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–Amna Ally declares after hours-long meeting with GECOM officials
…to inform President of stalemate

“GUYANA Elections Commission (GECOM cannot) be ready for the next 50-days,” Government Chief Whip Amna Ally said, while noting that she will be telling President David Granger about the stalemate that occurred in the aftermath of Friday’s meeting at the electoral body.

Ally, who is also minister of social protection and general -secretary of the People’s National Congress Reform and Teixeira were mandated to meet with GECOM to ascertain its readiness to hold early elections. However, much like what happened on Thursday when the commissioners met, on Friday the GECOM officials were unable to come to a consensus on exactly how much time it needs to prepare for General and Regional Elections. “The chairman had to terminate the meeting because it was going nowhere as far as I am concerned,” Ally told media operatives after the meeting at GECOM’s Kingston, Georgetown headquarters.

She said that the PPP’s representatives are giving a timeline to suit a 90-day period, but both GECOM and the coalition-nominated commissioners do not see it as being feasible within that time span. Adding that GECOM has to train people to work for elections, Ally said this will take a lot of time that may last several months.

Meanwhile, Teixeira said after the meeting , the GECOM chairman appears to be unwilling to come to a definitive conclusion on the issue of elections. She explained that Guyana’s constitution makes it clear that after a no-confidence motion is passed, the President and Cabinet must resign and general elections must be held in 90 days. Government is currently challenging the outcome of the vote in the High Court.

Underscoring at the meeting that the GECOM will be held responsible for putting Guyana in a constitutional crisis, Teixeira said the election body wants a house-to- house registration which would take eight months to a year. “It would be unthinkable to expect that the opposition would give a two-thirds majority to such an extension, when there is a no-confidence motion that has been passed in the National Assembly, and that is when the meeting broke up,” Teixeira said.

Asserting that there are about 54 days left before the constitutionally appointed date for elections, Teixeira said she asked the commission if it was not possible to operate on simultaneous tracks whereby procurement, ballot papers, training and extracting persons who are dead and eligible to vote on the list can be done.

“The commission did not answer that, except that CEO Keith Lowenfield had some concerns about the training; we are convinced that the commission trained approximately 10, 000 people for Local Government Elections. We can use 7,500 and therefore we do not believe it’s impossible from that 10,000 pool plus an additional 2,000 persons being trained to work as temporary electoral staff,” she explained.

She opined that Lowenfield is being forced not to give any dates pertaining to the hosting of elections. The PPP chief whip said after three meetings with GECOM nothing has been decided and “persons are trying to find all sorts of reasons and justifications that the elections would not be held within the 90 days but could very well be way past that, aiming for a house- to- house registration.”

On Thursday, following a meeting of the commission, Commissioner Vincent Alexander speaking with the media, said that the PPP-nominated commissioners seem to have forgotten that the very constitution which stipulates the 90-day period makes provision for necessary adjustments. Asked to speak on the basis of his experience in the work on the average time such could take, he said: “GECOM itself in the past has discussed and enunciated on the question of a timeframe for unscheduled elections and that, which is in our records, was 180 days.”

Alexander said Lowenfield had objected and warned against rapid preparation methods. “The CEO clearly said that the time is insufficient if you want to hold the elections in March, which is what they are calling for now. He’s saying that you really want to create a situation to prove the incompetence of GECOM by mandating us to do something that is undoable…to train people to be prepared for an election in March,” he said.

The commissioners also disagreed on whether a claims- and- objections period should be held before the list is verified as fit for an election. “Act No. 15 of 2000 mandates that the claims and objections period ought to be held to refresh or give life to the list. Never, in 2001, 2006, 2011, 2015, 2016 and 2018 when we contemplated the holding of elections, was there an active list that we have now. I say all of that to say to you that there’s not a legal requirement for any sort of refreshing of the list in terms of house-to-house registration; in terms of claims and objections; in terms of continuous registration. We have an active list,” Sase Gunraj, another PPP-nominated commissioner, said.

However, Alexander had maintained that while house-to-house registration is still a viable option, at minimum, the other commissioners are pushing for there to be a claims- and- objections period for the cleansing of the list. “If one looks to the petition of the PPP to which Commissioner Bibi Shadick was a participant, they said that people have impersonated voters who were on the list. This says that we have accepted that the list is flawed, but now they are unprepared to go to an election with a claims and objections –at minimum – which allows for some cleansing of the list,” Alexander said.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

ksazma posted:

Not surprised. GECOM has sat on its ass the past 35 days.

