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The section of the Stabroek Market stelling that will be torn down by the end of this month. [Delano Williams photo)
The section of the Stabroek Market stelling that will be torn down by the end of this month. (Delano Williams photo)

Georgetown eyesore to be torn down soon – Mall-like facility with boardwalk to replace dilapidated stelling


By Clestine Juan
THE dilapidated stelling of the Stabroek Market is to be torn down soon, Town Clerk Royston King said yesterday, and it is to be replaced with a mall-like facility, complete with a boardwalk and entertainment area. The portion of the stelling which faces the Demerara waterfront, has been an eyesore for years for the thousands who use the speedboat service every day. The sight of the ramshackle stelling, with zinc sheets dangling dangerously since a section of the roof caved in a year ago, is also what greets those coming in on cruise and other ships which use the Georgetown docks.

A vendor sits under this part of the Georgetown stelling which is to be torn down shortly to make way for an ambitious new project. [Delano Williams photo)

A vendor sits under this part of the Georgetown stelling which is to be torn down shortly to make way for an ambitious new project. (Delano Williams photo)

The collapse of a portion of the roof two Septembers ago did not affect business, with many stallhodlers determined to hold on to the spots they have occupied over the years, and for some, decades.
“The facility is not only an eyesore, it is ruinous and dangerous to the health and lives of persons who use it,” King said.
The structure could come down before the end of the month, King said. The project is being undertaken in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Infrastructure.
He said that in order to facilitate the demolition of the building and the construction of a new facility, vendors would be moved to the parking area behind the Guyana Fire Station alongside the Route 31/32 bus park. The parking area would be moved to the front of the Stabroek Market, which is being resurfaced for that purpose.
The town clerk said those who occupy the stelling to carry out business were given written notices that they will have to relocate, but the vendors denied this. They said they did not even receive a visit from city officials.
One vendor who did not want to disclose her name said the stelling has been her only way of generating income for her family over the past 18 years.
The woman expressed shock over the news of vendors being relocated, since it is almost the Christmas season which is the prime business period.
Another vendor, who gave her name only as Mrs Joseph, said that her stall was damaged when the Stelling collapsed last September.
“I would be happy to move, but these people should have given us vendors a three-month notice or at least hold off all the plans until next year,” she said.
In distress, the vendors vented their anger and said they are currently in the process of forming a group to represent their interests to city officials.

Mr King said that the move to replace the dilapidated structure with a new facility, is all part of the ambitious plan to renew the face of Georgetown.
Designs are being finalised for the new facility, and the council will be looking to attract the private sector to support the project.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Mayor did not see the NEED when the PPP was in Govt, I wonder why?????????

Start wondering why the PPP loose.

Sorry if the question is way beyond your capacity.

Originally Posted by Chief:

Good morning Nehru.

Are you aware that the people of Guyana voted the PPP out of office?

Can you answer the SIMPLE question??  Or you rather keep some things under the Rug???

Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Mayor did not see the NEED when the PPP was in Govt, I wonder why?????????

Sir Nehru, seven months before the May 11 elections, that is, while the PPP was in government, Mayor Hamilton Green tried to do something about the Stabroek Market wharf, but the powerful PPP-appointed Town Clerk Carol Sooba blocked him. Look at this Kaieteur News report dated October 30, 2014:

Sooba calls off meeting to address dilapidated Stabroek Market Wharf

October 30, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

A meeting organized by members of the Georgetown Mayor and City Council (M&CC), to address issues affecting vendors occupying sections of the badly dilapidated Stabroek Market  Wharf, was yesterday called off by Town Clerk (Ag), Carol Sooba.

The dilapidated Stabroek Market Wharf





Mr Journalist, You gat reading and understanding skills right. First 7 months before May 11 AND seeing how the affected Vendors will be treated is NOT repairing the Wharf, you knew dat right. If you did, then we can continue the discussion, if not ask for more Lessons.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Mr Journalist, You gat reading and understanding skills right. First 7 months before May 11 AND seeing how the affected Vendors will be treated is NOT repairing the Wharf, you knew dat right. If you did, then we can continue the discussion, if not ask for more Lessons.

