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@Django posted:

This is a PNC website. What do you expect? Is the whole world wrong and only the PNC is telling the truth? This is all hogwash. Time to scrub this site with some bleach and Lysol. Where did they get these figures from the observation report? That's a farce. How come after the elections they did not bring this up and claimed victory?


The Caricom observers said that it is difficult to cheat and any irregularities should fall on the shoulders of GECOM. Why blame the PPP?

The coalition was defeated on a 'no confidence vote', then they argue about it.    

Now they argue about the results of the march 02 election, which they lost. No matter what you say cannot change the verdict.

@sachin_05 posted:

I check your numbers and None is eye catching. Anyways I created a graph using your numbers but cannot attach the file because  you turn off that feature?


Sachin ,what is presented in the chart is the PPP/C increased votes in Region 4  and where the votes was increased, elections, 2011 =60,899

2015 =70,203 -2020 = 80,887.

APNU+AFC 2011 = 95,293 - 2015 = 113,856 -2020 =116,950 ,in the 2020 elections APNU+AFC  votes decreased in North and South Georgetown comparable to 2015 elections. PPP/C haven't made any significant inroads in the two areas.

In the 2020 elections PPP/C increased their votes by 10,684

APNU+AFC = 3,094

Added is another chart at top with results from 1997.

I have activated attachment feature ,you can upload graph.


Images (1)
  • Region_4_1
Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Check North ,South Georgetown and East Coast Demerara , what have you noticed ,that my work doing comparison from 2011

The PPP has pointed out with solid evidence of PNC(Mingo) trying to defraud the nation of their constitutional rights. What I am still waiting for is the SOLID EVIDENCE of the PPP fraud. We cannot take the previous election results and compare the data with the 2020 elections. People have changed addresses, migrated, died, or for some other reason moved. Historical trends in a small country like Guyana means nothing. Sugar estates werre closed and people moved for jobs.

Sachin, what is presented in the chart is the PPP/C increased votes in Region 4  and where the votes were increased, elections, 2011 =60,899

2015 =70,203 -2020 = 80,887.

This means nothing. It's all conjecture. We should put this argument to rest.


I guess now I could add as the threat in high orbit;

Seats 2020 will be;

PPP 33, PNC 31, ANUG 1

Elections in 2 years as PNC will make a ruckus about fraud.

List will be further cleansed.  PPP will further modernize and and buttress the electoral machinery complementing the paper with Blockchain validations, etc.  Results in 2023:

PPP 35, PNC 22, ANUG/Joinder 8

@Ace posted:

Django is assuming that the the all of residents of North and South GT voted along racial lines. That was NOT the case, they voted their conscience. Put a nail in that coffin and move DJ.

Sad to say you surely don't understand the chart. What the differences of votes between 2015 and 2020 elections the PPP/C get in the two areas. Also what's the demographics of the areas.

Last edited by Django
@Ace posted:

Then explain it nah so we can understand. Simply posting data with nothing else leaves it open to interpretation. Make your point so it is obvious to everyone and stop being vague.

The PPP/C plugged ballot boxes to increase their votes ,the required documents missing and the votes in the boxes are tainted. The recount shows the skulduggery.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

The PPP has pointed out with solid evidence of PNC(Mingo) trying to defraud the nation of their constitutional rights.

What I am still waiting for is the SOLID EVIDENCE of the PPP fraud.

We cannot take the previous election results and compare the data with the 2020 elections.

People have changed addresses, migrated, died, or for some other reason moved. Historical trends in a small country like Guyana means nothing. Sugar estates werre closed and people moved for jobs.

Sachin, what is presented in the chart is the PPP/C increased votes in Region 4  and where the votes were increased, elections, 2011 =60,899

2015 =70,203 -2020 = 80,887.

This means nothing. It's all conjecture. We should put this argument to rest.

Everyone aware Mingo fudge numbers. What do you use for an analysis ? only the Coalition Government votes are affected ,with all mentioned in the highlighted. In Berbice where the Sugar Estate  are closed ,PPP/C votes increased ,do that look like migratory trends.

@Django posted:

Everyone aware Mingo fudge numbers. What do you use for an analysis ? only the Coalition Government votes are affected ,with all mentioned in the highlighted. In Berbice where the Sugar Estate  are closed ,PPP/C votes increased ,do that look like migratory trends.

Votes increased because voters were at home due to unemployment and had an opportunity to vote. You ever heard of Occam’s razor? 


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