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Frederick Kissoon was dishonest

February 29, 2012 | By | Filed Under Letters



Dear Editor, I hasten to write that Frederick Kissoon was up to mischief when he wrote that Kaieteur News reporter Nadia Guyadeen forwarded an e-mail to him. His comments were contained in his letter captioned ‘David Dabydeen is more of a politician than a scholar’ published in the Sunday, February 26 issue of Kaieteur News. Kissoon was dishonest. He came by the e-mail through me. This happened at a time when someone was hacking the computers operated by Kaieteur News. It was at the same time when someone used the Kaieteur News’ Internet Protocol (IP) address to post a threatening message to three Government Ministers. The police got involved and interviewed many persons, including me, the Editor in Chief, after inviting us to the headquarters of the Criminal Investigations Department. The e-mail came into my possession from a strange source at a time when many people were holding out Mr Kissoon to be a liar. I happened to inform him that I had been sent a series of e-mails from an interesting Government source and that one of them would be of interest to him. It is to my regret today that I tried to be of help to Mr Kissoon because in a most unnecessary and irresponsible manner, he is now holding up a young and up and coming business executive to ridicule. Miss Guyadeen never shared the e-mail. If Kissoon is certain that she did, I would invite him to identify the people with whom she shared it. All for your information.


Adam Harris


(Adam Harris is the Editor of the Kaieteur News)

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Ah!  Poor  Freddie!  Seems  the  entire  world, except a  few  charitable   folks  from  the  AFC and  Benschop  is  against  him.  Now  even uncle  Adam  and  the  Boss man,  Glen Lall is dumping  on  him.




Gerhard Ramsaroop and Freddie Kissoon of the Alliance For Change visited the striking workers and learnt that in addition to the main issue, there were other concerns that are plaguing the welfare of the cane harvesters.


East Demerara cane harvesters down tools over new system

February 29, 2012 | By | Filed Under News


The same Freddie Kissoon??


Via Norman Browne:

Adam Harris is a veteran journalist. I find it very strange in his attack on fellow columnist Freddie Kissoon. Harris called Kissoon dishonest and in my interpretation, a liar. In his article captioned "Frederick Kissoon was dishonest". ( Kaieteur News, dated 29/02/12) Adam Harris wrote, " I hasten to write that Frederick Kissoon was up to mischief when he wrote that Kaieteur News reporter Nadia Guyadeen forwarded an email to him. His comments were contained in his letter captioned," David Dabydeen is more of a politician than a scholar", published in the Sunday February 26 issue of Kaieteur News. 

In reference to the article written by Kissoon, I wish to state that nowhere in that article did Freddie Kissoon wrote that Nadia Guyadeen forwarded the email to him. This is what Freddie Kissoon wrote, " He forgot at the time he had sent an email to a journalist at KN, Nadia Guyadeen, detailing his recommendation of Jagdeo. At the time Guyadeen shared the email she never probably thought Dabydeen would have denied his own submission. I enclosed the email with this letter."

I do not know if Adam Harris had explained how he came by the email. He stated that he was the one who was responsible for Kissoon accessing that email. Whether that mail came out through hacking, as Harris stated in his article. He skilfully did not mention that he made that known to Kissoon. But he chose to launch a nasty attack on Freddie. I wonder who Harris is trying to appease. Judging from the contents of his missive, it appears to be someone bigger than Guyadeen. Adam Harris should apologise to Kissoon for calling him dishonest. It is Harris who is being deceitful.


quote....Frederick Kissoon was up to mischief when he wrote that Kaieteur News reporter Nadia Guyadeen forwarded an e-mail to him. His comments were contained in his letter captioned ‘David Dabydeen is more of a politician than a scholar’ published in the Sunday, February 26 issue of Kaieteur News. Kissoon was dishonest...unquote

Originally Posted by Conscience:

quote....Frederick Kissoon was up to mischief when he wrote that Kaieteur News reporter Nadia Guyadeen forwarded an e-mail to him. His comments were contained in his letter captioned ‘David Dabydeen is more of a politician than a scholar’ published in the Sunday, February 26 issue of Kaieteur News. Kissoon was dishonest...unquote

