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Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:

It is a down payment for "harvesting the 2020 votes" like they did in the 9th district in North Carolina.

Wait and see. Don't prejudge. More likely it's to purchase missiles to neutralize Maduro. Be patriotic and lend the nation your hunting guns. Everything counts. 

I hear you brother. The soldiers could not shoot an advancing jaguar in Orealla, what makes you think they will be able to handle a missile? Bai, dem man guh blow up everybody around them. Neutralizing Maduro is a ploy by the US to be able to dictate to Venezuelans how they must run their country. America is always in somebody business for all the wrong reasons.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:

It is a down payment for "harvesting the 2020 votes" like they did in the 9th district in North Carolina.

Wait and see. Don't prejudge. More likely it's to purchase missiles to neutralize Maduro. Be patriotic and lend the nation your hunting guns. Everything counts. 

I hear you brother. The soldiers could not shoot an advancing jaguar in Orealla, what makes you think they will be able to handle a missile? Bai, dem man guh blow up everybody around them. Neutralizing Maduro is a ploy by the US to be able to dictate to Venezuelans how they must run their country. America is always in somebody business for all the wrong reasons.

Morning Skelly. Was that a joke about the soldier and the jaguar? Or is it true.

Sheik101 posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:

It is a down payment for "harvesting the 2020 votes" like they did in the 9th district in North Carolina.

Wait and see. Don't prejudge. More likely it's to purchase missiles to neutralize Maduro. Be patriotic and lend the nation your hunting guns. Everything counts. 

I hear you brother. The soldiers could not shoot an advancing jaguar in Orealla, what makes you think they will be able to handle a missile? Bai, dem man guh blow up everybody around them. Neutralizing Maduro is a ploy by the US to be able to dictate to Venezuelans how they must run their country. America is always in somebody business for all the wrong reasons.

Morning Skelly. Was that a joke about the soldier and the jaguar? Or is it true.

Sheik brother, this was true. The guys climbed up in the trees firing on the jaguar. The animal was lucky to escape.


Gilly you slowly move over to the other side. This is evidenced by the sloppy boys avoiding this thread like the plague. They had a lot to say about PPP misspending during their tenure, now they quiet. I think the slopsters should be fair and also criticize the PNC/AFC, but they only got Jaggy in their sights. How can the country move forward and away from mismanagement if people stay quiet when their party is in government?


mystified at Ram & McRae's tilt at GDF spending

nothing in the report about fraud  . . . only a silly, invidious comparison to spending in a couple other areas

where is the evidence of bad spending that is hinted?. . . should be easy to pinpoint, much is for procurement

the PPP kept the GDF on starvation rations throughout its tenure for its own reasons, preferring a policy of 'outsourcing' national security

this is a proper re-balancing by the coalition Gov't given the threats on Guyana's border to the West

even more ironic/comedic is Jagdeo now 'lamenting' that bribe money, "bonus" he called it, was not paid to soldiers

further, citing the egregious Gerry Gouveia as some kind of authority on re-allocation is beyond stupid!


ronan posted:

mystified at Ram & McRae's tilt at GDF spending

nothing in the report about fraud  . . . only a silly, invidious comparison to spending in a couple other areas

where is the evidence of bad spending that is hinted?. . . should be easy to pinpoint, much is for procurement

the PPP kept the GDF on starvation rations throughout its tenure for its own reasons, preferring a policy of 'outsourcing' national security

this is a proper re-balancing by the coalition Gov't given the threats on Guyana's border to the West

even more ironic/comedic is Jagdeo now 'lamenting' that bribe money, "bonus" he called it, was not paid to soldiers

further, citing the egregious Gerry Gouveia as some kind of authority on re-allocation is beyond stupid!


Dr shakeabattie himself arrive on the scene to rescue the sloppy boys.

Did you read the premise of the article? The GDF getting funded more than they contribute to the nation? What does the GDF do other than salute Granger and get free clothing, housing and food from the Guyanese public? Have they contained the Venezuelan "syndicato" on the border? The miners and residents near the border continue to be harassed, killed and robbed by this gang while your GDF fatten themselves off ther backs of the taxpayers. 

Drugb posted:
ronan posted:

mystified at Ram & McRae's tilt at GDF spending

nothing in the report about fraud  . . . only a silly, invidious comparison to spending in a couple other areas

where is the evidence of bad spending that is hinted?. . . should be easy to pinpoint, much is for procurement

the PPP kept the GDF on starvation rations throughout its tenure for its own reasons, preferring a policy of 'outsourcing' national security

this is a proper re-balancing by the coalition Gov't given the threats on Guyana's border to the West

even more ironic/comedic is Jagdeo now 'lamenting' that bribe money, "bonus" he called it, was not paid to soldiers

further, citing the egregious Gerry Gouveia as some kind of authority on re-allocation is beyond stupid!


