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Vincent Alexander

Commissioner Vincent Alexander

November 1 ,2020


Though he acknowledged that the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has a lot of work to do, opposition-nominated commissioner Vincent Alexander is sure it can be ready to hold local government elections (LGE) between November and December of 2021.

“I’m quite sure GECOM has the capacity, given the time involved, to address the question of its readiness for the prescribed date of LGE,” Alexander said yesterday during a press conference in response to questions from Sunday Stabroek.

He refused to respond to a statement from Opposition Leader Joseph Harmon which called for the urgent commencement of house-to-house registration to create a new electoral register.

He also declined to directly address comments from President Irfaan Ali and Attorney General Anil Nandlall which suggest that the polls will not be held next year.

On Monday, Ali told reporters that the polls will not be held until the issues which are currently affecting GECOM are fixed.

“…What we have to do is to fix what is there first and we have to ensure that we have a system that is working and a system that people trust and a system that is professional and a system that operates in an unbiased manner so that the people of our country can contribute,” Ali said.

A similar sentiment was expressed by Attorney General Anil Nandlall, who told Stabroek News that the holding of the polls next year seems unlikely given the current elections petitions, a call by the opposition for a new voters’ list and police probes of officers of the electoral body.

“By law, local government elections are due next year, but from all indications it does not appear that GECOM will be in a state of readiness for several reasons…,” Nandlall had said.

According to Alexander, GECOM is a constitutional body with a constitutional mandate.

“It is not constitutional for other bodies to dictate to GECOM what should or shouldn’t happen. LGE dates are prescribed and the function of calling elections rests with the Local Government Minister,” he explained.

Alexander noted that GECOM has always had things which needed to be fixed yet Guyana has held elections without fixing those things. He cited as an example the list of electors, which he reminded was based on a bloated list of registrants.

“There are people who have argued and insisted that we go to elections with a bloated list. Yes there are things to fix. The same people who want to fix them now resisted them being fixed previously,” he said.

According to the Local Authorities (Elections) Act, LGE shall be held once every three years on any date during November 1st to December 7th of the third year, counting from the year in which the term of office of the council started. The date shall be appointed by an order of the Minister of Local Government. Since they were last held on November 11, 2018, the elections are legally due in 2021.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

DR Irfaan Ali has to clear the swamp that GECOM found themselves in. Lowenfield, Myers, and Mingo have to go. Fire their asses, Mr. President.

There should be no election until all the criminals have been jailed.

@Ramakant-P posted:

DR Irfaan Ali has to clear the swamp that GECOM found themselves in. Lowenfield, Myers, and Mingo have to go.

Fire their asses, Mr. President.

There should be no election until all the criminals have been jailed.

Sounds like DICTATORSHIP ,what happened to GECOM being an INDEPENDENT body ?

@Django posted:

Sounds like DICTATORSHIP ,what happened to GECOM being an INDEPENDENT body ?

GECOM showed that they are incompetent.  The PNC faction tried to rig the elections. Those involved should be fired.  You don't get it, do you Django.   It would be chaos if the current set of alleged thieves should be allowed to continue.

@Ramakant-P posted:

GECOM showed that they are incompetent.  The PNC faction tried to rig the elections. Those involved should be fired.  You don't get it, do you Django.   It would be chaos if the current set of alleged thieves should be allowed to continue.

What happened to the ballot boxes stuffing ?

@Django posted:

What happened to the ballot boxes stuffing ?

Who stuffed the ballot boxes and what are we talking about?

Is it not Electoral reforms?  Kindly stick to the topic on hand. Arguing about past inconsistencies will not get us anywhere.

@Ramakant-P posted:

DR Irfaan Ali has to clear the swamp that GECOM found themselves in. Lowenfield, Myers, and Mingo have to go. Fire their asses, Mr. President.

There should be no election until all the criminals have been jailed.

You are calling for civil unrest from the safety of your Brampton basement apartment. The people will rise up and Indians would be slaughtered.

