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Free at last! Essequibo woman imprisoned at home for 10 years freed


A public outreach by Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo led to the rescue of a 31– year–old woman, who was locked away by her mother for approximately 10 years in their Richmond, Essequibo Coast home.

The Prime Minister and a team are currently in Essequibo conducting a public day, when the information was relayed to him by a concerned family friend. As such, the Prime Minister visited the Anna Regina Police Station, where a team along with an ambulance was mobilised.

Upon arriving at the Richmond house, the police found the woman locked away in a room, half – naked, lying on a wooden bed frame. There was a huge padlock on the door and the windows were barred.

The Guyana Chronicle, which was present on the scene, observed the room filled with human feces, urine, worms and garbage. The concerned family friend told the Prime Minister that the woman was once a top student with 13 Grade Ones.

The room in which the woman was locked away in.

The room in which the woman was locked away in.

She claims that the girl worked as a Nurse attached to the Georgetown Public Hospital and started dating a male, who is of African descent. According to the family friend, the mother did not approve of the relationship and decided to lock her away.

But the mother told a different story to reporters, noting that her child is mentally ill and she thought the best thing to do was to keep her inside the house.

The mother also claimed that she decided to lock the woman in the room after men would break into the house and rape her daughter.

The woman was eventually taken from the house by the ambulance and admitted to a hospital. Investigations are ongoing.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Living Condition of a Indian woman under Jagdeo & Ramotar for 10 Years...

The room in which the woman was locked away in. 

Upon arriving at the Richmond house, the police found the woman locked away in a room, half – naked, lying on a wooden bed frame. There was a huge padlock on the door and the windows were barred.

The Guyana Chronicle, which was present on the scene, observed the room filled with human feces, urine, worms and garbage.

The concerned family friend told the Prime Minister that the woman was once a top student with 13 Grade Ones.

Yuji who save this woman life?......

and Who free her from prison?



Jagdeo, Ramotar, Prya & Gail should go and apologize to this woman ....

and thank Moses.


PPP Progress - Picture

The room in which the woman was locked away in.

Under Jagdeo & Ramotar


Last edited by Former Member

Monica Edwards (sitting next to Minister Joseph Harmon) is the courageous woman who made the revelation of the captive's detention, sharing the information with Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo and Minister of State, Joseph Harmon on public day currently conducted at Perth Park, Essequibo Coast.



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Jalil posted:

Living Condition of a Indian woman under Jagdeo & Ramotar for 10 Years...

The room in which the woman was locked away in. 

Upon arriving at the Richmond house, the police found the woman locked away in a room, half – naked, lying on a wooden bed frame. There was a huge padlock on the door and the windows were barred.

The Guyana Chronicle, which was present on the scene, observed the room filled with human feces, urine, worms and garbage.

The concerned family friend told the Prime Minister that the woman was once a top student with 13 Grade Ones.

Yuji who save this woman life?......

and Who free her from prison?



Jagdeo, Ramotar, Prya & Gail should go and apologize to this woman ....

and thank Moses.


PPP Progress - Picture

The room in which the woman was locked away in.

Under Jagdeo & Ramotar


Them bai say you blame Jagdeo and Ramotar when you get lock out of you house. 

Be careful when you kneel down yo en get a bigger kick than what PPP give you. 



information was relayed to him by a concerned family friend.

Why this information relayed to MOSES now and NOT to the police 10 years ago? Something is totally wrong with this picture.


Cobra.....Which President tell De Jihaji's......"Yuh cant Trust the APNU/AFC .... If they win the Election....Early morning before De Cock Crow.....Blackman will Beat De Drum and sing which Coolie abee gon rape or kill today????

Jagdeo was spreading Race Hate against the Black People.

Relaying this Info to Jagdeo or the Police back then would not have made a difference.....Because is one of Jagdeo Jihaji Involved.

Cobra posted:

information was relayed to him by a concerned family friend.

Why this information relayed to MOSES now and NOT to the police 10 years ago? Something is totally wrong with this picture.

I wonder why the concerned family friend did not trust the PPP/C jihajis?

Cobra posted:

information was relayed to him by a concerned family friend.

Why this information relayed to MOSES now and NOT to the police 10 years ago? Something is totally wrong with this picture.

The mother herself seems to be mentally unstable as she had reported to the police the alleged raping of her daughter and herself last year. 