Did you read the premise of the article? The GDF getting funded more than they contribute to the nation? What does the GDF do other than salute Granger and get free clothing, housing and food from the Guyanese public?

that's actually NOT the "premise of the article" . . . but you are simply  too dunce to recognize this

further, your shakeabattie aside, what exactly does "contribute to the nation" mean for an army not (yet) at war outside y'all Roger Khan drug murdering 'security' consensus?

Last edited by Former Member

Still don't get the point of the study.  I agree, waste should never be tolerated in any agency.  But what's the point of comparing Military spending with Agro or any other agencies. 

Usually military is measured as a % of GDP and the national security situation.  GYD 12.9 Bil = to USD 60 Mil.  Guyana's nominal GDP is USD 3.6 Bil making the military spending 1.7% to GDP.  This is very low given the single threat to Guyana's sovereignty comes from a much larger country.

Ronan said:
the PPP kept the GDF on starvation rations throughout its tenure for its own reasons, preferring a policy of 'outsourcing' national security.

When/where did the PPP ever outsourced National Security?  That's a new one!

Baseman posted:

Usually military is measured as a % of GDP and the national security situation.  GYD 12.9 Bil = to USD 60 Mil.  Guyana's nominal GDP is USD 3.6 Bil making the military spending 1.7% to GDP.  This is very low given the single threat to Guyana's sovereignty comes from a much larger country.

Indeed, military spending is normally measured as a percentage of GDP. Last year Guyana allocated 1.4% of GDP to the military. See how that compared with other countries:


Once again we rise to the occasion to illustrate how  adroit we are at being political partisan grunts as we stand on the political/ethnic divide an hurl verbal bombs at each other to the detriment of an apt understanding of what constitute the  issue.

As a matter of fact, the amount spent on the military here is nominal. What amazes me is comparatively speaking it is more than we spend on agriculture for example or allocate to regional administrations for their upkeep. That being said, the military is more than the chocolate cream parade ground ready soldiers and include the coast guard, search and rescue and emergency evacuation personnel. The money is not going mainly to salary but to fund these areas.

The coast guard needs patrol boats. One of these is some four million or more. They need helicopters able to search for people missing in our coastal zones and now that we are becoming an oil economy need very large ones for medical evacuations and other heavy lift emergency.

The lacking here is the information as to the line item breakdown of what is allocated to what areas. If we do that we will see that this funding is grossly impoverished given our serious need.

Like most of you I was concerned that the allocations were "too much". On reflection one quickly sees it is too little given what constitute allocations for our security forces.  

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:

that's actually NOT the "premise of the article" . . . but you are simply  too dunce to recognize this

further, your shakeabattie aside, what exactly does "contribute to the nation" mean for an army not (yet) at war outside y'all Roger Khan drug murdering 'security' consensus?

We ain't playing dodge ball here. Answer the question, what has the GDF been contributing to the nation that warrants their current level of funding?  Given that the GDF is comprised primarily of PNC supporters, one can surmise that the organization is merely a vehicle for rewarding PNC supporters for their loyalty. They don't fight any war or provide any security to the nation. In fact the last time they were in action at Jonestown, they duck for cover instead of protecting the US congress man. Not to mention Buxton during the PPP reign where they were supporting the freedom fighters rather than protect the Guyanese public. 

Drugb posted:
ronan posted:

that's actually NOT the "premise of the article" . . . but you are simply  too dunce to recognize this

further, your shakeabattie aside, what exactly does "contribute to the nation" mean for an army not (yet) at war outside y'all Roger Khan drug murdering 'security' consensus?

We ain't playing dodge ball here. Answer the question, what has the GDF been contributing to the nation that warrants their current level of funding?  Given that the GDF is comprised primarily of PNC supporters, one can surmise that the organization is merely a vehicle for rewarding PNC supporters for their loyalty. They don't fight any war or provide any security to the nation. In fact the last time they were in action at Jonestown, they duck for cover instead of protecting the US congress man. Not to mention Buxton during the PPP reign where they were supporting the freedom fighters rather than protect the Guyanese public. 

your post is the shakeabatty of an idle confounded DUNCE, unworthy of a response


ronan posted:
Drugb posted:
ronan posted:

that's actually NOT the "premise of the article" . . . but you are simply  too dunce to recognize this

further, your shakeabattie aside, what exactly does "contribute to the nation" mean for an army not (yet) at war outside y'all Roger Khan drug murdering 'security' consensus?

