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Former Member

The evidence in the Walter Rodney death

May 9, 2013 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 

A lady wrote a letter in both independent dailies this week and declared that there is evidence that President Forbes Burnham was not involved in the plot to murder Rodney. What is the evidence? She offered two pieces. Now this is serious business so don’t laugh. One is that Rupert Roopnaraine admitted in 2011 that the WPA was accumulating arms to fight Burnham. If I announce that I will beat you up and the next day you kill me, then you cannot be the person that killed me because I had proclaimed earlier that I will beat you up. Man, even a cow can reason better than this. Let us quote the lady for the second piece of evidence exonerating Forbes Burnham; “Given this information (Roopnaraine’s confession) and the late Smith’s statement that Rodney’s death was an accident and that he was prepared to come home to testify, Pandora’s Box opens wider.” The woman is right. There is a Pandora’s Box. But it is her box and the things she put inside of it tell us of the story of the Homo sapiens whose reasoning power may be lower than other species in nature’s world. So there you have it. There is evidence that Burnham was not involved because the WPA was arming itself and Smith wanted to come home to testify. I repeat – a cow can do better in arguing. Let us now try to think as higher animals. In 1980, President Burnham was a leading figure in the Non-Aligned Movement, in the Third World and particularly in Africa where he was making substantial contributions to the freedom fighters in apartheid ruled South Africa. At that time, two men, Gregory Smith and Walter Rodney were involved in acts of treason. Smith made a bomb. He gave it to Rodney who took it to the Camp Street jail and tried to attack the prison. Rodney died, Smith escaped. The world began to blame a leading President in the Third World. But what does this President do to clear his name? Nothing! As the world piles up the blame and accusations, he does nothing to save himself. He does not issue a warrant for Smith. He does not hold an inquest. Then, this poorly thinking President became even more self-destructive. The wife of a treason accused, Gregory Smith that planned to overthrow him gets employment in the diplomatic service. The treason accused himself now lives openly in French Guiana and the poor Guyanese President cannot touch him. Now during all this time, the army of the country gets involved in treason too. The army announced that Gregory Smith was not a member of the Defence Force when in fact he was. This was time for the President who is facing the heat from the world to become enraged and investigate why the GDF wants to protect Smith. After all, the man made a bomb. He conspired to overthrow President Burnham. Our self-destructive President, Forbes Burnham, didn’t ask the French to help him capture this treason accused. Our poor President just sat down at Belfield and allowed top citizens of the world and governments to accuse him of murdering a globally admired scholar. Do you believe Burnham was not involved? Only a fool would reject a role for Burnham. Maybe he acted in self defence. Maybe he panicked. But it is foolish to deny he was not involved. Forbes Burnham knew that Walter Rodney had penetrated the security forces and had substantial national support. He knew Rodney was planning to overthrow him. In mortal fear of being overthrown and sent to a public trial, he participated in Rodney’s assassination. It has lacerated the psyche of those who loved and admired Burnham. They themselves wished it didn’t happen. They take refuge in denial. The Rodney murder has divided the African race worldwide. Those who care for African people and feel that in Guyana, Africans are being pushed out of a country they helped bring into existence cannot psychologically abandon Burnham. It is really sad what is going on in their minds. But to ignore Burnham’s part in the plot does not help the healing process. There is no easy way out of this mess. I leave you with two pieces of information. Godwin McPherson admitted his involvement in Rodney’s death. I know David Hinds knows about this. Secondly, the WPA has accused a certain prominent Guyanese who is still active in the State machinery today as being one of the main plotters. Time for Kwayana, Andaiye, Nigel Wesmaas, Rupert Roopnaraine, Bonita Bone, Clive Thomas and David Hinds to protect Rodney’s legacy by pointing Guyana to this man’s existence.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Only a fool would believe that the French Intelligence Service was so inept that they may not have known that Gregory Smith a man who may have received training in Britain was in a country considered an overseas province of France. Laurie Lewis may have been the head of Guyana's intelligence service at the time of the Rodney killing. Someone should have asked him that question before he kicked the bucket. 


The party of Forbes Burnham is still around and have been in power for about 20 years now. They even still use the oppressive constitution devised by Burnham to great political effect in order to prevent being ejected from power.


