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Originally Posted by Kari:

What y'all have to note is that MJ was a two-guard and LeBron is a forward in the mold of a Magic Johnson. Given his rebounding prowess and better jump-shooting I'd say he's more like Bird.


Magic needed the parts around, like LeBron got. Bird too. MJ did not have the parts that those Celtics and Lakers teams had or what LeBron got with the Big 3. MJ had a gerowing star in Scottie Pippen and bit players. Grant and Kucoch rose to the level at times.


So when I speak of carrying a team, MJ had to do more of that with his scoring and drawing defenders and kicking out. LeBron works more with sets in his passing. MJ had more freedom with the triangle.


What we can debate ad nauseum is who had the killer intangible, and if you poll people 9 out of 10 will say MJ. The man was an assassin.


BTWI rooted for LeBron when he first came into the league because of Kobe's cocky attitude and his sexual assault issue. It was when the ?Heat was microwaved under Pat Riley and he made that immature not 1, not 2....statement and the whole ESPN setup that I began to look more at his intangibles and how he looked lost under adversity. Even when MJ's teams were losing to the Bad Boys he never looked lost or befuddled. He was always going down with his guns ablaze. That's the kind of intangibles Ii speak of. LeBron needs a Big 3. MJ couldn't care less.

You are talking pure unadulterated crap. First of all Hall of Famer Scottie Pippen is considered to be one of the best small forwards who ever played the game and Horace Grant was one of the best rebounding forwards of his time who could give you double digit points every night. So keep that bullshit that Jordan didn't have anyone to yourself. I've been watching and playing basketball forever so I know the game inside out. Jordan did not will any teams to anything before he got Pippen and Grant. Besides that, how can you tell that he was the one doing the willing and not Phil Jackson? After all, we know what a great coach and master motivator he is.


Enough already about who is greater than who. There is no way to definitively measure and come to a conclusion. It's all subjective and you're comparing players from different eras. Just acknowledge that LeBron is great as is Kobe, Magic, Bird, Jordan and many others.


Here is what I posted on another thread earlier in case you missed it. I'm not able to address your bullshit all over again -


Enough of the bullshit that LeBron does not have killer instinct like Jordan. First of all, you're trying to compare players of two different eras and there are tons of variables that you cannot account for. It's a useless comparison. LeBron is one the greatest players of his time as MJ was. LeBron has the highest scoring average of any player in basketball history in potential playoff elimination games. That alone is clutch and killer instinct. When the chips are on the line, he delivers. As for comparing rings, it's useless because basketball is a team sport. Jordan did not win any rings on his own. He was scoring 50 points a night in his early career and they didn't win shit. It was only when they got top flight players and a coach that they started to win championships. There are many hall of fame players who had outstanding careers and who have little or no rings because they had no team. Rings are not won by individuals but by teams. As for your crap that Jordan can will a team better than LeBron. It is just that, CRAP. Jordan was a ball hogger most of his early career, scoring highly every night and still he couldn't will a team to do anything. Like I said before, you can only win championships with a great team and a great coach. Jordan couldn't do it on his own and LeBron certainly cannot do it either. I heard LeBron say something sometime during the playoffs. He said that his critics give him the motivation to work harder and make himself a better player. The Hate being spewed against him makes him better and better ever year, so carry on with your BS, it will only make him a lot better. And enough already with the Jordan comparisons. They are both great players in their own rights. When you are trying to decide who is the greatest, there is no way to accurately compare who is a better player so give it up and acknowledge that LeBron is a great player.


Originally Posted by Kari:

God, like yuh duz get real emotional when LeBron is made out to be less than God . Look at yuh eh....crap and bullshit.


Season ova - LeBron is a the best player on the planet, but he has flaws; and the more you recognize that you will be less emotional.


He still not a killah like MJ

I never use the terms greatest or best player because it's all subjective with too many variables to account for. There is no way to measure it and so I'd rather say one of the best. No player is flawless so I don't expect LeBron to be perfect. 


If you talking pure crap and BS, what you want me to call it - D2esque? 

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:

What y'all have to note is that MJ was a two-guard and LeBron is a forward in the mold of a Magic Johnson. Given his rebounding prowess and better jump-shooting I'd say he's more like Bird . . .

dude, did u just say THAT?!


when and freakin where did u learn about basketball?

Redux-ion, Magic was the Lakers point guard, but he played like LeBron did at several positions. If I said LeBron was the Heat point guard I would not be asked where I learn anything or did I play the game. I should not have said Magic is a forward you're right. But as the other stuff, I wish it were possible to play you and Stingaah (who also speak in terms like you - you hguys can't stick to the comments - you have to make it personal) one-on-one. I played the game at QC in Georgetown before you both learn to read and write. I also played it here regularly but not competitively. So shut yuh ugly trap. And Stingaah...Wakenaam got good people bai.


Hey God.....Knicks fans are knowledgeable and know that their team is no way near a championship. Let me say this - Melo cannot win a championship if he is the top dog on a team. His basketball savvy is not that great.


Knicks fans, being objective, and being New Yorkers will always root against hubris and pull for the underdog.


LeBron and his DECISION is for the  archives. "Loser" Knicks fans and "never getting over LeBron leaving them at the alter" have lost their currency. It's old hat and repeating it ad naseum is no substitute for intelligent commentary

Originally Posted by Kari:

Hey God.....Knicks fans are knowledgeable and know that their team is no way near a championship. Let me say this - Melo cannot win a championship if he is the top dog on a team. His basketball savvy is not that great.


Knicks fans, being objective, and being New Yorkers will always root against hubris and pull for the underdog.


LeBron and his DECISION is for the  archives. "Loser" Knicks fans and "never getting over LeBron leaving them at the alter" have lost their currency. It's old hat and repeating it ad naseum is no substitute for intelligent commentary

Intelligent commentary is saved for those people who present intelligent arguments. My little piece above is appropriate for loser Knick fans like Raymond. 


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