Okay, Sir Nehru, thank you for giving me a challenge. I love fact-checking. Now, I have discovered on this Columbus Day that one month before that Kaieteur News report was published, the same newspaper reported that Carol Sooba, Hamilton Green and the PPP Local Government Minister were all in favour of rehabilitating the Stabroek Market wharf. Here:

Rehabilitation of the Stabroek Market wharf will take time – Minister Whittaker

September 29, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

While there is urgent need for rehabilitation of the Stabroek Market wharf, Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Norman Whittaker, has said that a revised plan of action to refurbish the market area is in the pipeline, but will take time to materialise.
Whittaker said that this is because City Hall and the other markets are also in dire need of repairs.



Originally Posted by Nehru:

Mr Journalist, Are you aware that the GT City Council is not only responsible for the satae of Big Market BUT the Council COLLECTS every JILL from Vendors and others????

Every JILL from vendors and others will not make up the $$$MILLIONS required to rebuild that wharf. Central government and City Council have to pool resources for the task.

Moving on, I am appalled at the state of Kitty Market, my own market for 14 years when I lived and worked in Kitty. That structure needs to be pulled down and rebuilt too. I hope the authorities pay attention to it.

There will be no mall built. Who is going to put up the money to finance some thing like that. If you are willing to invest your money in this venture then I got a bridge in San Francisco to sell to you fools.
Originally Posted by Chief:

Good morning Nehru.

Are you aware that the people of Guyana voted the PPP out of office?

Nah, the ABC countries were instrumental in the Regime Change. GECOM has the details, why no recount.

Originally Posted by Prashad:
There will be no mall built. Who is going to put up the money to finance some thing like that. If you are willing to invest your money in this venture then I got a bridge in San Francisco to sell to you fools.

The market was ok during the years of the PPP. Why a new one now? Ain't nobody got time for a new market. As usual, they can peddle their stuff at the side of the streets.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
There will be no mall built. Who is going to put up the money to finance some thing like that. If you are willing to invest your money in this venture then I got a bridge in San Francisco to sell to you fools.

The market was ok during the years of the PPP. Why a new one now? Ain't nobody got time for a new market. As usual, they can peddle their stuff at the side of the streets.

Hey Skelly, yuh rass fram Berbice, you don't know wha we talking bout. At the back of Stabroek Market is a walled and roofed wharf where vendors sold water coconut, oranges, bora, sumutu and tings like dat.

Da wharf rotton now and the new mall is going to be built in its place, that is, right behind Stabroek Market. Nobaddy closing down Stabroek Market.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
There will be no mall built. Who is going to put up the money to finance some thing like that. If you are willing to invest your money in this venture then I got a bridge in San Francisco to sell to you fools.

The market was ok during the years of the PPP. Why a new one now? Ain't nobody got time for a new market. As usual, they can peddle their stuff at the side of the streets.

Hey Skelly, yuh rass fram Berbice, you don't know wha we talking bout. At the back of Stabroek Market is a walled and roofed wharf where vendors sold water coconut, oranges, bora, sumutu and tings like dat.

Da wharf rotton now and the new mall is going to be built in its place, that is, right behind Stabroek Market. Nobaddy closing down Stabroek Market.

Gilly, you rass right. I don't really cared for GT. I went there twice before coming to America. First time I went and applied for a student visa and the second time I went to uplift my visa. My first visit I stayed at a family friend's house. I sat there at the window and about seven PM, I saw a man got robbed of his felt hat. What a city!

Seriously, I don't care for crowded places. Berbice is just right.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
There will be no mall built. Who is going to put up the money to finance some thing like that. If you are willing to invest your money in this venture then I got a bridge in San Francisco to sell to you fools.

The market was ok during the years of the PPP. Why a new one now? Ain't nobody got time for a new market. As usual, they can peddle their stuff at the side of the streets.