We ain't playing dodge ball here. Answer the question, what has the GDF been contributing to the nation that warrants their current level of funding?  Given that the GDF is comprised primarily of PNC supporters, one can surmise that the organization is merely a vehicle for rewarding PNC supporters for their loyalty. They don't fight any war or provide any security to the nation. In fact the last time they were in action at Jonestown, they duck for cover instead of protecting the US congress man. Not to mention Buxton during the PPP reign where they were supporting the freedom fighters rather than protect the Guyanese public. 

your post is the shakeabatty of an idle confounded DUNCE, unworthy of a response


Actually Shakeabatty, Druggy has a point.  I do agree with a well funded military in principle however, this said military sat back and watched the slaughter of mostly Indians by their/your kith and kin terrorists gangs which were headed by ex-GDF members. 

The then Govt complained about the lack of cooperation from the disciplined forces to help stem the violence.  The PPP was forced to raise a 3rd force to regain stability. 

So Shakeabatty, what do you view as the value proposition for maintaining a robust military, apart from Maduro?


ronan posted:

Baseman seeking attention and hoping to, perhaps, rehabilitate himself with wan retard hug up of Drugb and he DUNCENESS. . . not sure how that works

enjoy cavorting in the sewer, bigot!

Ok, now that’s off your chest, come back to the question asked.  

Notwithstanding an external threat, What’s the value proposition for the average Indian when the GDF stands back and even tacitly supports political violence against mostly Indians?  

Convince the Indian it’s in his/her interest to spend on the military!

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:

Baseman seeking attention and hoping to, perhaps, rehabilitate himself with wan retard hug up of Drugb and he DUNCENESS. . . not sure how that works

enjoy cavorting in the sewer, bigot!

Notwithstanding an external threat, What’s the value proposition for the average Indian when the GDF stands back and even tacitly supports political violence against mostly Indians?  

Convince the Indian it’s in his/her interest to spend on the military!

Baseman, let's get this clear . . . you don't represent ANY "Indian" other than yourself and the dutty Indo-racists you hang with who spend most of their free 'political' time attempting to piss on Black people

i owe you and your DISEASED friends nothing!

the "value proposition" is the same as it was in 1969 when "Maduro" was just out of kindergarten

"notwithstanding an external threat . . ." is a jumping off point for the idiot reasoning of a DUNCE

oh wait, you are on record celebrating the treasonous Rupununi 'uprising' referenced in my 3rd paragraph . . . my bad

carry on you foaming, compulsive fraud!

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:

let's get this clear . . . you don't represent ANY "Indian" other than yourself and the dutty Indo-racists you hang with who spend most of their free 'political' time attempting to piss on Black people

i owe you and your DISEASED friends nothing!

the "value proposition" is the same as it was in 1968 when "Maduro" was just exiting kindergarten

"notwithstanding an external threat . . ." is a jumping off point for the idiot reasoning of a DUNCE

oh wait, you are on record celebrating the treasonous Rupununi 'uprising' referenced in my 3rd paragraph . . . my bad

carry on you foaming, compulsive fraud!

Dude, Baseman's sentiment intersects that of the IndoG. You must be a mad man if you think that IndoG are running around celebrating the GDF existence. A group that has been used in the past to stuff ballots with PNC votes and support those that targeted Indos with death,robbery, rape and acts of violence. 

Drugb posted:
ronan posted:

let's get this clear . . . you don't represent ANY "Indian" other than yourself and the dutty Indo-racists you hang with who spend most of their free 'political' time attempting to piss on Black people

i owe you and your DISEASED friends nothing!

the "value proposition" is the same as it was in 1968 when "Maduro" was just exiting kindergarten

"notwithstanding an external threat . . ." is a jumping off point for the idiot reasoning of a DUNCE

oh wait, you are on record celebrating the treasonous Rupununi 'uprising' referenced in my 3rd paragraph . . . my bad

carry on you foaming, compulsive fraud!

Dude, Baseman's sentiment intersects that of the IndoG. You must be a mad man if you think that IndoG are running around celebrating the GDF existence. A group that has been used in the past to stuff ballots with PNC votes and support those that targeted Indos with death,robbery, rape and acts of violence. 

And bear in mind that many leaders of the Buxton FF terrorists were from the ranks of the GDF!  And the GDF sat back!  It took all but a few dozen of Bharat fedayeen to resolve!

This is the type of arrogance why people like Volda can have room and oxygen to breathe in Guyana!  

He left Guyana in 1973 with haughty arrogance and contempt for Indians and it still lives on inside!  He does not even pretend to understand the Indian psyche!