Teixeira said after the meeting, the GECOM chairman appears to be unwilling to come to a definitive conclusion on the issue of elections.

What else is new? PNC bullies want to stay in office for the 5 years. They will do it with the help of the GDF. Granger, the saint who promise to save Guyana from corruption. The NCV means nothing to them.

skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:

Not surprised. GECOM has sat on its ass the past 35 days.

Teixeira said after the meeting, the GECOM chairman appears to be unwilling to come to a definitive conclusion on the issue of elections.

The GECOM Chairman was not fit and proper even on the very first day when he was not sure which end of the pen had the ink. Not surprised of his actions.


According to Former GECOM Chairman in a recent interview....

- it’s not life and death that you have a house to house registration now.

- there is a10-14 days objectionable period.

- death people can’t rig election. 

GNI resident Minister Of Stats ( Django) the list used for LGE is up to date and ready to go for GE.



ksazma posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:

Not surprised. GECOM has sat on its ass the past 35 days.

Teixeira said after the meeting, the GECOM chairman appears to be unwilling to come to a definitive conclusion on the issue of elections.

The GECOM Chairman was not fit and proper even on the very first day when he was not sure which end of the pen had the ink. Not surprised of his actions.

Senility, Alzheimers or blind or all of the above?

Dave posted:

GNI resident Minister Of Stats ( Django) the list used for LGE is up to date and ready to go for GE.

The Voters List is padded for awhile, comparing the 2012 Census and the Legible Voters.

I can present the stats for each Region and the Ethnic Voters.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Dave posted:

GNI resident Minister Of Stats ( Django) the list used for LGE is up to date and ready to go for GE.

The Voters List is padded for awhile, comparing the 2012 Census and the Legible Voters.

I can present the stats for each Region and the Ethnic Voters.

Well it was padded for the benefit of the PNC, PPP willing to take a chance.

Django posted:
Dave posted:

GNI resident Minister Of Stats ( Django) the list used for LGE is up to date and ready to go for GE.

The Voters List is padded for awhile, comparing the 2012 Census and the Legible Voters.

I can present the stats for each Region and the Ethnic Voters.

What you saying now. You never raise these concern before...

Since this  shithole government say 32 is greater than 33, you suddenly have different views on everything. WTF. 

Bhai, be the real you  Django. Represent your impeccable record. Nah mek me hand fall. 

kp posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

GNI resident Minister Of Stats ( Django) the list used for LGE is up to date and ready to go for GE.

The Voters List is padded for awhile, comparing the 2012 Census and the Legible Voters.

I can present the stats for each Region and the Ethnic Voters.

Well it was padded for the benefit of the PNC, PPP willing to take a chance.

That’s right.. 


GECOM has one single responsibility. To be ready with a reliable list of voters when elections come around. Had it not been for the NCV, elections would be due next year. What has GECOM been doing all these years to be ready then if not now. Secondly, if GECOM is so concerned with their own voters list now, with what level of conscience did they use that same list for the LGE only two and a half months ago? It is nothing other than a delay tactic because there is a good chance that they wouldn't have been ready for elections if it was next year and not this one.

Django posted:
Dave posted:

GNI resident Minister Of Stats ( Django) the list used for LGE is up to date and ready to go for GE.

The Voters List is padded for awhile, comparing the 2012 Census and the Legible Voters.

I can present the stats for each Region and the Ethnic Voters.

Bai the voters' list should not be a list that contains ethnic data. It should be a list of all eligible voters for each region. Who verifies the ethnicity of the voters and for what reason? The election is not determined on ethnic data. So, is the current list that was used for the LGE not a valid list? If they knew it was padded, why did they not clean it up before holding elections?

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

GNI resident Minister Of Stats ( Django) the list used for LGE is up to date and ready to go for GE.

The Voters List is padded for awhile, comparing the 2012 Census and the Legible Voters.

I can present the stats for each Region and the Ethnic Voters.

Bai the voters' list should not be a list that contains ethnic data. It should be a list of all eligible voters for each region. Who verifies the ethnicity of the voters and for what reason? The election is not determined on ethnic data. So, is the current list that was used for the LGE not a valid list? If they knew it was padded, why did they not clean it up before holding elections?

Teachable moments. 

You bowl Django between his legs 

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

GNI resident Minister Of Stats ( Django) the list used for LGE is up to date and ready to go for GE.

The Voters List is padded for awhile, comparing the 2012 Census and the Legible Voters.

I can present the stats for each Region and the Ethnic Voters.