Hey Skelly, yuh rass fram Berbice, you don't know wha we talking bout. At the back of Stabroek Market is a walled and roofed wharf where vendors sold water coconut, oranges, bora, sumutu and tings like dat.

Da wharf rotton now and the new mall is going to be built in its place, that is, right behind Stabroek Market. Nobaddy closing down Stabroek Market.

Gilly, you rass right. I don't really cared for GT. I went there twice before coming to America. First time I went and applied for a student visa and the second time I went to uplift my visa. My first visit I stayed at a family friend's house. I sat there at the window and about seven PM, I saw a man got robbed of his felt hat. What a city!

Seriously, I don't care for crowded places. Berbice is just right.

you was and is still stupid to walk in georgetown i bet you take off your shoe and roll up your pants when u was in water street 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
There will be no mall built. Who is going to put up the money to finance some thing like that. If you are willing to invest your money in this venture then I got a bridge in San Francisco to sell to you fools.

The market was ok during the years of the PPP. Why a new one now? Ain't nobody got time for a new market. As usual, they can peddle their stuff at the side of the streets.

Hey Skelly, yuh rass fram Berbice, you don't know wha we talking bout. At the back of Stabroek Market is a walled and roofed wharf where vendors sold water coconut, oranges, bora, sumutu and tings like dat.

Da wharf rotton now and the new mall is going to be built in its place, that is, right behind Stabroek Market. Nobaddy closing down Stabroek Market.

Gilly, you rass right. I don't really cared for GT. I went there twice before coming to America. First time I went and applied for a student visa and the second time I went to uplift my visa. My first visit I stayed at a family friend's house. I sat there at the window and about seven PM, I saw a man got robbed of his felt hat. What a city!

Seriously, I don't care for crowded places. Berbice is just right.

you was and is still stupid to walk in georgetown i bet you take off your shoe and roll up your pants when u was in water street 

You king of jackasses, can yo not read and understand?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
There will be no mall built. Who is going to put up the money to finance some thing like that. If you are willing to invest your money in this venture then I got a bridge in San Francisco to sell to you fools.

The market was ok during the years of the PPP. Why a new one now? Ain't nobody got time for a new market. As usual, they can peddle their stuff at the side of the streets.

Hey Skelly, yuh rass fram Berbice, you don't know wha we talking bout. At the back of Stabroek Market is a walled and roofed wharf where vendors sold water coconut, oranges, bora, sumutu and tings like dat.

Da wharf rotton now and the new mall is going to be built in its place, that is, right behind Stabroek Market. Nobaddy closing down Stabroek Market.

Gilly, you rass right. I don't really cared for GT. I went there twice before coming to America. First time I went and applied for a student visa and the second time I went to uplift my visa. My first visit I stayed at a family friend's house. I sat there at the window and about seven PM, I saw a man got robbed of his felt hat. What a city!

Seriously, I don't care for crowded places. Berbice is just right.

you was and is still stupid to walk in georgetown i bet you take off your shoe and roll up your pants when u was in water street 

You king of jackasses, can yo not read and understand?

bai that shit head is affecting you again take your med

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
There will be no mall built. Who is going to put up the money to finance some thing like that. If you are willing to invest your money in this venture then I got a bridge in San Francisco to sell to you fools.

The market was ok during the years of the PPP. Why a new one now? Ain't nobody got time for a new market. As usual, they can peddle their stuff at the side of the streets.

Hey Skelly, yuh rass fram Berbice, you don't know wha we talking bout. At the back of Stabroek Market is a walled and roofed wharf where vendors sold water coconut, oranges, bora, sumutu and tings like dat.

Da wharf rotton now and the new mall is going to be built in its place, that is, right behind Stabroek Market. Nobaddy closing down Stabroek Market.

Gilly, you rass right. I don't really cared for GT. I went there twice before coming to America. First time I went and applied for a student visa and the second time I went to uplift my visa. My first visit I stayed at a family friend's house. I sat there at the window and about seven PM, I saw a man got robbed of his felt hat. What a city!