Clearly, everyone knows that the AFC/PNC killed of Rodney. Now the WPA join the PNC in a coalition, their leadership is denigrating Rodney's legacy be claiming that his killing was justified and somehow the PPP was responsible. ahahahaha

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Clearly, everyone knows that the AFC/PNC killed of Rodney. Now the WPA join the PNC in a coalition, their leadership is denigrating Rodney's legacy be claiming that his killing was justified and somehow the PPP was

responsible. ahahahaha

@ wile e coyote/drug_b,



so unfortunate u 'abandoned' your old klown avatar . . . i recommend the distinguished portrait above as replacement


best regards,


Last edited by Former Member

Many are trying to cover over the evil of Burnham, in fact this is a move to deny the evil mieted out against the largely Indian population and those Afros who oppose that evil PNC regime.


This evil must never be allowed to resurrect itself again in Guyana.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Many are trying to cover over the evil of Burnham, in fact this is a move to deny the evil mieted out against the largely Indian population and those Afros who oppose that evil PNC regime.


This evil must never be allowed to resurrect itself again in Guyana.

baseman . . . unfortunate that you've already ejaculated all over this thread


if only u had asked, I would have directed u to masturbate here:

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Many are trying to cover over the evil of Burnham, in fact this is a move to deny the evil mieted out against the largely Indian population and those Afros who oppose that evil PNC regime.


This evil must never be allowed to resurrect itself again in Guyana.

baseman . . . unfortunate that you've already ejaculated all over this thread


if only u had asked, I would have directed u to masturbate here:

Good attempt, but Hitler dead and so is his Nazi party.  Burnham dead but his "Nazi" party is alive and well and thriving for a return to the "old glory days"!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Many are trying to cover over the evil of Burnham, in fact this is a move to deny the evil mieted out against the largely Indian population and those Afros who oppose that evil PNC regime.


This evil must never be allowed to resurrect itself again in Guyana.

baseman . . . unfortunate that you've already ejaculated all over this thread


if only u had asked, I would have directed u to masturbate here:

Good attempt, but Hitler dead and so is his Nazi party.  Burnham dead but his "Nazi" party is alive and well and thriving for a return to the "old glory days"!

like I said mein Herr. . . go jack off here:

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Many are trying to cover over the evil of Burnham, in fact this is a move to deny the evil mieted out against the largely Indian population and those Afros who oppose that evil PNC regime.


This evil must never be allowed to resurrect itself again in Guyana.

baseman . . . unfortunate that you've already ejaculated all over this thread


if only u had asked, I would have directed u to masturbate here:

Good attempt, but Hitler dead and so is his Nazi party.  Burnham dead but his "Nazi" party is alive and well and thriving for a return to the "old glory days"!

Redux longs for the return of the glory days of his beloved PNC.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Many are trying to cover over the evil of Burnham, in fact this is a move to deny the evil mieted out against the largely Indian population and those Afros who oppose that evil PNC regime.


This evil must never be allowed to resurrect itself again in Guyana.

baseman . . . unfortunate that you've already ejaculated all over this thread


if only u had asked, I would have directed u to masturbate here:

Good attempt, but Hitler dead and so is his Nazi party.  Burnham dead but his "Nazi" party is alive and well and thriving for a return to the "old glory days"!

Redux longs for the return of the glory days of his beloved PNC.

yugee gyal, u too can can get off here (vibrator optional):

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Many are trying to cover over the evil of Burnham, in fact this is a move to deny the evil mieted out against the largely Indian population and those Afros who oppose that evil PNC regime.


This evil must never be allowed to resurrect itself again in Guyana.

baseman . . . unfortunate that you've already ejaculated all over this thread


if only u had asked, I would have directed u to masturbate here:

Good attempt, but Hitler dead and so is his Nazi party.  Burnham dead but his "Nazi" party is alive and well and thriving for a return to the "old glory days"!

Redux longs for the return of the glory days of his beloved PNC.

Dem Bhai she he deh Gurly Gurly since in HS. Dem used to feel he Batty and laugh at him. That is why he has an Antiman attitude. Na Bada wid am, he is just sexually frustrated.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Many are trying to cover over the evil of Burnham, in fact this is a move to deny the evil mieted out against the largely Indian population and those Afros who oppose that evil PNC regime.


This evil must never be allowed to resurrect itself again in Guyana.

baseman . . . unfortunate that you've already ejaculated all over this thread


if only u had asked, I would have directed u to masturbate here:

Good attempt, but Hitler dead and so is his Nazi party.  Burnham dead but his "Nazi" party is alive and well and thriving for a return to the "old glory days"!