Bai the voters' list should not be a list that contains ethnic data. It should be a list of all eligible voters for each region. Who verifies the ethnicity of the voters and for what reason? The election is not determined on ethnic data. So, is the current list that was used for the LGE not a valid list? If they knew it was padded, why did they not clean it up before holding elections?

You misinterpret my statement, I have done Ethnic Voters compilation for my personal assessment. Taking in to consideration voting in Guyana are race based, it guides me to predict the winning  parties.

Last edited by Django
Dave posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

GNI resident Minister Of Stats ( Django) the list used for LGE is up to date and ready to go for GE.

The Voters List is padded for awhile, comparing the 2012 Census and the Legible Voters.

I can present the stats for each Region and the Ethnic Voters.

Bai the voters' list should not be a list that contains ethnic data. It should be a list of all eligible voters for each region. Who verifies the ethnicity of the voters and for what reason? The election is not determined on ethnic data. So, is the current list that was used for the LGE not a valid list? If they knew it was padded, why did they not clean it up before holding elections?

Teachable moments. 

You bowl Django between his legs 

Read my response to Skelly.

ksazma posted:

GECOM has one single responsibility. To be ready with a reliable list of voters when elections come around. Had it not been for the NCV, elections would be due next year. What has GECOM been doing all these years to be ready then if not now. Secondly, if GECOM is so concerned with their own voters list now, with what level of conscience did they use that same list for the LGE only two and a half months ago? It is nothing other than a delay tactic because there is a good chance that they wouldn't have been ready for elections if it was next year and not this one.

Except for the CRIMINAL PNC and their GNI FILTH HEADS everyone is aware of their blatant incompetence and collusion with the Govt to deny the Guyanese people their RIGHT to a FREE, FAIR and timely Election!!! Bloody BASTARDS!!!

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

GNI resident Minister Of Stats ( Django) the list used for LGE is up to date and ready to go for GE.

The Voters List is padded for awhile, comparing the 2012 Census and the Legible Voters.

I can present the stats for each Region and the Ethnic Voters.

What you saying now. You never raise these concern before...

Since this  shithole government say 32 is greater than 33, you suddenly have different views on everything. WTF. 

Bhai, be the real you  Django. Represent your impeccable record. Nah mek me hand fall. 

You always rambles, whenever responding to my comments.

Stick to the point.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

GNI resident Minister Of Stats ( Django) the list used for LGE is up to date and ready to go for GE.

The Voters List is padded for awhile, comparing the 2012 Census and the Legible Voters.

I can present the stats for each Region and the Ethnic Voters.

Bai the voters' list should not be a list that contains ethnic data. It should be a list of all eligible voters for each region. Who verifies the ethnicity of the voters and for what reason? The election is not determined on ethnic data. So, is the current list that was used for the LGE not a valid list? If they knew it was padded, why did they not clean it up before holding elections?

You misinterpret my statement, that Ethnic Voters compilation was done my personal assessment. Taking in to consideration voting in Guyana are race based, it guides me to predict the winning  parties.

For any particular reason? How do you tell their ethnicities? First name and last name are not factors when determining their ethnicities. How do you know your list is accurate? Do you have any date to verify your findings?

Nehru posted:
ksazma posted:

GECOM has one single responsibility. To be ready with a reliable list of voters when elections come around. Had it not been for the NCV, elections would be due next year. What has GECOM been doing all these years to be ready then if not now. Secondly, if GECOM is so concerned with their own voters list now, with what level of conscience did they use that same list for the LGE only two and a half months ago? It is nothing other than a delay tactic because there is a good chance that they wouldn't have been ready for elections if it was next year and not this one.

Except for the CRIMINAL PNC and their GNI FILTH HEADS everyone is aware of their blatant incompetence and collusion with the Govt to deny the Guyanese people their RIGHT to a FREE, FAIR and timely Election!!! Bloody BASTARDS!!!

Do you recall when PPP was objecting the VOTERS LIST ?

What's good for the Goose is good for the Gander. Does this hold water ??

ksazma posted:
Nehru posted:

Dis woman (Olige)mouth set to LIE!!!!

That ohman is indeed fugly. 

Bai, The woman could claim she had ancestors from the Australian Aboriginal peoples...Only a little bit fair skin. Imagine waking up to this in the morning...without the makeup?

Django posted:
Nehru posted:
ksazma posted:

GECOM has one single responsibility. To be ready with a reliable list of voters when elections come around. Had it not been for the NCV, elections would be due next year. What has GECOM been doing all these years to be ready then if not now. Secondly, if GECOM is so concerned with their own voters list now, with what level of conscience did they use that same list for the LGE only two and a half months ago? It is nothing other than a delay tactic because there is a good chance that they wouldn't have been ready for elections if it was next year and not this one.