Mother alleges continuous rape of mentally unstable daughter


The horror house in Richmond, Essequibo Coast:

RESCUED and on the way to hospital:

Monica Edwards, the concerned Essequibian who prompted the rescue:



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Question still remains as to why the source of the information didn't reported the matter to the police much earlier so that the imprisoned woman could have recuperated back to a normal lifestyle. The police must be accredited for their actions to free the woman. Moses don't have the authority to go in people's home and compell them to open doors. That's the police job. 

Moses stole the limelight from the police and crown himself like king. If Moses believe this cheap freak show will save him from all the embarrassment he caused in NYC and in Guyana will save him, he better think again.

Cobra posted:

Question still remains as to why the source of the information didn't reported the matter to the police much earlier so that the imprisoned woman could have recuperated back to a normal lifestyle. The police must be accredited for their actions to free the woman. Moses don't have the authority to go in people's home and compell them to open doors. That's the police job. 

Moses stole the limelight from the police and crown himself like king. If Moses believe this cheap freak show will save him from all the embarrassment he caused in NYC and in Guyana will save him, he better think again.

How can Dred Scott be King???  Dat Neemakaram DAAG!!!

Nehru posted:
Cobra posted:

Question still remains as to why the source of the information didn't reported the matter to the police much earlier so that the imprisoned woman could have recuperated back to a normal lifestyle. The police must be accredited for their actions to free the woman. Moses don't have the authority to go in people's home and compell them to open doors. That's the police job. 

Moses stole the limelight from the police and crown himself like king. If Moses believe this cheap freak show will save him from all the embarrassment he caused in NYC and in Guyana will save him, he better think again.

How can Dred Scott be King???  Dat Neemakaram DAAG!!!

You notice how Joe Harmon deh with he foot to foot? Can't do anything by himself because Granger have to know via his trusted military Big Joe. 


Why are all of you people here making this tragedy a political issue. Why! What, is there nothing else to discuss and spill your bile over? What, Moses need something to raise his profile and be dusted off? 


Nobody has explained why this good Samaritan did not report this matter before and avoided this young lady suffering all of these days when she knew what was happening. I am certain  many others in the village knew of this and held their silence. Why are people afraid to get involved? Richmond was a village where people looked out for each other. It is garbage to blame the former government or any government for this happening, it is more than a stretch. Are we expecting the government to be aware of all facets of our lives? The PNC dictatorship had ended? Is that what people want? the government cannot know unless it is told. This things happen in developed nations too and they have more resources and information systems in place. Yes, it is a small village. More than the parent and one other person must have known. We need to look at ourselves and ask if we are part of the problem or part of the solution. 

Let us get serious people. 

Nehru posted:

Hip Hip Hooray Dred Scott freed a fellow Slave!!!!!!!!!

you sick...why refer to the young lady who was locked away as a slave???

No need to take out your hatred of Govt on the poor woman....

RiffRaff posted:
Nehru posted:

Hip Hip Hooray Dred Scott freed a fellow Slave!!!!!!!!!

you sick...why refer to the young lady who was locked away as a slave???

No need to take out your hatred of Govt on the poor woman....

My Bad the word FREED mek meh think about Dred Scott!!


This storty has nothing to do with politics and which party did what or what. It is an unfortunate matter that is finally over. I have seen similar stories in other parts of the world.


[] – A mother of Richmond Housing scheme, Essequibo Coast is calling on the authorities to intervene and prevent the constant sexual attack on her 28 – year – old mentally unstable daughter.

The distraught mother, who spoke to the media on Monday, November 16, 2015, related that she is “heartbroken” at what is happening to her only child.

The woman, who broke down in tears while relating her story, alleged that her daughter is constantly attacked and brutally raped by a man who lives a short distance from her. She said the man is married, has a wife and children.

According to the mother, the recent attack occurred on the evening of Thursday, November 12; she said she cannot sleep in her house because the attacker has threatened her.

She explained that her daughter was left in a room during the course of the night and when she [the mother] returned home Friday morning, she found her in a “helpless condition, lying on her belly unable to move.”

The mother said that despite putting steel bars across the windows in her house to keep the attacker out, he still managed to get in by removing some boards from near the ceiling of her flat house.

The woman related that several reports were made to the Anna Regina Police Station and that the man was arrested and charged but he is somehow not in prison.

She alleged that the sexual abuse constantly occurs and one night, she even came face to face with the suspect in her house. She alleged that she too was raped by the man.

The woman expressed fear for her life and that of her daughter and is calling on the Ministries of National Security and Social Protection to come to her rescue.