What happened to Gecom being an independent body?

Last edited by Mitwah
@Ramakant-P posted:

Who stuffed the ballot boxes and what are we talking about?

Is it not Electoral reforms?  Kindly stick to the topic on hand. Arguing about past inconsistencies will not get us anywhere.

You don't know about that ? did you mention rig ?

Anyway read the article one more time regarding GECOM and Elections .

No President or AG or anyone dictates to GECOM. Looks like you don't know the LAW.

Last edited by Django
@Ramakant-P posted:

DR Irfaan Ali has to clear the swamp that GECOM found themselves in. Lowenfield, Myers, and Mingo have to go. Fire their asses, Mr. President.

There should be no election until all the criminals have been jailed.

Then there will no one to represent the PPP/Criminals.

@Mitwah posted:

You are calling for civil unrest from the safety of your Brampton basement apartment. The people will rise up and Indians would be slaughtered.

What happened to Gecom being an independent body?

How can GECOM be an independent body when the PNC controlled it?

How can you think that Parliament cannot make changes when it was revealed that the PNC tried to rig the and got caught?

Where did I call for civil unrest?  All I am saying that if you do the crime you do the time.  I can't believe that you are supporting criminals in your quest to belittle the PPP with a low opinion, or lack of respect toward them. You also used the derogatory expression to criticize, being hostile, and show disregard to the President and Former President.

If you cannot show some civility then I suggest that you take a leave of absence from this forum. Thank you!

@Ramakant-P posted:

So you are saying that they shouldn't do it now?

You need to be reminded for 30 years there were no LGE during which time your PPP/C was in power for 23 years. The coalition came to power in 2015 and there were 2 LGEs.

@Mitwah posted:

You need to be reminded for 30 years there were no LGE during which time your PPP/C was in power for 23 years. The coalition came to power in 2015 and there were 2 LGEs.

That's not the point. The point is that they are doing it now and you don't want them to. There were two LGEs that were rigged. 

@Ramakant-P posted:

That's not the point. The point is that they are doing it now and you don't want them to. There were two LGEs that were rigged.

So you are now admitting the PPP rigged the elections since the results favored them.

@Mitwah posted:

So you are now admitting the PPP rigged the elections since the results favored them.

I never said that the PPP rigged the LGE elections. You said it. 

You are still trying to evade the topic of electoral reforms. Stick to the topic.

@Django posted:

You don't know about that ? did you mention rig ?

Anyway read the article one more time regarding GECOM and Elections .

No President or AG or anyone dictates to GECOM. Looks like you don't know the LAW.

  The prisident or ag as well GECOM has protocols that must be adhered to. No one is above the law...ask lolobai who is currently facing jail time for that belief no one "dictate to GECOM" when he unilaterally declared his party the winner 3 times.

Last edited by sachin_05
@sachin_05 posted:

  The prisident or ag as well GECOM has protocols that must be adhered to.

No one is above the law...ask lolobai who is currently facing jail time for that belief no one "dictate to GECOM" when he unilaterally declared his party the winner 3 times.

We will find out about the jail time ,there is a case to be proven.

The CEO was following the guidelines of the RECOUNT ORDER ,lots of people missed that. Also the cart is before the horse ,GECOM have the authority to investigate any wrong doings by employees ,then call in the POLICE.

Last edited by Django
@Ramakant-P posted:

This case is prolonging the implementation of electoral reforms.

The PNC seems to want another election with the reforms thus paving the way for another PNC rigging.

It is time to move on.

Suh the PPP are saints ??

@Ramakant-P posted:

I never said that the PPP rigged the LGE elections. You said it.

You are still trying to evade the topic of electoral reforms. Stick to the topic.

Are you in favor that GECOM in its present format should be disbanded and reformed?

Would you not agree to see it become a competent, independent & multi-racial body reflecting the diversity of a multi-racial population? I think this will give us the impartiality and competence that we recently witnessed as being lacking.