Redux longs for the return of the glory days of his beloved PNC.

Dem Bhai she he deh Gurly Gurly since in HS. Dem used to feel he Batty and laugh at him. That is why he has an Antiman attitude. Na Bada wid am, he is just sexually frustrated.

neroo, just so I doan forget, u too can jack off here:

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Many are trying to cover over the evil of Burnham, in fact this is a move to deny the evil mieted out against the largely Indian population and those Afros who oppose that evil PNC regime.


This evil must never be allowed to resurrect itself again in Guyana.

baseman . . . unfortunate that you've already ejaculated all over this thread


if only u had asked, I would have directed u to masturbate here:

Good attempt, but Hitler dead and so is his Nazi party.  Burnham dead but his "Nazi" party is alive and well and thriving for a return to the "old glory days"!

Redux longs for the return of the glory days of his beloved PNC.

Dem Bhai she he deh Gurly Gurly since in HS. Dem used to feel he Batty and laugh at him. That is why he has an Antiman attitude. Na Bada wid am, he is just sexually frustrated.

neroo, just so I doan forget, u too can jack off here: know how frustrated you can get when you have to debate everyday which side you are on. AC/DC.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Many are trying to cover over the evil of Burnham, in fact this is a move to deny the evil mieted out against the largely Indian population and those Afros who oppose that evil PNC regime.


This evil must never be allowed to resurrect itself again in Guyana.

The utterance of a mal educated simpleton. What informs moral action is not what one wants for a group  but what one ought to do universally; what one ought to do is not what gives one peace of mind but what is external to the self ie ones moral predicates from religion, culture, good practices that seeks to enhance the community than self interest.


You are informed by nothing but your prejudices and sense of racist self preservation and that is an instantiation of weakness, laziness and stupidity.


Lastly, burnham was a race blind dictator. His use of Africans as enforcers is no less than the PPP uses its African propagandist mouthpieces as lumumba and hamliton and others as guard dogs. The fact that the PPP and slaves to their ideology uses this as a wedge issue  to demean, and debase Africans and maintain a racial hegemony is disgusting. 


It will serve little to mask their rapacious looting of the state and and abject disregard for any rules of propriety. It will begin to offend even their most hardened supporter. One needs something to stand on to say they are living meaningful lives. Defending lies daily as a cultural prerogative does not do that. It engenders revolt. Their end is will soon be upon them like a ton of bricks.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Many are trying to cover over the evil of Burnham, in fact this is a move to deny the evil mieted out against the largely Indian population and those Afros who oppose that evil PNC regime.


This evil must never be allowed to resurrect itself again in Guyana.

The utterance of a mal educated simpleton. What informs moral action is not what one wants for a group  but what one ought to do universally; what one ought to do is not what gives one peace of mind but what is external to the self ie ones moral predicates from religion, culture, good practices that seeks to enhance the community than self interest.


You are informed by nothing but your prejudices and sense of racist self preservation and that is an instantiation of weakness, laziness and stupidity.


Lastly, burnham was a race blind dictator. His use of Africans as enforcers is no less than the PPP uses its African propagandist mouthpieces as lumumba and hamliton and others as guard dogs. The fact that the PPP and slaves to their this as a wedge issue demean, and debase Africans and maintain a racial hegemony is disgusting.


It will serve little to mask their rapacious looting of the state and and abject disregard for any rules of propriety; begin to offend even their most hardened supporter. One needs something to stand on to say they are living meaningful lives. Defending lies daily as a cultural prerogative does not do that. It engenders revolt. Their end is will soon be upon them like a ton of bricks.

What a long, winded trail of absolute DOO DOO. Hope you have Pampers on.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Many are trying to cover over the evil of Burnham, in fact this is a move to deny the evil mieted out against the largely Indian population and those Afros who oppose that evil PNC regime.


This evil must never be allowed to resurrect itself again in Guyana.

The utterance of a mal educated simpleton. What informs moral action is not what one wants for a group  but what one ought to do universally; what one ought to do is not what gives one peace of mind but what is external to the self ie ones moral predicates from religion, culture, good practices that seeks to enhance the community than self interest.


You are informed by nothing but your prejudices and sense of racist self preservation and that is an instantiation of weakness, laziness and stupidity.


