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UPDATE from GECOM PRO: The Public Relations Officer of the Guyana Elections Commission Yolanda Ward has told News Source that the Chief Elections Officer has not yet handed over his report to the GECOM Chair.
According to Ms. Ward, a notice of motion for Court action was served on the CEO before 1pm and that restrains him from going ahead with the request of the Chairman at this time. She said GECOM is to discuss the issue at its meeting today.
Gordon Moseley reporting.

It seems that the GECOM meeting is progressing as planned for today - June 18, 2020.

However, there are varied views on the pros and cons for this information in personal sources, etc.

Nonetheless, there are no such news from the newspapers in Guyana on a delay at GECOM on this matter today.

Hopefully, in time we will obtain substantive news from GECOM

@Former Member posted:

It seems that the GECOM meeting is progressing as planned for today - June 18, 2020.

However, there are varied views on the pros and cons for this information in personal sources, etc.

Nonetheless, there are no such news from the newspapers in Guyana on a delay at GECOM on this matter today.

Hopefully, in time we will obtain substantive news from GECOM

You should tell us what you hear from the grapevine. It's a Guyanese thing. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

It seems that the GECOM meeting is progressing as planned for today - June 18, 2020.

However, there are varied views on the pros and cons for this information in personal sources, etc.

Nonetheless, there are no such news from the newspapers in Guyana on a delay at GECOM on this matter today.

Hopefully, in time we will obtain substantive news from GECOM

Yolanda Ward, GECOM's PRO in her own words:

Last edited by Rochelle

GECOM CEO’s report stopped by notice of motion

Jun 18, 2020 News 0 , Source - Kaieteur News Online -

The Chief Elections Officer of the Guyana Elections (GECOM), Keith Lowenfield is yet to submit his report to the Commission after ‘a notice of motion’ was filed to preventing him from doing so.

GECOM’S Public Relation’s Officer, Yolanda Ward has just informed that “A Notice of Motion was filed in the Court of Appeal and served on the Chairperson and CEO.

The Notice was severed on the CEO before 13:00hrs (deadline for submission of report). The Notice restraints the CEO from ‘complying with the directions of Chairperson’ and as a consequence a report was not submitted.”

Lowenfield was expected to hand over his report to the GECOM Chair, Ret’d Justice Claudette Singh at 1pm today however that was not done. The Commission will meet as planned and the decisions on the outcome would be communicated immediately.

GECOM Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield

@Rochelle posted:

Lowenfield is still the CEO and under LAW, no new President can be sworn in without an official declaration from GECOM.

Get back in line, and wait.

He is not above the law.  He has to comply with the orders of the Chairperson.  This is a brazen attempt to stop the declaration and thwart the elections which have been approved by Caricom, OAS, Commonwealth, and other observers.

Billy Ram Balgobin

The PNC knows the ramifications of what they tried to pull. After the PPP takes over, GECOM will be reformed and reformatted and this game cannot be played again.

All other Avenues for rigging were closed off but this turned out the weak link.

This will change and no political party will have such executive powers.

@Rochelle posted:

Lowenfield is still the CEO and under LAW, no new President can be sworn in without an official declaration from GECOM.

Get back in line, and wait.

With or without Lowenfield's statement, chairperson can make a declaration, she already knows the votes allocation. She can also swear in the New President, which will eventually happen.

    PNC LOST the Election, fair and square, it will be stupid to think otherwise.


GECOM must reject Notice of Motion – Nandlall

A Notice of Motion was filed in the Court of Appeal and served on the Chairperson and Chief Elections Officer of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM).

The Notice was served on the CEO Keith Lowenfield before 13:00hrs (which was the deadline for submission of the final elections report).

According to GECOM’s Public Relations Officer Yolanda Ward, “The Notice restraints the CEO from ‘complying with the directions of Chairperson’ and as a consequence a report was not submitted.”

But former Attorney General Anil Nandlall has argued that the Notice of Motion has no merit and must be rejected by GECOM.

“This is a nuisance-value litigation. It has absolutely no prospects of success. It raises no serious questions of law. It is absolutely frivolous and vexatious and will be dismissed,” Nandlall explained in a social media post.

“It is filed by one lawyer, who hardly has a practice in Guyana. It must be ignored by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM). The nation’s important business cannot be stalled on the basis of such legal frivolity. It confirms APNU/AFC’s pandemonium!

“It is simply designed to stall and must be rejected by GECOM. The Chairperson, an experienced former Court of Appeal Judge, would clearly see it for what it is: specious, wholly without merit and an abuse of the process of the Court,” Nandlall contended.

The Notice was filed in the name of Eslyn David by Attorney Mayo Robertson.