Via Norman Browne:

Adam Harris is a veteran journalist. I find it very strange in his attack on fellow columnist Freddie Kissoon. Harris called Kissoon dishonest and in my interpretation, a liar. In his article captioned "Frederick Kissoon was dishonest". ( Kaieteur News, dated 29/02/12) Adam Harris wrote, " I hasten to write that Frederick Kissoon was up to mischief when he wrote that Kaieteur News reporter Nadia Guyadeen forwarded an email to him. His comments were contained in his letter captioned," David Dabydeen is more of a politician than a scholar", published in the Sunday February 26 issue of Kaieteur News. 

In reference to the article written by Kissoon, I wish to state that nowhere in that article did Freddie Kissoon wrote that Nadia Guyadeen forwarded the email to him. This is what Freddie Kissoon wrote, " He forgot at the time he had sent an email to a journalist at KN, Nadia Guyadeen, detailing his recommendation of Jagdeo. At the time Guyadeen shared the email she never probably thought Dabydeen would have denied his own submission. I enclosed the email with this letter."

I do not know if Adam Harris had explained how he came by the email. He stated that he was the one who was responsible for Kissoon accessing that email. Whether that mail came out through hacking, as Harris stated in his article. He skilfully did not mention that he made that known to Kissoon. But he chose to launch a nasty attack on Freddie. I wonder who Harris is trying to appease. Judging from the contents of his missive, it appears to be someone bigger than Guyadeen. Adam Harris should apologise to Kissoon for calling him dishonest. It is Harris who is being deceitful.


gmoney rush to the defense of freddie,  a risky move given big coat's tendency for creating mischief. I would advise anyone to stay out of freddie's dutty business, this man is a liability.   

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

gmoney rush to the defense of freddie,  a risky move given big coat's tendency for creating mischief. I would advise anyone to stay out of freddie's dutty business, this man is a liability.   

Be that as it may, do you believe Freddie is entitled to due process or not?

Didn't realize he was under any investigation or before the courts to require due process. I would not take sides with this man of ill repute, he has many skeletons in his closet which may taint an aspiring politician's career. 
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

gmoney rush to the defense of freddie,  a risky move given big coat's tendency for creating mischief. I would advise anyone to stay out of freddie's dutty business, this man is a liability.   

Be that as it may, do you believe Freddie is entitled to due process or not?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Didn't realize he was under any investigation or before the courts to require due process. I would not take sides with this man of ill repute, he has many skeletons in his closet which may taint an aspiring politician's career. 
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

gmoney rush to the defense of freddie,  a risky move given big coat's tendency for creating mischief. I would advise anyone to stay out of freddie's dutty business, this man is a liability.   

Be that as it may, do you believe Freddie is entitled to due process or not?

I am referring to his dismissal from UG.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Didn't realize he was under any investigation or before the courts to require due process. I would not take sides with this man of ill repute, he has many skeletons in his closet which may taint an aspiring politician's career. 
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

gmoney rush to the defense of freddie,  a risky move given big coat's tendency for creating mischief. I would advise anyone to stay out of freddie's dutty business, this man is a liability.   

Be that as it may, do you believe Freddie is entitled to due process or not?

I am referring to his dismissal from UG.

While I am not aware of all the facts of the matter, I do know that Kissoon was a contract emplloyee and the contract was bought out.  That is not uncommon or illegal in government, business, and academic circles.


Your reference to due process, however, raises some rather interesting points.  I noticed that AFC Leader Ramjattan made headlines recently when he stated that Brassington did not earn a "get out of jail card" when he resigned from NICIL.  Seems like Khemraj tried and convicted Brassington of some felony.  Can you tell us what it is and if Mr. Brassington was given due process?   I will not even cite all those whom Kissoon has tried and convicted over the years!

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Errol:

I will not even cite all those whom Kissoon has tried and convicted over the years!

In his-Kissoon's style and mind.

Adam Harris had it right - Kissoon is dishonest.   He is a  most unprincipled, opportunistic, and loud mouthed jerk masquerading as a journalist and academic.  It is pity that he seems to have few under his spell.  But, that is their problem.


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