Except for the CRIMINAL PNC and their GNI FILTH HEADS everyone is aware of their blatant incompetence and collusion with the Govt to deny the Guyanese people their RIGHT to a FREE, FAIR and timely Election!!! Bloody BASTARDS!!!

Do you recall when PPP was objecting the VOTERS LIST ?

What's good for the Goose is good for the Gander. Does this hold water ??

If they did, it would have made no difference. The dictators would not have listened.

skeldon_man posted:

For any particular reason? How do you tell their ethnicities? First name and last name are not factors when determining their ethnicities. How do you know your list is accurate? Do you have any date to verify your findings?

The Ethnic make up are disclosed in 2012 Census data including their ages.Do they do that in the Country you live in ?

Information gathered from 2015 Elections data are verified with 2012 Census data.

Listen man avoid your nonsensical questions, information is out there, use your noodle,do some work to challenge my findings.

Last edited by Django
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:
ksazma posted:

GECOM has one single responsibility. To be ready with a reliable list of voters when elections come around. Had it not been for the NCV, elections would be due next year. What has GECOM been doing all these years to be ready then if not now. Secondly, if GECOM is so concerned with their own voters list now, with what level of conscience did they use that same list for the LGE only two and a half months ago? It is nothing other than a delay tactic because there is a good chance that they wouldn't have been ready for elections if it was next year and not this one.

Except for the CRIMINAL PNC and their GNI FILTH HEADS everyone is aware of their blatant incompetence and collusion with the Govt to deny the Guyanese people their RIGHT to a FREE, FAIR and timely Election!!! Bloody BASTARDS!!!

Do you recall when PPP was objecting the VOTERS LIST ?

What's good for the Goose is good for the Gander. Does this hold water ??

If they did, it would have made no difference. The dictators would not have listened.

You talking SKVNT.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:
ksazma posted:

GECOM has one single responsibility. To be ready with a reliable list of voters when elections come around. Had it not been for the NCV, elections would be due next year. What has GECOM been doing all these years to be ready then if not now. Secondly, if GECOM is so concerned with their own voters list now, with what level of conscience did they use that same list for the LGE only two and a half months ago? It is nothing other than a delay tactic because there is a good chance that they wouldn't have been ready for elections if it was next year and not this one.

Except for the CRIMINAL PNC and their GNI FILTH HEADS everyone is aware of their blatant incompetence and collusion with the Govt to deny the Guyanese people their RIGHT to a FREE, FAIR and timely Election!!! Bloody BASTARDS!!!

Do you recall when PPP was objecting the VOTERS LIST ?

What's good for the Goose is good for the Gander. Does this hold water ??

If they did, it would have made no difference. The dictators would not have listened.

You talking SKVNT.

According to Django.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

For any particular reason? How do you tell their ethnicities? First name and last name are not factors when determining their ethnicities. How do you know your list is accurate? Do you have any date to verify your findings?

The Ethnic make up are disclosed in 2012 Census data including their ages.Do they do that in the Country you live in ?

Information gathered from 2015 Elections data are verified with 2012 Census data.

Listen man avoid your nonsensical questions, information is out there, use your noodle,do some work to challenge my findings.

I am just asking some questions to educate myself. No need to get all hyper about this.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

For any particular reason? How do you tell their ethnicities? First name and last name are not factors when determining their ethnicities. How do you know your list is accurate? Do you have any date to verify your findings?

The Ethnic make up are disclosed in 2012 Census data including their ages.Do they do that in the Country you live in ?

Information gathered from 2015 Elections data are verified with 2012 Census data.

Listen man avoid your nonsensical questions, information is out there, use your noodle,do some work to challenge my findings.

I am just asking some questions to educate myself. No need to get all hyper about this.

I don't think it's Education you are no fool, you are big man, sometimes behaving like a child with your stupid questions. Obviously to determine any theory, information are needed for the the proof.

We live in an age where information is an open system, it's no longer closed door. Any one who have interest can do a lot of things for their own benefits.

kp posted:

Django is census taker for PNC, I suggest he stick to wire parts business. Noel is here to distort the facts. Skelly, be careful that man is becoming violent.

What is that bhai ?? 

Skelly is me Frenno, he just pisses me off sometimes, have to pull him up.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

For any particular reason? How do you tell their ethnicities? First name and last name are not factors when determining their ethnicities. How do you know your list is accurate? Do you have any date to verify your findings?