Chameli posted:
Gilbakka posted:

The mother herself seems to be mentally unstable as she had reported to the police the alleged raping of her daughter and herself last year. 

Mother alleges continuous rape of mentally unstable daughter

with all due respect Sir, i read the article and i am a bit baffled as to how u came up with the statement in red....this is quite possibly why nothing was done because the police probably look at the woman and said, 'she head na good'

It is a horrifying situation for a woman to be raped repeatedly

i hope that someone cut the balls off the rapist if it is true that he has been taking advantage of the women. 

Chameli, no mother in her right mind would do what that Richmond woman did to her own daughter. That's why I used the phrase "seems to be mentally unstable."

Chameli posted:

OK Sir

you are  right in your  conclusion

Cham, please note also,

The woman related that several reports were made to the Anna Regina Police Station and that the man was arrested and charged but he is somehow not in prison.

She alleged that the sexual abuse constantly occurs and one night, she even came face to face with the suspect in her house. She alleged that she too was raped by the man.


BREAKING NEWS: Woman removed from inhumane conditions at mother’s home


A 31 year old woman,  believed to be mentally ill, was Thursday removed from a muck-laden room where she was locked away and made to eat and sleep among her waste.

Her removal stemmed from Monica Edwards raising concerns about the woman's welfare directly with Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo during a public day with residents ar Perth Park, Essequibo Coast.

Soon after, police and nurses arrived at Middle Street, Richmond, Essequibo Coast where they removed the emotionless woman on a stretcher and shuttled her by ambulance to a nearby hospital.

On arrival,  the semi-nude woman was seen through a hole of a padlocked door lying on rough wooden bed frame.

Inside the room, which was not cleaned for months, were pieces of litter and dried faeces.

Her mother and brother claimed that she was locked away because she (the daughter) would usually beat her.

There are claims that the mixed race woman, said to be brilliant, became mentally unstable after her mother objected to her having a relationship with an Afro-Guyanese man. At that time, she had been pursuing nursing studies in Georgetown.

Her mother and brother claimed that intruders had raped her more than once. The mother even showed a torch and knife that she claimed was recently left behind by an intruder.

The mother and neighbours said previous efforts to seek the intervention from welfare authorities in Region Two were futile.

She and residents expressed satisfaction that after being locked away for more than one year in unhygienic conditions, she was  removed for treatment and care.


Jagdeo & Ramotar tell Dem PPP Jihaji ....

Freedom House chose Kwame to Run things at "The Rights of Child Commission"

Prya say she love & Support Kwame in any position.......

Now Zeb, Yuji & Nehru

want know how this happen

for 10 Years under The PPP ......

The PPP Fellas claiming

this could never Happen with Kwame at

the PPP Rights of Child Commission all these years?

Last edited by Former Member

Since Moses get little exposure, Jalil getting all excited to blame the PPP and praise Moses while the investigation is ongoing. I thought this fellas grew up from his childhood days. Tell Moses he need to do the government job like that and get praise and let the police get credit for their work. 


Look what happen to A Bright Student.... A Top Student in Essequibo.... with 13 Grade Ones......

When yuh have.....

(1) Jagdeo & Ramotar as President.

(2) Prya as Minister of Education.

(3) Kwame McCoy Representing PPP on the Rights of the Child Commission.

Cobra posted:

Since Moses get little exposure, Jalil getting all excited to blame the PPP and praise Moses while the investigation is ongoing. I thought this fellas grew up from his childhood days. Tell Moses he need to do the government job like that and get praise and let the police get credit for their work. 


A short video clip of the Richmond Village horror house:


tell us what



Ramotar or


did for this child.


Last edited by Former Member

I saw the bloody video. Moses will steal every inch of credit from the police and get excited like you. Again, Moses needs to find rice market for the rice farmers after he lost the Venezuela market. He shouldn't be telling the rice farmers that rice is not government business. He should know that all Guysuco workers is ready to stand in solidarity with Wales Estate workers. Tell Moses that the Wales Estate workers had a meeting with a plan to keep the Estate functioning. Since when Moses turn police? Where is the government with any idea. Moses is disgusting and so are you, Jalil. 

Zed posted:

I see that jalil still trying to make political hay while the sun shines.  He seems not to realize that the sun does not shine in that certain part of his body. 

Just be careful when you go to Parika. The alleged rapist is free on bail.