Lastly, burnham was a race blind dictator. His use of Africans as enforcers is no less than the PPP uses its African propagandist mouthpieces as lumumba and hamliton and others as guard dogs. The fact that the PPP and slaves to their this as a wedge issue demean, and debase Africans and maintain a racial hegemony is disgusting.


It will serve little to mask their rapacious looting of the state and and abject disregard for any rules of propriety; begin to offend even their most hardened supporter. One needs something to stand on to say they are living meaningful lives. Defending lies daily as a cultural prerogative does not do that. It engenders revolt. Their end is will soon be upon them like a ton of bricks.

What a long, winded trail of absolute DOO DOO. Hope you have Pampers on.

 It is not for vacuous you. You are exactly the template of the ignorant.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Many are trying to cover over the evil of Burnham, in fact this is a move to deny the evil mieted out against the largely Indian population and those Afros who oppose that evil PNC regime.


This evil must never be allowed to resurrect itself again in Guyana.

The utterance of a mal educated simpleton. What informs moral action is not what one wants for a group  but what one ought to do universally; what one ought to do is not what gives one peace of mind but what is external to the self ie ones moral predicates from religion, culture, good practices that seeks to enhance the community than self interest.


You are informed by nothing but your prejudices and sense of racist self preservation and that is an instantiation of weakness, laziness and stupidity.


Lastly, burnham was a race blind dictator. His use of Africans as enforcers is no less than the PPP uses its African propagandist mouthpieces as lumumba and hamliton and others as guard dogs. The fact that the PPP and slaves to their this as a wedge issue demean, and debase Africans and maintain a racial hegemony is disgusting.


It will serve little to mask their rapacious looting of the state and and abject disregard for any rules of propriety; begin to offend even their most hardened supporter. One needs something to stand on to say they are living meaningful lives. Defending lies daily as a cultural prerogative does not do that. It engenders revolt. Their end is will soon be upon them like a ton of bricks.

What a long, winded trail of absolute DOO DOO. Hope you have Pampers on.

 It is not for vacuous you. You are exactly the template of the ignorant.

And you are such a pompous ASS that your head up your ass but don't have any inclination of it's location.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

And you are such a pompous ASS that your head up your ass but don't have any inclination of it's location.

I have little patience with the willfully ignorant and you are that.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Many are trying to cover over the evil of Burnham, in fact this is a move to deny the evil mieted out against the largely Indian population and those Afros who oppose that evil PNC regime.


This evil must never be allowed to resurrect itself again in Guyana.

baseman . . . unfortunate that you've already ejaculated all over this thread


if only u had asked, I would have directed u to masturbate here:

I see that panty over your head is blurring your already clouded vision.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Many are trying to cover over the evil of Burnham, in fact this is a move to deny the evil mieted out against the largely Indian population and those Afros who oppose that evil PNC regime.


This evil must never be allowed to resurrect itself again in Guyana.

baseman . . . unfortunate that you've already ejaculated all over this thread


if only u had asked, I would have directed u to masturbate here:

I see that panty over your head is blurring your already clouded vision.

'mr' sugrim, i much prefer having my woman cloud my vision by putting her panty over my head rather than wearing it like u do


that's the difference between MEN and those playing for the other team

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

We trying we best to take you out of the filth but we cant the filth that is in you. So keep on with your depravity than can only come from a sick mind as yours. 

sugrim, u jump into meh business where u didn't belong and i clap u the hard bax u deserved


now u moaning like a old ho pretending to be a virgin needing to cover her ears suh she doan hear big man story . . . let me remind u WHY i clap u de hard bax:



sugrim: "I see that panty over your head is blurring your already clouded vision."


redux: "'mr' sugrim, i much prefer having my woman cloud my vision by putting her panty over my head rather than wearing it like u do.

That's the difference between MEN and those playing for the other team"



here's to hoping that at least wan of we two gat 20/20 vision now

Originally Posted by baseman:

Many are trying to cover over the evil of Burnham, in fact this is a move to deny the evil mieted out against the largely Indian population and those Afros who oppose that evil PNC regime.


This evil must never be allowed to resurrect itself again in Guyana.

Baseman is yet to admit.....

De Black House of Isreal thugs

who infested Freedom House with the help of Ramotar....

and Took over Office of the President compliments of Jagdeo.... 

are PNC Indian Killers, Rapist & Kick-down-door Bandits....

