping alone in Russia ?  So grow up lil boy.

You are like people I know here. They think they  know everything, until they get into a situation that is irreversible, with severe consequences. So learn before you talk shirt tail boy.   

Not sure what you yapping about.

What does Jagdeo studying in Russia have to do with anything? The man successfully contributed to his party winning the election. He deserves credit for that, despite his frailties. Are you comparing him to that "sanctimonious gangster" named Granger or that racist Volda Lawrence who keep seeing ghosts all over the place?

What is it that you think I do not know?

@Tola posted:

Grow up and learn when you don't know the past, because most times it WILL come back and bite you backside. That is the reality regarding the PPP connection with Cuba and Russia.  Do you think Jagdeo learn book keeping alone in Russia ?  So grow up lil boy.

You are like people I know here. They think they  know everything, until they get into a situation that is irreversible, with severe consequences. So learn before you talk shirt tail boy.   

Grow up and learn what?  You so arrogant.  The previous generations have little to she for 54 years of independence. So why should he take lessons from you and anyone of our generation.

@VishMahabir posted:

Not sure what you yapping about.

What does Jagdeo studying in Russia have to do with anything? The man successfully contributed to his party winning the election. He deserves credit for that, despite his frailties. Are you comparing him to that "sanctimonious gangster" named Granger or that racist Volda Lawrence who keep seeing ghosts all over the place?

What is it that you think I do not know?

Do your research, I am not here to educate you.  


The Ruling Party Indicated that they are rejecting the recount of the March 02 Election and will be taking the matter to court to stop GECOM from Declaring a winner.

The APNU/AFC has accused the PPP of Fraud.  The PPP leads the Coalition by three seats.

The PPP/C wants Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali to sworn in as President as they wait for the courts to sort out the mess created by the Coalition.


Last edited by Ramakant-P

They will be presented with two sheets of legal size paper which nine of the 10 groups will sign. These papers, the declaration of the recounted votes for the General and Regional Elections in District Four represent the end of stage one of the 33-day National Recount.

So in essence the recount will end exactly where it started in District Four.

The results of the tabulation have confirmed that the opposition People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) won the General Elections by 15,416 votes and though the incumbent has refused to accept these results as valid, the process has moved on.

The country now awaits the submission to GECOM of a report from Chief Election Officer Keith Lowenfield.  His report is expected to cover not only the numbers tabulated but also include a summary of the contents of 2,339 observation reports generated over the 33 days.

The incumbent APNU+AFC has argued that the irregularities in these reports β€œdemonstrate a pattern of manipulation of the electoral process.”

Leader of the coalition,  President David Granger has publicly claimed that unstamped ballots, deceased and migrant voters and missing poll books appear to be intentional actions.

Despite this claim the Organisation of American States has deemed the recount process credible and a representative of A New United Guyana (ANUG) Mark Defrance told the media yesterday that the 33- day tabulation process was smooth and stressed that these numbers now public are a true reflection of the vote cast.

According to information broadcast by the Commission a total of 464,506 ballots were cast. This means that 70.3% of the 660,998 registered electors showed up on polling day, a decrease from the 71.3% who voted in 2015.

A total of 4,211, 0. 9%, of the ballots cast were rejected while 460,295 valid votes were counted making the quota for one seat 7,082.

The 233,336 votes secured by the PPP/C means that party will hold 33 of the 65 seats in Guyana’s National Assembly, an absolute majority. Its closest rival the incumbent APNU+AFC has secured 217, 920 votes which has earned it a total of 31 seats. The β€œremainder” seat will be held by the β€œjoinder list” which includes A New United Guyana (ANUG), the Liberty and Justice Party (LJP) and The New Movement (TNM). These three parties have amassed a total of 5,214 votes.

Notably the LJP having earned the third largest number of votes, 2,657, would’ve have held the seat on its own were it not part of the β€œjoinder.”

Of the four other parties who contested the General Elections only one earned more than 1,000 votes. That party, Change Guyana secured 1,953 while The Citizenship Initiative earned 680, People’s Republic Party earned 832 and the United Republic Party won 360 votes.

Cumulatively the smaller parties secured 9,039 or 2% of the votes cast, a significant increase from the 2,023 or 0.2% gained by the four small parties who contested in 2015.

Also speaking with reporters yesterday was PPP/C Executive member Anil Nandlall who said that the recount was an example of the rule of law prevailing over anarchy.

He reiterated that attempts by the Region Four Returning Officer to redistribute votes cast was clear electoral fraud and said that his party now awaits a declaration from GECOM so that Irfaan Alli their presidential candidate can be sworn in as President of Guyana.

The timeline for this declaration depends in part on Lowenfield who must submit to the Commission a report of these results as well as a summary of the observation reports generated for each ballot box.

The order governing the recount provides for Lowenfield to submit his report on or before June 13. The CEO therefore has five days to compile this report. This will be his second report on the March 2 Elections. The first was submitted on March 14, one day after Mingo fraudulently declared that APNU+AFC had won the District by 59, 129 votes.

The actual difference according to the recount is 36,021. 

At the time of Lowenfield’s submission Mingo and the Commission were before the High Court for contempt of court since Mingo had failed repeatedly to tabulate results using the lawful Statements of Poll.

His submission also came at a time when President David Granger and Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo had agreed to have a National Recount scrutinized by the Caribbean Community.

GECOM Chairperson Justice (ret’d) Claudette Singh decided that the report submitted by Lowenfield would be held in abeyance until after the recount.

The recount has since exposed Mingo’s tabulation as inaccurate. In fact it shows that in his declaration he inflated the votes for the APNU+AFC by 20,000 while the PPP/C’s votes were decreased by 3,000.

@Django posted:

This table points to the Fraud in the elections.

PPP's gain is 3 times that of APNU's. That quite a paradigm shift of voters participation. Or, was it rigged?

In Region 4, traditionally a PNC stronghold, how did the PPP increase it's votes by 10K while the PNC 3K? 

Caribny if you are reading, please come in. I used to enjoy your analysis.  

Last edited by Mitwah
@Mitwah posted:

PPP's gain is 3 times that of APNU's. That quite a paradigm shift of voters participation. Or, was it rigged?

In Region 4, traditionally a PNC stronghold, how did the PPP increase it's votes by 10K while the PNC 3K? 

Caribny if you are reading, please come in. I used to enjoy your analysis.  

That's the Region one of the plan was implemented ,check chart below.

Most of the irregularities was discovered on the East Coast Demerara.


Chart below recieved by NSD /FARA



Another leaked file looks like around April 14.


Images (3)
  • 2020-06-04_5
  • Let_GECOM_Draft
Last edited by Django
@Django posted:


Region 4 RO Mingo ,second declaration.

Mingo is  fraud.  He was caught red handed cheating for the Coalition.

The Coalition won Region 4 but the total votes for all 10 Regions clearly show that the PPP/C won by 15416 votes thus giving them a 3 seat majority over  the Coalition. What is so hard to understand?

There was no fraud committed  by the PPP/C as Granger so claimed. All the Parties were witnessed to the recount  and they concluded that the PPP won.  

When the PPP won the election in 1992, Corbin and Cousin Hammie tried to rally the black People to seize the Government, but Jimmy Carter convinced President Hoyte to call out the army, which he was very reluctant in doing.     I believe that you are trying to support that kind of behaviour from the PNC again.



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