Last edited by Mitwah
@Mitwah posted:

Your PPP was in power for 23 years, yet they did not make an effort to clean up the electoral list of dead people and those who have migrated.

@Ramakant-P posted:

That's not the point. The point is that they are doing it now and you don't want them to. There were two LGEs that were rigged.

The electoral list should be cleaned up pronto.

Let us go back to before the election. Didn't the Granger govt start the clean up of the this list? Do you remember the PPP and all those who back them, along with some on this board complain bitterly?

So what is the difference now it's being done by the PPP? The difference is they (PPP) are all whiners, they go against everything they themselves did not carry out even though it was warranted.

@Django posted:

We will find out about the jail time ,there is a case to be proven.

The CEO was following the guidelines of the RECOUNT ORDER ,lots of people missed that. Also the cart is before the horse ,GECOM have the authority to investigate any wrong doings by employees ,then call in the POLICE.

The guideline was to use the SOPs not cooked up numbers provide by Mingo bedsheets.

@Mitwah posted:

Are you in favor that GECOM in its present format should be disbanded and reformed?

Would you not agree to see it become a competent, independent & multi-racial body reflecting the diversity of a multi-racial population? I think this will give us the impartiality and competence that we recently witnessed as being lacking.

The PPP wants control ,will that happen we will find out.

@sachin_05 posted:

The guideline was to use the SOPs not cooked up numbers provide by Mingo bedsheets.

The guidelines was  using the STATEMENT OF RECOUNT stipulated by  Recount Order 60 ,not SOPS .

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

The guidelines was  using the STATEMENT OF RECOUNT stipulated by  Recount Order 60 ,not SOPS .

Who you trying to fool? He wasn't using no SOP or SOR when he submit a result that disenfranchised 25 % of the voters from non PNC areas. It was never his duty to validate any ballots after the recount process. His job was to tally the SOP or SORs and present the totals to the chair, which he eventually did five months later after some arm twisting.

Last edited by sachin_05
@sachin_05 posted:

Who you trying to fool? He wasn't using no SOP or SOR when he submit a result that disenfranchised 25 % of the voters from non PNC areas. It was never his duty to validate any ballots after the recount process. His job was to tally the SOP or SORs and present the totals to the chair, which he eventually did five months later after some arm twisting.

No fooling , the Recount Order wasn't followed as stipulated .Anyway all of that is water under the bridge. Let see what the ruling of the Election Petition will be.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

No fooling , the Recount Order wasn't followed as stipulated .Anyway all of that is water under the bridge. Let see what the ruling of the Election Petition will be.

It's not water under the bridge until he is free of the charges against him for electoral fraud. Maybe you should assist in his defense, try telling the magistrate "the defense order wasn't followed as stipulated" when ask for proof, tell him/her because you are PNC and that makes it's gospel......see how that works you..😭

@Django posted:

You don't know about that ? did you mention rig ?

Anyway read the article one more time regarding GECOM and Elections .

No President or AG or anyone dictates to GECOM. Looks like you don't know the LAW.

There was rigging by the Lowenfield, Myers, and Mingo.  They were ordered by President Granger to do just that. I don't know the law as you contend, I just know the facts. GECOM was never an Independent body as it was supposed to be.

@Ramakant-P posted:

There was rigging by the Lowenfield, Myers, and Mingo.  They were ordered by President Granger to do just that. I don't know the law as you contend, I just know the facts. GECOM was never an Independent body as it was supposed to be.

What proof do you have that Granger ordered Lowenfield, Myers and Mingo?

That Gecom was never an Independent body, blame Jagdeo 100%.

@Mitwah posted:

What proof do you have that Granger ordered Lowenfield, Myers and Mingo?

Granger was seen talking to Lowenfield and others just before they restart the count. When it appears that the PPP was winning, Granger told them to stop counting until they can figure out a way to win.  It took them over 5 months to complete the count.  They are crooks and they are gone for good. Now it's up to the PPP and not the PNC to call another election. 

