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Cameras were at the ready yesterday outside of the Court of Appeal for the outcome of the hearing on the application filed to prevent the Chief Election Officer [CEO) Keith Lowenfield from submitting a report to enable a final declaration from the March 2 polls. (Photo by Orlando Charles)
Cameras were at the ready yesterday outside of the Court of Appeal for the outcome of the hearing on the application filed to prevent the Chief Election Officer (CEO) Keith Lowenfield from submitting a report to enable a final declaration from the March 2 polls. (Photo by Orlando Charles)

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Funny how it was entirely OK for her to remain silent when the PPP ran to the same Court of Appeal, without an election petition, to prevent declaration with Mingo's numbers. Lowenfield had already prepared his report and was ready to submit.

Now, reliable sources have claimed that CEO Lowenfield, on June 17, preliminarily made available his final report to Chairwoman Singh for her perusal before his official submission on June 18, and once Chairwoman Singh saw that the report declared APNU/AFC as having secured a five-seat majority based on valid votes, Chairwoman Singh flung the report back at CEO Lowenfield, and instructed him to “fix it!”. This was the final act in Justice Singh’s series of unjust actions to subvert the law and the will of the Guyanese electorate, and to install a corrupt party in government, thereby legitimizing fraud.

Looks like Singh was paid. That's my opinion, and I am sticking to it. Glad this is all being revealed. 

Please remember that Lowenfield has a statutory function to declare the result based on valid votes, so he could not legally obey his functional supervisor and ‘fix it’. In any event, the brilliant, well-timed Notice of Motion has been filed. This has disrupted the madness and set in motion what will likely be a series of legal challenges reaching all the way to the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ).

Last edited by Rochelle

The move to recount all 10 Region was a battle PPP had to agree to vindicate themselves from having won the election. This was done infront of all officials of APNU and their agents  who will visit the recount Ctr on a daily bases. Now the recount is done and has proven the declaration by PPP SOPs which APNU claimed victory ... a fraudulent victory without declaration of their SOPS.

Some are only interested in discovering possible signs of sins and would refuse to call out Mingo fraudulent declaration... hypocrites 
Some of us are still battling our  little cognitive dissonance bubble to face reality... the bubble will burst soon. A bunch of people drenched in hypocrisy. 

@Rochelle posted:


Funny how it was entirely OK for her to remain silent when the PPP ran to the same Court of Appeal, without an election petition, to prevent declaration with Mingo's numbers. Lowenfield had already prepared his report and was ready to submit.

Now, reliable sources have claimed that CEO Lowenfield, on June 17, preliminarily made available his final report to Chairwoman Singh for her perusal before his official submission on June 18, and once Chairwoman Singh saw that the report declared APNU/AFC as having secured a five-seat majority based on valid votes, Chairwoman Singh flung the report back at CEO Lowenfield, and instructed him to “fix it!”. This was the final act in Justice Singh’s series of unjust actions to subvert the law and the will of the Guyanese electorate, and to install a corrupt party in government, thereby legitimizing fraud.

Looks like Singh was paid. That's my opinion, and I am sticking to it. Glad this is all being revealed. 

Please remember that Lowenfield has a statutory function to declare the result based on valid votes, so he could not legally obey his functional supervisor and ‘fix it’. In any event, the brilliant, well-timed Notice of Motion has been filed. This has disrupted the madness and set in motion what will likely be a series of legal challenges reaching all the way to the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ).

Here we go ... PPP paid of Singh. WTF this Saturday marning.


Rochelle how much was Singh paid . And FYI. There is NO judicial order preventing the chairwoman and the CEO from doing their job... yet a nation is held at ransom. I have no idea what kind of a lawyer you claimed to be .. but I know what kind you are since you didn’t know the difference between a count and a recount ... remember this . 

@Former Member posted:

Rochelle how much was Singh paid . And FYI. There is NO judicial order preventing the chairwoman and the CEO from doing their job... yet a nation is held at ransom. I have no idea what kind of a lawyer you claimed to be .. but I know what kind you are since you didn’t know the difference between a count and a recount ... remember this . 

Poor Rochelle!

@Rochelle posted:


Funny how it was entirely OK for her to remain silent when the PPP ran to the same Court of Appeal, without an election petition, to prevent declaration with Mingo's numbers. Lowenfield had already prepared his report and was ready to submit.

Now, reliable sources have claimed that CEO Lowenfield, on June 17, preliminarily made available his final report to Chairwoman Singh for her perusal before his official submission on June 18, and once Chairwoman Singh saw that the report declared APNU/AFC as having secured a five-seat majority based on valid votes, Chairwoman Singh flung the report back at CEO Lowenfield, and instructed him to “fix it!”. This was the final act in Justice Singh’s series of unjust actions to subvert the law and the will of the Guyanese electorate, and to install a corrupt party in government, thereby legitimizing fraud.

Looks like Singh was paid. That's my opinion, and I am sticking to it. Glad this is all being revealed. 

Please remember that Lowenfield has a statutory function to declare the result based on valid votes, so he could not legally obey his functional supervisor and ‘fix it’. In any event, the brilliant, well-timed Notice of Motion has been filed. This has disrupted the madness and set in motion what will likely be a series of legal challenges reaching all the way to the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ).

Totally agree. I feel sorry for all the people who bought cheap suits and were flying down for the swearing in to negotiate hotshot jobs, deals, contracts, marriage proposals, etc.!!   

@Django posted:

What's up with all the swearing and other words against a female ,is  it because she is an African ?

Indians claimed Africans help the PPP win the election. But when an African gives their opinion about the PPP, its false news, swearing against them and name calling. Only some coolie people news and opinion are good regarding  Guyana. No wonda they get into so much trouble.

@Tola posted:

Indians claimed Africans help the PPP win the election. But when an African gives their opinion about the PPP, its false news, swearing against them and name calling. Only some coolie people news and opinion are good regarding  Guyana. No wonda they get into so much trouble.

But You give fake news everyday.

@Former Member posted:

Totally agree. I feel sorry for all the people who bought cheap suits and were flying down for the swearing in to negotiate hotshot jobs, deals, contracts, marriage proposals, etc.!!   

Dave pissed the Rat is not sending a private jet for the celebrations after the the propaganda effort that was put in. The banna looking for cheap flights.

@Former Member posted:

Totally agree. I feel sorry for all the people who bought cheap suits and were flying down for the swearing in to negotiate hotshot jobs, deals, contracts, marriage proposals, etc.!!   

Didn’t you said on this forum you are flying into Guyana ... waiting on the declaration... 😂

@Former Member posted:

Typical PNC stunt. Ask for proof, you run under a rock.  You made an allegation. We all read here so show us what you referring to. Simple!

Here we go ... PPP paid off Singh. WTF this Saturday marning.

This is Dave's reply to Rochelle. I do not see him personally swearing at her. I have seen worse than this. It's like being in kindergarten and the teacher telling you you can't say that word because it's not nice, other kids will not like it.

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