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

He does not even pretend to understand the Indian psyche!

actually, i understand the "Indian psyche" very very well

the good thing is that i know the difference and understand the UGLINESS of yours better

Nah, you too arrogant to get anything.  And you too stupid to even understand yourself!

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

He does not even pretend to understand the Indian psyche!

actually, i understand the "Indian psyche" very very well

the good thing is that i know the difference and understand the UGLINESS of yours better

Nah, you too arrogant to get anything.  And you too stupid to even understand yourself!

it's all good . . . whatever gets you through the day

as long as i line you up perfect in my sights

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Drugb posted:

You must be a mad man if you think that IndoG are running around celebrating the GDF existence.

your 'contribution' to some crazy debate in your head is noted


Answer the question, what is the value added to Guyana by the GDF to ensure that they are earning their keep? It is no secret that they are nothing but a political arm of the PNC to suppress dissenters. Sounds familiar?  It is also a strategy used by other dictatorships around the world? 

Drugb posted:
ronan posted:
Drugb posted:

You must be a mad man if you think that IndoG are running around celebrating the GDF existence.

your 'contribution' to some crazy debate in your head is noted


Answer the question, what is the value added to Guyana by the GDF to ensure that they are earning their keep? It is no secret that they are nothing but a political arm of the PNC to suppress dissenters. Sounds familiar?  It is also a strategy used by other dictatorships around the world? 

yaaaaawn . . . like a dumb little child you keep trying to get attention

baseman asked the question, and i answered him

try to keep up

ronan posted:
Drugb posted:
ronan posted:
Drugb posted:

You must be a mad man if you think that IndoG are running around celebrating the GDF existence.

your 'contribution' to some crazy debate in your head is noted


Answer the question, what is the value added to Guyana by the GDF to ensure that they are earning their keep? It is no secret that they are nothing but a political arm of the PNC to suppress dissenters. Sounds familiar?  It is also a strategy used by other dictatorships around the world? 

yaaaaawn . . . like a dumb little child you keep trying to get attention

baseman asked the question, and i answered him

try to keep up

I brackle yuh rass in a corner and you wimp out like the typical shakeabattie that you are.  You should tryout for the world championship of dodge-ball, you might winE. 

Drugb posted:
ronan posted:
Drugb posted:
ronan posted:
Drugb posted:

You must be a mad man if you think that IndoG are running around celebrating the GDF existence.

your 'contribution' to some crazy debate in your head is noted


Answer the question, what is the value added to Guyana by the GDF to ensure that they are earning their keep? It is no secret that they are nothing but a political arm of the PNC to suppress dissenters. Sounds familiar?  It is also a strategy used by other dictatorships around the world? 

yaaaaawn . . . like a dumb little child you keep trying to get attention

baseman asked the question, and i answered him

try to keep up

I brackle yuh rass in a corner and you wimp out like the typical shakeabattie that you are.  You should tryout for the world championship of dodge-ball, you might winE. 

you are an inveterate attention-seeking curiosity on this board

i stick to the admonition of the zoo . . Don't Feed DUMB Animals

sorry little man

ronan posted:
Drugb posted:

I brackle yuh rass in a corner and you wimp out like the typical shakeabattie that you are.  You should tryout for the world championship of dodge-ball, you might winE. 

you are an inveterate attention-seeking curiosity on this board

i stick to the admonition of the zoo . . Don't Feed DUMB Animals

sorry little man

Wow, why you starving yourself?

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Drugb posted:

I brackle yuh rass in a corner and you wimp out like the typical shakeabattie that you are.  You should tryout for the world championship of dodge-ball, you might winE. 

you are an inveterate attention-seeking curiosity on this board

i stick to the admonition of the zoo . . Don't Feed DUMB Animals

sorry little man

Wow, why you starving yourself?

true wit requires a certain intelligence beyond gutter 'cunning' and learning a trade

neither you nor drugB have the chops

sorry . . . cringeworthy

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
ronan posted:
Drugb posted:
ronan posted:
Drugb posted:

You must be a mad man if you think that IndoG are running around celebrating the GDF existence.

your 'contribution' to some crazy debate in your head is noted


Answer the question, what is the value added to Guyana by the GDF to ensure that they are earning their keep? It is no secret that they are nothing but a political arm of the PNC to suppress dissenters. Sounds familiar?  It is also a strategy used by other dictatorships around the world? 

yaaaaawn . . . like a dumb little child you keep trying to get attention

baseman asked the question, and i answered him

try to keep up

I brackle yuh rass in a corner and you wimp out like the typical shakeabattie that you are.  You should tryout for the world championship of dodge-ball, you might winE. 

Is this a new strategy in other sex courtship that you are engaging in? Don't you think you ought to take it to Private? 


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