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Miami is back at home and would be favored, as its bench play should get better.


Tony Parker will be better-rested from the rib cage injury and should be more effective.


In a game of adjustments look for Kawi Leonard to do better defensively. LeBron schooled him, when he LeBron was not pushing him out of the way, and Pops wouild not pull a Game 6 Duncan move as he did with taking Dioaw off of LeBron in the closing minutes. Pops will also have to make adjustments in approach when LeBron takes on Parker in the 4th quarter. That's the time t take advantage of mismatches elsewhere. I would go big then wit Splitter.


Miami has given the Spurs their best shot. LeBron, DWayde and Bosh played like the Big 3 and Allen played like he 20-somethoing and Rashard Lewis couldn't miss. You know that these performances will come back to the average. And this is what gives the Spurs hope. They were outcoached in Game 2 and they played an average game while the HEat played the besty they could. LeBron had no other level for the Heat to go as he said against the Paceless. If the Spurs and the Heat play to their average game, Spurs win in 6. But that's why they play the games as Miami might turn it on and the Spurs may take a wal in the park. Let's see who wants it more.

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Actually Miami did not play well at all. LeBron won that game for the Heat. Every other player had potential upside including Chalmers who is yet to show up in this series. Miami's average this season is over 100 points. The spurs will not score much more points than they did last night. They are not playing a no defense West Coast team now. Miami will win game three.
Originally Posted by Kari:

Miami is back at home and would be favored, as its bench play should get better.


Tony Parker will be better-rested from the rib cage injury and should be more effective.


In a game of adjustments look for Kawi Leonard to do better defensively. LeBron schooled him, when he LeBron was not pushing him out of the way, and Pops wouild not pull a Game 6 Duncan move as he did with taking Dioaw off of LeBron in the closing minutes. Pops will also have to make adjustments in approach when LeBron takes on Parker in the 4th quarter. That's the time t take advantage of mismatches elsewhere. I would go big then wit Splitter.


Miami has given the Spurs their best shot. LeBron, DWayde and Bosh played like the Big 3 and Allen played like he 20-somethoing and Rashard Lewis couldn't miss. You know that these performances will come back to the average. And this is what gives the Spurs hope. They were outcoached in Game 2 and they played an average game while the HEat played the besty they could. LeBron had no other level for the Heat to go as he said against the Paceless. If the Spurs and the Heat play to their average game, Spurs win in 6. But that's why they play the games as Miami might turn it on and the Spurs may take a wal in the park. Let's see who wants it more.

Please locate these kinds of conversations on the right forum. This forum is reserved for rants and raves against the PPP machine. It should be visible only from the social side.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Please locate these kinds of conversations on the right forum. This forum is reserved for rants and raves against the PPP machine. It should be visible only from the social side.

Shut yuh stale pattacake......

Do feel being stupidly insulting to women would mean you insult me?


As difficult as it will be for the Spurs in the next 2 games, and Miami can be up 3 - 1 when they return to San Antonio, the Spurs can take comfort in the Game 2 loss that they misses 4 straight free throws and lost by 2. Kawhi Leonard went missing all game and in both games was in foul trouble. Also Splitter's game went south in a hurry.


Does it mean that the Spurs deficiencies were due to the Heat? Remember that only lost by 2 points. LeBron played outta this world and the Spurs still led by 1 with two minutes to go. Bosh has played better than he's played in any Miami Finals series. DWayde has played with spring in his knees. But the key is that whoever Spoelstra put in the game, mostly off the bench - Battier, Allen, Birdman and Rashard Lewis these guys all hit shots.


This will be a series of close games with the outcome decided late in the fourth quarter. Either team is capable of winning on each other's floor. Miami did it. It's the Spurs turn, though I think they'll have to wait for Game 4.


We just witnessed a passing clinic by the Spurs in the first quarter. This has led to Spurs 87% shooting. You know this won't continue, but smart passing will always be there, unless Miami figure out a way to close those lanes.


The Heat has shot 55% and are still down by 16.


Pops has made his adjustments. It's up to Spoelstra now.


Kaz, you have to admit to witnessing basketball smarts you haven't seen against the Heat this playoffs yet.


It's early yet even though the Heat is down 20, but this Spurs team is not the Paceless. I said before that adjustments and basketball IQ lead to good shots. The Spurs high shooting percentage is not because they're shooting lights out. It;'s because they're getting easy shots - like shots in the paint.


Bosh and DWayde are yet to be heard from. LeBron is carrying a heavy load. Leonard is picking him up earlier in the possession and we'll have to see James' 4th quarter stamina, as good as he is.


The Heat has made their run.  They should have another run. You need luck (the bounces), hustle (Miami looked more desperate and thus got the loose balls), and some help (the whistle will even out as the game progresses).


They're still down double-digits, and you wonder if the momentum has waned or will pick up, as Miami come out with intensity in the 4th. As expected it's a terrific game and series but Ii didn't expect the Spurs to win Game 3, and they might still lose it. The first  half is history and they now have a game on their hands.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Horrible game from a Heat fan perspective. Miami played lazy basketball. Looking for better effort in game four.

Ksazzzzz, there is a reason players appear to playlazy - the other team mek dem be dat way.


Take a pass from Parker from the top of the key to Diaw by the foul line. Two Miami defenders converge on him fast with their athleticism. Green was about 2 feet away under the basket on the right side as the pass was made. He run to the left corner as the defender chased him. Danny Green popped a three.


It was like than most of the first half. That passing clinic and player movement met the Heat defensive strength head-on. The Heat is a smart and athletic defensive team. I's not that they did not give effort or played lazy - the other team did to them what they would have done to God had he been playing. This is what I didn't like about the media over LeBron's 4th qtr cramp in game 1 - it took away from the Spurs passing excellence - LeBron or no LeBron.


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