They can riot or protest, we will deal with them through the barrel of a gun. The army is loyal to the President nd Prime Minister.

@sachin_05 posted:

It's not water under the bridge until he is free of the charges against him for electoral fraud. Maybe you should assist in his defense, try telling the magistrate "the defense order wasn't followed as stipulated" when ask for proof, tell him/her because you are PNC and that makes it's gospel......see how that works you..😭

Which orbuculum tells you I am PNC ?

Lowenfield and the rest who are charged MAY walk free . By the way there is ELECTORAL FRAUD that points to the PPP ,most are sweeping that under the carpet , only Afro Guyanese in Guyana are capable to commit wrong doings. The other major population are saints.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Now it's up to the PPP and not the PNC to call another election.

They can riot or protest, we will deal with them through the barrel of a gun. The army is loyal to the President nd Prime Minister.

Everything that preached against looks good for the PPP.

There are LAWS that states when Elections should be held ,let the party try to deferred Elections.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Granger was seen talking to Lowenfield and others just before they restart the count. When it appears that the PPP was winning, Granger told them to stop counting until they can figure out a way to win.  It took them over 5 months to complete the count.  They are crooks and they are gone for good. Now it's up to the PPP and not the PNC to call another election.

They can riot or protest, we will deal with them through the barrel of a gun. The army is loyal to the President nd Prime Minister.

Fat talk from a sycophant.  How do you know what Granger and Lowenfield talked about? I think they talked about Aunty Dularie fish curry.  Or, maybe, the state of the GDF.  Oh, and you will deal with protesters with guns--you mean you and the goadee brigade?   

Last edited by Totaram
@Django posted:

Which orbuculum tells you I am PNC ?

This is the problem with most in the PPP. They feel if you are against Jagdeo and his crookedness, you are a PNC supporter. But they close their eyes to PPP ignoring ordinary voters after the election.

Similar to Trump,  Jagdeo goal is about power and getting rich and he don't care about PPP voters after the election.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Granger was seen talking to Lowenfield and others just before they restart the count. When it appears that the PPP was winning, Granger told them to stop counting until they can figure out a way to win.  It took them over 5 months to complete the count.  They are crooks and they are gone for good. Now it's up to the PPP and not the PNC to call another election.

They can riot or protest, we will deal with them through the barrel of a gun. The army is loyal to the President nd Prime Minister.

You are full of kaka or you must be drunk or stupid. Which one?

@Mitwah posted:

What proof do you have that Granger ordered Lowenfield, Myers and Mingo?

That Gecom was never an Independent body, blame Jagdeo 100%.

Hey Knucklehead:

You speak from both sides of your mouth.

How can Guyanese trust the same people on GECOM (except the chair woman) now facing criminal charges (and the fact that the world saw their attempt to commit fraud) on the country that they can and will run a free and fair elections? On the one hand, Harmon wants H2H, but Alexander says GECOM is ready. He is not the speaker of GECOM, but a PNCite who wanted to install Granger in office.

What world you living in?

There is no way election can be held unless that stable is cleaned up.

And so what if the PPP did not clean it up during 23 years? That does not mean it should not be cleaned up now.

@Django posted:

Which orbuculum tells you I am PNC ?

Lowenfield and the rest who are charged MAY walk free . By the way there is ELECTORAL FRAUD that points to the PPP ,most are sweeping that under the carpet , only Afro Guyanese in Guyana are capable to commit wrong doings. The other major population are saints.

What the heck is an orbuculum?

can you break it down?

Dat word too big for Mitwah....

@VishMahabir posted:

What the heck is an orbuculum?

can you break it down?

Dat word too big for Mitwah....

I can ask my four year old granddaughter if she can post the answer for you banna 'cept she can't type.  I actually taught her that word, poor kid bites her tongue while saying it.

@cain posted:

I can ask my four year old granddaughter if she can post the answer for you banna 'cept she can't type.  I actually taught her that word, poor kid bites her tongue while saying it.

I think VishMahabir is Ray. Like things slow over there.


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