Seriously, I don't care for crowded places. Berbice is just right.

you was and is still stupid to walk in georgetown i bet you take off your shoe and roll up your pants when u was in water street 

You king of jackasses, can yo not read and understand?

bai that shit head is affecting you again take your med

I went there twice before coming to America. First time I went and applied for a student visa and the second time I went to uplift my visa.


Read the bove bolded statement king of jackasses. Maybe the jackasses should request that you be replaced as their king.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Mayor did not see the NEED when the PPP was in Govt, I wonder why?????????

Sir Nehru, seven months before the May 11 elections, that is, while the PPP was in government, Mayor Hamilton Green tried to do something about the Stabroek Market wharf, but the powerful PPP-appointed Town Clerk Carol Sooba blocked him. Look at this Kaieteur News report dated October 30, 2014:

Sooba calls off meeting to address dilapidated Stabroek Market Wharf

October 30, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

A meeting organized by members of the Georgetown Mayor and City Council (M&CC), to address issues affecting vendors occupying sections of the badly dilapidated Stabroek Market  Wharf, was yesterday called off by Town Clerk (Ag), Carol Sooba.

The dilapidated Stabroek Market Wharf




It is no secret that the PPP starved the Georgetown City Council of much needed resources through their lackeys Sooba and Whittaker who controlled the funding of the city. They allowed the city to deteriorate from the Garden City to the Garbage City. Kudos to the new Government for paying attention to restoring this once beautiful city. 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
There will be no mall built. Who is going to put up the money to finance some thing like that. If you are willing to invest your money in this venture then I got a bridge in San Francisco to sell to you fools.

The market was ok during the years of the PPP. Why a new one now? Ain't nobody got time for a new market. As usual, they can peddle their stuff at the side of the streets.

Hey Skelly, yuh rass fram Berbice, you don't know wha we talking bout. At the back of Stabroek Market is a walled and roofed wharf where vendors sold water coconut, oranges, bora, sumutu and tings like dat.

Da wharf rotton now and the new mall is going to be built in its place, that is, right behind Stabroek Market. Nobaddy closing down Stabroek Market.

Gilly, you rass right. I don't really cared for GT. I went there twice before coming to America. First time I went and applied for a student visa and the second time I went to uplift my visa. My first visit I stayed at a family friend's house. I sat there at the window and about seven PM, I saw a man got robbed of his felt hat. What a city!

Seriously, I don't care for crowded places. Berbice is just right.

you was and is still stupid to walk in georgetown i bet you take off your shoe and roll up your pants when u was in water street 

Wha rass you know....Dem Black Bush people always roll up dem pants on wata street, even if dem wear lang boots.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
There will be no mall built. Who is going to put up the money to finance some thing like that. If you are willing to invest your money in this venture then I got a bridge in San Francisco to sell to you fools.

The market was ok during the years of the PPP. Why a new one now? Ain't nobody got time for a new market. As usual, they can peddle their stuff at the side of the streets.

Hey Skelly, yuh rass fram Berbice, you don't know wha we talking bout. At the back of Stabroek Market is a walled and roofed wharf where vendors sold water coconut, oranges, bora, sumutu and tings like dat.

Da wharf rotton now and the new mall is going to be built in its place, that is, right behind Stabroek Market. Nobaddy closing down Stabroek Market.

Gilly, you rass right. I don't really cared for GT. I went there twice before coming to America. First time I went and applied for a student visa and the second time I went to uplift my visa. My first visit I stayed at a family friend's house. I sat there at the window and about seven PM, I saw a man got robbed of his felt hat. What a city!

Seriously, I don't care for crowded places. Berbice is just right.

Bai, me and you will always be friends because of your honesty. Except when you rile up me best friend Warria.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
There will be no mall built. Who is going to put up the money to finance some thing like that. If you are willing to invest your money in this venture then I got a bridge in San Francisco to sell to you fools.

The market was ok during the years of the PPP. Why a new one now? Ain't nobody got time for a new market. As usual, they can peddle their stuff at the side of the streets.