When pointed out that GECOM cannot simply act on a Notice of Motion, Ward told media operatives that the seven-member Commission will meet to determine how to proceed.

A Notice of Motion basically notifies the parties that a case has been filed. As it stands, the Court of Appeal has not fixed a date for hearing nor has it granted any injunction. Nandlall [Devina Samaroo photo]

@Former Member posted:

One needs to wait for the decision at the current meeting that is taking place today at GECOM.

Issues will progress slowly but gradually.

@Rochelle posted:

No meeting was held. Not enough were at the meeting (no quorum or majority) to start the meeting. 

While no date has been fixed for this pending case in the High Courts, GECOM can indeed proceed with a their meeting(s).

Quorum indeed is a matter for conducting meetings. As noted a quorum at GECOM consists of the Chairman plus four members -- two each must be appointed by the Opposition Leader and the President.

One needs to see if the members appointed by the president will continue to cease to attend meetings.

Also of interest is how GECOM will proceed on this matter.

@Former Member posted:

While no date has been fixed for this pending case in the High Courts, GECOM can indeed proceed with a their meeting(s).

Quorum indeed is a matter for conducting meetings. As noted a quorum at GECOM consists of the Chairman plus four members -- two each must be appointed by the Opposition Leader and the President.

One needs to see if the members appointed by the president will continue to cease to attend meetings.

Also of interest is how GECOM will proceed on this matter.

This will have to go through the courts. A few more weeks, most likely. 

Last edited by Rochelle

The numbers will not change. When the PNC have been removed, no one of their leadership will have any credibility internationally. And I don’t know what they expect. They  will not be recognized and accepted by anyone.

They will never be entrusted with power again, not any of their current cabal. The PNC will have to rise from the ashes with new leadership.  The PPP will not compromise and the international community will shun them.

If what they are doing leads to bloodshed, the PPP should seek war crimes charges and have them appear in den Haag. I see people going to jail here.  Claudette got the word so she broke ranks.  Soon they will reach to lowenfield.

@Rochelle posted:

This will have to go through the courts. A few weeks more, most likely. 

The Court may reject it based on rights granted by the Constitution and other pertinent statutes such as the Guyana Representation of the People Act exclusively to GECOM.

In all cases before the courts, there must be ample causes plus supporting information/documentation on the specific matter.

@Former Member posted:

The restraint shown by the PPPC throughout this can only be described as outstanding. The PNC and their cabals has danced like a cat on a hot tin roof. APNU/AFC/PNC WILL NEVER BE ALLOW TO RULE GUYANA AGAIN.

I think dey know dat and they intending to seize the country meking indoes citizen less.

When the army and police is indieonized, they will fite bout that, bcz it is their last hold on a place dey tink is dey own.



Congratulation to APNU/AFC on their continuous progress to stop the declaration. Lowenfield took over where Mingo leaves off. Now he is no show because he feels threatened. A simple question, which side Lowenfield is on? He is the CEO of GECOM and he was supposed to neutral in his duties. Fraud is Fraud and here is another episode of Fraud. The people's will is like a toy to play with month after month. GECOM should hand the election to APNU/AFC on a silver platter tomorrow. 

Last edited by Former Member


Rules of Procedure:
Quorum of GECOM

Article 226 of the Constitution as amended by the Constitution (Amendment) Act, No. 2 of 2000 provides for the quorum for a meeting of the Commission which shall be the Chairman and not less than four members of the Commission – two each appointed by the President and the Opposition respectively. If at any stage of a duly summoned meeting, a quorum is not present due to the absence of members without good cause to be determined by the Chairman then the meeting is to be adjourned for two calendar days. If the meeting was to determine the declaration of the results of the presidency, and there is no quorum, then the meeting shall be adjourned to the next day. If at the adjourned meeting there is still no quorum then, the members then present, being not less than four members including the Chairman, shall be deemed to be a quorum and any decision made at any such adjourned meeting shall be valid and binding.

GECOM reference -

@Former Member posted:

It will be of interest to see what will develop against Keith Lowenfield who failed to fulfill his legal obligation under the constitution to submit the election report to the Chairman and Members of the Commission.

Keith Lowenfield was estopped. Just like PPP/C estopped GECOM from declaring TWICE.

No fault of his own. Just like it is of no fault of Claudette Singh/GECOM despite all the hate that was spewed against her. 

@Rochelle posted:

Keith Lowenfield was estopped. Just like PPP/C estopped GECOM from declaring TWICE.

No fault of his own. Just like it is of no fault of Claudette Singh/GECOM despite all the hate that was spewed against her. 

He is a criminal who you support, you are a accomplice. You are suffering the Guyanese people. Do you believe in God. 


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