Who were directed by Burnham to massacre Jagan Indian Supporters.


Is Baseman covering the Evils of Burnham?????


Baseman and his family always made good products to sell and they are extremely good at business.  But they may have indirectly benefited from some of Burnham's policies.

Last edited by Prashad
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

We trying we best to take you out of the filth but we cant the filth that is in you. So keep on with your depravity than can only come from a sick mind as yours. 

sugrim, u jump into meh business where u didn't belong and i clap u the hard bax u deserved


now u moaning like a old ho pretending to be a virgin needing to cover her ears suh she doan hear big man story . . . let me remind u WHY i clap u de hard bax:



sugrim: "I see that panty over your head is blurring your already clouded vision."


redux: "'mr' sugrim, i much prefer having my woman cloud my vision by putting her panty over my head rather than wearing it like u do.

That's the difference between MEN and those playing for the other team"



here's to hoping that at least wan of we two gat 20/20 vision now

Still doesn't take you off the sick puppy list.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

We trying we best to take you out of the filth but we cant the filth that is in you. So keep on with your depravity than can only come from a sick mind as yours. 

sugrim, u jump into meh business where u didn't belong and i clap u the hard bax u deserved


now u moaning like a old ho pretending to be a virgin needing to cover her ears suh she doan hear big man story . . . let me remind u WHY i clap u de hard bax:



sugrim: "I see that panty over your head is blurring your already clouded vision."


redux: "'mr' sugrim, i much prefer having my woman cloud my vision by putting her panty over my head rather than wearing it like u do.

That's the difference between MEN and those playing for the other team"



here's to hoping that at least wan of we two gat 20/20 vision now

Still doesn't take you off the sick puppy list.

weak, overmatched and EXPOSED . . . poor u

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Baseman and his family always made good products sell

and ........they are extremely good at business. 

But they may have indirectly benefited from some of Burnham's policies.

Prashad...My Friend...

Prostitutes and P!mps.....

believe their products......

are the Best......on the Market....


On the Dutty & Slime Environment....

they offer and sell themselves and their Goods....

Spreading Destruction , Disease & Lies

as they benefit from this Unlawful Business.....


In their World.....

all Prostitutes, Hookers, P!mps or Dutty Sex Workers....

Believe they play a Vital & Important part....

in the Short-time & Brothel Industry...

They see this as the worlds Oldest Profession...

and playing their Part in the Global Prostitution Business....


and try to convince us ....their Trade....

could be viewed as a Kind Guyanese Tourism 

and is part of the Strategic Development Plan


Prashad.....Baseman fuh sure ....

Is a Super Salesman in De Business...

You know his Family....I don't.....

But I am not surprised.....

How else....can you

Justify Rubbing Shoulders

In Freedom House Or Office of the President 

with any Crab Louse....From De PNC House of Isreal.


Prashad....yuh haul in......

nuff Jagdeo & Ramotar Kaka-Belly fish in this throw

Baseman, Nehru, Dem_Guy,

UGee, Councie, Skeldon and Big Seed .....

They all feel...

it is Cool to Rub Sholders.....

with any ole-PNC Crab Louse.   

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

We trying we best to take you out of the filth but we cant the filth that is in you. So keep on with your depravity than can only come from a sick mind as yours. 

sugrim, u jump into meh business where u didn't belong and i clap u the hard bax u deserved


now u moaning like a old ho pretending to be a virgin needing to cover her ears suh she doan hear big man story . . . let me remind u WHY i clap u de hard bax:



sugrim: "I see that panty over your head is blurring your already clouded vision."


redux: "'mr' sugrim, i much prefer having my woman cloud my vision by putting her panty over my head rather than wearing it like u do.

That's the difference between MEN and those playing for the other team"



here's to hoping that at least wan of we two gat 20/20 vision now

Still doesn't take you off the sick puppy list.

weak, overmatched and EXPOSED . . . poor u

filth is filth and you are the hilt! Now come with one of those cesspool comments!  

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

filth is filth and you are the hilt! Now come with one of those cesspool comments!  

Ronald Sugrim: "I see that panty over your head is blurring your already clouded vision."


redux: "'mr' sugrim, i much prefer having my woman cloud my vision by putting her panty over my head rather than wearing it like u do.

That's the difference between MEN and those playing for the other team"

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

filth is filth and you are the hilt! Now come with one of those cesspool comments!  