Baseman agrees in principle with the initiative however, no one will invest in the current state of affairs.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
There will be no mall built. Who is going to put up the money to finance some thing like that. If you are willing to invest your money in this venture then I got a bridge in San Francisco to sell to you fools.

The market was ok during the years of the PPP. Why a new one now? Ain't nobody got time for a new market. As usual, they can peddle their stuff at the side of the streets.

Baseman agrees in principle with the initiative however, no one will invest in the current state of affairs.

wanna bet?


aaahhhhhh, de bitterness . . . lol

Last edited by Former Member

I have some very nice memories about that Stabroek Market wharf. When I started working in GT 45 years ago I used to go there mid-days for coconut water fortified with steel drops. There was an orange lady who liked me young head and she would give me a free orange now and then. Before y'all get ideas, she was old like me grandmudda.

Originally Posted by TK:

What a freaking eyesore!! I have the burden of crossing there with speedboat on numerous occasions. Here is a place to spend on and generate a fiscal stimulus.

TRANSLATION: That wharf looks really bad. I see it from a water-taxi many times. They should build in its place something nice to generate plenty profit.

Originally Posted by TK:

What a freaking eyesore!! I have the burden of crossing there with speedboat on numerous occasions. Here is a place to spend on and generate a fiscal stimulus.

Well TK, someone should have done something about it, before now.

But GT was not their priority.  

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I have some very nice memories about that Stabroek Market wharf. When I started working in GT 45 years ago I used to go there mid-days for coconut water fortified with steel drops. There was an orange lady who liked me young head and she would give me a free orange now and then. Before y'all get ideas, she was old like me grandmudda.

Me like this story.  Many older ladies and men taught me many things about life, like treating others with respect and sharing.     

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by TK:

What a freaking eyesore!! I have the burden of crossing there with speedboat on numerous occasions. Here is a place to spend on and generate a fiscal stimulus.

TRANSLATION: That wharf looks really bad. I see it from a water-taxi many times. They should build in its place something nice to generate plenty profit.

Any self respecting govt will rebuild that place. They would make it more humane to enter the speedboats. I always thought PPP ministers should be taking those boats to get a view of that sick eyesore and how pregnant women and old folks have to bob and weave to enter those boats...that place is so dangerous. I like passing there just to meet people. Once a banna took 20 grand G$ out of my buttoned top pocket without I ever knowing...I have to give the pick pocketer credit for his delicate skills and light hand 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by TK:

What a freaking eyesore!! I have the burden of crossing there with speedboat on numerous occasions. Here is a place to spend on and generate a fiscal stimulus.

TRANSLATION: That wharf looks really bad. I see it from a water-taxi many times. They should build in its place something nice to generate plenty profit.

Any self respecting govt will rebuild that place. They would make it more humane to enter the speedboats. I always thought PPP ministers should be taking those boats to get a view of that sick eyesore and how pregnant women and old folks have to bob and weave to enter those boats...that place is so dangerous. I like passing there just to meet people. Once a banna took 20 grand G$ out of my buttoned top pocket without I ever knowing...I have to give the pick pocketer credit for his delicate skills and light hand 

The current fleet of speedboats looks safer to me than those I last used on the river in 1996. Those were open, no roof for sun or rain. The sea-spray used to assault my face.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by TK:

What a freaking eyesore!! I have the burden of crossing there with speedboat on numerous occasions. Here is a place to spend on and generate a fiscal stimulus.

TRANSLATION: That wharf looks really bad. I see it from a water-taxi many times. They should build in its place something nice to generate plenty profit.

Any self respecting govt will rebuild that place. They would make it more humane to enter the speedboats. I always thought PPP ministers should be taking those boats to get a view of that sick eyesore and how pregnant women and old folks have to bob and weave to enter those boats...that place is so dangerous. I like passing there just to meet people. Once a banna took 20 grand G$ out of my buttoned top pocket without I ever knowing...I have to give the pick pocketer credit for his delicate skills and light hand 

The current fleet of speedboats looks safer to me than those I last used on the river in 1996. Those were open, no roof for sun or rain. The sea-spray used to assault my face.

