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Originally Posted by Kari:

Will it end the Finals Series?


Duncan's 5th versus LeBron's 4th?


Can the Spurs passing game be denied?


Can the Miami Heat muster their famed pin-down screen offense - whether baseline or top of the key?


Is the Heat teams beaten psychologically?


Questions Ksaazz, questions.

Only time will tell what Heat team shows up tomorrow night.


In as much as we look to answer which Miami team will show up, we lose sight of a bigger factor - how the Spurs has made the game so much easier and beautiful.


Miami can all get healthy and committed and get energy and all that stuff; but why not look at how do we get the Spurs away from their poetry in motion? That's the mental part. It's not dissimilar to the argument that the PPP should be held accountable rather or else the PNC would not apologize. It is about a mind-set, pure and simple.

Originally Posted by Kari:

In as much as we look to answer which Miami team will show up, we lose sight of a bigger factor - how the Spurs has made the game so much easier and beautiful.


Miami can all get healthy and committed and get energy and all that stuff; but why not look at how do we get the Spurs away from their poetry in motion? That's the mental part. It's not dissimilar to the argument that the PPP should be held accountable rather or else the PNC would not apologize. It is about a mind-set, pure and simple.

Here is the formula for making the Spurs look like any other Finals team including the Heat. Miami has to start the game without their point guards so that they are not playing four on five Spurs to start the game. Then the game is closer because there are five scoring and defending opportunities. When the games are close, Miami will do better. Any team that finds themselves down more than 20 points has to work so much harder to get to par and even if that was to happen, they will not have the energy to get over par. The coach has to forget about players feelings and do what is right for the team and we will see a better Heat performance. Tomorrow will tell.


Starting Allen instead of Chalmers leave the Heat with less defense. Can Ray Allen run around with Tony Parker? Diaw has his way with Rashard Lewis. Slide Allen over to guard Leonard? Dwayne Wade can't keep up with all that running by Danny Green into screens. You think Bosh can guard Time Duncan?Green, Leonard and Diaw are in their 20s. Parker is as good as any 20-something.


Ksaazzzzz, realistically, how does a Miami starting 5 matchup with that Spurs starting 5? All can shoot the trey except Duncan. All are good passers. All can dribble, except Duncan - and he ain't shabby.


Then comes Ginobli and Patti Mills, and Bellininelli and Splitter. The Heat bring a hobbled Birdman, Allen, Coles, Haslem off their bench. Can they keep up with that Spurs passing wizardry? You see what I mean?


Look, the Heat is outclassed pure and simple. It's over on Sunday.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Starting Allen instead of Chalmers leave the Heat with less defense. Can Ray Allen run around with Tony Parker? Diaw has his way with Rashard Lewis. Slide Allen over to guard Leonard? Dwayne Wade can't keep up with all that running by Danny Green into screens. You think Bosh can guard Time Duncan?Green, Leonard and Diaw are in their 20s. Parker is as good as any 20-something.


Ksaazzzzz, realistically, how does a Miami starting 5 matchup with that Spurs starting 5? All can shoot the trey except Duncan. All are good passers. All can dribble, except Duncan - and he ain't shabby.


Then comes Ginobli and Patti Mills, and Bellininelli and Splitter. The Heat bring a hobbled Birdman, Allen, Coles, Haslem off their bench. Can they keep up with that Spurs passing wizardry? You see what I mean?


Look, the Heat is outclassed pure and simple. It's over on Sunday.

Chalmers right now is a liability offensively and defensively. Not having him in the game early does not allow the Spurs to build an early lead. Anything can happen after that. It all start tonight. No doubt Miami is in a very perilous situation but it is still Miami with the best player on the planet who has carried his share of the burden very well. The question is if the other are ready. Hopefully the extra rest will prove beneficial to Wade. I am never worried about Bosh. He makes good on his opportunities. It only looks like he doesn't because people don't consider that he is sometimes not even the third option on the court.


Furthermore, I resent that word outclassed. I find its connotation troublesome. Maybe in the end, they will prove to be not adequate to deal with the currently better staffed Spurs team but this Heat team has a lot of class. Notice that all that shenanigans from the earlier rounds are gone? No nonsense from teams like the Bulls and Pacers. More proof that Miami doesn't play dirty like people like to claim.

Originally Posted by Stinger:
you're a buffoon, Diaw is 32. his game is predictable, that's stupid ass wrap around pass every time is nothing to gush about
Originally Posted by Kari:

 You think Bosh can guard Time Duncan?Green, Leonard and Diaw are in their 20s. Parker is as good as any 20-something.



One poster, Ksazma, responded with reason and clarity. You, Stinger, believe that you make your point when you use language I can use (but I leave for people like D_G and Nehru. Oh yes, I can use my keyboard, puff my chest, and hammer away with characters that spell *******, jackass, moda-sk0nt; batty hole, shi1thead, dumb-ass, kakahole, asswipe, cunny-hole, etc.  But that doesn't make my point when I'm seriously arguing away. I would only use those for fun). I respected your viewpoints and discourse, but there are some not worthy of attention. This is one of them.


Stinger, one thing I don't have to do is to sit by my keyboard and puff my chest then type words that make me sound like a man to be taken seriously. Just by me being me provides me with the necessary quotient to get respected. Maybe you need these tools - an anonymous handle in the digital world shouting and screaming about dumb ass and stupid ass and buffoon. I shall not deprive you of this. Carry on, please..............


The 4th qtr will begin with the Heat down by 19. To stave off defeat they will have to out score the Heat by 19. 


When end it's all over it would be interesting to hear Heat fans here comment on the Spurs defense. 


I am am surprised by Leonard's (Finals MVP?) rise and Mills' game, even though Danny Green wasn't the surprise he was last year other than terrific defense. 


You out have to wonder about this Heat championship era. Is it over?


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