Mentally-ill Essequibo woman rescued from living horror

February 5, 2016 | By | Filed Under News 

-Was locked away in filthy room for almost a year

By Kiana Wilburg
For almost a year, a 31-year-old woman of Richmond Village, Essequibo, was locked

Medical personnel preparing to move the 31-year-old from the premises

Medical personnel preparing to move the 31-year-old from the premises

away from the outside world by her mother. Her bedroom floor was covered in thick layers of faeces fermenting in urine, garbage, spoiled food and maggots. From just a few feet away from her grilled window, the stench could burn your nose.
The woman, who is said to be mentally ill, was yesterday morning, a day after her birthday, rescued from the ghastly conditions in which she was living.
But the reasons for her 62-year-old mother’s decision to treat her in such a manner still elude residents as well as local authorities. The situation has left villagers with the firm belief that it will go down as one of Essequibo’s most disgusting stories as it relates to mental health issues.
The matter actually came to the forefront yesterday when a concerned resident appealed to Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo to make a much needed intervention in the matter. Nagamootoo was at the time, taking notes on several issues which were being brought to his attention at the “Public Day” meeting which was hosted by the Ministry of the Presidency at Perth Park.
The woman told Nagamootoo that the residents tried everything – from informing the welfare officers in the area to the police – but nothing was done. Immediately, the First Vice President called upon police officers who were present at the meeting to investigate the matter.
Reporters went to the Anna Regina Police Station to await the arrival of nurses and other police officers in preparation for the visit to the home where the woman was essentially being held captive.
It was there that the resident provided more details on how the unfortunate incident had its origin.
She said, “She (name provided) was a bright young woman with an ambitious future, but her mother is a wicked woman. The mother started treating her like she was a dog because she fell in love with an African boy and her mother did not approve of it. The boy was not some nobody. He was a decent boy, a Christian. But after the mother realise that the daughter would not give up this boy she started locking her up in a room in the house. Everything went downhill from there.”

The filthy conditions in which the woman existed for close to a year

The filthy conditions in which the woman existed for close to a year

A brother of the mentally-ill woman told Kaieteur News a different story. He denied that his sister was in love with someone his mother disapproved of.
In fact, he claimed that his sister just started suffering from mental problems “out of the blue”. He said that his sister got ill about seven years ago and had to leave her job as a nurse in the city. He however admitted that his mother did place his sister in a room against her will. He said that this only happened about a year ago and not five or six years as the residents had claimed.
He said that the mental illness made his sister violent and his mother was left with no other option but to resort to that means as a way of controlling her.
The brother reflected, “We try everything. Locking she up wasn’t the best thing, but wuh we go do ? She use to beat me mother and mek me mother can’t get access to de place. She even use to lick me down pon the ground. She used to behave so bad we can’t even get fuh bathe she. Me sorry for me sister. And plus yesterday was she birthday an all.”
When members of the media along with nurses and police officers arrived at the Lot 68 Richmond Village home, the woman’s mother, broke down in tears. Without being asked, she led the way to where her daughter was being held.
The door of the room, which had a black padlock, also had a square opening at the top half measuring about 12 cm by 12 cm. Persaud said that when her daughter was in a violent mood she (mother) would not open the door but simply push her plate through the hole.
The daughter was found lying on a wooden makeshift bed with her torso barely covered with a multi-coloured floral shirt. She appeared to be in a daze and shivering. The windows to her room were awkwardly covered with wood and old zinc sheets. A mattress was on the ground behind the door. It was covered in maggots, garbage, piles of faeces and urine.
One police officer who was appalled by the scene said, “This is just horrible. Even animals live better than this. It is sickening.”
Questioned as to why she locked her daughter in the room for several months, the single-parent said that her daughter due to her illness was very violent and would beat her terribly. She said she tried to contact authorities to provide help but they never came. The woman said she had no choice but to lock her daughter up in the room.
She also claimed that her room was locked and surrounding windows sealed due to constant break-ins by males who raped her and even her daughter. The police confirmed that the woman indeed made a report about an alleged rape incident but the accused was released since another incident occurred while that suspect was in custody.
The neighbours who were very emotional about the matter gave another side that contradicted the mother’s claim.
Several residents said that the woman was only trying to deceive the media with “wicked lies.”
They insisted that the woman’s wrath was unleashed on her daughter because of an African man who was her daughter’s boyfriend.
The police are currently investigating the matter.


Several residents said that the woman was only trying to deceive the media with “wicked lies.”

This lady needs to be put away. She is craving for attention and divert attention from what she did to her vulnerable daughter.


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