Statistically they are safer than minibuses. Even the speedboats going to Leguan and Supernaam. Bartica too. Those can be nerve wracking...but generally safe . Lot's of fun.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
There will be no mall built. Who is going to put up the money to finance some thing like that. If you are willing to invest your money in this venture then I got a bridge in San Francisco to sell to you fools.

The market was ok during the years of the PPP. Why a new one now? Ain't nobody got time for a new market. As usual, they can peddle their stuff at the side of the streets.

Hey Skelly, yuh rass fram Berbice, you don't know wha we talking bout. At the back of Stabroek Market is a walled and roofed wharf where vendors sold water coconut, oranges, bora, sumutu and tings like dat.

Da wharf rotton now and the new mall is going to be built in its place, that is, right behind Stabroek Market. Nobaddy closing down Stabroek Market.

Gilly, you rass right. I don't really cared for GT. I went there twice before coming to America. First time I went and applied for a student visa and the second time I went to uplift my visa. My first visit I stayed at a family friend's house. I sat there at the window and about seven PM, I saw a man got robbed of his felt hat. What a city!

Seriously, I don't care for crowded places. Berbice is just right.

It got to be you dem bais does talk about when dey seh wan man bin come to GT and when he see the street lights he asked he GT friend " ah how ayuh gat so muh moon hay and abee only have one moon weh me ah live.

Originally Posted by TK:

What a freaking eyesore!! I have the burden of crossing there with speedboat on numerous occasions. Here is a place to spend on and generate a fiscal stimulus.

Look at that, now you supporting the Govt expending dollars on what should be a private endeavor.  You think that couple million taxpayer dollars would create a stimulus, what a joke.  The place was dutty, for sure and so was all of GT, and now that the PNC clan just found cleanliness is a good thing, let then have fun.


If was PPP, you would be putting out position papers of the fallacy of it all.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by TK:

What a freaking eyesore!! I have the burden of crossing there with speedboat on numerous occasions. Here is a place to spend on and generate a fiscal stimulus.

TRANSLATION: That wharf looks really bad. I see it from a water-taxi many times. They should build in its place something nice to generate plenty profit.

Any self respecting govt will rebuild that place. They would make it more humane to enter the speedboats. I always thought PPP ministers should be taking those boats to get a view of that sick eyesore and how pregnant women and old folks have to bob and weave to enter those boats...that place is so dangerous. I like passing there just to meet people. Once a banna took 20 grand G$ out of my buttoned top pocket without I ever knowing...I have to give the pick pocketer credit for his delicate skills and light hand 

The current fleet of speedboats looks safer to me than those I last used on the river in 1996. Those were open, no roof for sun or rain. The sea-spray used to assault my face.

Yes, and thanks to economic development and the rules put in place by the PPP, some degree of human decency and safety was brought to bear.   Let's hope these current jokers don't destroy it all before 2020.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:

What a freaking eyesore!! I have the burden of crossing there with speedboat on numerous occasions. Here is a place to spend on and generate a fiscal stimulus.

Look at that, now you supporting the Govt expending dollars on what should be a private endeavor.  You think that couple million taxpayer dollars would create a stimulus, what a joke.  The place was dutty, for sure and so was all of GT, and now that the PNC clan just found cleanliness is a good thing, let then have fun.


If was PPP, you would be putting out position papers of the fallacy of it all.



Baseman you are a piece of work.  Stabroek Market is NOT a private sector entity.   In fact it can be developed with the vendors placed there, as it is already a destination.


I suspect you think that the gov't shouldn't lengthen the runway because the airlines are privately owned (or owned by foreign gov'ts in the case of CAL). 


I don't know what you guys are quarreling about, but the idea is a good one regardless of who develop it. The runaway at the airport is also a start. If they can improve all that the PPP did and complete them in record time without stealing the dough, It would go along way of creating an atmosphere of trust, but they will have to get rid of that deadbeat PM and that clumsy Khemraj.


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