Ronald Sugrim: "I see that panty over your head is blurring your already clouded vision."


redux: "'mr' sugrim, i much prefer having my woman cloud my vision by putting her panty over my head rather than wearing it like u do.

That's the difference between MEN and those playing for the other team"

Redux, You need a life man!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

filth is filth and you are the hilt! Now come with one of those cesspool comments!  

Ronald Sugrim: "I see that panty over your head is blurring your already clouded vision."


redux: "'mr' sugrim, i much prefer having my woman cloud my vision by putting her panty over my head rather than wearing it like u do.

That's the difference between MEN and those playing for the other team"

Redux, You need a life man!

y'all like to bray loudly and insistently but get upset when I point out your foolishness . . . in your OWN WORDS!


now y'all want mercy timeout to recover alyuh dignity. . . hmmm?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

filth is filth and you are the hilt! Now come with one of those cesspool comments!  

Ronald Sugrim: "I see that panty over your head is blurring your already clouded vision."


redux: "'mr' sugrim, i much prefer having my woman cloud my vision by putting her panty over my head rather than wearing it like u do.

That's the difference between MEN and those playing for the other team"

Redux, You need a life man!

y'all like to bray loudly and insistently but get upset when I point out your foolishness . . . in your OWN WORDS!


now y'all want mercy timeout to recover alyuh dignity. . . hmmm?

Banna, I was out all day in NYC after visiting me mumma grave.  You need a life banna, why don't you go hang out wid dah old lady.


Redux.....Bhai Sugrim must be a Pundit....

U ah tell da man about wearing.....

yuh wife panty pun yuh head.


Ah wanda if ee is a pundit like Nehru...

House of Isreal  mek dem....

Tek off De Dotee....

and walk around with no underwear....

Low-Low Blow steady....

an dem singing....Odo song...

open de door le de man come in...



Baseman :Banna, I was out all day in NYC

after visiting me mumma grave.



 Very Good Baseman



 Your mother would never forgive them Kick-down-door Bandits or Rapist

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

filth is filth and you are the hilt! Now come with one of those cesspool comments!  

Ronald Sugrim: "I see that panty over your head is blurring your already clouded vision."


redux: "'mr' sugrim, i much prefer having my woman cloud my vision by putting her panty over my head rather than wearing it like u do.

That's the difference between MEN and those playing for the other team"

Redux, You need a life man!

y'all like to bray loudly and insistently but get upset when I point out your foolishness . . . in your OWN WORDS!


now y'all want mercy timeout to recover alyuh dignity. . . hmmm?

Banna, I was out all day in NYC after visiting me mumma grave.  You need a life banna, why don't you go hang out wid dah old lady.

I don't socialize with spear carrying mediocrities . . . go exchange notes with your peer group

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

filth is filth and you are the hilt! Now come with one of those cesspool comments!  

Ronald Sugrim: "I see that panty over your head is blurring your already clouded vision."


redux: "'mr' sugrim, i much prefer having my woman cloud my vision by putting her panty over my head rather than wearing it like u do.

That's the difference between MEN and those playing for the other team"

Redux, You need a life man!

y'all like to bray loudly and insistently but get upset when I point out your foolishness . . . in your OWN WORDS!


now y'all want mercy timeout to recover alyuh dignity. . . hmmm?

Banna, I was out all day in NYC after visiting me mumma grave.  You need a life banna, why don't you go hang out wid dah old lady.

I don't socialize with spear carrying mediocrities . . . go exchange notes with your peer group

As I said, you need a life.  Your frustration shows, like you got left home.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

filth is filth and you are the hilt! Now come with one of those cesspool comments!  

Ronald Sugrim: "I see that panty over your head is blurring your already clouded vision."


redux: "'mr' sugrim, i much prefer having my woman cloud my vision by putting her panty over my head rather than wearing it like u do.

That's the difference between MEN and those playing for the other team"

Redux, You need a life man!

y'all like to bray loudly and insistently but get upset when I point out your foolishness . . . in your OWN WORDS!


now y'all want mercy timeout to recover alyuh dignity. . . hmmm?

Banna, I was out all day in NYC after visiting me mumma grave.  You need a life banna, why don't you go hang out wid dah old lady.

I don't socialize with spear carrying mediocrities . . . go exchange notes with your peer group

As I said, you need a life.  Your frustration shows, like you got left home.

and, like I said . . . look for your friends elsewhere


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