The Ethnic make up are disclosed in 2012 Census data including their ages.Do they do that in the Country you live in ?

Information gathered from 2015 Elections data are verified with 2012 Census data.

Listen man avoid your nonsensical questions, information is out there, use your noodle,do some work to challenge my findings.

I am just asking some questions to educate myself. No need to get all hyper about this.

I don't think it's Education you are no fool, you are big man, sometimes behaving like a child with your stupid questions. Obviously to determine any theory, information are needed for the the proof.

We live in an age where information is an open system, it's no longer closed door. Any one who have interest can do a lot of things for their own benefits.

Bai, because I do not know it all, I learn every day. Learning never stops. I am more in tune with the events going on around the US than I do in Guyana. It's good that we have people like you who do the research and give it to us. Sometimes when I see political and ethnic comments and data, I do question them. I might come out a little too harsh in my questions.

skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:

Not surprised. GECOM has sat on its ass the past 35 days.

Teixeira said after the meeting, the GECOM chairman appears to be unwilling to come to a definitive conclusion on the issue of elections.

The GECOM Chairman was not fit and proper even on the very first day when he was not sure which end of the pen had the ink. Not surprised of his actions.

Senility, Alzheimers or blind or all of the above?

But he remember fuh tek he viagra, weh fuh drive and find and poke he sweet homan!

Ayuh nah deh down heh!

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

For any particular reason? How do you tell their ethnicities? First name and last name are not factors when determining their ethnicities. How do you know your list is accurate? Do you have any date to verify your findings?

The Ethnic make up are disclosed in 2012 Census data including their ages.Do they do that in the Country you live in ?

Information gathered from 2015 Elections data are verified with 2012 Census data.

Listen man avoid your nonsensical questions, information is out there, use your noodle,do some work to challenge my findings.

I am just asking some questions to educate myself. No need to get all hyper about this.

I don't think it's Education you are no fool, you are big man, sometimes behaving like a child with your stupid questions. Obviously to determine any theory, information are needed for the the proof.

We live in an age where information is an open system, it's no longer closed door. Any one who have interest can do a lot of things for their own benefits.

Bai, because I do not know it all, I learn every day. Learning never stops. I am more in tune with the events going on around the US than I do in Guyana. It's good that we have people like you who do the research and give it to us. Sometimes when I see political and ethnic comments and data, I do question them. I might come out a little too harsh in my questions.

NO hard feelings , we good.


It should have been clear from about one week after the 33 YES NCV that APNU+AFC was planning to nullify the NCV and prevent early elections. Everything GECOM is doing conforms to that planning. After all Patterson is Granger's creature in GECOM so Patterson is naturally beholden to Granger+PNC interests. DELAY is the buzzword.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

For any particular reason? How do you tell their ethnicities? First name and last name are not factors when determining their ethnicities. How do you know your list is accurate? Do you have any date to verify your findings?

The Ethnic make up are disclosed in 2012 Census data including their ages.Do they do that in the Country you live in ?

Information gathered from 2015 Elections data are verified with 2012 Census data.

Listen man avoid your nonsensical questions, information is out there, use your noodle,do some work to challenge my findings.

I am just asking some questions to educate myself. No need to get all hyper about this.

I don't think it's Education you are no fool, you are big man, sometimes behaving like a child with your stupid questions. Obviously to determine any theory, information are needed for the the proof.

We live in an age where information is an open system, it's no longer closed door. Any one who have interest can do a lot of things for their own benefits.

Bai, because I do not know it all, I learn every day. Learning never stops. I am more in tune with the events going on around the US than I do in Guyana. It's good that we have people like you who do the research and give it to us. Sometimes when I see political and ethnic comments and data, I do question them. I might come out a little too harsh in my questions.

Do you learn anything from School boy Vish. 


Let's play devil's advocate here. Just suppose that this entire thing was reversed and it was the PPP in power and the PNC had won the NCV, don't you all think it would have been the same shit ass situation as is happening now. 


I thought GECOM is an independent body that the government and opposition agreed on. Now I am hearing that Patterson is taking care of PNC interest to delay the election process. Are we carving facts to our own belief, etc? 

Django posted:
You misinterpret my statement, I have done Ethnic Voters compilation for my personal assessment. Taking in to consideration voting in Guyana are race based, it guides me to predict the winning  parties.

dem teach yuh how fuh do dis in electronics trade school? Or was it in slopcan school?


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